Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Trial & Trust - Part 1 - Devo for 07/10/08

Reflective Questions
1. How would you respond if someone falsely accused you of a crime and even called the police to have you arrested?
2. What would you do if someone betrayed your best friend?

John 18:1-11

Responsive Questions
1. If you had been one of Jesus' disciples, what emotions would have gripped you when the soldiers arrived at the garden?
2. Why would Jesus go to a place where Judas knew he might be found (vv. 1-3)?
3. When the soldiers say they are seeking Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus replies "I am he" v. 5). How would you explain the reaction of the soldiers (v. 6)?
4. What insight do Peter's action and Jesus' rebuke (v. 11) give you about your attempts to act out of your own strength and wisdom?


Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. How would you respond if someone falsely accused you of a crime and even called the police to have you arrested?

I would feel upset and try to show the police the facts so that I wouldn't go to jail.

2. What would you do if someone betrayed your best friend?

I would be just as protective.

Responsive Questions
1. If you had been one of Jesus' disciples, what emotions would have gripped you when the soldiers arrived at the garden?

I would have been upset that they were coming after Jesus and fearful that I would be taken away too.

2. Why would Jesus go to a place where Judas knew he might be found (vv. 1-3)?

Because Jesus' desire was to fulfill His Father's plan. Jesus wasn't going to run from what He had come to do.

3. When the soldiers say they are seeking Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus replies "I am he" (v. 5). How would you explain the reaction of the soldiers (v. 6)?

They were probably in shock that He admitted without struggle who He was, and amazed by the peace that Jesus possessed.

4. What insight do Peter's action and Jesus' rebuke (v. 11) give you about your attempts to act out of your own strength and wisdom?

It makes me realize that my rash judgments and actions to circumstances that God has ordained are just evidences of my spiritual immaturity. The more I rely on God's strength, the more I will be able to display control in tough situations.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. i would say i did not do it and tell who did it if i knew.

2. i would say that is not right don't betray my best friend.

Responsive Questions
1. i would have said this men named Jesus did nothing wrong.

2. because he loved Jesus.

3. they would have said "O so you are he"

4. that i should ask for Jesus help first and for most.

Anonymous said...


1.i would be really scared and i would be crying probebly. that would be the worst!

2.i would like soooo want to kill them or get them back. i would go to their face and yell at them and probebly slap them.


1.i would be upset and scared and worried. i would probebly be worried that they were gonna take me to be honest. fufill profacy, he knew he had to die.

3.supprised, and i guess relived because i would know that i wouldnt have to search for him forever.

4.that its not right and im human and i mess up and i need to trust God even in the hardest situations.

Anonymous said...

reflective questions

1. would be so scared and worry even if i did not do it i propley would cry. burt deep down i would know that god did it for a reason.

2. i would pray for my best freind
and be there for her.

responsive questions

1.i would be scared and very very sad and upset

2.todo what his father wanted him to do. and i think he knew that it was time to die and he wasnt going to try to figth it.

3.that i should ASK JESUS FOR HELP.

Anonymous said...

1.i would be really scared and i would think god is not with us but god is with us all the time he look down at you
2.i would trust god to be with me
3. forgives us
4.we need to trust in god

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)I would upset and tell them I didn't do it

2)i would pray for her and tell her that Gods on your side

Responsive Questions

1)I would me upset

2)He loved Jesus (IDK)

3)They were shocked

4)That I should ask Jesus for help

Anonymous said...

1. I would have been very mad and willing to fight.

2. Because he knew was accepting to die for us. He knew his purpose.

3. Surprised and amazed. They were shocked

4. That we need to follow what God wants us to do. Using our own strength and wisdom is foolish.

Anonymous said...

1.i would freak um, i would try to talk them out of them acusing me of the crime.
2.stick up for them.
1.i would have been scared that they were gonna take me to jail. maybe he wanted him to come see him and work things out.
3.they were probably scared shocked and excited.
4.i dont know.

Anonymous said...

1.i would be really mad about it and try as hard as i could to get out of it but also pray and ask God to get me through the hard time.

2.again i would be really mad and im the kind of person who would confront that person and ask they why they did that and honestly, probably give them a hard time for what they did.

1.worried, scared, concerned.

2.cause he knew he would die for our sins and wanted to explain.

3.overwhemled, surprised, shocked.

4.that we should do what God wants us to do.

Anonymous said...

1. i would be in shockand just trying to prove that i didnt do it.
2. i would be really mad and i would just have a talk with them.

1. i would feel scared for Jesus and for myself that they would take me away too.
2. because he knew that he had to die on the cross and that is how it would have happend.
3. " your Jesus of nazareth?"
4. that i need to think befor i act.

Anonymous said...

1. i would be outraged.
2. i would b absolutely infuriated.
1. anger, hate, sorrow,
2. He had to fulfill his Fathers promise. he wasnt going to avoid it.
3. it might b a reaction of reverence.
4. Peter might have thought he would have been praised for protecting Jesus.