Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Reuben - Devo for 08/16/08

Genesis 29:32; 35:22; 37:21-26; 42:20-22; 49:1-4

Read Genesis 37:17-36. Reuben did have his limits. But he chose to compromise rather than take a stand against his brothers. Read Genesis 37:21-22 again. He wanted to free Joseph from his hateful brothers and should have taken Joseph home to Jacob. Verse 21 says, he heard it. Reuben's brothers were not afraid to talk about their murderous plan in his presence.

#2 - Reuben chose to be a loser in the face of peer pressure.
1. What do your friends talk about in your company?
2. Do your friends know that you love God and hate sin so much that you would do whatever you could to stop them?
3. Reuben sought to live on the edge. In essence he was saying, "Let's not kill him and be personally guilty for his death; just throw him in a pit and he will die naturally!" Reuben wanted to keep Joseph from being killed, bu he also wanted to fit in with his brothers. Is that how you live your life?
4. Do you ever compromise with sin by thinking, "I'll go to the party, but I will not get involved." What does Proverbs 1:10 say about peer pressure?


Anonymous said...

1.a lot of stuff.

2.yes, i think so.

3.i think everybody always wants to fit in and sometimes you follow other poeople. i don't think i live like that. maybe in somw little ways but not overall.

4.basically if you get asked to do something or go somewhere that you know is wrong don't go and say no.

Anonymous said...

1. They talk about our common interests: the Lord, sports, life as a parent, etc.
2. I trust and pray that they see that in me.
3. To be honest, fitting in with others isn't a real priority in my life. If I struggle with a decision, it is usually because I want to do it, even though it's not the best choice.
4. Justifying sin is something we are all good at. I ask God to help me hate sin so much that justifying it isn't even an option. This verse tells us to not give in to the enticements (or the attractions) that sinful people offer.

Anonymous said...

1. Babies. Exhaustion. Spiritual struggles.
2. Yes, I think so.
3. I don't think so...outright. At the point I am at right now, with the friends I have, the peer pressure is more positive and godly. These kinds of friendships take a long time to develop...they don't come easily.
4. I can remember facing that in jr. high, high school, and college a lot (and I went to only Christian schools and college!)
Proverbs 1:10 - "Just say no."

Anonymous said...


1.just normal stuff like sports,school, and wat funn things happend that week.

2.well they know not to talk to me bout certain stuff but i dont think its exsactly like that.

3.well sometimes bu other times i just do wats right no matter wat.

4.not to give into it.

Anonymous said...

1.About sports and the GATORS.

2.Yeah, pretty much so

3.I try for it not to be.

4.Don't give in.

Anonymous said...

1. random stuff what ever comes to mind.
2. yes.
3. sometimes it depends on the situation but i am trying to change that.
4. to just say no if it is wrong.

Anonymous said...

1. Megan says gymnastics..Steph- a variety of things
2. Some of them do...Meg says idk
3. I would hope not but sometimes.
4. The Bible says don't give in. Sometimes we can use the excuse that we are going to be a testimony to noin-believers, and yet sometimes that is true.

Anonymous said...

1. Things that we have in common.

2. yes

3. It sometimes is true but I wish that it wasn't.

4. Not in this case but in similar ways yes. Don't give in to sinful actions.