Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Cost of Friendship - Part 2 - Devo for 06/27/08

John 15:18-25

Responsive Questions
1. Why does Jesus switch from talking about love to talk about hate?
2. What reasons does Jesus give for the world's hatred?
3. Give one or two specific examples of how you have experienced the world's hatred as a Christian. How did you respond to the hostility at the time?
4. What is Jesus teaching in verses 22-25?


Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Why does Jesus switch from talking about love to talk about hate?

Because the opposite of love is hate, and apart from a relationship with Christ, that is a very natural response.

2. What reasons does Jesus give for the world's hatred?

Because believers are chosen by God and do not fit into the world's plans, because they are followers of Jesus, and because the world hates Jesus and God the Father.

3. Give one or two specific examples of how you have experienced the world's hatred as a Christian. How did you respond to the hostility at the time?

When I told someone that I was called into the ministry, they laughed at me and said, "So you are going to rip people off and do nothing and get paid for it!" I just ignored the ridicule and prayed for that person.

4. What is Jesus teaching in verses 22-25?

The fact that Jesus came gives no one an excuse to say they didn't know about their sin, or their need for redemption.

Anonymous said...

1.Sometimes it is hard to love,and we need to know how to handle situations without hating others.
2.because we are not of this world and we have been chosen out of the world
3.I´ve been questioned at school for my descision to change schools and my reasons behind it.
4.They don´t have a reason to doubt or not believe because Jesus came to earth and plainly showed them the way.

Anonymous said...

1.i think cause he was giving both sides first love now hate.

2.well the world hated God and if we were followers od God the world hates us and we would have gone through the same.

3.well i just have been ignored when i have tryed talking about it but not to bad.

4.that even with Jesus showing miracles the people still hated him with no reason.

Anonymous said...

1. To show us what not to do.

2. Because we are not of the world. The world hates Christ and also his followers.

3. People at my old school thought that it is foolish for me to go to Keswick but I just ignored them.

4. Those that hate Christ also hate God.

Anonymous said...

1. because hate is worst than love

2. that we are not of the world we just live here for now.

3. when i was witnessing one day at school the person i was witnessing to said something that i just ignored and i did give her this blog spot but i think the next day she gave it back i don't know if she check it out or not. prayer

4. that if you believe in Jesus you will be saved.

today is my moms birthday but shes not going to be home until after we're in bed.

Anonymous said...

1.Because it is easier to hate than love but you stil can love people.

2.Because everyone would just chose to not love.

3.At school when we had a substitute teacher and the whole class is being bad and I am the only one not people would try to get me to do something bad and if I didn't some people would make fun of me.

4.If you reject Jesus you are rejecting God to.

Anonymous said...

1. I think He wanted us to realize the effects of sinand the world and show us that it is the opposite of what Christ has to offer.

2. Because they do not know God the Father and they do not obey and love the Lord.

3. When I had made the decision to live like a Christian my old friends had a hard time with that and gave me a hard time.
4. He was explaining that since the people have seen Him and He has told them about His Father they are accountable to accept or reject Christ.

Anonymous said...

ooops i did the wrong one yesturday lol sorry.

responsive questions: Jesus could say that if the world hates you that means you are with God but if it loves you that means you are of the world.

2.because we love him.

3.hwen i told someone at my Vhrstian school (pritty sad) that i go to church on wednesdays they were like jeeze why d you go on wednesdays thats weird. i was like how is it weird its a good thing i love to go to church.i was also shocked.

4.that if he had not come that there law would not have come true and that whoever hates him hates his father as well and the world hates Jesus and his father.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
because life cant always be honky-dory and happy all the time.
Answer to 2.
If youre just like the world, they will like u, but if ur not like the world, they might have some hatred for u.
Answer to 3.
Ive been told by some people that some of the rules i have are dumb or stupid.
Answer to 4.
He talks about himself and his father.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)Hw wanted us to know what is hate

2)They aren't saved there for they act like the world

3)Like I talk to people about God at school and they allways listen because there is other people around us

4)That he died on the cross just for a disciple lieing

Anonymous said...

1.he wants us to know what hate is
2.they were not saved to people about god
4.he died on the cross

Anonymous said...

1. because the oppisite of love is hate and you eithe love or hate him.
2. well because God choose the believers and the world just doesnt like them so there is hatred.
3. well in schoold alot of times people would tell lies about me because i tryed to witness to them and i got suspended.
4. well that they have no excause on why they didnt ask for redemption.

Anonymous said...

1.He wants us to know what is very bad haterit is.
2.They they are not saved.
3. you have to talk to people about god.
4.he died on the cross for our sins and then rose agianthe thrid day.

Anonymous said...

1. I that you should not hate
2.They was trying to make a very bad exueses

3. That everybody in this world has to now god before you die