Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Joseph's Early Years - Tattletale or Truth-Teller - Devo for 08/30/08

Genesis 37

Nobody wants to be a "narc"...although, if we got rid of all narcs, we would have a whole lot more drug-related crime and tragedies. Some teens, in an attempt to have a godly school or youth group, are pegged as undercover cops or secret agents. That's too bad. Allowing a nest of poisonous snakes to make themselves at home in your group is crazy.

A commentator named John Butler gives us a few questions to ask in trying to decide where Joseph was coming from.

1. Who did Joseph talk to?
2. Who do gossips usually talk to?
3. What did Joseph say?
4. Did he tell the truth or make it all up?
(If gossips were limited to just the facts, they would not have many juicy things to say.)
5. Why did Joseph speak?
6. If he was simply trying to get his brothers into trouble then he would be a tattletale. If he really wanted to help his brothers to stop their wickedness then he would be considered a truth-teller! The last time you "told on" someone, was it to help them or to get them in trouble?

Based on the questions above, write three principles that show the difference between tattling and honestly trying to help.

Joseph's Early Years - Tattletale or Truth-Teller - Devo for 08/29/08

Genesis 37

1. The third mention of Joseph is his name in a list with his brothers in Genesis 35:24. What happened to Joseph's mother right before this? (Genesis 35:16-20)
2. Joseph got a little brother and lost his mother on the same day. It's tough to grow up, especially without a mom. Do you know anyone whose mom has already died?
3. How could you be an encouragement to them?
4. The fourth mention of Joseph is Genesis 37:1-2. Nobody wants to be called a tattletale - they have a way of getting us into trouble. There are two very different approaches to Genesis 37:1-2. Either Joseph was simply giving the facts and telling his dad what was going on or he was selfishly trying to get his brothers into trouble. (By the way, if we don't do anything bad, then we cannot be tattled on.) What is the difference between telling someone who can help and malicious gossip?

Joseph's Early Years - Tattletale or Truth-Teller - Devo for 08/28/08

Genesis 37

1. Let's look at what Scripture tells us of Joseph as a kid. Joseph is first seen in Genesis 30:22-24. In this passage, what is implied about Rachel in verse 22?
2. Although Rachel struggled with discontent, she must have prayed. How important is it for us to pray about our burdens?
3. Genesis 33:1-7 is the second time we find Joseph. Jacob is afraid that Esau may follow through with his threat of killing Jacob. Why do you think Jacob lined up his family the way he did in Genesis 33:1-7?
4. It could be that Joseph and Rachel were considered Jacob's most prize possessions, so he gave them premium protection. What we prize in life is what we protect, guard, and are willing to fight for. What is the most important thing in your life?

Intro to Section 2 - Joseph's Early Years

Joseph was a 17-year old with character. Genesis 37 is filled with some of the problems Joseph faced as a young man. He not only was surrounded by envy, hatred, and jealousy, he had just lost his mother. It is tough for any teen to watch a parent die. It seemed that as much as his father loved him, his brothers hated him. He was in a no-win situation with his older brothers. It was quite obvious that his father loved him more than his other brothers and was grooming him to take over the family. You see, his other brothers had disqualified themselves to rule the family. Reuben was immoral with Bilhah; Simeon and Levi in anger went on a murder spree; and Judah chose to mix in with the Canaanites and be like them. Joseph seemed to be the only one that had a heart for God. Not only did Jacob see this, but God did also. God spoke to Joseph through dreams just as He did to the Patriarchs before him: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God and Jacob had special plans for Joseph. But his brothers had other ideas. Because of their hatred and jealousy, they simply wanted to do away with Joseph, thus doing away with the notion that he would someday rule over them.

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/27/08

Genesis 38:1-30

Study the following words and their meanings from 2 Corinthians 6 and match each of these five words with the proper application below.

FELLOWSHIP: a sharer, a partnership, an associate or friend
COMMUNION: fellowship, doing things together
CONCORD: accordance, harmony, togetherness
PART: to have in common, an inheritance to look forward to
AGREEMENT: thinking alike, in accord with, no friction

1. Without ___________ there will be no eternal inheritance together: one will spend eternity in heaven and the other in hell.
2. Without ___________ there is constant discord and friction: no harmony.
3. Without ___________ there will be no close fellowship or doing things together as a loving couple.
4. Without ___________ there is no strong companionship or friendship: they will not share the joy of living together as best friends.
5. Without ___________ there will be constant disagreement and arguing.

According to Jacob's final words of blessing on Judah, we assume that Judah had a change of heart in his later years and sought to know and please God. God does forgive, but the consequences of sin are great.

1. What kind of son was Judah's first son, Er, and what did God have to do to him? (Genesis 38:7)
2. Before Judah was 35 years old, what happened to his wife? (Genesis 38:12)
3. Judah suffered great heartache because he chose to live like the world and refused to be separate from unbelievers. What does God want from us today?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/26/08

Genesis 38:1-30

1. What was Judah's great-grandfather, Abraham, concerned about when it came time to find a wife for Isaac? (Genesis 24:1-4)
2. According to Genesis 26:34-35 and 28:1-4, what were Isaac and Rebekah's thoughts on their sons marrying those who did not believe in Jehovah God?
3. Write the principle found in Deuteronomy 7:2-4 in regards to marrying an unbeliever.
4. Are you a Christian (that means trusting in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation)?
5. What does God say in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 about who a Christian should marry?

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/25/08

Genesis 38:1-30

1. This will blow your mind, but Judah was probably around 14 years old when his first son, Er, was born, around 28 when his grandson, Perez, was born and about 43 when his great-grandson, Hezron, was born. Even as a 14-year-old, rather than please God by keeping separate from unbelievers, he wanted to be liked and accepted by the people he lived around regardless of what they believed or how they lived. According to Genesis 38:1, 12, and 20, who was Judah's best friend from the city of Adullam?
2. From what you read in verse 20, did Hirah try to keep Judah from sinning or become a part of the attempted cover-up of the sin?
3. What two qualifications of friends are mentioned in Psalm 119:63?
4. Would you say your best friends fear God and try to obey God's Word?
5. Do your best friends help you sin or help you stay away from sin?
6. In what ways can a friend help you stay away from sin?
7. What do Proverbs 13:20 and 1 Corinthians 15:33 say about companions?

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/23/08

Genesis 38:1-30

Joseph's older brother, Judah, really blew his testimony in his teen years and early twenties. Even though Joseph and Judah lived at the same time with the same father and knew about the same God, they made very different choices in regards to personal separation. Read the entire chapter of Genesis 38. It is interesting that God put this dark chapter right between chapter 37 where Joseph was bought by Potiphar and chapter 39 where Joseph was tempted by Mrs. Potiphar.

1. Give two possible reason why God placed this chapter where He did.
* Hint 1 - Compare the way Jospeh and Judah handled temptation.
* Hint 2 - God's people were about to mix in with the Canaanite people.
2. Even as a young teen, Judah did not seem content to follow Jehovah, the God of his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. How old do you think Judah was at the beginning of chapter 38?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/22/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Selfish Anger Results in Terrible Consequences
I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel (Genesis 49:7b).

1. God punished Simeon and Levi's family by never letting them own land to call their own. What does Proverbs 19:19 promise?
2. What consequences can selfish anger bring to your life?

We have seen three results of selfish anger. Ask God to protect you from following in Simeon and Levi's footsteps. Handle your anger God's way by confessing it to Him and the individuals involved.

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/21/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Selfish Anger Abounds in Foolishness and Cruelty
...for in their anger they slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: (Genesis 49:6b-7a).

Angry people do things they would not normally do when they are not angry.

1. Have you ever been so mad you said or did some things you wish you wouldn't have?
2. Not only did these guys violently murder many people, they took their swords and cut the tendons in the back of the oxen's legs to lame them, just out of sheer meanness and cruelty! What does God say in the following verses about the foolishness of anger?
* Job 5:2
* Proverbs 14:17
* Proverbs 14:29
* Proverbs 29:22
* Ecclesiastes 7:9

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/20/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Selfish Anger Drives Loved Ones Away
O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: (Genesis 49:6a).

This actually means, "Let me not enter into their council or join in their assembly." In other words, "Because of their selfish anger, I do not respect what they have to say and I'm not going to hang out with them or join their group of friends."

1. What does Proverbs 22:24-25 teach us?
2. What could you learn if you became best friends with an angry person?
3. Read what happened to Joseph's father in Genesis 27:41-45. What did Esau's anger cause Jacob to do?
4. Do you like being around brothers, sisters, or even parents when they are angry?
5. Do you think they like being around you when you are mad?
6. What needs to change in your life?

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/19/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Joseph had two very angry brothers: Simeon and Levi. Jacob describes their selfish, angry character in Genesis 49:5-7. At first glance, it seems that Simeon's and Levi's anger against Shechem was justified. Read what happened in Genesis 34. Simeon's and Levi's slaughter and spoil of the city was not a "righteous indignation" (a right kind of anger) but a violent and vengeful murder spree that was quite displesing to Jacob and to God.

1. How do you handle anger? Are you the kind that "blows up" or "clams up"?
2. When was the last time you lost your temper? Who was it toward and what did you say or do that you wished you wouldn't have?

We are going to spend the next several devos looking at principles we can learn from these brothers' lives regarding selfish anger.

Selfish Anger Leads to Violence
Instruments of cruelty are in their habitations (Genesis 49:5b).

This phrase means, "their swords are implements of violence." The instrument of cruelty is speaking about a sword. Because of what happened to their sister Dinah, these guys went crazy killing everyone in their path. There are many who are physically abused because of uncontrolled anger.

1. What did Jesus imply was the root sin of murder in Matthew 5:21-22?
2. Have you ever seen a brother or sister so mad they said, "I wish you were dead" or "I'm going to kill you"? In Genesis 4:5-10, who was wroth or angry?
3. Why was he so upset?
4. What was his brother's name?
5. What did he do to him?

Selfish anger, the kind that leads to violence and abuse, is sin.

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Reuben - Devo for 08/18/08

Genesis 29:32; 35:22; 37:21-26; 42:20-22; 49:1-4


#3 - Reuben chose to be a loser in the face of his family.
1. He let his little brother down and lied to his father causing great pain and heartache. Reuben didn't care how they felt. Do you care about your family?
2. Does your attitude hurt your mom and/or dad?
3. Spiritually, do you help your brother or sister or hurt them?
4. Go back to Jacob's blessing in Genesis 49:4. He called Reuben unstable as water which is controlled by the temperature around it. Are you controlled by temptation, peer pressure, and selfishness?

Reuben could have been a leader, but he chose to be a loser.

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Reuben - Devo for 08/16/08

Genesis 29:32; 35:22; 37:21-26; 42:20-22; 49:1-4

Read Genesis 37:17-36. Reuben did have his limits. But he chose to compromise rather than take a stand against his brothers. Read Genesis 37:21-22 again. He wanted to free Joseph from his hateful brothers and should have taken Joseph home to Jacob. Verse 21 says, he heard it. Reuben's brothers were not afraid to talk about their murderous plan in his presence.

#2 - Reuben chose to be a loser in the face of peer pressure.
1. What do your friends talk about in your company?
2. Do your friends know that you love God and hate sin so much that you would do whatever you could to stop them?
3. Reuben sought to live on the edge. In essence he was saying, "Let's not kill him and be personally guilty for his death; just throw him in a pit and he will die naturally!" Reuben wanted to keep Joseph from being killed, bu he also wanted to fit in with his brothers. Is that how you live your life?
4. Do you ever compromise with sin by thinking, "I'll go to the party, but I will not get involved." What does Proverbs 1:10 say about peer pressure?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Reuben - Devo for 08/15/08

Genesis 29:32; 35:22; 37:21-26; 42:20-22; 49:1-4

Joseph's oldest brother was Reuben. As the firstborn son, Reuben was in line to become the leader of the entire nation of Israel. Read the above mentioned passages to get a quick glimpse of his life.

1. In Genesis 49, we find Jacob on his deathbed leaving his sons with words of blessing and rebuke. What is he saying?

There are three areas in Reuben's life where he chose to be a loser rather than a leader.

#1 - Reuben chose to be a loser in the face of temptation.
1. Read Genesis 35:19-22. What tragedy happened in Jacob's life? (35:19)
2. What tragedy happened in Reuben's life? (35:22)
3. The sin of immorality has great consequences. What three consequences does Proverbs 6:32-33 say come with adultery?
4. How did Joseph handle the same temptation in a very different way? (Genesis 39:7-10)
5. In a few words, what do the following verses say about our personal purity and how we should handle the sin of immorality?
* 1 Corinthians 6:15-20
* 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Mother: Rachel - Devo for 08/14/08

Genesis 29-30

1. Now Jacob had a problem. Because he did not follow God's example given to Adam and Eve, one wife for one husband, he was caught in a culturally acceptable situation that brought nothing but jealousy, hatred, and envy into his life. Even though Rachel has a husband who loved her very much, that was not enough. She thought she had to have more to be happy and content. What made Rachel so envious of her sister? (30:1)
2. You can see Leah's and Rachel's attitudes of jealousy, envy, and the way they fought for Jacob's love by the names they gave their children. Read each verse and name meaning and try to imagine what Leah and Rachel were thinking as each child was born.
* Reuben: see a son (29:32)
* Simeon: hearing (29:33)
* Levi: attached (29:34)
* Judah: praise (29:35)
* Dan: judge (30:6)
* Naphtali: my wrestling (30:8)
* Gad: to attack or invade as an army troop (30:11)
* Asher: happy (30:13)
* Issachar: he will bring a reward (30:18)
* Zebulun: to dwell with (30:20)
* Joseph: give me another (30:22-24)
* Benomi: sorrow (35:16-18)

Applying This to Your Life
Search your heart through the principles below to see if you have a discontented heart. Ask God to replace a discontented heart with a thankful heart.
* Discontent Compares! "Look what they have!" 2 Corinthians 10:12
* Discontent Complains! "I'll never enjoy that in my life!" Psalm 37:1-7
* Discontent Craves! "I'll never be happy until I get everything I want!" Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:11; 1 Timothy 6:8

Joseph seemed to make the best out of every situation. Obviously he did not learn it from his discontented family. Remember, God has already given us everything we need for our present contentment. Never allow discontent to destroy a thankful heart. Be thankful today!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Mother: Rachel - Devo for 08/13/08

Genesis 29-30

1. Remembering the customs of the time, what did Jacob and Laban have in common with the way Jacob greeted Rachel and Laban greeted Jacob?
2. There is a special joy when you know you are right in the middle of God's will. Jacob listened to his parents in his choice of a life mate while his brother, Esau, did not. According to Genesis 26:34-35, how did Isaac and Rebekah feel about the girl Esau chose to marry?
3. It is very important to honor your parents in your search for a life mate...even in the early stages. From Genesis 29:16-17, describe the appearance of Leah and Rachel.
4. According to Genesis 29:18, 20, and 30, describe Jacob's love for Rachel.
5. Using Ephesians 5:25 and Colossians 3:19 and what we learned from Jacob's love for Rachel, explain how a husband today should love his wife.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Mother: Rachel - Devo for 08/12/08

Genesis 29-30 (this is the main reading for this section about Rachel)

Even though Rachel, Joseph's mother, had a precious son and a husband that loved her, she still struggled with discontentment. This is not uncommon even today. Many homes are filled with discontented kids, discontented dads, and discontented moms. Let's look closely at Rachel's life and see what God would have us to learn.

1. We first find Rachel in Genesis 29:6 as she brought her father's sheep to water at a well where Jacob had stopped on his journey. What did Jacob do to help Rachel in verse 10?
2. According to verse 11, how did Jacob express his joy and thankfulness for God's leading him to to his Uncle Laban?
3. How was Jacob honoring his parents on this journey? (Read Genesis 28:6-7)

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Father: Jacob - Devo for 08/11/08

Genesis 25 and 27

1. The third problem Jacob faced that could have fueled his disinterest in his sons was guilt. It is hard to deal with sin in others, even in your own children, when you have not dealt with that same sin in your own life! What does 1 John 1:9 promise to those who confess their sin?
2. If we do not seek forgiveness from God and the ones we have sinned against, we will live in constant guilt and be too ashamed to confront those same sins in others' lives. What happened in Jacob's past with Esau that made it hard for him to deal with the hatred, anger, and jealousy between his sons and his wives? (Genesis 27)
3. Jacob's sons lied to him and deceived him about Joseph's death. Can you remember a time when Jacob lied to and deceived his own father? What happened? (Genesis 27)
4. Even though Joseph did not have a perfect role model as a father, he did not copy and repeat his father's mistakes. Joseph had the character to make choices that pleased God. Are you using a tough home situation as an excuse for not doing right?

Like Joseph, you can be diffent. Strive to be like Christ and keep your focus on Him, and not on others.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Father: Jacob - Devo for 08/09/08

Genesis 25 and 27

1. Read Genesis 32:6-7. Why do you think Jacob feared his brother Esau so much?
2. What did Esau promise in Genesis 27:41-45?
3. Who else did Jacob fear in Genesis 34:30?
4. What do the following passages say about fear?
* Proverbs 29:25
* 2 Timothy 1:7

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Father: Jacob - Devo for 08/08/08

Genesis 25 and 27

1. What does 2 Corinthians 10:12 say about comparing ourselves with others?
2. Jacob probably felt like a nobody in his dad's eyes and that his dad really did not care about what was going on in his life. The problem was that he seemed to be just as disinterested in his own son's lives. Do we have to repeat the mistakes of others in our own lives?
3. Do you think that when we stand before God He will listen to our excuse, "Well, that's just the way I was raised?"
4. According to Romans 14:10-12 and 2 Corinthians 5:10, what will we be accountable for?

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Father: Jacob - Devo for 08/07/08

Genesis 25 and 27 (this is the main reading for this section about Jacob)

Although Jacob had great faith, he was a disinterested dad. He did not get involved in the lives of his children! Jacob was an impartial, unfair, disinterested dad...and the consequences were great.
1. Someone has categorized dads in four ways: neglectful, permissive, authoritarian, and biblical. Jacob was a mix of all four but leaned heavily on the neglectful side. Jacob was raised by a disinterested, neglectful dad and seemed to simply repeat how his father raised him. Who was Jacob's father? (Genesis 25:19)
2. How old was Isaac when Jacob was born? (Genesis 25:26)
3. According to Genesis 25:27-28, did Isaac seem more interested in his first son, Esau, than he was with Jacob?
4. Why did Isaac seem to be interested in Esau but disinterested in Jacob?
5. Jacob lived in a home where there was constant comparison. Describe the differences in looks, interests, and lifestyles between Jacob and Esau. (Genesis 25:24-34; 27:11-23)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Intro to Our Study of Joseph - Joseph's Family Album

Joseph was a teenager with character. Today we are surrounded with apathy, dishonesty, and compromise. Strong character is essential for spiritual success. As a teen, Joseph was hit in the face with hatred, mistreatment, lies, temptations, undeserved punishment, and gross misunderstanding. How did he handle all this? Joseph kept his focus on God and refused to get angry or bitter.

Godly character was as uncommon in Joseph's day as it is today. Our ultimate goal as Christians is to become just like Jesus Christ. God gives us many examples in Scripture that we can learn from to achieve Christlikeness or Christlike character. This section of our Bible study will concentrate on Joseph's family and home situation. Good kids come from good homes or bad homes. The consistency of good parents gives us the desire to follow their examples of godliness and God-pleasing living. The consistency of wickedness in the home often develops a driving desire to be different in the heart of a teen. Either way, each one of us can be just as close to God as we want to be. There is no excuse to live a life without godly character. We all make independent choices every day. Joseph was definitely different than many of those in his family. Let's see what we can learn about how Joseph overcame a very difficult home situation. I trust this section will give each of you hope that regardless of your background you can still live a victorious, God-pleasing life.

A Walk with a Resurrected Man - Part 3 - Devo for 08/06/08

John 21:15-25

Responsive Questions
1. How does it help to know that you can still serve and glorify God no matter what your past failures have been?
2. What does Jesus' rebuke to Peter (v. 22) reveal about the danger of comparing ourselves with other Christians?
3. Picture Jesus saying these things to you. How would you respond, or what would the words mean in the context of your life?
* "Do you truly love me?"
* "Take care of my sheep."
* "You must follow me."

Applying Chapter 21 in Your Life
1. As you have studied John's Gospel, what aspects of Jesus' character or ministry have impressed you most?
2. What responses have you made in your heart and life as a result of that deeper understanding?

A Walk with a Resurrected Man - Part 2 - Devo for 08/05/06

John 21:15-25 (this passage is for today and tomorrow)

Responsive Questions
1. What subtle differences do you notice in Jesus' three questions and Peter's responses?
2. What do you think is the significance of those differences?
3. What can we learn from this passage about the steps involved in restoring a Christian who has sinned?
4. Why do you think Jesus chooses this particular occasion to predict the kind of death Peter would die (vv. 18-19)?

A Walk with a Resurrected Man - Part 1 - Devo for 08/04/08

Reflective Questions
Describe how you feel when someone you have hurt refuses to forgive you.

John 21:1-14

Responsive Questions
1. What is the significance of Peter's decision to return to fishing (vv. 1-3)?
2. What is Jesus trying to show the disciples by allowing them to catch such a large number of fish (vv. 4-6; see Luke 5:4-11)?
3. When Peter hears that "it is the Lord" (vv. 7-8), he jumps into the water and begins swimming ahead of the boat. What does that response reveal about Peter and his relationship with Jesus?
4. How would you have responded if you had denied Jesus just a few days earlier?

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Son is Up! - Part 3 - Devo for 08/02/08

John 20:19-31

Responsive Questions
1. What can we learn from Jesus' encounter with Thomas about helping people who have doubts about the Christian message?
2. On what evidence do you base your belief that Jesus rose from the dead?
3. Is believing that Jesus rose from the dead as important as believing that he died on the cross for our sins? Explain why or why not.
4. John tells us why he has written his Gospel in verses 30 and 31. Of all the "miraculous signs" John has included, which have been most convincing to you, and why?

Applying Chapter 20 in Your Life
Mary Magdalene wanted to hold on to Jesus, but Jesus sent her on a mission to tell others that he was alive. Who is someone you can tell about Jesus and his resurrection? Make a plan to talk with that person this week. Ask God to give you an opportunity to share the message.

The Son is Up! - Part 2 - Devo for 08/01/08

John 20:19-31 (read this passage today and tomorrow)

Responsive Questions
1. When Jesus appears to his disciples, what specific gifts and promises does he give them (vv. 19-23)?
2. What do you think is the significance of each gift or promise?
3. Finally, Jesus appears to Thomas (vv. 24-29). How does Thomas' attitude - both before and after Jesus appears to him - add credibility to the resurrection?
4. How does Thomas' exclamation "My Lord and my God" (v. 28) provide a fitting climax to John's Gospel?