Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph's Pit in the Desert - Devo for 09/19/08

Genesis 37:13-35

Wicked men, not understanding the power of the Word of God, think that they can do away with God's influence by doing away with those who have chosen to live for God. Even the public burning of early church martyrs only inflamed the hearts of hundreds more to give their lives for God. In Joseph's day, they decided that the best way to thwart God's plan was to kill God's man. Today, many teens seek to do away with God's influence by getting God's man to join their wickedness. Maybe these sons tried to get Joseph on their side against Jacob, but he would have nothing to do with disloyalty and dishonor to his father. Either way, the same drive in the hearts of Joseph's brothers is seen in the hearts of so many God-haters today as they will do whatever is possible to get rid of the convincting, godly influence in their lives.

1. From our reading, whose idea was it to throw Joseph into a desert pit?
2. What was Reuben's secret plan? (v. 22)

Unless Reuben could rescue Joseph from his brothers, this pit was actually a death sentence. With the drought-like conditions of the desert, these pits would attract all kinds of animals seeking water, but once in the pit, they could not get out. Often there would be a great stench from the rotting flesh of water-seeking animals. No way out...sure, slow, agonizing death for Joseph---whose crime was that he represented his father's love and his Heavenly Father's will.

3. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you because you refused to join in with others' sin and took a stand for what is right?
4. As we know, God was with Joseph and not only helped him out of this pit, but also a year later, took him to a magnificent palace. Joseph may have been thrown into a physical pit, but his brothers were caugtht in a spiritual "pit" of sin. What is the last phrase of Genesis 37:27?
5. The boys were content to kill Joseph...content to let him die in the pit...and now content to send him to a life often worse than death that often resulted in death--the life of a slave. How content are you with sin: very content, kind of content, or seldom content?


Anonymous said...

1. Reuben (v. 22 - cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness)...the brothers were ready to throw Joseph into any pit (v. 20 - and cast him into some pit)
2. to come back and get him and take him back to his father
3. The worst thing that has happened to me for taking a stand for Christ was that my friends made fun of me...big whoop!
4. And his brethren were content.
5. I am seldom content with sin...I hate it when I do it. I do not want any part of it in my life!

Anonymous said...

1.his brothers. put him in the pit and dont put a hand on him for him not to shed any blood then he would take him back to his father.

3.but prob just that they were doing something with a game and i just didnt play and i felt wierd.

4.his brothers agreed.

5.not content at all.

Anonymous said...



2.he planned to rescue joseph later.

3.ummmm......i have been talked hashly about behind my back.

4.his brothers agreed.

5.i think at the time i commit it i am kind of content, but later i amvery seldom content...but just really my heart it seldom content with it...i feel really really bad when i commit a sin.

Anonymous said...

1. his brothers
2. to resuce Joseph later after his other brothers left.
3. talk bad about behind my back
4. his brothers agreed
5. i don't know probably kind of content.

Anonymous said...

2.not to kill him, but to put him in a pit and get him later
3.made fun of
4.And his bretheren were content.
5.seldom,I feel awful after I sin.

Anonymous said...

1.his brothers come back later and get him and take him to their father is a good but question i had to think about for me i think it would be rumors of people saying stuff that wasen't true i found out later.

4."his brothers agreed"

5.well there are a lot of things that we wouldn't even know that we are doing it but when i know i have sinned i am a seldom content cause i get that feeling in my stomach and feel really bad for whatever i had done or said. i hate it.

Anonymous said...

1.his brothers
2.he would get him and take him to his father
3.talking about him and made fun
4.his brothers agree
5.something bad

Anonymous said...

1. ruben
2. he was going to give him back to his father.
3. i got suspended from school because some kid told on me but it wasnt true.
4. and his brethren were content.
5. i think i am seldom content and i dont want it to be in my life i try very hard not to do it but it sometimes just happens.

Anonymous said...

1. Reuben.
2. To put him on the pit and then come back, take him out, and go back to his father.
3. I was made fun of.
4. And his brethren were content.
5. seldom content.

Anonymous said...

1.his brothers his fathers
3.talking about him
4.his brothers agreed

Anonymous said...

1)his brothers

2)to put him in the pit

3)mad fun of

4)His brothers agreed
