Acts: The Spread of the Gospel
This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!
This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!
The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.
Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Joseph's Early Years - Obedience: Quickly, Sweetly, and Completely - Devo for 09/16/08
Genesis 37:12-17
1. Why is it hard at times for you to obey authority quickly?
2. Explain the difference between obeying with a "sweet" attitude and a "not-so-sweet" attitude.
3. How would the principle of "complete" obedience affect the way you clean your room, help clean up the kitchen, or respect a curfew set by your parents?
4. What is the 5th commandment of the ten commandments? (Exodus 20:12)
1. because i dont want to do what they ask.
2. sweet- say yes with no questions asked. not so sweet- doing it but not happy and asking why do i have to do this.
3. well i would so it without my parents asking me to and i would see something that needs to be done and i would do it.
4. honor thy father and thy mother.
1.well, because i dont want to most of the time lol and maybe sometimes im mad at them so i just dont want to listen to them lol.
2.a "sweet" attitude is being respectful and a "not-so-sweet" attitude is being disrespectful. parents and i wouldnt have any problems and our house would be peaceful.
4.honor the father and thy mother and thy days will be long upon the earth.
1.cause sometimes i want to do it my way and not theirs.
2.sweet would be saying yes i will do it or something like that and having the mine set that you want to do it and not-so-sweet would be like fine i will do it but only cause i don't have anything else to do and in your imnd be saying ugly stuff about the person that asked you to do it.
3.just to do it without anyone asked me and to follow my curfew and be home no time to not break it and just to be helpful clean up the kitchen.
4.Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy only days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
1. It is hard at times to obey quickly because of my own selfishness.
2. Obeying with a sweet attitude means not complaining and to do whatever you are told to do right away. A not-so-sweet attitude is someone who complains, argues, and tries to get out of doing the task. If that isn't succesful, they procrastinate thinking that if they wait long enough, the task might go away. If that doesn't work, then they complain and act childish during the completion of the task.
3. Complete obedience would mean: cleaning my room - everything would be put neatly in its proper place; cleaning up the kitchen - staying in the kitchen until all is completely finished, not leaving after only throwing the dishes in the sink for someone else to take care of; curfew - being home at the right time, without trying to convince your parents you need more time.
4. to honor your father and mother
1. Because sometimes i don't want to.
2. A sweet Attitude is you jump up and do it right then a not so sweet attitude is you say i will do it later and never do it.
3. If my parent did not ask me to do the dishes i would probaly do them if no one eles is.
4. Honor your father and your mother.
1.because I'm lazy sometimes
2.Having a "sweet" attitude means doing things when you're asked, and having a "not so sweet" attitude means not doing things when asked.
3.Bye following directions
4.Honor your father and mother
1.because i dont want to.or i dont feel like it.
2.doing it with the right heart and attitude,and doing with the wrong attitude and heart.
3.doing it all the way.
4.honor thy father and mother.
1.Because it sometimes interrupts our activities or we just don't feel like doing it.
2.When we obey with a sweet attitude we do it happily and without yelling back or slamming doors.
3. Well, I would actually clean the room instead of just hidding the dust and trash.
4. Honor thy father and thy mother.
1.cause sometimes i want to do it my own way
2.sweet to sayin yes
3.doing some thing that your parents ask
4.honor of my father and thy father
1. cause i do not want to do what they ask sometimes
2.with a sweetattuide you do not get yelled at and it makes it much eaiser for the person that is asking you to do it.
and with attudit you could get in trouble.
3.i wouldclean with out my parents asking me to and i would come home before my curfew.
4.honor thy father and thy mother.
1.that more people need to be god gril our boy. need to be always sweet and need to be loving to people and other things not be mean all the time.
3.My parent will have a peaceful house and it will not be messey.
4. honer your mom dad and evrybody that is older then you.
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