Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Signs of God - Part 1 - Devo for 05/01/08

Reflective Question
1. What initially convinced you that Jesus was more than a man?

John 2:1-11

Responsive Questions
1. If you had been a wedding guest, what do you imagine your reaction would have been to this miracle?
2. When the groom's parents run out of wine for their guests, Jesus' mother asks him to help (v. 3). What do you think Mary expects Jesus to do? (Remember, according to verse 11, Jesus had not performed any miracles.)
3. What does Jesus mean by his reply to Mary in verse 4?
4. According to verse 11, the purpose of Jesus' miracle is not to save the groom from embarrassment but to display Jesus' glory. What aspects of Christ's glory does this miracle reveal to you?
5. What area of your life seems like plain water right now?
6. How could Jesus transform that problem or relationship?


Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1.

Well I really dont know I find that amaizing just hearing about it so I dont know what my reaction would be I think i might faint.

Anwser to #2

Do a miracle and make wine appear. But I am just guessing.

Anwser to #3

That his tme to do the miracle has not come yet.

Anwser to #4

That He was not just doing it for the groom but He wanted people to see that he was the true Lamb of God.

Anwser to #5

Witnessing!!! But i am trying so hard to change.

Anwser to #6

Well He could push me to change or give me people that need him and i could help them.

Reflective Question
1. What initially convinced you that Jesus was more than a man?

Just all the miracles that he did and just I really cant put it in words!

Anonymous said...

1. What initially convinced you that Jesus was more than a man?

well since i was a child i heard of Jesus and what he did in his ministries his testimonies and how he died for us.
and even as a child i knew he wasn't an ordinary man
JESUS IS 100% human and 100% GOD


1. If you had been a wedding guest, what do you imagine your reaction would have been to this miracle?

Yeah somewhere along those lines:P

no but seriousiously i would have thought it was a true miracle....or a trick of some kind(im being compeletly honest)
atleast i would have thought it was a trick if i didn't know that the one who did it was JESUS!!!

2. When the groom's parents run out of wine for their guests, Jesus' mother asks him to help (v. 3). What do you think Mary expects Jesus to do? (Remember, according to verse 11, Jesus had not performed any miracles.)

i believed that she had knew that Jesus was sent by God since that what she was told by the Angel in Mathew. so she thought that maybe this would be the start of Jesus's revealing.

3. What does Jesus mean by his reply to Mary in verse 4?

that she should have patience that the time to act was not yet upon them.

4. According to verse 11, the purpose of Jesus' miracle is not to save the groom from embarrassment but to display Jesus' glory. What aspects of Christ's glory does this miracle reveal to you?

that God has control over everything
nature, animals, and the elements themselves!!!

5. What area of your life seems like plain water right now? life in general

6. How could Jesus transform that problem or relationship?

he could show me what i could do for his ministrie.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. What initially convinced you that Jesus was more than a man?

The simple truth of a sinless man dying in my place is what convinced me that Jesus was more than a man. Since my salvation, I have learned so much about who Christ is, while also realizing that I have much more to learn about my Savior.

Responsive Questions
1. If you had been a wedding guest, what do you imagine your reaction would have been to this miracle?

Speaking from a Christian perspective, I would have been completely amazed to see that miracle take place. However, my mind drifts to the fact that not everybody is impressed by God’s miraculous power. Maybe I would have been selfish and thought, “Who cares how it got here as long as there is wine to drink?”

2. When the groom's parents run out of wine for their guests, Jesus' mother asks him to help (v. 3). What do you think Mary expects Jesus to do? (Remember, according to verse 11, Jesus had not performed any miracles.)

Two possible thoughts come to mind. First, Jesus is known for His compassion. Mary probably assumed that Jesus, in His compassion, would do whatever it took to get wine to the marriage celebration. Second, Mary probably believed that Jesus could do anything He wanted, since He was the Son of God. His ability coupled with His compassion is possibly why Mary thought to ask Him for help.

3. What does Jesus mean by his reply to Mary in verse 4?

I believe it was a gentle reminder to His mother that His time to prove Himself could not be controlled by exterior circumstances or personal desires, rather His timetable for ministry was set by His heavenly Father.

4. According to verse 11, the purpose of Jesus' miracle is not to save the groom from embarrassment but to display Jesus' glory. What aspects of Christ's glory does this miracle reveal to you?

To me, this miracle displays His sovereignty and providence (He knew this was the appropriate time to begin His earthly ministry), His authority over creation (strictly the ability to change water into wine), His supreme righteousness (the good wine versus the worse), and His worth (He did it so that His glory would be made known).

5. What area of your life seems like plain water right now?

I would have to say my patience for God’s timing.

6. How could Jesus transform that problem or relationship?

After reading this passage, I am reminded that even the Son of God had to wait until it was the appropriate time to begin His ministry. The same is true in my life. God’s timetable is always correct. My responsibility is to simply work as hard as I can for God where He has me right now, and allow Him to bring things to pass when He sees fit.

Anonymous said...

1.I would be so shocked.That would have been so amazing to be there. I have no idea how cool that would have been. I would have loved to see the face expresions on the other peoples faces.

2.I think that when Jesus mother told him there was no more wine that she probably had faith in him that he could do something about it.

3.I think Jesus meant like how come you tell me this i can't do anything about this wht don't you ask someone else. I think he was confused why his mom asked him.

4.That anything is possible for God. He can do anything. That it tells me i need to have more faith in him and share his love with other people and just know what everythings going to be ok.

5.Sharing the word of God with others. I am really struggeling to witness to other people. Also i need to put God first not me.

6.He could maybe just show me a sign or put people in my life that have never heard of God so i can witness to them.

Reflective Question
1.Because throughout the Bible it talks about God and the wonderful miracles that he performed and it showed that nothing is impossible for God. I believe that he could do something like that in my life or my family's life.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)I knew that when I heard about all the wonderfulthings Jesus did that he was no original man. He was thge true savior

Resopnsive Questions

1)I really don't know what my reaction would be to that.All I know is that I would be shocked.

2)I think Mary didn't know what to do and was expecing Jesus to think of what to do.

3)When Jesus said that to Mary he was telling her that it wasn't the right time yet.

4)It tells me that he knows the right time to do something and when to do it. Also that there is a reason for everything.

5)I would say school and all the time it takes to actully get a good grade.

6)He could done nothing and wacthed.Or he could have just said give me the pot and I will fill it up with wine.Also he could brag about how he can do that but we can't.

Anonymous said...

I really do not know.

Anonymous said...

1. i would have love to see the miracle

2.they had no wine and jesus says don't woory about it and he gave it to them he made it happened just like that

3.the time has not come yet

4.he trying to prove that he is the lamb of god

5.trying to show people the world of god folling him and i think this will guild me to doing this devo withg you guys will help me

Anonymous said...

1. If you had been a wedding guest, what do you imagine your reaction would have been to this miracle?
I probably would have been amazed.

2. When the groom's parents run out of wine for their guests, Jesus' mother asks him to help (v. 3). What do you think Mary expects Jesus to do? (Remember, according to verse 11, Jesus had not performed any miracles.)
Well, I think she kind of knew he could do something about it. I mean she knows he is the Son of God. I'm pretty sure she suspected something.

3. What does Jesus mean by his reply to Mary in verse 4?
To be patient, to wait for God's time. WE sometimes (almost always), like to have things done in our time. Jesus wanted Mary to be patient.

4. According to verse 11, the purpose of Jesus' miracle is not to save the groom from embarrassment but to display Jesus' glory. What aspects of Christ's glory does this miracle reveal to you?
It shows the he is really God. He is the only one who can do miracles like this one. He is almighty.

5. What area of your life seems like plain water right now?
Witnessing, it is sometimes hard when people come up with good arguments. I', trying to work on it.

6. How could Jesus transform that problem or relationship?
Through his word I can learn how to fight back those arguments and show people that they need God.

Anonymous said...

1. i would be in shock lol and i would be greatful.
2.probebly do some big miracle. wasnt his time to show that he is God.
4God can do anything.
5.reading my bible.
6.put the willingness in me to do it.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)What convinced me that good was more than a man was all of his miracles.

Responsive Questions

1)I would be show surprise and shocked.

2)I think Mary wanted him to do something about it.

3)I think Jesus maent not yet.

4)That God does everything for a reason

5)I would say school.

6)He could make me not worry as much about grades. Also to believe in myself more.

Anonymous said...

-Hearing all the stories of His miracles as a little kid would have to be when I realized who Christ really was.

1.Never seeing a miracle like that performed, I really don't know what my reaction would be.I would probably run around telling everybody about it.People would think that I was crazy.(Ha,Ha!)

2.She would have known that Jesus could do anything He wanted to to fix the problem,without even getting the servants to help.

3.Jesus didn't run on mans watch.He has a perfect timing for everything.What a great reminder!

4.It shows His perfect timing and the fact that He can make something wonderful from nothing.

5.I need to be a better example to others, especialy those that are younger than me.

6.He can help me to rely on Him, and to give me wisdom in how to conduct myself.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. If you had been a wedding guest, what do you imagine your reaction would have been to this miracle?

"Wow - they even provided entertainment for us!"

2. When the groom's parents run out of wine for their guests, Jesus' mother asks him to help (v. 3). What do you think Mary expects Jesus to do? (Remember, according to verse 11, Jesus had not performed any miracles.)

Maybe to go get some? To help out? I imagine He'd been a great help to her through the years. Ok, even the Perfect Helper! :)

3. What does Jesus mean by his reply to Mary in verse 4?

This one has puzzled me a bit through the years...So...I'm cheating a study Bible says in the footnotes that "mine hour" refers to His crucifixion hour, and that Jesus knew the time had not come yet to reveal that He was the Messiah.

4. According to verse 11, the purpose of Jesus' miracle is not to save the groom from embarrassment but to display Jesus' glory. What aspects of Christ's glory does this miracle reveal to you?

That just a little of His glory far surpasses our best...a wedding is always our best on display, yet Jesus' glory surpassed the wedding best. Christ can turn ordinary into extraordinary. He could have created the wine from nothing, but instead chose to change boring water into fantastic drink.

5. What area of your life seems like plain water right now?

Teaching my kids to pick up their toys, making healthly meals they'll eat without a major fuss, arranging doctor's appointments and countless meetings. some of the tedious prep for VBS, ok...maybe my list wasn't supposed to be this long. :)

6. How could Jesus transform that problem or relationship?

He's helping me see that providing for those who can't provide for themselves is pleasing to Him. (See Isaiah 58:6-11) Sharing Him with kids through a program like VBS pleases Him. He gets glory out of the drudgery of my day to day service if I am doing it from a heart of love instead of feeling that I just have to do it or it won't get done.

Anonymous said...

OOPS - I missed this part in my previous post!

Reflective Question
1. What initially convinced you that Jesus was more than a man?

Ummmm...seeing my parents totally in love with Him, totally depending on Him for everything from money for food, to paying the bills, to providing clothes for me. They took everything to Him in prayer, and let us know how He provided for us. They didn't seem to freak out wondering how they were going to make it in those very lean years. They included us in the rejoicing when He provided in a cool way. (I have some fun stories from those days!)

By the way, Schell family, I totally believe God can and will do the same for you in this time in between jobs. Watch and see how He provides for you in unexpected ways. Brooke and pray and watch too. And remember for the future when your own families go through tough times. You'll know just how to help your kids believe in our great God!

Anonymous said...

Awesome posts everyone! It is uplifting to me to see how the Lord teaches us through His Word and to hear the different ways Christ has impacted our lives. Let's always live our lives WOWED by God!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. What initially convinced you that Jesus was more than a man?
his miracles, him dying on the cross.
John 2:1-11

Responsive Questions
1. If you had been a wedding guest, what do you imagine your reaction would have been to this miracle?
Very shocked and probably would have a really hard time believing it.
2. When the groom's parents run out of wine for their guests, Jesus' mother asks him to help (v. 3). What do you think Mary expects Jesus to do? (Remember, according to verse 11, Jesus had not performed any miracles.)
A miracle.
3. What does Jesus mean by his reply to Mary in verse 4?
Why are you involving me, Jesus said.
4. According to verse 11, the purpose of Jesus' miracle is not to save the groom from embarrassment but to display Jesus' glory. What aspects of Christ's glory does this miracle reveal to you?
He can do anything, he is amazing.
5. What area of your life seems like plain water right now?
Well i don’t like school.
6. How could Jesus transform that problem or relationship?
I could pray about it and he could change my thinking of school.
posted by The Leaders at 9:55 AM on May 1, 2008

Anonymous said...

HHmmm i think megan's a little past her bedtime. As am I.
Kaitlen summed her thoughts up in five words. Now thats amazing.

Answer to Reflective question------
Since i was a young warthog, ive heard so many stories about all of Jesus' miracles so i guess its always been engrained in me.

Answer to 1.-----------------------
I would not have believed that it happened, i would have probably thought that it was a trick or something.
Answer to 2.-----------------------
She probably wanted him to go and get some more from somewhere really fast.
Answer to 3.-----------------------
I really dont understand it so i cannot comment.
Answer to 4.-----------------------
That he has control over EVERYTHING!!
Answer to 5.-----------------------
I would have to say witnessing. Although im not around unsaved people a lot. Im either at home, or Indian Rocks(actually there is some unsaved kids there)or Church!
Answer to 6.-----------------------
He could help me in any way, shape, or form.


Anonymous said...

Well Taylor..I think I have you beat..I am WAY past my bedtime!

Reflective Question
1. What initially convinced you that Jesus was more than a man?

After I was must have been through Sunday school lessons and learning more and more about Jesus. Just the fact that He died and rose again proves that He was more than a man.

Responsive Questions
1. If you had been a wedding guest, what do you imagine your reaction would have been to this miracle?

Total shock…to actually see a miracle like that performed before my very eye…WOW!
2. When the groom's parents run out of wine for their guests, Jesus' mother asks him to help (v. 3). What do you think Mary expects Jesus to do? (Remember, according to verse 11, Jesus had not performed any miracles.)

Get them some wine!

3. What does Jesus mean by his reply to Mary in verse 4?

Hmmm…good question. I would guess that Jesus was letting Mary know that he was not yet to be involved in the situation, and that when the timing was right, He would.

4. According to verse 11, the purpose of Jesus' miracle is not to save the groom from embarrassment but to display Jesus' glory. What aspects of Christ's glory does this miracle reveal to you?

That Jesus can do anything, but it is in His timing. This is where patience comes in. This can really hit home right now in my life as we, as a family, are totally waiting on the Lord to provide a job for Tony. I know the Lord will take care of us, yet I want it to happen now and maybe God just wants us to wait for something HIS time.

5. What area of your life seems like plain water right now?

Finances, and probably not just because we don’t have any income. Also I could have said my devo’s last week, but this blog site has been wonderful for me!

6. How could Jesus transform that problem or relationship?

Jesus can transform anything…Stephanie just has to obey and trust and be faithful!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question

1.Jesus is more than a man because he can do miracles.

Anonymous said...

1.I would be kind of amazed that someone just turned water into wine.

2.I think that they thought that he would go and get some or somethig.

3.That he would perform his first miracle would be then.

4.That he could perform a miracle at any time for any reason.

5.The one part of my life is probably trying to read the Bible and try to be more like Jesus.

6.Well he could transform my problem by me reading the Bible and talking to me while I read it.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
The miracles that he did especially him dying on the cross and being raised back to life.

Responsive Questions
1. I would have been amazed because turning water into wine is impossible to do unless you are God.

2. Even though she had never seen him perform a miricle before she probably thought that he could do something about it because he is God.

3. Wait on God's time. He knows what's best.

4. Jesus can do anything and he uses others to do his work.

5. My witnessing. I need to be bolder.

6. God can help give me courage just like he turned the water into wine.

Anonymous said...

1. Because only jesus can change water into wine no man can on his own will.

1. I would have been really amazing if I saw Jesus to water into wine.

2. Mary expects Jesus to probably buy wine not to turn water into wine.

3. Jesus replys to Mary that his time is not yet come.

4. That miracle reveals that Jesus is the Son of Man.

5. Witnessing to friends at school and my life in general.

6. He can show me what i can do for him thur his Word the Bible.

Anonymous said...

reflective questions

1.What convinced me was his works

responsive questions

1.I would be surpised

2.I think Mary wanted himto do somrthing

3.I think Jesus meant for to say not yet

4.That God does things for good reasons

5.I would say boyfriend

6.He helps me because he helps me through it.