Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Encountering the Word - Part 3 - Devo for 04/30/08

John 1:35-51

Responsive Questions
1. In these verses we are introduced to five men: Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael and one unnamed disciple (John). How does each man respond to the testimony he hears about Jesus?
2. Which of these responses have you encountered as you have shared your faith in Jesus Christ?
3. What would you be most interested in investigating about Jesus if you could go back in time to the events in this chapter?
4. John records more than a dozen names or descriptions of Jesus in this chapter. Which of the names of Jesus has the most significance to you personally? Explain why.

Applying Chapter 1 in Your Life
Consider some ways that you can be a witness for Jesus in your community. What is one specific action you can take this week to demonstrate Jesus' love to others who don't yet know Him?


Anonymous said...

In verse 50 Jesus tells Nathanael that if you believe in me you shall see greater things. Which is to believe in him you shall see finer things in life.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. In these verses we are introduced to five men: Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael and one unnamed disciple (John). How does each man respond to the testimony he hears about Jesus?

Andrew told his brother about Jesus and brought him to Jesus. Philip told Nathaneal about Jesus. Nathanael didn’t think that anything good could come out of Nazareth, but recognized Jesus was the Messiah when Jesus told him that he knew him.

2. Which of these responses have you encountered as you have shared your faith in Jesus Christ? Many people believe in God, yet don’t believe that you need salvation. Most people think that living a good life is enough for their eternal security. On the flip side, there are others that think there is too much bad in this world for there to be a God of love. They are angry with God for allowing bad things to happen to good people.

3. What would you be most interested in investigating about Jesus if you could go back in time to the events in this chapter?
Just to be able to follow Jesus would be amazing. To be able to be in His presence and witness first hand the things he did. Thinking about that now is overwhelming!
4. John records more than a dozen names or descriptions of Jesus in this chapter. Which of the names of Jesus has the most significance to you personally? Explain why.

I would have to say the light of the world. So many times in my life when I am struggling or going through a very difficult situation, Jesus is the only “light” that I have. He is the only brightness in a situation of darkness. He is my hope and peace and comfort, that no other person or thing can offer to me.

Applying Chapter 1 in Your Life
Consider some ways that you can be a witness for Jesus in your community. What is one specific action you can take this week to demonstrate Jesus' love to others who don't yet know Him?

Our family has talked to our neighbor many times about coming to church and she knows that we are Christians. We have invited her to church, but she has never come. I am almost positive she is not a Christian. Her husband died within the past year and I know that she is very lonely. This week I want to do something for her, ( I am not yet sure what I will do) that shows that we love her and care for her. It sounds easier said than done, but I have been thinking about this for a long time and my busy schedule always gets in my way and becomes my “excuse”. This week I will attempt to put her before all my things and do something to demonstrate God’s love.

Anonymous said...

1. In these verses we are introduced to five men: Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael and one unnamed disciple (John). How does each man respond to the testimony he hears about Jesus?

Well Andrew told his brother about Jesus and led him to the Lord.Then Philip told Nathaneal about Jesus and Nathaneal didnt want to believe
that good things could come out of Nazareth.Then he knew that Jesus was the messiah and trusted in Him.

2. Which of these responses have you encountered as you have shared your faith in Jesus Christ?

That people dot want to believe in Jesus and they dont want to be the one standing out.

3. What would you be most interested in investigating about Jesus if you could go back in time to the events in this chapter?

I think all of His mericales He did I think that would be pretty cool.

4. John records more than a dozen names or descriptions of Jesus in this chapter. Which of the names of Jesus has the most significance to you personally? Explain why.

Probley the Light because I know that I have had a few problems in my live and i just remember that I would be in the darkness and I would remember that I will always have a light named JESUS!

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. In these verses we are introduced to five men: Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael and one unnamed disciple (John). How does each man respond to the testimony he hears about Jesus?

They each recognize Jesus in a slightly different way...Son of God, Messiah, King of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth, son of Joseph. Andrew brought his brother Peter, Phillip brought Nathaneal, and Nathaneal first had questions for Jesus about how Jesus knew him by name before being introduced. Interestingly, (I think), Phillip was the only one who described Jesus in more human terms ("of Nazareth," "son of Joseph.") I don't think Nathaneal was off base in his questions. In essence, he was rightfully asking, "who cares?" It wasn't until he was introduced to Jesus as someone beyond human (through the miracle of Jesus seeing him under the fig tree - long low branches hanging to the ground hiding anyone under it)...that Nathaneal readily believed.

2. Which of these responses have you encountered as you have shared your faith in Jesus Christ?

Ummm...yeah, I guess I've met both types of people...those who readily believe and those with questions first. When I am very clear about Who Jesus is...there are usually less questions...because the listener is immediately faced with a decision - to accept or reject the truth of Who He claims to be.

3. What would you be most interested in investigating about Jesus if you could go back in time to the events in this chapter?

Where was the place He was staying that He showed them?

4. John records more than a dozen names or descriptions of Jesus in this chapter. Which of the names of Jesus has the most significance to you personally? Explain why.

Rabbi. I really want to consistently see Him as my Master in the daily grind of life. So that I won't "react" to situations so much...that I will be willing to totally releax and let Him work His plan in me and through me.

Applying Chapter 1 in Your Life
Consider some ways that you can be a witness for Jesus in your community. What is one specific action you can take this week to demonstrate Jesus' love to others who don't yet know Him?

I want to be even more direct in sharing Him. I don't want to assume others know Him personally just because they've heard about Him at church or in class. I must ask them specifically who Jesus is to them. Invite them to come get to know Him at Bible study (or through this devo blog.)

Anonymous said...

1. In these verses we are introduced to five men: Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael and one unnamed disciple (John). How does each man respond to the testimony he hears about Jesus?

Andrew went and fetched his brother telling him about Jesus and encourage/took him to see Jesus. Philip told Nathanael about Jesus. Even Though Nathanael didn't exactly believe Jesus was who he said he was until he saw it with his own eyes.

2. Which of these responses have you encountered as you have shared your faith in Jesus Christ?

Philip's encounter with Nathaneal is the usual encounter i, and probably other, have had too.

3. What would you be most interested in investigating about Jesus if you could go back in time to the events in this chapter?

How he spent his child hood and teen years from like when you last hear where he was as a child at the synigauge(sp) unto when he was thirty and started his ministry.
see how he lived and learned and how his wisdom as a child helped him be diffrent(in a good way) from others.

4. John records more than a dozen names or descriptions of Jesus in this chapter. Which of the names of Jesus has the most significance to you personally? Explain why.

The name that is most significant to me would be The lamb of God.

why? because Lambs were quite peacefull animals. used for sacrifices/ offerings to God.
in a way that Name Foreshadows the last part of Jesus's ministry in a way.

Anonymous said...


1. Andrew told his brother (Simon) about Jesus and brought him to Jesus.
Philip told Nathanael about Jesus and Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus
Nathanael didn't believe.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. In these verses we are introduced to five men: Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael and one unnamed disciple (John). How does each man respond to the testimony he hears about Jesus?
John and Andrew heard John refer to Jesus as the Lamb of God, so they followed Jesus. Then Andrew, who obviously believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah, went and got his brother Simon (Peter) (vv. 41-42). Jesus told Philip to follow him, and he obeyed. He too believed that Christ was the Messiah (vs. 45), and he responded by getting his brother Nathanael. Nathanael wasn’t so quick to believe until Jesus told Nathanael that He saw him under the fig tree before Philip came and got him. After that information, Nathanael acknowledged who Christ was.

2. Which of these responses have you encountered as you have shared your faith in Jesus Christ?
As I have shared my faith in Jesus Christ, the responses range from one extreme to the other. Some people have outright rejected Christ and the Bible, while others have readily accepted the Gospel message. I have had the opportunity to present the Gospel to some over a period of time and see them come to make a decision for Christ, while others have had numerous encounters with God’s Word and have yet to make a decision.

3. What would you be most interested in investigating about Jesus if you could go back in time to the events in this chapter?
There are two events that I would have loved to seen. First, John’s interaction with the religious leaders as he tells them that Jesus is the Christ. Second, the calling of the disciples. What were the responses of their families, friends, bosses, acquaintances as they left all to follow this man from Nazareth?

4. John records more than a dozen names or descriptions of Jesus in this chapter. Which of the names of Jesus has the most significance to you personally? Explain why.
Every name that John uses emphasizes a different aspect of His character. If I had to pick one that has great significance to me, it would be the title “Son of God.” His relationship to the Father is expressed in this phrase, as well as our ability to have a “joint-heir” relationship because of the power given to us as a result of our belief in Him. It also demonstrates the unconditional love that God has for us because He gave His Son so that we might be saved.

Applying Chapter 1 in Your Life
Consider some ways that you can be a witness for Jesus in your community. What is one specific action you can take this week to demonstrate Jesus' love to others who don't yet know Him?
There are people in my life who I have witnessed to for years that have not made a decision to accept Christ as their Savior. This chapter has convicted me in two areas: 1) I need to pray for them more consistently, and 2) I need to once again share the Gospel message with them. This week I plan to enact both of these areas in the lives of those who have not yet chosen to accept Christ. It may mean making a phone call instead of reading a book or playing a video game. It may mean giving up some personal time to drive over to a lost friend's house to share Christ. Whatever the cost, it doesn't compare to the value of a person's soul.

Anonymous said...


2. That some people if they are Christian think they are going to stand all my themselves.

3. I would like that so i can see what people did back then.

4. The Lamb of God because Lambs are peacefully animals and so is God

I can witness by asking my friends at school to come to church with me, I can ask them and if they do not know I can tel them to come to church with me.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Question

1)Andrew went to got tell his brother about Jesus. He also took him to Jesus. Philiptold Nathanael. But Nathanael didn't believe any thing about Nazareth. But when he got to see Jesus he knew that he was the Messiah.

2)I have encountered that there are people that belive in Christ has there savior and want to learn more about him. Also there are people who want any thing to do with Jesus.

3)I would most likely be interested in seeing all of his miracles he did.

4)To me I would say the "Light" is the most significance to me it tells me that God is the only way and he is the true one that you can believe no matter if you have hard times of good times.

I really like doing this.Thanks for all the leaders who set this up.

Anonymous said...

1. in these verses we are introuduced to five men andrew,simon,philip,nathanael and one unnamed disciple (john). how does each man respond to the testimony he hears about jesus?

andrew told his brothers about jesus cause they did not belive in him

2.which of these responses have you encountered as you have shared your faith in jesus christ?

they don't belive in jesus they do not want them to stand out in front of them

3. what would you be most interested in investigating about jesus if you could go back in time to the events and chapter?

to see him and all the mericles he has done for all of us i would love to see him

4.john records more than a dozen names or descriptions of jesus in this chapter. which of the names of jesus has the mostignificance to you personally?explain why.

i can take to my friends at school and at church and even talk to god

April 30, 2008 5:43 PM

Anonymous said...

1.Andrew and Philip each told someone else about Christ.Even though Nathaniel doubted at first, He realized who Christ was once he said that He knew him.

2.It would probably be both of them.Some people are so excited and have no doubt about what you have told them,yet others doubt until they can see evidence.

3.Wow!Pick one thing?Just the power of God would be cool to see exemplified that way.Jesus simply talked with them,and they gave up everything they had and followed.

4.It would probably have to be "Lamb of God,"knowing that the people John was talking to were Jewish.It would have been a huge deal to them.The significance of a lamb and all that it stands for really is so amazing.There is no need for sacrificing anymore.

Anonymous said...

Good Evening everyone, I guess im always gonna be the last one every day to blog.

Answer to 1.
Everyone is elated to find Jesus and are excited to be his disciple, except for Nathaneal. Nathaneal said that nothing good came out of Nazareth. But he quickly found out he was wrong.

Answer to 2.
As i think everyone can say, weve all had experiences of being on fire for GOD and had other times feeling like nothing good can come out of what youre doing.

Answer to 3.
Other people have given much more theological answers but i would've liked to know what Jesus looked like.

Answer to 4.
Everyone is saying The Lamb Of God but i have to say i cant disagree.
The Lamb Of God is the most powerful name because of Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross.

Anonymous said...

1.Andrew,and Philip told someone when they found out but Nathanael was questioning God how he knew him.

2.I think we all do both like we all are ezcited about living for the Lord then sometimes we hvae doubts like Nathanael did.

3.I would want to do what my mom said and follow Jesus around for a day and witness to other people and follow in his presence.

4.I would say that Jesus is the Rabbi(teacher) and we are the students. We should follow in God's path and want to be more like him and more Christ like.

Well i go to a charter\public school and many people i'm sure aren't Christians. I can witness to them a put tracks around the show. A share my love about Jesus with them.

Anonymous said...

1.They all followed God.
2.When I asked God into my life, I trusted that he was the true God just like the desciples did.
3.How Jesus picked them and knew that they would follow.
4.The one and the only God. Because he is the one and the only and nothing can ever change that.

Anonymous said...

1. the brothers did not belive in jesus

2.they don't belive in jesus see is mericals he had done

4. the that i like the most is he i the one and only ture god.

Anonymous said...

1. Andrew told his brother, Simon, and brought him to Jesus. Philip told his brother Nathaniel to see the Messiah. Nathaniel didn't believe until he found out that Jesus saw him under the fig tree.

2. Some people are too embarrassed to share their faith once they receive Christ.

3. I think probably what Taylor Huff said. How did he look? (and also the events not mentioned in between what takes place).

4. I would have to probably say Rabbi because he is the Master.

Applying Chapter 1 in Your Life
I can act differently than the world does to be a good witness.

Anonymous said...

1 Responsive Questions
. In these verses we are introduced to five men: Andrew, Simon, Philip, Nathanael and one unnamed disciple (John). How does each man respond to the testimony he hears about Jesus?
Andrew told simon we have found the messiah.Philip told nathanael we have found the one moses the one written about in the law and about whom the prophets also wrote Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph.

2. Which of these responses have you encountered as you have shared your faith in Jesus Christ?

3. What would you be most interested in investigating about Jesus if you could go back in time to the events in this chapter?
How he did his miracles.

4. John records more than a dozen names or descriptions of Jesus in this chapter. Which of the names of Jesus has the most significance to you personally? Explain why.
Messiah. Because it sounds like a rulers name.

Applying Chapter 1 in Your Life
Consider some ways that you can be a witness for Jesus in your community. What is one specific action you can take this week to demonstrate Jesus' love to others who don't yet know Him?
Show them the Bilble and teach them about it.

Anonymous said...

1.Andrew told his brother about Jesus and he got saved. Philip told Nathaneal about Jesus. Nazareth know Jesus was the Messiah.

2. a lot of people belive in god but not in salvation

3.that peopletrust jesus but are scared to tell people

4.i would tell peopleabout him and try hard to bring them to god.