Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/20/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Selfish Anger Drives Loved Ones Away
O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: (Genesis 49:6a).

This actually means, "Let me not enter into their council or join in their assembly." In other words, "Because of their selfish anger, I do not respect what they have to say and I'm not going to hang out with them or join their group of friends."

1. What does Proverbs 22:24-25 teach us?
2. What could you learn if you became best friends with an angry person?
3. Read what happened to Joseph's father in Genesis 27:41-45. What did Esau's anger cause Jacob to do?
4. Do you like being around brothers, sisters, or even parents when they are angry?
5. Do you think they like being around you when you are mad?
6. What needs to change in your life?


Anonymous said...

1. These verse teach me that I should not make friendships or spend time with angry people because I will learn to be like them and cause me to stumble spiritually.
2. How to hold a grudge, how to be bitter, how to demean people, how to be ungrateful...this list goes on and on.
3. It caused him to flee to his uncle Laban until Esau cooled off.
4. No.
5. No.
6. I need to make sure that I guard my heart regarding anger, and that if I have a problem with someone, deal with them biblically and in a timely fashion before bitterness and anger set in.

Anonymous said...

1. Not make friendships with angry people.
2. To help them become happy not angry, or show them verses in the Bible that deal with what they are going thru right then.
3. It caused him to flee to his uncle ladan till Esua cooled off.
4. NO
5. NO
6. I need to guard mine life by being friends with mostly Believes in God if not just to show my unbelieved friends to God.

Anonymous said...


1.dont make friends with a person who does bad stuff cuz u will become like them.

2.that i need to do right cuz it doesnt do any good for me.

3.he had to run away from his home because he had made his brother mad.

4.heck no

6. i think that i need to do as my mom tells me without getting so mad at her cuz shes just doing whats best for me.

Anonymous said...

1.dont hang around peolpe who are not Christ like or they will rub off on you (their actions will rub off on you)and then you will act unGodly. be angry but at the same time that people dont want to hang around you because you are angry so it shows to not be angry.
3.he had to go to laban until his brothers anger fleed from him. not wittnessing and i need to act more like Christ and let Christ show in me.

Anonymous said...

1.that i should not be friends with angry people because i may become angry like them.
2.well how to be angry and hold a grudge,and become bitter, and you would probley look at people differntly because they are nice and your not. caused him to go to his uncle Laban untillEsau could be happy around people again. it feels weird.
5.haha no.
6.well i think that i need to not get angry so quick and i need to not judge people.

Anonymous said...

1. Don't be friends with an angry man. I'll never forget the time an older man told me about the heartache they were having with their grown son...his life was destroyed by becoming an angry man.
2. Their anger would be rubbing off on me...I catch accent, a cold...this one is a no brainer!
3. Jacob ran away to escape Esau's wrath (which humanly, was understandable!)
4. No.
5. Definitely not. I don't like being around myself when I'm mad!
6. Letting God be God...letting Him fight battles for me. Not jumping to conclusions about the motives or actions of others. It is an easy habit to fall into...a bit harder to climb out of!

Anonymous said...

1. Do not have anrgy friends.
2. I would probabaly learn to also be angry.
3. He had to leave his home and hide.
4. No way....!
5. Well everyone likes to be around me, lol, no really I know my kids hate it when I am mad.
6. I need to get control of my anger and learn to express my feelings in a non destructive way.

Anonymous said...

1.well to not make friends with the angry.

2.i think eventually you would start acting like them and start being angry.

3.he ran away

6.i think i need to not get so mad when i get asked to do something and just do it with a good attitude.

Anonymous said...

1. Don't be friends with someone who is easily provoked to anger.
2. You would learn that it's a bad relationship, and you would be hurt alot of the time.
3. Jacob fled to Haran w/Rebekah's brother, Laban.
4. No, I hate being around them when they're angry.
5. No, I'm sure they don't. Although, I hide it very well so most of the time no one even knows that I'm mad.
6. I guess my temper needs to change.

Anonymous said... can't be friends with angry people.

2.That they aren't easy to get along with run

5.nope, I'm not the easiest person to get along with when i am

6.not to get mad at little things

Anonymous said...

1. Don't make freinds with angry people because I will become like them.
2. to be angry
3. to flee
4. no
5. no
6. not to get angry and sin.