Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Walk with a Resurrected Man - Part 2 - Devo for 08/05/06

John 21:15-25 (this passage is for today and tomorrow)

Responsive Questions
1. What subtle differences do you notice in Jesus' three questions and Peter's responses?
2. What do you think is the significance of those differences?
3. What can we learn from this passage about the steps involved in restoring a Christian who has sinned?
4. Why do you think Jesus chooses this particular occasion to predict the kind of death Peter would die (vv. 18-19)?


Anonymous said...

1. The first question is different than the last 2. His last response is different from his first 2 responses.

2. Jesus was referring to a different type of love every time.

3. To be gentle with them and not start yelling at them or punishing them.

4. Because Peter was listening to Him. He had Peters full attention.

Anonymous said...

1. They are all different questions.

2. Love

3. By not yelling at them but telling them they have sinned in a kind way.

4. Because Peter was listening to him.

Anonymous said...

1. Jesus started out asking Peter if he loved Him more than what others thought...Peter seems non-committal. Then Jesus lessened the just, "Do you love me?" it seems that Peter even struggled with that quesiton as well.
2. Jesus was asking Peter about a different quality of love than what Peter was willing to commit to.
3. Jesus was so loving...He took the first step toward reconciliation, though He didn't have to. He did a kind service to Peter and the other disciples by feeding them breakfast after a long night of fishing. He initiated the conversation. Too often we expect the person who has offended us to make the first step.
4. He was showing that Peter would indeed serve Him till death. That Peter, even though he was scared and humiliated at that moment, would indeed love Jesus with the ultimate love. Christ know what Peter would become...this was actually meant to be somewhat of an encouragement to Peter...affirming that He had worth in Christ's eyes, even though he had none in his own.

Anonymous said...

responsive questions:

1.well i think the second time peter realized that Jesus was doing that because he had denied Jesus 3 times so he responded differently than before.

2.well i think Jesus was trying to show him that He knows everything and he knew that peter denied him three times.

3.we need to be smart in wat we say and tell them that God knows all things and we are here to win souls for him but we cant do that if we have done wrong and not repented. peter would learn to trust in God and not deny him in all situations.

Anonymous said...

1. well the first 2 questions are differant from the last one and he response is differant from his first 2.
2. the differant type of love he was referring to each time.
3. just letting them know that they have sinned and remeind them that God still loves them.
4. so that peter would learn to not deny him in any situation.

Anonymous said...

1. He asked the first time if he truly loved him more than these, the second time he said do you truly love me and the third time he asked do you love me.
2. to see what his answers would be
3. be compassionate and show forgiveness
4. SO he would glorify God