Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Reuben - Devo for 08/18/08

Genesis 29:32; 35:22; 37:21-26; 42:20-22; 49:1-4


#3 - Reuben chose to be a loser in the face of his family.
1. He let his little brother down and lied to his father causing great pain and heartache. Reuben didn't care how they felt. Do you care about your family?
2. Does your attitude hurt your mom and/or dad?
3. Spiritually, do you help your brother or sister or hurt them?
4. Go back to Jacob's blessing in Genesis 49:4. He called Reuben unstable as water which is controlled by the temperature around it. Are you controlled by temptation, peer pressure, and selfishness?

Reuben could have been a leader, but he chose to be a loser.


Anonymous said...

1.yes i do, of course.

2.i think sometimes it can when i get mad or yell.

3.i don't hurt them like sometimes me and megan do the blog together and encourage each other to do it.

4.i don't think so. sometimes i can be selfish but not all the time.

Anonymous said...

2.yes sometimes.
4.prob sometimes-selfishness

Anonymous said...

1. Yes, I care about my family.
2. Well, even as an adult, at times I can still have a bad attitude towards my parents.
3. Neither with my brother other than I pray for him. My sister and I help each other.
4. Yes, I think we all deal with those issues at times, especially selfishness.

Go Schell girls for being the only posters!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1. I care about my family.
2. I am not around my parents, but I know my poor attitude affects my family.
3. As far as my biological sister, I help her, and for the most part I strive to help my brothers and sisters in Christ.
4. Peer pressure is not something that I struggle with, but like most of us would agree, the temptation to give in to our own selfish desires is always a battle that is being fought in our lives.

Anonymous said...

1.ya of course
2.ya someeimes but i wish that it didnt. not really
4.only sometime but i am trying to change because i dont want to be that way anymore but sometimes we as humans just cant help it.

Anonymous said...

1. Definitely, but when I blow it with them through impatience, lack of grace, etc...I am showing that I care more about myself, "my rights," etc.
2. Not in a while...but boy, did I use to hurt my mom with my attitude! I was a first-class jerk with her at times. I regret it has lessened my opportunities to be a blessing to her over the took a long time for that relationship to heal, and now our quality time is very minimal.
3. Help. I pray for my brother and sister-in-law and try to encourage them biblically in the face of some very discouraging circumstances they are enduring.
4. Too often, I'm afraid, my own selfishness and concern about the opinions of others trips me up and makes me unstable. What an epitabph...Oh, Father, please don't let this be my life's record!

Anonymous said...

1.Yes.I deeply care about my family,and love them very much.

2.Sometimes, I have the wrong attitude.

3.I try to help them.

4.At times.

Anonymous said...

1. I absolutely care about my family.
2. I'm sure it hurts them sometimes...=\ But I believe it doesn't generally.
3. I'd like to say help, but I don't know if that's true of all the time.
4. No.

Anonymous said...


1.of course i do but at times i couldnt care less but i wold neve want to hurt them like that.

2.sometimes i can be a real pain, but other times real helpful.

3.well i try to be encouraging but my little brother doesnt understand and my older sibblings dont usually talk to me but i would always encourage them in that aspect.

4.not really, i mean i still sin but im not like unstable, i learn my lesson.

Anonymous said...

1.Yes there my family

2.sometimes him

Anonymous said...

that last one was me

Anonymous said...

1. yes
2. sometimes it does
3. I help a little.
4. I am human so I do sometimes.