Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/19/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Joseph had two very angry brothers: Simeon and Levi. Jacob describes their selfish, angry character in Genesis 49:5-7. At first glance, it seems that Simeon's and Levi's anger against Shechem was justified. Read what happened in Genesis 34. Simeon's and Levi's slaughter and spoil of the city was not a "righteous indignation" (a right kind of anger) but a violent and vengeful murder spree that was quite displesing to Jacob and to God.

1. How do you handle anger? Are you the kind that "blows up" or "clams up"?
2. When was the last time you lost your temper? Who was it toward and what did you say or do that you wished you wouldn't have?

We are going to spend the next several devos looking at principles we can learn from these brothers' lives regarding selfish anger.

Selfish Anger Leads to Violence
Instruments of cruelty are in their habitations (Genesis 49:5b).

This phrase means, "their swords are implements of violence." The instrument of cruelty is speaking about a sword. Because of what happened to their sister Dinah, these guys went crazy killing everyone in their path. There are many who are physically abused because of uncontrolled anger.

1. What did Jesus imply was the root sin of murder in Matthew 5:21-22?
2. Have you ever seen a brother or sister so mad they said, "I wish you were dead" or "I'm going to kill you"? In Genesis 4:5-10, who was wroth or angry?
3. Why was he so upset?
4. What was his brother's name?
5. What did he do to him?

Selfish anger, the kind that leads to violence and abuse, is sin.


Anonymous said...

I beat every one to post yea.
1. Blow up i think.
2. I don't Remember

Anonymous said...

1.well i can be both depending on the situation.

2.i can't remember

1.that whosoever kill will be in danger of judgement.

2.yes, but not in that way in a joking way.

Anonymous said...

1. I think I do both, depending on who I am angry with. I blow up at Tony and the girls..I clam up with others.
2. Well...probably this week..when the girls were endlessly fighting with each other. I wish I wouldn't yell.

1. Being angry.
2. Yes, I know I have said those word myself. Cain was angry.
3. He was mad and jealous with his brother.
4. Abel
5. Killed him.

Anonymous said...

1.blow up easily ecspecily with my family.

2.well i kept bugging my mom to go to home depot to look at new tile for our bathroom i was kinda mad when she wouldnt. sounds like anger starts it all.


3.he was mad and jelous with his brother.


5.slewed him.

Anonymous said...

1. It takes a lot for me to get angry. Depending upon the situation, I mostly clam up...but I've blown up every now and then.
2. The last time I really lost my temper was when I was dealing with VA issues. I was so frustrated I am sure I wasn't a good testimony for Jesus Christ.

1. Unjust anger.
2. Yes I have seen people so mad they have said those things. Cain was the angry one.
3. Because God accepted his brother's offering instead of his.
4. Abel.
5. He killed him.

Anonymous said...

1.i hate to say it but if you know me you know that i blow up it just depends on what happend.
2.well i think it was last week with my brother and i told him i didnt want to see him and that really hurt his feelings and i felt really bad.

1.that whosoever killed would be judged.
2.yes, and Cain was worth.
3.well he was mad and jealous with his brother.
5.well he killed him.

Anonymous said...

1. Depends on who it is with...I guess Stephanie and I are alike in that we more easily blow up with our families, but clam up with others. I can totally understand how quickly Simeon and Levi arrived at the point that they wanted to destroy Shechem...that protectiveness of family is a strong character trait that our flesh and Satan can quickly turn into a major weakness in our lives.
2. Last Sunday afternoon. I blew up at God. (How DUMB is that????) I was frustrated at the way some things had been going...the way I was being treated by someone...I vented and knew the whole time that He didn't deserve my accusations. It was a rough afternoon, but He forgave me, and has proved me wrong AGAIN this week! Patience, Janette...Patience!

Anonymous said...

3.He was upset because the Lord accepted Abel's sacrifice rather than his own.If he had obeyed, it wouldn't have been that way.
5.He killed him.

Anonymous said...

1. I don't do either too much, but I clam up more...I generally try to contain my anger and work things out.
2. I last lost my temper...I don't remember. Ask my friends. They can probably give you a more accurate description.
1. Anger.
2. I have. Cain was wroth.
3. He was upset because he felt like he was being unfairly treated.
4. His brother's name was Abel.
5. He killed him.

Anonymous said...


1.well it depends on how angry i get but i mostly clam up.

2.probebly toward my mom when she told me somethig and i cant even remember y i blew up but i got grouded and it wasnt worth it.

other questions:

1.that we should not murder and whoever does will have judjement upon them.and that even hatng your brother means u hav already comitted murder in your heart.

2.cain was angry and killed hs brother.

3.because the Lord exscepted his brothers offering and not his.

5.cain killed able.

Anonymous said...

1.It depends what it is about

2.It was toward one of my friends and I deffently shouldn't have said what said

1.being mad

2.cain would count. wouldn't he I hope?

3.because he hated his brother

5. He hit him in the head with somthing.