Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Joseph's Early Years - "Dad Always Liked You Best!" - Devo for 09/05/08

Genesis 37

1. What does Ephesians 4:29, 31, and 32 say about how we should talk to each other?

Ephesians 4:29 speaks of corrupt, rotten, cut-you-down kind of words.

2. Explain how arguing and fighting are corrupt.
3. Explain how sassing and talking back to parents are corrupt.
4. Explain how making fun of and cutting down are corrupt.

God loves us with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He loved us while we were yet sinners. God does not play favorites. Read the verses below and comment on how God does not respect one person above another.

1. John 3:15-17
2. Romans 2:11
3. 1 Peter 1:17

God loves us with an unconditional love - no strings attached. He does not love us by the way we look or the abilities we have. He just loves us! And we should do the same for others. Don't play favorites!


Anonymous said...


1.we need to only say things that are uplifting to one another and not say things that will hurt them.
we need to get rid of all the bitterness and hatred inside of us. doesnt bring pleasure to God, it stands in the way of you doing His plan for you, and it affects your life and character greatly.

3.well God gave you parents to watch out for you, and prepare you for life, God put them in authority and so we need to obey them no matter what (unless they want you to do wrong things) sometimes causes people to commit suiside, also how does that look on your part as a christian, if we bring down others were just like everyone else.

1.God sent His son to save all, not just a couple people, EVERYONE!!

2.God doesnt have favorites...simple as that.

3.God judges everyone equally.

Anonymous said...

1.we souldn't say bad things about people. we should encourage them with kind words. the Bible says Be ye kind one to another tenderhearted, forgiving one another.
2.its not right. it is a disapointment to God.
3.same thing it is a dissapointment to God. we are supposed to honor our parents.
4.again it is like a sin. we souldn't makew fun or bring someone down we should be lifting them up.

1.God loves the whole world says there is no respect of persons with God
3.our faith is much more precious than gold

Anonymous said...

1. we need to get rid of all the bitterness and hatred inside of us.
2. well it makes God very dissapointed.
3. well we are given parents to guide us and we need to honor them it dissapoints God.
4. well it makes people feel bad and it is a sin and God doesnt like it so we shouldnt do it.

1. God loves everyone.
2. well that no one is Gods fav person.
3. we mean more than gold to God and God doesnt judge us unfair.

Anonymous said...

1. no bad things about people
2. because they bring people down
3. Because God says obey your Parents.
4. Because it is a sin

1. God loves Everyone
2. God doesn't have favorites
3. God judges everyone

Anonymous said...

1.dont say anything mean , be encouraging.

2.your angry you say things you dont mean.its not Christ like.

3.totally against what the Bible tells us to do.its disobedience.

4.its the opposite of what the Bible says.

1.Jesus died on the cross for everybody.

2.God doesnt show favoritism.

3.Jesus is impartial.

Anonymous said...

1. we are to put away any corrupt talking...evil, mean, unkind. Our speech is to be full of kindness, forgiveness...that gives a gift to others, basically.
2. arguing and fighting go against God's nature, and we are to be reflections of Him.
3. God says we are to honor and obey our parents. To sass and talk back goes against what God has mandated for our own good ("that it may be well with you")
4. Making fun of and cutting people down is saying that God made a mistake when He created them IN HIS IMAGE.

1. His Son Jesus died for all men.
2. God plainly says He doesn't favor one over another.
3. God will look at our works for Him equally...not favoring one person over another.

Anonymous said...

1.We should edify (encourage) one another,not tear them down.
2.When we argue and fight,our words are usually harsh and meant to bring the other person down.
3.It is disrespectful,and God says to honor your parents.
4.God loves everyone,and we should treat others with His love through us.When we make fun of others,we are putting them down.

1.God sent His son to die for eveyone.
2.He doen't have favorites.
3.He looks at us equally.

Anonymous said...

1. We need to speak words that will edify others and not words that will bring them down. We need to be of help to others.

2. Because we are not helping anyone, we are just making things worse and not helping anything.

3. Because it is not the Godly thing to do, back talking is disobeying which according to the bible is sin.

4. It is corrupt because we are "destroying" the other person instead of helping them.

1. God loved the World and everyone in it.
2. God doesn't have favorites.
3. He judges everyone equally.