Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Encountering the Word - Part 1 - Devo for 04/28/08

Reflective Questions
1. What famous person alive today would you like to spend a day with? Why?
2. What do you hope will happen in your life as a result of studying the Gospel of John?

John 1:1-18

Responsive Questions
1. Why do you think John calls Jesus "the Word" (vv. 1, 14)?
2. In verses 1-5, what facts does John declare to be true of the Word?
3. Which of these facts most helps you understand who Jesus is?
4. John contrasts Jesus' rejection by the majority with his reception by a few (vv. 9-13). What truths about Jesus should have brought the majority to receive him (vv. 9-11)?
5. How would you explain to someone both the meaning and the results of receiving Jesus (vv. 12-13)?
6. According to verses 14-18, what specific aspects of God's character are revealed to us through Jesus?


Anonymous said...

1. Why do you think John calls Jesus "the Word" (vv. 1, 14)?

Because Jesus it the only way to hevan and it explains that in the bible which is..."The Word"

2. In verses 1-5, what facts does John declare to be true of the Word?
it is the light of the world.

3. Which of these facts most helps you understand who Jesus is?
they all help in little ways..none more than another.

4. John contrasts Jesus' rejection by the majority with his reception by a few (vv. 9-13). What truths about Jesus should have brought the majority to receive him (vv. 9-11)?
that he is the true light,that the world was made by him.

5. How would you explain to someone both the meaning and the results of receiving Jesus (vv. 12-13)?
the meaning is to have a final home in hevan and everlasting life with Jesus Christ, and the results are a saved beliver living for christ and telling others as well.

6. According to verses 14-18, what specific aspects of God's character are revealed to us through Jesus?
fll of grace and truth,

Anonymous said...

1. John says that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God. The Word is God and represents Jesus Christ.

2. All things were made by God and Jesus gives us life which is the hope of eternity in Heaven. He is our light in a world of darkness.

3. It reminds me that Jesus is all we need and He is our everything.

4. That the world was made through Him and that Jesus is the true light of the world.

5. When you receive Jesus as your Savior, you become a child of God..heir to the kingdom. Receiving Jesus means that I no longer have to pay the price for my sin in Hell, but get to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus. I no longer have to try to earn my way to Heaven, which I never could do anyway. Jesus can then become my everything if I obey and allow Him to work in me and through me.

6. Grace and truth

Anonymous said...

Reflective Answers:

1. You know, honestly I can't think of anyone particular...I would love spend time with a Godly, Christian mother who juggles church, activities, home, family, etc and get tips on how to better myself as a Christian mom/wife.

2. First of all I want to become more consistent in my devo's. Secondly, I want to know God more and more and develop a more personal relationship with know like I have with my best friends!

I am excited about this blog (if I am doing it right!!!) I hope everyone gets involved! Remember, except for Jason (haha) we are not Bible scholars, we are learning just like you don't be afraid to comment or write the wrong answer. God is going to help us use this tool to help each other! have a great day Real Life Teens! Love you all! Stephanie

PS Jason...these letters are hard to read and copy!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. What famous person alive today would you like to spend a day with? Why?
I would like to spend a day with Tony Dungy. Coach Dungy has always portrayed himself as a man of conviction. Even though he does not have a loud personality, I believe he is strongly passionate about his walk with Christ. Spending time with him would be a profitable time.

2. What do you hope will happen in your life as a result of studying the Gospel of John?
My desire is to see my allegiance to Christ grow as I study this gospel and to see my obedience to Christ improve.

Responsive Questions
1. Why do you think John calls Jesus "the Word" (vv. 1, 14)?
Verse 1 teaches us that Christ existed eternally and was God. Verse 14 details that He became flesh and lived among His creation. I believe John referred to Jesus as the Word because Jesus was the executor, or the living message of God’s redemption plan.

2. In verses 1-5, what facts does John declare to be true of the Word?
Jesus is eternal and equal with God (vs. 1), God the Father and the Word have a relationship with each other (vs. 2), Jesus was an active participant in creation (vs. 3), He is our life and light (vs. 4), and darkness (or the sinful world) did not understand who He was (vs. 5).

3. Which of these facts most helps you understand who Jesus is?
For me, Jesus’ equality with the Father, coupled with His distinct relationship to God and to us, gives me awesome insight into who Christ is.

4. John contrasts Jesus' rejection by the majority with his reception by a few (vv. 9-13). What truths about Jesus should have brought the majority to receive him (vv. 9-11)?
The circumstances and place of His unique birth should have resonated greatly in the hearts of the Jews. Jesus fulfilled every one of the prophecies of the promised Messiah. Undoubtedly, their knowledge of the Scriptures should have caused great anticipation for the coming Messiah. However, when Jesus came, their eyes were fixed on political/national freedom rather than spiritual freedom.

5. How would you explain to someone both the meaning and the results of receiving Jesus (vv. 12-13)?
The meaning – the acceptance (by belief) of who He is and what He has done for us
The results – the power to become part of His family

6. According to verses 14-18, what specific aspects of God's character are revealed to us through Jesus?
His glory, His grace, His truth, and His love are revealed to us through Jesus.

Anonymous said...

1. Why do you think John calls Jesus "the Word" (vv. 1, 14)?
I think that John called him the word because God Created ...creation with his words only. and since he gave life to man with his words and jesus gives NEW life......that why i think....but im probably wrong^_^"

2. In verses 1-5, what facts does John declare to be true of the Word?

that the word was with God.
and that the word was god.
that all was created by the word.
that the word was the light in the darkness.

3. Which of these facts most helps you understand who Jesus is?

the word was with God and the word WAS God. so if Jesus was with God (Jesus being the word) and the word was God
Jesus is God!!

4. John contrasts Jesus' rejection by the majority with his reception by a few (vv. 9-13). What truths about Jesus should have brought the majority to receive him (vv. 9-11)?

That he was the light.
and all was created by him.
"and the world was and the world was created by him."
5. How would you explain to someone both the meaning and the results of receiving Jesus (vv. 12-13)?

that those who recieved and believed in him were made into children of God not by blood not by flesh but by grace.

6. According to verses 14-18, what specific aspects of God's character are revealed to us through Jesus?

Jesus was filled with truth and grace.


Anonymous said...

1. Why do you think John calls Jesus "the Word" (vv. 1, 14)?

The word was always and will always be Jesus. I think that John knew that, And God is the Word

2. In verses 1-5, what facts does John declare to be true of the Word?

Really the only thing is the light of man.

3. Which of these facts most helps you understand who Jesus is?

Well they can all help me just if I choose to.

4. John contrasts Jesus' rejection by the majority with his reception by a few (vv. 9-13). What truths about Jesus should have brought the majority to receive him (vv. 9-11)?

That He made the world and that the world didnt know know that He was the light.

5. How would you explain to someone both the meaning and the results of receiving Jesus (vv. 12-13)?

The results are you have a gift to tell others how not to go to Hell.
The meaning is you get to live for ever with Jesus and you dont have to burn in Hell.

6. According to verses 14-18, what specific aspects of God's character are revealed to us through Jesus?

That grace and truth came from God.

Anonymous said...


1. Because God said in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God

2. All things were made by him

3. because God sent John

4. That God is the true light

5. he is Lord and by accepting him we can have everlasting live.

6. that God is the word

Anonymous said...

Great job to everyone that has posted so far! I have enjoyed already reading the different way we respond to the same questions (like my answer to question 4 compared to the rest of your answers)!
If you have a chance, post your answers to the Responsive questions, I am interested in the discussion that might bring.

Anonymous said...

1. Jesus was God's way of speaking verbally to us.
2. The Word (Jesus) is eternal, The Word (Jesus) is God, The Word (Jesus) was the Creator, The Word (Jesus) is the source of all life, The Word (Jesus) gives us light to live by.
3. At times life can seem so am I supposed to figure out this mess that I call reality??? But this passage tells me that if I get to know Jesus, He will bring light to my situation.
4. That He brought light to the world, that He created the world, that we are His own.
5. Receiving Jesus means believing & accepting that He is God, that He died and rose Himself alive again - as no other ever has. Believing this, and accepting these truths as the only way to receive eternal life and forgiveness of sins, makes one part of God's family. God actually adopts the repentant believer into His own family, making us heirs to everything with Him.
6. Jesus is full of grace (yippee for me - I need it!) and truth (comforting since lies are overwhelming our culture)

FAMOUS PERSON I'D LIKE TO SPEND A DAY WITH: Pastor Jason (ha ha) OK, seriously? Beth Moore - why not? :)

I want to know Jesus I better reflect Him.

Anonymous said...

John says that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God.

Anonymous said...

Kayla Webb

Reflective Questions
1)I would say most likely like to meet Carie Underwood the person who sings "Jesus Take the Wheel."

2)I hope that I can be more confident in learning how to tell people about God.

Responsive Question

1)I think John calls God "The Word" because he believes in God.

2)In the verses 1-5 the facts are that the word was god, everything was made by him, and he was the light of men.

3)I would say the fact that says he is the true light.

4)Is that he made this whole world and that he was the true light.

5)I would say to someone that he is that od is the only way for everlasting life to go to heaven. To do that you have to believe he died on the cross for your sins. And if you don't take him as your savior you will go to hell.

6)you can tell from those verses that Gd is truth and grace.

Anonymous said...

1.i would spent the day with with carrie underwood becaues i like the song jesus take the wheel because thats the song that pop into my head

2.i hope this will help me

1.because jesus is trying to given him the word so he could belive in jesus

2.he is the light of men and of us can help me same to everyone

4.he made us and the world

5.he deid on the cross for are sins

6.jesus wants to fill us love and grace

Anonymous said...

1 i would want to spend a day with taylor swith or miley cryus.because they are great singers and i want to meet them

2 i hope that i can become a better christan and tell more people about god

reponsive questions

3 i think he calls god the word because god i is the only way to hevan and he belives in him

4 it reminds me that jesus is the only god and that he helps use with ever thing

5 i would say the only why to go to heven is by beliving in jesus and aksing him for giveness

6 the reverses tell use that jesus is truth love and grace

Anonymous said...

1.I think that John calls Jesus the word cause the Bible says so and he is the word.

2.It says that God is the word, he as with God in the beginning, through him all things were made, and in him was life and life was men.

3.That he is the word and he is the light, but all of them help!

4.The true light that gives to every man was coming into the world, he was in the world even if nobody recognize him, everybody who recieved him he gave the right to become a child of God.

5.That if you trust in God and you want him to come in your heart then you become a child of God and you have been forgiven of your sins and you don't have to live in hell but in heaven for eternity.

6.Grace and Truth!

Anonymous said...

1.I would like to spend a day with a Christian believer who has gone through alot of hard times through there life but was still praising and honoring God for what he had done in the past and hear thier story about how God changed her life.Because i like to hear how much God can change people lifes and use them in miraculous ways and minister to others.

2.That i will learn something new from it and it will help me through out life to be a better Christian. I hope this will make me a better follower of Christ and help me later in life.


Anonymous said...

What an encouragement! I am so excited by the participation on our very first day! Let's pray for each other as we strive to grow in our relationship with God, as well as keeping up with our daily devos!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. What famous person alive today would you like to spend a day with? Why?
Courtney Coupets because she seems very nice and she was an olimpic gymnast
2. What do you hope will happen in your life as a result of studying the Gospel of John?
Change of attitude

John 1:1-18

Responsive Questions
1. Why do you think John calls Jesus "the Word" (vv. 1, 14)?
Because god is the word
2. In verses 1-5, what facts does John declare to be true of the Word?
All things were made through him
3. Which of these facts most helps you understand who Jesus is?
He is the creator
4. John contrasts Jesus' rejection by the majority with his reception by a few (vv. 9-13). What truths about Jesus should have brought the majority to receive him (vv. 9-11)?
He was the light coming into the world
5. How would you explain to someone both the meaning and the results of receiving Jesus (vv. 12-13)?
He gives you the opportunity to become one of his children which just changes your life for the better
6. According to verses 14-18, what specific aspects of God's character are revealed to us through Jesus?
He is the one and only one to trust in.

posted by The Leaders at 11:50 PM on Apr 27, 2008

Anonymous said...

Way to go teens!! You all are doing a great job. I will pray for you all to continue...(pray for me too!) Try to call or encourage someone tomorrow that didn't post today!

Anonymous said...

This is great for me because I know people are checking up on us!

Anonymous said...

1. I believe he said it because it helped not only the Jews but also the Greeks to understand idea that he was trying to convey. And also he used the word because of the great meaning that is brings and made it refer to a person.

2. He states that the Word was always there and it is God, and he just goes on to say that the Word made everything.

3. They all help me understand who he is.

4. The fact that Jesus made every single one of them should bring them to Him.

5. Well the meaning of receiving Him is believing on Him and receiving Him. And the result of doing this is the right to become one of his children.

6. God's grace, truth, and glory.

Anonymous said...

1. Because He represents the Word and is a living version of the word. I guess really He is the word.
2. God is the word. It has existed from the beginning. God, the Word, Jesus are all the light because they are all one.
3. I guess all of them.
4. he was the true light.
5. It is hard to put those verses into words.
6.grace and truth

1. I don't really have a famous person that I want to spend a day with.
2. I hope to grow thru this devotional. I also hope to remember to get on the internet every day to do it. It is much easier for me to just pick up my Bible.

Anonymous said...

I believe that he called Jesus "the Word" because Christ is God and God wrote his words which are in the Bible.

Anonymous said...

1. He was the fulfillment of the scripture.
2. That it was from God.
3. They all let you know that Jesus is God. Sent from God and what was to come.
4. Because the people who rejected him were living in the flesh. It is like when you have to become a fool to gain. They could not see past themselves to become as fools per say.
5. I would let them know that we are free because of what Jesus did for us. If we believe in Christ, Our lives will be eternally blessed. We may not see rewards now, but we will...
6. Full of grace and truth.Love.No one has seen him except Jesus.

Anonymous said...

1. I really don't have a person that I would say wow, I must meet them. To me all people are on the same playing field. Some just are more popular which may not be a bonus. I would like to get to spend another day with my father though. He passed away in 1989 and I don't know if he was saved.
2. I hope it will help me to become more familiar with the Bible so when I witness to others I will have a bigger arsenal to the "TOUGH" questions I get sometimes.

Anonymous said...

1. What famous person alive today would you like to spend a day with? Why?

Because i like him and he is a good actor!!!

2. What do you hope will happen in your life as a result of studying the Gospel of John?

That God would make me a better christian and lead me where He would want me to go!

I would have doen this yesturday but i didnt see it!

Anonymous said...

2. He created everything in the beginning and shined out the darkness with his light.

3. Jesus Christ, the Word, was never created.

4. He gave light to all of us.

5. Those who believe in him will become his children. We are born again.

6. Jesus came into the world as a man with grace and truth from God.

Anonymous said...

1.Why do you think John calls Jesus"the Word"? Because John knew that God knows everything and the Word is God.

2.In verses 1-5 what facts does John declare to be true of the Word? Ligh of the world

3. Which of these facts most helps you understand who Jesus is? all of them no one question helps me more

4.John contrasts Jesus rejection by the majority with his reception by a few (vv.9-13). What truths about Jesus should have brought the majority to receive Him? That Jesus is the light and he made everything.

5.How would you explain to someone the meaning and results of receiving Jesus vv.(12-13)? Meaning is you will have an everlasting home in heaven with no sin or pain Results witnessing to others and living for God.

6.According to verses 14-18 what specific aspects of God's character are revealed to us through Jesus? grace and truth

Anonymous said...

1.God made the world and He is perfect with no sin and what the bible mainly teaches us is not to sin.
2.that God is the world, God has made everything, and God overcomes evil.
3.that God has made everything and even though we havent seen Him He is real.
4.Because the people are His own creation.
5.That your parents naturally made you but God gave you life.
6.that God is perfect and even though we have not seen Him He is the one and only God.

Anonymous said...

1.I think that John calls Jesus the Word becaus without Jesus there would not be the Bible or even the world.

2.That Jesus is the light.

3.I think both of them help. Because if there was no Jesus there would be no us, and if there was no light there would be no salvation.

4.That he was the Messaih that they were waiting for but they were blinded so they didn't see that he was who he said was.

5.I would tell that person that once you recieve Him you would have eternal life and have a joyful life.Once you are saved you could lead more people to Jesus and those people could lead more and more to Jesus.

6.That He is grace.

Anonymous said...

1.God always was and always will be.Christ was one with God, but was also His way of sharing the message with us.

2.God is eternal and He created everything.He came to be a light in a dark world, but they were stubborn and did not accept Him.

3.He was in the beginning with God tells me that He is God and will never leave me.

4.The Jews wanted a king to free them from Roman rule,and were looking to Christ for that.They were looking for the wrong type of freedom.They really needed a spiritual king .

5.If you recieve Him, you become His child.You do not have to pay the penalty for your sin because you have accepted what Christ has done for you.

6.His love,grace,and truth were exemplified through Christ's coming to earth.