Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Encountering the Word - Part 2 - Devo for 04/29/08

John 1:19-34

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 8 and 9 and again in these verses another John is introduced. He is not the author of the Gospel but John the Baptizer, Jesus' relative, and the one who announced Jesus' coming to the people of his day. What steps does John the Baptist take to guarantee that people will not look at him but at Jesus?
2. How would you summarize John the Baptist's testimony concerning Jesus?
3. What practical application can we draw from John the Baptist's testimony?


Anonymous said...

1. In verses 8 and 9 and again in these verses another John is introduced. He is not the author of the Gospel but John the Baptizer, Jesus' relative, and the one who announced Jesus' coming to the people of his day. What steps does John the Baptist take to guarantee that people will not look at him but at Jesus?

He denies all the questions of who he is and tells of another person whom is the reasone he is ther for..
to erect the path for the person who is Jesus. and tells of how he came after john but was before him.

2. How would you summarize John the Baptist's testimony concerning Jesus?

he was only there to start or erect the way for Jesus.
to begin the ministry for Jesus in a way. and to baptise.

3. What practical application can we draw from John the Baptist's testimony?

that he put more concern or enphisis on the works of Jesus on what Jesus was going to do other that the things we was doing for Jesus.

we could concetrate more on what we could to For Jesus and for his Glory othere than draw attention to us and what would make US look good.

Anonymous said...


1. that John the Baptist denies all of the questions asked him

2. that john the baptist was only there to baptist people in the name of Jesus and n no other name, and to prepare the way for Jesus to come.

3. that he was like sent from God to do the mission of God before God got there to do it him self.

Anonymous said...

1. John made a point of telling people that he was not Jesus and that he wasn't even worthy of Jesus. When he saw Jesus he told everyone who He was.
2. John testified that Jesus was before all men even John making Him infinite like God. John also said He saw a spirit from Heaven abide on Jesus. He also spoke of Jesus' perfection.
3. I think we could learn a lesson from John about pride and humility. Im always worried about what people think of me and being good enough, or wanting to feel like I'm somebody important that people ought to take notice of. When really I should be trying more and more to be nobody so that instead of seeing me, others see Christ thru me. John was saying don't look at me I'm nobody, look at Jesus, he is perfect and can offer you eternal life. Who am I?

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 8 and 9 and again in these verses another John is introduced. He is not the author of the Gospel but John the Baptizer, Jesus' relative, and the one who announced Jesus' coming to the people of his day. What steps does John the Baptist take to guarantee that people will not look at him but at Jesus?
He said he wasn’t the Christ (v. 20). He said that his role was to prepare the way for the Christ (v. 23). When he saw Jesus, he identified Him as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world (v. 29). He said that his baptisms with water were a way to manifest the Christ to Israel (v. 31).

2. How would you summarize John the Baptist's testimony concerning Jesus?
I would say that his testimony of Christ was directly confirmed by God Himself. In verse 32, he saw the Spirit descend upon Christ. Verse 33 shows us that when John was commissioned to baptize, he was told that whoever he saw the Spirit descend upon would be the one who would baptize with the Holy Ghost. He concludes in verse 34 by saying he saw that, which confirmed that Christ was the Son of God.

3. What practical application can we draw from John the Baptist's testimony?
Because we have the Bible, we can be just as bold and confident as John was in his certainty that Jesus was the Messiah. This certainty should lead us to point others to him, in spite of the questioning ridicule we may face from those who choose not believe in the Light.

I pray that I would possess the passion and the boldness to direct people to Jesus Christ, just like John did!

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 8 and 9 and again in these verses another John is introduced. He is not the author of the Gospel but John the Baptizer, Jesus' relative, and the one who announced Jesus' coming to the people of his day. What steps does John the Baptist take to guarantee that people will not look at him but at Jesus?

He freely confessed that he is not the Christ. He also emphasized that he baptized with only water and not with the Holy Spirit like the Son of God. He kept telling the people that the Lord was coming and that he was unworthy to be put on a pedestal and looked up to.
2. How would you summarize John the Baptist's testimony concerning Jesus?

I think John was excited when Jesus came and he wanted to announce His arrival to all the people. He told everyone that he could take away the sin of the world. John was humble in admitting that he was only a stepping stool to lead the people to Christ before Christ arrived. John was there to baptize with water only. John also testified that he knew Jesus by the Spirit coming down on Him as a dove and remaining on Him, then said that He is the Son of God.

3. What practical application can we draw from John the Baptist's testimony?

John had a role to play in Jesus’ arrival. We all have a talent or area that we can use for the Lord and to bring glory to Him. Basically, it is not about me, it is about the Lord. I need to be humble and realize that anything that I can do or anything about who I am is because of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. In verses 8 and 9 and again in these verses another John is introduced. He is not the author of the Gospel but John the Baptizer, Jesus' relative, and the one who announced Jesus' coming to the people of his day. What steps does John the Baptist take to guarantee that people will not look at him but at Jesus?

He told the priests and levites that he was not the Christ.he said he was not the prophet nor Elijah.

2. How would you summarize John the Baptist's testimony concerning Jesus?

He says that he is the lamb of God the one who takes the sin away from the world.

3. What practical application can we draw from John the Baptist's testimony?

To let people know who Jesus is. We should be witnesses.

Anonymous said...

1. John the Baptizer kept promoting Jesus and demoting himself. He kept telling the people that he himself was not the Messiah...that he was not worthy to even strap Jesus' sandal.
2. He called Jesus the Lamb of God, which I think was prophetic (if I'm remembering correctly).
3. When we are doing good things, it is so easy to take the credit accept praise that we are "so kind, so thoughtful, so helpful, so strong, so talented, so whatever." But John recognized that Jesus was the Creator. Anything he could claim was really from the hand of Jesus. My kindness, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, strength, and strength comes from Jesus. (Not to mention that fact that I'm even breathing and typing right now!)
SOOOOOO---every time I am praised, I either need to thank the person politely and give God the credit in some way - whether verbally or mentally. When I take the credit myself, I am saying I am worthy to receive the praise.

Anonymous said...

1. In verses 8 and 9 and again in these verses another John is introduced. He is not the author of the Gospel but John the Baptizer, Jesus' relative, and the one who announced Jesus' coming to the people of his day. What steps does John the Baptist take to guarantee that people will not look at him but at Jesus?
He denies all questions of who he is and directs the attention the jesus and lifts him up.

2. How would you summarize John the Baptist's testimony concerning Jesus?

he called jesus the lamb of god.

3. What practical application can we draw from John the Baptist's testimony?
We can try more to put the focus on jesus rather than ourselves and try to make us look good and to make every decision based on...WWJD..such an old phrase with
so much meaning..

Anonymous said...

1. He is humble in each of his responses. Rather than drawing attention to himself he quickly focused on Jesus Christ. He is willing to compare his ministry to Christ's only to show that Christ's is far superior.

2. Bold and clear. He draws attention to Jesus as the Son of God and states that He has come to save man from his sins.

3. Get out of the way. Worry less about how I'm going to come across and more about how others will view Christ. Be clear about exactly what Christ can do for them. He is the only way of salvation.

Anonymous said...

1. John plainly stated that he was not Christ and when Jesus arrived,he pointed the crowd's attention to Him.He said that he wasn't even worthy to untie Christ's sandal.
2. John's main purpose was to prepare the hearts of the people for the coming of the Messiah.He was the beacon pointing the way to Christ.
3. John was given the perfect opportunity to turn the attention on himself,but he didn't.Instead, he showed others the One who is truely worthy of our affection.It can be so hard not to want to be the center of attention, but I need to learn to point others to the One who is truely worhty of it all.

Anonymous said...

1.He denied telling then that he was not Christ. He said "I am voice of one calling in the desert." he also said he was not worthy enough to untie.

2.i would say that john was excited that he was going to be able to baptize with the Holy Spirit.

3.That in one way ar another we all can praise and honor GOd in what we do. Also that we can do anything because of the Lord and we need to be focused on him not ourselves and witness to others and share the word about him.

Anonymous said...

1)John the Baptist denies all of the questions asked of him. Also he tells people about God and why he is there.

2)John the baptist testimony was good. He was there in the start for God and he baptize people in the name of God. He was helping God.

3)We can draw that God sent us all to do a mission just like he sent John to do a misson to. God sent us to tell people the word of God. Also that God is the only way for everlasting life.

Anonymous said...

1. every time he is questioned or asked who he was he did not lead them. He let everyone know that he was not Christ and that Christ was to come.He didn't make a scene, you almost get the impression that he was short with his answers to draw attention from him.
2. One of great excitement for Christ's coming. I feel like he was humbled by being the messenger.
3. Our lives should be filled with the same joy of knowing that Christ is coming. Our life should be one of telling of his coming and not about ourselves.

Anonymous said... verses 8 and 9 and again in these verses another john is introduced.he is not the author of the gospel but john the baptizer jesus relative and the one who announced jesus coming to the people of his day.what steps dose john the baptist take to guarantee that people will not look at him but at jesus?

john the baptist denies all of the qustion that where ask

2. how would you summarize john the baptist testimony concerning jesus?

its was good.and said john bare record saying i saw the spirt descending from heaven like a dove and it abode upon him.

3.what prctical application can we draw from john the baptist testimony?

god sent each every one a misson just like john the baptist

Anonymous said...

1. In verses 8 and 9 and again in these verses another John is introduced. He is not the author of the Gospel but John the Baptizer, Jesus' relative, and the one who announced Jesus' coming to the people of his day. What steps does John the Baptist take to guarantee that people will not look at him but at Jesus?

He tells how he (John the Baptist) is not THE LIGHT but the one to go and tell people about the comming LIGHT!

2. How would you summarize John the Baptist's testimony concerning Jesus?

Well John was only there to prepare the way for Jesus.

3. What practical application can we draw from John the Baptist's testimony?

That we need to tell more people about Jesus and prepare for the return of Him!!!!

hahaha this is fun!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1)John denies all questions asked of him.

2)John's testimony is fine. But the problem was that he was only there for God in the start.

3)God sent us all to do great wroks for him.

Anonymous said...

1. He confesses that he is not Jesus. He announced that Jesus has come to take away sins.

2. He puts the attention on Jesus because he is the only one that can save us from our sins.

3. We need to not worry about impressing others, but being a good witness for Christ.

Anonymous said...

It might be a little past my bedtime but better late than never, right?
Answer to 1.
John the Baptist's cup was overflowing with meekness.
He told the priests that he wasnt anyone special and his only responsibility was to make way for Jesus Christ.
Answer to 2.
Even John's testimony for Jesus was very meek saying at one point in verse 27 that he was not worthy to tie his shoes(thats what it sounded like anyway).
Answer to 3.
Um, i think what we can learn from him is his lowly humbleness and just to not think about ourselves and give the attention to GOD.

Anonymous said...

1.He verbally denies he is Christ then physically shows and announces Christ as he arives.
2. He is clear on who he is not.
3. I think we can share that Jesus is who He claims. We can tell others of His second coming and through witnessing ready ourselves and others for Christ's undeniable return.

Anonymous said...

1.John says I only prepare the way for Jesus.
2.John went around telling people that the one and only God was comming to save them. John also baptized people.
3.We are here to tell and warn people that God is comming back to take all his people to heaven soon and that we need to put our trust in him.