Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/15/08

Ephesians 3:20-21

1. Can a human fully understand the changes God wants to make in him or her?
2. Why or why not?
3. What is "the power that worketh in us?"
4. What is the reason God works in us to reverse the curse of sin? (v. 21)

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/14/08

From the author:
"The Bible is full of examples of people who glorified God by their willingness to carry out His plan for their lives even though Satan opposed them on every side. They never abandoned their commitment to God and His ways. Though 'infected' by the Fall, they willingly submitted to the 'Master-Trainer's' cure and never betrayed their loyalty to Him."

It's your turn for input!
1. Name one person in Bible times who fit the above description and list the Scripture reference(s) that share their story (or one particular example in their lives).
2. Tell about how the opposition the person you chose faced as they submitted to God and His ways. Did they always willingly submit? Did they ever blow it and get a second chance from God?
3. What do you think their view is about their struggle on that they are looking back from the perspective of eternity in Heaven?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/13/08

1 Corinthians 15:20-28; 51-58

1. Jesus is going to present all believers to God the Father one day. What is the curse on humans that will be completely destroyed at that time? (v. 26, 54-56)
2. Verse 57 says Christ gives us victory. Why does He bother to do that? (Why does He want us to win over sin in our lives and ultimately, death?)
3. Defeating the poisonous effects of our sin nature can be a tough battle. How does verse 58 encourage you to persevere in this battle till the day of the great presentation to God?

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/12/08

Psalm 103:19

“God is glorified when these believers testify, by the way they choose to handle life’s difficulties, that God is first and worthy of their undivided confidence though life in His will right now is extremely difficult."
1. What opportunities have you had so far this week to demonstrate God's glory - His firstness? (you don't have to say whether you passed or failed those opportunities...just recognizing them as opportunities is half the battle!)
2. Psalm 103:19 is to remind us of something when we are struggling through a tough time. How can this verse encourage you?

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/11/08

Romans 8:22-23; 2 Corinthians 5:4

1. According to these verses, in today's language, what longing do believers naturally have?
2. Actually, even unbelievers have a desire to better themselves, to be perfected. How do people who don't know Christ (or even many who do know Christ) attempt to better/perfect themselves in their own power?
3. What "incompleteness" do you experience in life that causes you to "groan" in the sense of Romans 8:22-23 & 2 Corinthians 5:4?

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/10/08

Deuteronomy 29:29; Ephesians 4:9-10

1. “This verse [Deut. 29:29] teaches us that there will always be a certain mystery in the things God is doing.” Why do you think God doesn't give us all the answers?
2. According to the last part of this verse, why does He reveal some things to us?
3. Ephesians 4:9-10 reveals the purpose of one of the mysteries of God. What is that purpose (v. 10)?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/08/08

"We can glorify Him as...beings created for His pleasure - as we acknowledge and enjoy His "firstness." We can do so by:

Declaring His Firstness in Our Evangelism

Psalm 96:3-10

1. What did David say is the basic motivation behind world evangelization?
2. In what way is God's "firstness" not a popular message to share today?
3. How can spending much time focusing on God's glory - His firstness - give you courage to share Him with unbelievers?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/07/08

"We can glorify Him as...beings created for His pleasure - as we acknowledge and enjoy His "firstness." We can do so by...demonstrating His firstness in our decisions, and by...

Reflecting on His Firstness in Our Meditations

We have seen how our decisions reveal who is supreme in our lives - God our ourselves. There is no way, however, that our decisions will acknowledge God's unique excellence unless our minds are constantly dwelling upon His preeminence as seen in the Word. We must take time to behold His glory - His unique firstness...Our hearts drift back to "me-firstness" without daily and sometimes hourly reflections on the Grand Reality [of Who God truly is] as revealed in the Scriptures."

Psalm 1:1-6

1. After reading Psalm 1, describe how spending time reflecting ("meditating") on God's firstness stabilizes our lives.
2. Describe what happens to the ungodly person who does not spend time reflecting ("meditating") on God's firstness on a consistent basis (verses 4-5).

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/06/08

1. Read each Scripture passage and state the logical reason given in each for putting God first in our decisions as a way of demonstrating His "firstness" - His glory.

- Exodus 20:3 - because...
- Matthew 22:37-38 - because...
- 1 Chronicles 29:11 - because...
- 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 - because...

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/05/08

From the author:
We can glorify Him as...beings created for His pleasure - as we acknowledge and enjoy His "firstness." We can do so in several ways.

Demonstrating His Firstness in Our Decisions
"First, if we are to glorify God, we must make decisions that reflect His "firstness." The treasonous depravity of our sinful natures naturally pulls us to consider ourselves first. This was exactly the sin of Lucifer. Notice God's own description of the original angelic rebellion against God.

1. Read Isaiah 14:12-14: Satan was trying to achieve something for himself. What was it?
2. Read Genesis 3:1-8: Write a short imaginary conversation between Adam or Eve and the Serpent (Satan), where instead of agreeing with Satan instead of God, Adam or Eve instead make a decision that reflects their belief in God's "firstness."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/04/08

John 1:12; John 10:10; John 15:7-10

The difference between the relationship of an owner and his pet versus the relationship of God and a believer? The author writes,

The difference between God and me and a pet owner and his dog is that because God has created me in His image, I have the capability to understand to some degree what is happening in this relationship. A dog is not aware of these things. I, however, can actually see the great distance between us in terms of the kind of beings we are, yet I can sense the nearness taht I can have to Him as my Father. I can stand in awe at His patience at my flawed service and at His forgiveness for my dirty feet. I know I'm limited and beyond that, defiled. Yet He loves me and desires to let me "dwell in the house of the Lord for ever." I want everyone to see what it is like to be a dog in the house of this wonderful Master! I want the world to know that He is the best! He is first - supreme - among masters! It is in this way that we were created for His glory. We can glorify Him as one of His "pets" - beings created for His pleasure - as we acknowledge and enjoy His "firstness."

1. List three things about you that are really great (could be a talent, a character trait, a personality trait...).
2. How is God even greater in those three areas?
3. Scripture doesn't actually compare our relationship to God with that of a pet and his owner. But Scripture does make other comparisons to help us understand not only God's greatness and our need for Him, but also His great love for us. Can you think of a couple of those descriptions that God uses to help us understand the relationship He has with us?

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/03/08

Revelation 4:11

An illustration from the author:
"Many people have pet dogs. Though there is a vast difference between an animal and a human being, nonetheless, there can be a special relationship that brings pleasure to both. A dog may sleep peacefully curled up at the foot of his owner's chair before a crackling fire. As soon as the master rises out of his chair and heads for the door, the dog is immediately on his feet and may even beat his master to the door. The master may say, "Get the paper, boy," and the dog prances down the driveway to retrieve the daily news. He wags his tail as he returns to the house and deposits the paper into his owner's hand. A pat on the head and a "Good boy!" tells the dog that he has pleased his master. Both man and dog are pleased.

When I think of my position as a servant of God, I think of how my service is so primitive when compared to His own capabilities. I can "fetch His paper," but I get saliva on the rolled-up newsprint and may even tear a portion of a page with my fangs in the process. When I come into the house, I track mud on His carpet before I know what I'm doing. Yet He still says, "well done, thou good and faithful servant." That amazes me! Somehow my eagerness to obey Him and my attempt to do His bidding to the best of my "canine" ability is pleasing to Him, though my efforts are so flawed. When I think of these things, I can only look up at His face and say to Him, "What a wonderful Master You are! No one compares to You. I'm so delighted to be Your pet." When He hears that eager praise from me, He is particularly delighted because I see Him as He really is - first above all! In this small way, I glorify Him by finding my greatest delight in Him."

1. According to Rev. 4:11, why were we (and the rest of the universe) created?
2. Choose a statement from the author's writing above that most impacted you and type it here.
3. How do you think a human's relationship with God is different, even better, than a human's relationship with a pet?