Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/27/08

Genesis 38:1-30

Study the following words and their meanings from 2 Corinthians 6 and match each of these five words with the proper application below.

FELLOWSHIP: a sharer, a partnership, an associate or friend
COMMUNION: fellowship, doing things together
CONCORD: accordance, harmony, togetherness
PART: to have in common, an inheritance to look forward to
AGREEMENT: thinking alike, in accord with, no friction

1. Without ___________ there will be no eternal inheritance together: one will spend eternity in heaven and the other in hell.
2. Without ___________ there is constant discord and friction: no harmony.
3. Without ___________ there will be no close fellowship or doing things together as a loving couple.
4. Without ___________ there is no strong companionship or friendship: they will not share the joy of living together as best friends.
5. Without ___________ there will be constant disagreement and arguing.

According to Jacob's final words of blessing on Judah, we assume that Judah had a change of heart in his later years and sought to know and please God. God does forgive, but the consequences of sin are great.

1. What kind of son was Judah's first son, Er, and what did God have to do to him? (Genesis 38:7)
2. Before Judah was 35 years old, what happened to his wife? (Genesis 38:12)
3. Judah suffered great heartache because he chose to live like the world and refused to be separate from unbelievers. What does God want from us today?


Anonymous said...

1. part
2. concord
3. communion
4. fellowship
5. agreement

1. kind, i don;t know
2. she Died
3. he wants us to separate ourselves from unbelivers.

Anonymous said...

6.He was wicked
7.she died
8.He wants us to be different than the world and to live for Him.

Anonymous said...

OK...I thought this first part was a little wierd and vague. Maybe I'm just tired (I know I am...maybe it is impacting my ability to reason?)
1. part
2. Concord or Agreement
3. communion
4. fellowship
5. part

1. Judah's first son, Er, was wicked and God took his life.
2. She died
3. He doesn't want us to go through heartache as a result of our own sinful, stupid choices. So He wants us to stay away from temptation as much as possible (we can't completely...look at Joseph!). And when faced with a choice of whether to join the world or run from it...we are to follow Joseph's example and "run like the wind, Bullseye!" (Ok...too much Toy Story 2 in recent years.)

Anonymous said...






6.he was wicked and God had to put him to death.

7.she died live our lives for him and complete our work here on earth for him.

Anonymous said...

1. Part
2. Concord
3. Communion
4. Fellowship
5. Agreement

1. Er was wicked, and God killed him.
2. Judah's wife died.
3. God wants us to live for Him and Him alone. He wants us to love Him and appreciate what He does for us. Without Him we wouldn't be here, so just live for Him.

Anonymous said...


1.He was wicked
2.she died
3He wants people to see us that we are christians and win people to Him.

Anonymous said...



1.Er was wicked in the Lord's sight it says and God had to kill him.

2.she died. do His will for us and go on the right path and not our own way.

Anonymous said...

1. part 2.fellowship 3.agreement 4.concord 4. communion 1.i dont now 2.she was very wicked and they didnt now

Anonymous said...

4. fellowship
5. concord

1. He was wicked and God killed him.
2.She died
3. To be separate from the world and to live for HIm.

Anonymous said...

1. part
2. agreement
3. communion
4. fellowship
5. concord

1. God had to kill him.
2. She died
3. To live separated from the world.