Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Trial & Trust - Part 2 - Devo for 07/11/08

John 18:12-27 (this passage is used tomorrow as well)

Responsive Questions
1. How does a look at your own sin change your attitude toward Peter's denial of Jesus?
2. If you had been in Peter's place, what reasons might you have given for denying that you were a disciple of Jesus?
3. When and where is it hardest for you to openly identify yourself as a Christian?
4. What can we learn from Peter's failure about being prepared to stand against the world's challenges?


Anonymous said...

1. that if i did not sin Jesus probaly would not have to die on the cross.

2. that i don't know who you are talking about, why should i know who you are talking about if i am not with him.

3. at school because if i say something loud i will probably be sent to the principle's office.

4. that Peter listens to Jesus.

Anonymous said...


1.well i realize that if i was in that situation i probebly would have done the same thing.

2.-would be scared for my life
-didnt want to be caught
-wanted to blend in front of like a group of really popular kids that i know will judge me if i say i am.

4.well we need to realize that it doesnt matter who is popular,how we dress, how we do our hair cuz in the end,well we face God, and its gonna be so embarrassing when he asks us why we didnt stand up for him.

Anonymous said...

1.i might have done the same thing
2.had would have been scared if you talk about god someone might say god is this and that and they would not talk to you because you are a christian but i would walk on or i would invited them to church with me
4.i dose matter where you live or if your rich or poor or what kind of clothes your were you shouold be there friend and invited them to church

Anonymous said...

1.well it shows that i have probably acyed the wrong way and people didnt see Jesus in me. i was pressured to gym.barily any of the peole are christains i think.
4.never deniy Christ it is a huge sin.

Anonymous said...

responsive questions

1. well its makes me thinkabout my sin and if jesus did not die what would have happen.

2. i would be scared

3. at school sometimes

4.we should stan upfor him all the time

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)It makes me look at my sin

2)I would have been scared

3)In front of kids that think they gut it all (popular kids)

4)We should be there for Christ just like he is there for us

Anonymous said...

1.i think i might have done the same thing and it makes me look at the sin in my life.

2.that i was tempted into it and i didnt want to i wanted to be like evryone else.

3.well it was really hard at a public school to witness to others and to not get made fun of by at least one person.

4.that it is just a bigger sin to deniy it then to just stand up for what we believe in and tell the truth about our salvation for God.

Anonymous said...

1. well i would have probley done the same thing that he did.
2. that i didnt even know who he was. i have never saw him befor.
3. well no where for me.
4. never deniy Christ that is a BIG nono

Anonymous said...

1. you always look at situations like this in the bible and say tisk tisk to whoevr was the wrongdoer, but to be realistic, most of the time we wouldve dun the same thing.
2. a reason for denying would be-
u wouldnt want people to think u were with jesus at that point in time bcuz u wouldve been scorned and who knows maybe beaten.
3. in a group of non-christians.
4. you always have to train urself to be strong, but u also have to lean on god fr help.

Anonymous said...

1. it would be very scared becused if i died and i didnt ask him to in my heart before i died. 2.iwould not now what to do. home. 3.i would stand befor god and never stop loving him.3. peter listen to god.