Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Victorious Voices - Part 1 - Devo for 03/30/2009

Revelation 14:1-16:21

Drawing Near
1. Think back over what you have studied thus far in the book of Revelation. What main themes have you seen over and over again?

2. Armageddon has become a somewhat overused symbol for fierce conflict, or even to describe football games and wrestling matches. What do you know about the Battle of Armageddon? What questions do you have?

The Context
Revelation 14 serves as a preview of the end of the Great Tribulation. In this chapter, John shows his readers the triumph and vindication of the 144,000 faithful Israelites, who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. The fall of Babylon (symbolic of the Satanic world system) is foreseen and the fate of its loyalists foretold. The chapter then gives a summary glimpse of the battle of Armageddon, the great and terrible "winepress of the wrath of God."

Revelation 15 depicts the Tribulation saints who have overcome the beast. They sing songs of praise celebrating God's infinite power, perfect sovereignty, and eternal faithfulness. It also introduces the seven angels who are given the task of pouring out seven bowls of wrath, God's final judgments at the end of the seven-year Tribulation period. The bowl judgments are described in chapter 16 in rapid-fire staccato fashion, each one stronger in fury and intensity. Through all of this, the book of Revelation always reminds us that though the power of evil is great, God's plan and purposes will triumph and Jesus will be crowned King and Lord.

1 comment:

Taye:) said...

1. talk of the Anti-christ and the beasts.

2. I have no idea what it is.....umm...what is it...?