Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Son is Up! - Part 1 - Devo for 07/31/08

Reflective Questions
1. How would you react if a friend told you he had seen someone raised from the dead?
2. Why is it important to you that Jesus rose from the dead? Could you still believe in him if he had died and we could visit his tomb?

John 20:1-18

Responsive Questions
1. John identifies three witnesses to the empty tomb: Mary Magdalene, Peter and "the other disciple" (John himself). What important details do we learn from each one (vv. 1-9)?
2. Why is it important to prove the tomb was empty?
3. John also records three appearances of the risen Christ: to Mary Magdalene, to his disciples and to Thomas. Why do you think Mary Magdalene doesn't immediately recognize Jesus (vv. 10-15)?
4. After she does recognize him, what impresses you most about their encounter (vv. 16-18)?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Obedient to Death - Part 3 - Devo for 07/30/08

John 19:25-42 (review this passage from yesterday)

Responsive Questions
1. Under the same circumstances, do you think you would have been more like Joseph and Nicodemus or Jesus' disciples? Explain your answer.
2. When it comes to public identification with Jesus, how is it possible to respond in the same ways today?
3. What aspect of Jesus' death has made the deepest impression on you and why?

Applying This Passage in Your Life
1. Some critics of the Bible claim that Jesus never really died on the cross. What evidence does John provide that refutes that view?
2. Why was it so important for John to establish the certainty of Jesus' death?

Obedient to Death - Part 2 - Devo for 07/29/08

John 19:25-42

Responsive Questions
1. How is Jesus' tender care for his mother evident even while he is dying (vv. 26-27)?
2. What is the significance of Jesus' cry in v. 30; see also John 17:4)?
3. What feelings and thoughts would have gone through your mind if you had helped prepare Jesus' body for burial?
4. Where are Jesus' disciples during his crucifixion and burial (see also John 16:32)?
5. Why do you think they are conspicuously absent?

Obedient to Death - Part 1 - Devo for 07/28/08

Reflective Questions
When you think about death, what feelings and thoughts come to mind?

John 19:17-24

Responsive Questions
1. Crucifixion was obviously a brutal and tortuous form of execution. Why do you think John leaves so much of the agonizing detail out of his account?
2. Three groups are involved in Jesus' death - the soldiers, the Jewish leaders and Pilate. How would you characterize each one's attitude toward Jesus?
3. In what ways do their attitudes toward Jesus parallel those of men and women today?
4. How do you think Mary, Jesus' mother, feels as she stands by the cross?

Character Test - Part 2 - Devo for 07/15/08

John 18:38-19:16

Responsive Questions
1. Pilate obviously is trying to release Jesus. What specific attempts does he make?
2. How does it make you feel when you read the record of injustice done toward Jesus?
3. What can you conclude about Pilate's character after reading this passage?
4. The Jews' true charge against Jesus comes out in verse 7. Why do you think Pilate reacts to that statement the way he does (19:8-9)?
5. Why doesn't Jesus say more to Pilate and defend himself more vigorously (19:9-11)?
6. What does this passage teach you about how to respond when you are treated injustly?

Applying This Passage in Your Life
Who or what competes with Christ for authority over your life?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Character Test - Part 1 - Devo for 07/14/08

Reflective Questions
1. To what extent are you tempted to compromise your Christian faith or witness becuase of pressure from people around you?
2. Describe a situation in which you sensed that pressure.

John 18:28-37

Responsive Questions
1. A Roman trial included four basic elements. What events or statements from John's account fall under each category?
* The accusation:
* The interrogation or search for evidence:
* The defense:
* The verdict:
2. How do the Jewish leaders reveal their hypocrisy by refusing to enter Pilate's (a non-Jewish) home (v. 28)?
3. How would you describe Jesus' "kingdom" based on his response to Pilate (vv. 36-37)?

Trial & Trust - Part 3 - Devo for 07/12/08

John 18:12-27

Responsive Questions
1. John writes this account to highlight Jesus' courage, his power, and his obedienceto the Father. Which aspect of Jesus' character impresses you most?
2. What can you do to more clearly express your loyalty to Jesus when you around other people?

Applying This Passage in Your Life
1. What are some ways that you can show boldness and courage when sharing your faith in Christ?
2. Ask God to help you stand for Christ no matter the circumstances.

Trial & Trust - Part 2 - Devo for 07/11/08

John 18:12-27 (this passage is used tomorrow as well)

Responsive Questions
1. How does a look at your own sin change your attitude toward Peter's denial of Jesus?
2. If you had been in Peter's place, what reasons might you have given for denying that you were a disciple of Jesus?
3. When and where is it hardest for you to openly identify yourself as a Christian?
4. What can we learn from Peter's failure about being prepared to stand against the world's challenges?

Friday, July 11, 2008

Trial & Trust - Part 1 - Devo for 07/10/08

Reflective Questions
1. How would you respond if someone falsely accused you of a crime and even called the police to have you arrested?
2. What would you do if someone betrayed your best friend?

John 18:1-11

Responsive Questions
1. If you had been one of Jesus' disciples, what emotions would have gripped you when the soldiers arrived at the garden?
2. Why would Jesus go to a place where Judas knew he might be found (vv. 1-3)?
3. When the soldiers say they are seeking Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus replies "I am he" v. 5). How would you explain the reaction of the soldiers (v. 6)?
4. What insight do Peter's action and Jesus' rebuke (v. 11) give you about your attempts to act out of your own strength and wisdom?

Jesus Prays for Us - Part 3 - Devo for 07/09/08

John 17:20-26

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus prays that those who believe in him would be one, "that the world may believe that thou hast sent me" (vv. 21, 23). Why is our unity a powerful argument for the truth of Jesus' claims?
2. In what practical ways can we demonstrate our oneness with other believers?
3. Jesus obviously prays this prayer out loud to bring comfort and assurance to his disciples. How do Jesus' words encourage or assure you?
4. Jesus does not simply pray for the immediate, urgent needs of himself and his disciples. Instead he focuses on the long-range, important goals of their ministries. How are your prayers like or unlike Jesus' prayer?

Applying Chapter 17 in Your Life
Construct your own prayer based on Jesus' model. Pray for yourself, the people closest to you, and the people whom you influence in the workplace or neighborhood. What do you want God to accomplish long-range in each person?

Jesus Prays for Us - Part 2 - Devo for 07/08/08

John 17:6-19

Responsive Questions
1. According to verses 6-19, what specific ministries does Jesus have toward his disciples?
2. Twice Jesus asks the Father to protect his disciples from the evil one (vv. 11, 15). Why would that protection be so important in Jesus' mind as he faces the cross?
3. Jesus also asks the Father to sanctify his disciples through his Word (v. 17). How can we allow God's Word to have that kind of effect on our lives?

Jesus Prays for Us - Part 1 - Devo for 07/07/08

Reflective Questions
1. Other than your relationship with the Lord, what two or three relationships are most valuable to you? What one thing would you ask God to do for each of those important people?
2. What goal do you want to reach before the end of your life? What are you doing today to help you reach that goal?

John 17:1-5

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus makes only one request for himself - that the Father would glorify him so he might glorify the Father. Why do you think that was so important to Jesus?
2. To what extent is God's glory foremost in your mind on a daily basis? Explain your answer.
3. How is Jesus' definition of eternal life (v. 3) different from merely living forever?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Peace in a Time of Trouble - Part 3 - Devo for 07/05/08

John 16:25-33

Responsive Questions
1. How would Jesus' assurance of the Father's love help the disciples in the days just ahead of them?
2. In verse 32 Jesus predicts that his disciples will abandon him. How will Jesus' promise of peace and victory (v. 33) sustain and help you after a time of failure?
3. Which of the promises in this chapter has made the deepest impression on you, and why?
4. How can you use these promises to strengthen a friend who is going through trials or discouragement?

Applying This Passage in Your Life
1. Jesus offers joy (John 15:11; 16:22-24), peace (John 14:27; 16:33), and love (John 13:34-35; 15:9-19). What is the difference between what the world calls joy, peace, and love compared to the descriptions given by Jesus?
2. Pray that you will always choose God's joy, peace, and love and not settle for the world's imitations.

Peace in a Time of Trouble - Part 2 - Devo for 07/04/08

John 16:23-24

Responsive Questions
1. What new promise regarding prayer does Jesus give his disciples (vv. 23-24)?
2. How would that promise make their joy complete?
3. What connection can you make for your own life between problems, prayer, and joy?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Peace in a Time of Trouble - Part 1 - Devo for 07/03/08

Reflective Questions
1. Think of a painful experience in your life. How did God help you during that time of struggle?
2. Who do you turn to first when you are in sorrow or pain? How does that person comfort you?

John 16:16-22

Responsive Questions
1. It is obvious that the disciples are confused and concerned about Jesus' statements (vv. 16-18). Why do you think they are so upset?
2. Jesus answers their questions not by giving them an explanation but by making them a promise (vv. 19-22). What is the promise?
3. Why would it bring them joy in the middle of their grief and confusion?
4. How can this incident help us when our questions to the Lord seemingly go unanswered?