Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The King's Last Acts - Part 3 - Devo for 06/11/08

John 12:37-50

Responsive Questions
1. When we stubbornly refuse to believe, what happens to our spiritual senses, and why (vv. 37-41)?
2. Jesus' last public message to his people is recorded in verses 44-50. What indications do you find that he is still reaching out in love and grace to those who have rejected him?
3. How can you apply the example of Jesus to people who reject you or your witness about Christ?

Applying Chapter 12 in Your Life
1. Jesus refers to our spiritual enemy, Satan, as "the prince of this world" in John 12:31. Earlier Jesus called him a murderer and the father of lies (John 8:44). In what way has Jesus' death on the cross "driven out" Satan?
2. What resources are available to you when you are under attack spiritually?


Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. When we stubbornly refuse to believe, what happens to our spiritual senses, and why (vv. 37-41)?

Our hearts are hardened and our eyes our blinded, because we have seen the truth and still have chosen to reject it.

2. Jesus' last public message to his people is recorded in verses 44-50. What indications do you find that he is still reaching out in love and grace to those who have rejected him?

Jesus pleads with them to accept Him while He is still with them, because once they have the light they will no longer walk in darkness. He challenges them to accept Him becuase one day they will face a judge (God the Father) because of the rejection of His Son.

3. How can you apply the example of Jesus to people who reject you or your witness about Christ?

Simply continue to present the truth with passion and love. Remind them that they are not rejecting you, they are rejecting God, and that they will one day face Him in judgment.

Applying Chapter 12 in Your Life
1. Jesus refers to our spiritual enemy, Satan, as "the prince of this world" in John 12:31. Earlier Jesus called him a murderer and the father of lies (John 8:44). In what way has Jesus' death on the cross "driven out" Satan?

Jesus' death on the cross confirmed the plan of redemption, making Satan's lies obvious and his power useless. Because of Jesus Christ, there is no reason to live in bondage to our sin. Satan has no ability to steal a believer from God's hand. Finally, because of Jesus' death on the cross, Satan, death and hell itself will be thrown into the lake of fire forever.

2. What resources are available to you when you are under attack spiritually?

God's Word, His Holy Spirit, prayer, fasting, and the ability to unite with other believers.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

1. we are not saved.

2. to accept him.

3. That God will take care of you for witnessing.

1. because you can accept Jesus or Satan but not both.

2. That God will potect you

Anonymous said...

responsive questions
1.we cant understand nor do anything but if we believe in god then he will heal us.
2.he will still reach out to those who will not believe in him because he wants everyone to get saved even if they wont except him he will still reach out to them. just to keep trying and maybe eventually they will get saved never give up on telling someone about God.
applying chapter 12 in your life.
1.showed how much better Jesus is then satan shows how Jesus can do miracles.
2.the bible prayer parents adults at the church.pastor matt, pastor jason.

Anonymous said...

responsive questions:

1.we cannot see God and understand what he is trying to teach us.

2.he is giving the people one last chance to repent but he is saying that he is not judging them because that is not his duty.

3.that we need to repent and that we are sinners all of us and Jesus doesnt want to judge us but to save us from our sins because we are sinners and we need him.

applying questions:

1.he gives people a chance to live with him and not be of the world or under the father of lies.,prayer, and support from friends,family,pastors and pastors wives.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Our hearts are hardened and our eyes are blinded.

2. He reaches out to those today who are walking in darkness just like he did in the passage.

3. Never give up.

Applying Chapter 12 in Your Life
1. Because of Christ's death on the cross, we are no longer bound to sin and we have the Holy Spirit.

2. The Bible, the Holy Spirit, and godly leaders.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)We don't care to listen to him

2)I think he is trying to work his power through them so they can accept him

3)By sharing his word and also telling them what he did in my life

Applying Chapter 12 in your Life


2)Family, Friends, God, Prayer, The Bible and etc.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to do # one of the chapter questions so here it is

1)That God gives you a choice either him or Satan(I chose him!!!)

Anonymous said...

1.Our hearts are hardend, and we become blind to spiritual truths.

2.He said that He did not come into the world to judge them,but that they could be saved.

3.Don't be so critical and judge them , but give them the truth and faithfully encourage them.

-Once we are saved,we can never be taken away from Him.
-The Bible is always there as our resource when we need it.

Anonymous said...

1.we really dont care what he dose for us but we should care he deid on the cross for your sins and he took the pain for us
2.god wants us to get saved you and all your friends
3.telling are friends of his word says

1.thats you should loved jesus and hate satan
2.when you lie your talk badly to your parents

Anonymous said...

1.We go away from the Lord and our hearts are hardened.

2.He was giving them a chance to repent and accept him.

3.Keep telling them about God and remind them that it is not you they are not accepting it is God.

Anonymous said...

1. they start to doubt because we are not believing in God and in what he can do so we are doubting.
2. well he pleads with them to accet him befor it is to late and if your saved you dont need to do that again so theres only 1 group left.
3. we can just pray for them not to be stubborn about it or just keep witnessing.

1. well it just shows that Jesus is better because he rose from the dead and was willing to die for us.
2. bible,prayer,pastor,youth pastor anything really.