Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Mother: Rachel - Devo for 08/14/08

Genesis 29-30

1. Now Jacob had a problem. Because he did not follow God's example given to Adam and Eve, one wife for one husband, he was caught in a culturally acceptable situation that brought nothing but jealousy, hatred, and envy into his life. Even though Rachel has a husband who loved her very much, that was not enough. She thought she had to have more to be happy and content. What made Rachel so envious of her sister? (30:1)
2. You can see Leah's and Rachel's attitudes of jealousy, envy, and the way they fought for Jacob's love by the names they gave their children. Read each verse and name meaning and try to imagine what Leah and Rachel were thinking as each child was born.
* Reuben: see a son (29:32)
* Simeon: hearing (29:33)
* Levi: attached (29:34)
* Judah: praise (29:35)
* Dan: judge (30:6)
* Naphtali: my wrestling (30:8)
* Gad: to attack or invade as an army troop (30:11)
* Asher: happy (30:13)
* Issachar: he will bring a reward (30:18)
* Zebulun: to dwell with (30:20)
* Joseph: give me another (30:22-24)
* Benomi: sorrow (35:16-18)

Applying This to Your Life
Search your heart through the principles below to see if you have a discontented heart. Ask God to replace a discontented heart with a thankful heart.
* Discontent Compares! "Look what they have!" 2 Corinthians 10:12
* Discontent Complains! "I'll never enjoy that in my life!" Psalm 37:1-7
* Discontent Craves! "I'll never be happy until I get everything I want!" Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:11; 1 Timothy 6:8

Joseph seemed to make the best out of every situation. Obviously he did not learn it from his discontented family. Remember, God has already given us everything we need for our present contentment. Never allow discontent to destroy a thankful heart. Be thankful today!


Anonymous said...


1. because Racheal did not have a husband and her sister did.

2. leah and racheal were probaly thinking i hate her or i don't know

Anonymous said...

1.Jacob had two to wive and Rachel wanted to be like her sister who's husband was only married to her.

2.They were trying to compete aganist each other I think, because they were trying to see which son would give them the most benefits.

Anonymous said...


1.she couldnt have children bu her sister could.

2.its all like a big game to them, who can make jacob happier but thats why God said for a man to only have one wife, so this problem wouldnt accur, and their children probebly dont feel loved at all.

Anonymous said...

1.she wanted children and didnt have any.

2.well i think they were to into competing with each other that they didn't have a specific love for each kid and didn't really show them love or affection.

Anonymous said...

1. Leah had kids and Rachel did not.
2. Reuben - Leah Jacob will notice me?
Simeon - Leah Jacob will listen to me?
Levi - Leah Jacob eill feel attached to me?
Judah - Leah Jacob will praise me for giving him four boys?
Dan - Rachel God is showing that He is judging on my side?
Naphtali - Rachel thought...this battle for Jacob's love is a wrestling match!
Gad - Leah thought...this is war...I'll bring more babies into the family any way I can!
Asher: Leah thought...with this many boys added to the family, everyone is jealous of me!
Issachar: Leah thought...I will buy Jacob's love if necessary.
Zebulun: Leah Jacob will want to live with just me!
Joseph: Rachel thought...and believed...that not only did God give her a son of her own finally, but that He would give her yet another.
Benomi: Rachel thought...after all this...God gave me the son I knew He would, and now I am dying because of it.

Anonymous said...

1. Leah had kids and Rachel did not.
2. Reuben - Leah Jacob will notice me?
Simeon - Leah Jacob will listen to me?
Levi - Leah Jacob eill feel attached to me?
Judah - Leah Jacob will praise me for giving him four boys?
Dan - Rachel God is showing that He is judging on my side?
Naphtali - Rachel thought...this battle for Jacob's love is a wrestling match!
Gad - Leah thought...this is war...I'll bring more babies into the family any way I can!
Asher: Leah thought...with this many boys added to the family, everyone is jealous of me!
Issachar: Leah thought...I will buy Jacob's love if necessary.
Zebulun: Leah Jacob will want to live with just me!
Joseph: Rachel thought...and believed...that not only did God give her a son of her own finally, but that He would give her yet another.
Benomi: Rachel thought...after all this...God gave me the son I knew He would, and now I am dying because of it.

Anonymous said...

1. She couldn't have children.
* Reuben: does he love me now?
* Simeon: will he still hate me?
* Levi: does he love me now?
* Judah: will he love me now?
* Gad: I am not letting my sister win.
* Asher: does he love me more?
* Issachar: am I the most loved now?
* Zebulun: does he love me now?

* Dan: justice is finally been done.
* Naphtali: i finally beat my sister.
* Joseph: now he will love me.
* Benomi: this child brings me great sadness.