Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back from the Dead - Part 1 - Devo for 06/05/08

Reflective Questions
1. Think back to the death of a family member or friend. Did that death cause you to question God's love? Explain your answer.
2. What feelings do you have when you think about death?
3. What facts about death (if you knew for sure they were true) would ease your concerns?

John 11:1-27

Responsive Questions
1. From the clues in this chapter, describe Jesus' relationship with each member of this family: Mary, Martha and Lazarus.
2. How can we resolve the seeming conflict between Jesus' love for Lazarus and his deliberate delay in helping him (vv. 4-5, 15)?
3. What elements of doubt and faith do you see in Martha's statements to Jesus (vv. 17-27)?
4. How does Jesus stretch Martha's faith in this brief encounter?


Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions:
1. yes because he was a nice person and way did God have to take his live not someone eles.

2. sadness.

3. that Jesus was right there with him when he died.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions:
1. that Jesus had a different relatonship with the 3 of them but hwe teach the same thing to all of them.

2. Because Jesus does things in his own time not in the time of others.

3. That she does not believe he will rise her brother from the dead.

4. he says he will rise her brother from the dead.

Anonymous said...

1. I don't think I questioned God's love, yet I continually asked the Lord "Why?"
2. My own death...I am not afraid to die, and at times I am ready to be in heaven with the Lord. When I think of my family dying, I get very sad and that hopeless feeling, even though they are saved I selfishly don;t want to live without them.
3. Well, I know that if you are saced when you die, you will spend eternity in heaven and that totally eases any concerns I would have.


1. I think Jesus had a deep love relationship with all 3 of them. He was very close to them.

2.I think Jesus wanted them to trust in Him and for others to believe in Him, that is whyHe waited. He knew, of course, all along Lazarus would be healed.
3. SHe questioned Jesus and said that her brother would be alive if Jesus had not taken so long. She did not have the faith that he would be healed once he died. She just assumed she would see him again at the resurrection and not on earth.
4. She went on to say that she believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of GOd who was sent to this world.

Anonymous said...

Oops that was my post.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I'm learning not to question God's love so much (it is the most freqeunt theme in Scripture), but do sometimes question, "What in the world is He thinking...this timing is crazy!"
2. I don't fear is only sad for those left behind. Death for a believer in Jesus Christ is awesome...immediately all your pain, fears, trials, and temptations are over...immediately you are in Christ's presence, enjoying a perfect eternity!
3. See concerns for me dying...only for those left behind.

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus was a close friend to all of them...Mary probably felt emotionally the closest, Martha probably felt like a big sister in a small way, while still trusting Him as her Savior. Obviously, Lazarus believed in Christ as his Savior, and they must have been close...Jesus counted him as a dear friend.
2. God and Jesus were to get the glory through this experience that Lazarus and his family and friends were allowed to go through.
3. Martha knew that Christ was in control in the long-term...that eventually they would have eternal life in Heaven. But she struggled with the immediate...with trusting what Jesus was doing right then.
4. Jesus gave her the truth...that He is the resurrection and the life..that He can do what He wants to do, for the Father's glory, when the Father deems the timing right. He stretched her to believe in Him at that moment for her present circumstances.

Each one of us has current circumstances that we find it difficult to believe that God is working out in the best way. We may say we believe His way is the best way, but our disobedience betrays the truth. He says it is best and right to obey the authorities over us, but we doubt Him, thinking that we know better than they do in that particular situation. He says it is best and right to forgive one who has wrong us, leaving the retribution to Him. But we doubt Him when we choose to carry a grudge or try to get even with them.

Most of us on this blog have trusted Him with our eternal salvation...but I know that we all have areas where we need to start trusting Him in our lives right now. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Think back to the death of a family member or friend. Did that death cause you to question God's love? Explain your answer.

As I think about my friends and loved ones that have died, the only questions that have come up in my mind is related to His timing. However, as I study His Word, pray, and listen to godly counsel, it becomes very clear that God's purposes reign supreme and He will give the grace and strength to endure.

2. What feelings do you have when you think about death?

When I do think about death, two thoughts usually come to mind, 1) I hope Jesus comes back before I do, and 2) how am I going to die?

3. What facts about death (if you knew for sure they were true) would ease your concerns?

Since I have God's Word, I do know for sure what will happen when I die! I will be with my Savior in Heaven forever and ever and ever and ever!

Responsive Questions
1. From the clues in this chapter, describe Jesus' relationship with each member of this family: Mary, Martha and Lazarus.

He loved each of them deeply. It appears He had a very open relationship with each of them. It's clear that He was able to teach them more about Himself through Lazarus' death, as well as encourage their faith in Him.

2. How can we resolve the seeming conflict between Jesus' love for Lazarus and his deliberate delay in helping him (vv. 4-5, 15)?

Jesus was going to show something about Himself through Lazarus' death and use this circumstance to bring glory to His Father.

3. What elements of doubt and faith do you see in Martha's statements to Jesus (vv. 17-27)?

It seems as if she questioned Jesus regarding her brother's death, yet believed that He could bring him back to life. When Jesus told her that Lazarus would rise again, she was thinking long-term rather than immediately.

4. How does Jesus stretch Martha's faith in this brief encounter?

Jesus tells her that whoever believes in Him will never die, and then asks her if she believes that. Yet Lazarus, who believes in Jesus, is dead. Martha, in spite of her feelings, acknowledges Jesus as the Christ.

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
Well I cant remeber Because I was like 3 or 4 so...

Anwser to #2

Anwser to #3
Well that is was Jesus' plans.

Anwser to #1
He was close to all of them and loved them all the same.

Anwser to #2
Well to teach them that they need to trust god with whatever He is doing.

Anwser to #3
That she was not believing ih Him and what He could do,and that He should have come quicker.

Anwser to #4
Well He raised her brother from the dead and she bleived that He was the Son of God.

Anonymous said...

reflective questions:

1. well i have never had anyone really die that i remember but my friends grandma died and i was pretty close 2 her she was like my own gma. i actually never questioned Gods love, i just wonder why it happend to her but i could tell she questionedGod and i helped her through it and reminded her that God has a purpose for everything. sorry that was long lol.

2.scared, wonder, sadness.

3.that i am goin 2 heaven, thats the biggest one.

responsive questions:

1.well it says he loved each of them, i think he knew mary was the positive one and martha was the more non-understanding one but they both trusted in him so. and lazarus was like a bro to him, and Jesus knew he could use him like this.

2.well he wasnt gonna let lazarus die but just use him to teach mary and martha a leson, and maybe lazarus didnt need that lesson cuz he was strong in that area.

3.well she didnt understand why he let it happen but she remembered that he was God.

4.he asks mary questions and lets her hear the positive response and he did this so she would put her faith in him.

Anonymous said...

1.Kinda but i knew that God would get me and my family through it and there is a reason for something.


3.that it is all in his hands.

Responsive Questions:
1.they were all very close and all beleived and loved Jesu svery much!

2.that even though Jesus wasen't there that they should still jave faith in him that he would do something.

3.she did not fully believe that he would rise again ince Jesus wasen't there the day he died.

4.she believed him and said that he was the Son of God

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
Ya you start to ask God why they had to leave so soon but then you realize that they r in Heaven with God.

Answer to 2.
You know that ur life is coming to an end some day and u cant take ur ps2 or ur wii or ur xbox or any other earthly posession.

Answer to 3.
If there was football in heaven. We could make a league with thirty teams and have teams like the twelve diciples against the church at corinth or sumthin like that.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1.Yes, because my grandma and i were very very close and when she died i thought God did this to me because he didnt love me and was punishing me for something but then i realized that he did and i came back to him and now my life is going pretty good.

2. Sadness Depressing


Responsive Questions
1.He was very close to all three of them and loved them the same

2.Jesus wasnt going to let Lazarus die he was just teaching mary and martha a lesson.

3.She didnt know why this had happened but knew that God knew why

4.He askes questions to make her put her faith in him

Anonymous said...

1.yes but i am not really sure
2.sadness but god with me
3.that all up to jesus really he plans are life

1.jesus loved all 3 of them teach them that eat has to trust god
3she did not that he would rise 3 days later
4.she did belive and she nows he is the son of god

Anonymous said...

-I know what will happen to me when I die!
1.Jesus was very close friends with each of the three.
2.Even though Lazerus was very close to Jesus,He had a plan to show His perfect timing in the situtation.
3.She doubted His timing and questioned why.
4.He showed her that He has power over earthly troubles,including death.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I didn't because I knew that it was in God's timing.

2. How will I die.

3. I know where I'm going when I die.

Responsive Questions
1.He loved them all.

2. He wanted them to believe.

3. She thought that Lazarus would not have died if Jesus had been there earlier but she had faith that he could heal him.

4. He asked her if she believed and she said that she did.

Anonymous said...

reflective questins

1. yes. because i did not want the family member to be gone

2. i am sad

3. i really dont know

responsive questions





Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)Not really because I knew that she would going to heaven and that she will wacthing over us.But I was really upest and etc.


3)I really don't know???????

Responsive Questions

1)He was very nice and loving to them all

2)That you should put your faith in God

3)She wouldn't believe in him

4)By helping her