Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/13/08

Acts 16:16-40

1. Why were Paul and Silas arrested? (v. 19-23)
2. Why do you think Paul and Silas sang praises to God? Or, what do you think was going through their minds at that point?
3. What other people were impacted by Paul and Silas during their time in jail?
4. If Paul and Silas's focus had been on their pain and the injustice done to them, how might the jail experience have turned out differently?


Anonymous said...


2.cause they knew that they weren' doing anything wrong and even through jail they could share the gospel.

3.the prison keeper

4.i don't think they would have been praising God or singing then they wouldn't have been able to reach out to the people that they were able too.

Anonymous said...


1.because they took the spirit out of the girl telling the future and then the owners had them arrested for it cuz they werent makin money.

2.they knew that God had a plan and purpose for them there.

3.the other jailers and the guard watching them.

4.they would have probebly died.

Anonymous said...

1.They cast a demon out of the girl.
2.God had brought them through before.They knew he could do it again.Even if he didn't, they knew His way was perfect. They praised HIm for being a wonderful God.
3.the jailor and his entire family
4.They would not have had such and impact on the jailor.They would not have grown spiritually as they did by putting faith in God.

Anonymous said...

1. for disturbing the peace and doing what was right.
2. because they knew they need to always praise God no matter what.
3. the jailer and his family.
4. well the jailer would not have been saved and their jail mates would know have heard the word.

Anonymous said...

1. Because they cast the demon out of the girl, causing her masters to lose any more opportunities to make money off of her.
2. I believe they trusted in God, were excited about the salvation of the possessed girl, and were looking forward to God doing great things in that city.
3. The jailer and his entire family, the other prisoners, and even the rulers of the city.
4. They would not have been praising God, they would have ran when the quake opened the cell, and they would have missed out on the evangelistic opportunities.

Anonymous said...

1. They met a girl with a spirit in her, and she brought her owners great fortune from telling the future. They commanded the spirit to come out of the girl, and the owners were very angry. So the owners took them to the officials, and the officials had them thrown in jail for disturbing the village.
2. They probably thought of the verse where it says "Whatever you do do it all to the glory of God." And they knew that this was God's plan for them.
3. The prisoners around them, and the Jailer and his whole family.
4. When the earthquake had come they might have ran and the jailer would have killed himself, or there might not have even been an earthquake to let them out. And the other prisoners would not have heard the Word.