Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Cost of Friendship - Part 1 - Devo for 06/26/08

Reflective Questions
1. What are some of the most important qualities in a friend?
2. Who is your closest friend? Take some time to pray for that person as you begin this study.

John 15:12-17

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus already told his disciples to love each other (John 13:34-35). How does his instruction in verse 12 raise the standard of our love?
2. What are the requirements and benefits of friendship with Jesus (vv. 14-17)?
3. Is being a friend of Jesus the same as being a believer in Jesus? Explain.


Anonymous said...

responsive questions:

1.well we have to love each other as much as Jesus loves us and thats a lot of love, we are to love them even if they dont love us back.

2.well the requirements are to love each other all the time and no matter what they have done to you, but the benefits are that we are no longer servants of God and we know His plan for us.

3.not really. well because anyone can believe in Jesus, but only someone who is a friend of Jesus really loves Him and wants to spend time with Him.

Anonymous said...

1.He is commanding us to love them just like He loves us.

2.We need to bear fruit,love others,and do what He commands us to do.

Hey guys,
The church record was broken on Sunday.There was 105 people there-it was crammed!I have to speak in
Spanish all the time-except at home.I hope you all had a great time at camp.
Miss you all!

Anonymous said...

- Loyal, helpful, and supportive.

1. He tells them that the greatest love is for someone to die for someone else.

2. We have to do what he tells us to, but we receive salvation and he also tells us what he is doing.

3. No, being a friend means you have a closer relationship with him, you not only know him but you also have a closer relationship with him.

Anonymous said...

1. We should love others as much as Jesus loves us.

2. We have to obey his commandments. One is to love others. We benefit by not having to be servants, but friends.

3. It's not the same because we can believe in him without being his friend. His friends love others.

Anonymous said...

1.We have to love even more because Jesus loves everyone so that means we need to try to love everyone.

2.We have to do what he expects to do as Christians.

3.No. being a friend of Jesus means that we are closer to him than a person that is saved but doesn't have a strong relationship with Him.

Anonymous said...

1. Honesty, caring, understanding, non-judgemental

1. Because we are to love others like Christ loved us, which is much greater than our love for each other. It is unconditional.

2. To do what He asks and bear fruit and then we will be blessed and receive what we ask.

3. I think a believer does just what it describes..believes in the Lord. A friend has other qualities and chareacteristics and has a relationship with Jesus.

That is awesome Sara!. I hope you are having a great time. We are praying for you and miss having you around! Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. What are some of the most important qualities in a friend?

Integrity and loyalty, as well as compassion.

2. Who is your closest friend? Take some time to pray for that person as you begin this study.

My wife is my closest friend.

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus already told his disciples to love each other (John 13:34-35). How does his instruction in verse 12 raise the standard of our love?

It raises the standard because Jesus tell His disciples to love each other as He has loved them, that is sacrificially (v. 13).

2. What are the requirements and benefits of friendship with Jesus (vv. 14-17)?

The requirements are obedience to His Word and love for each other. The benefits are a relationship with Christ and His empowerment to bear fruit for Him.

3. Is being a friend of Jesus the same as being a believer in Jesus? Explain.

There are people who "believe" in Jesus, yet have never accepted Him as their Savior. These people are not friends of God. True faith in Christ requires obedience to His Word (one way of salvation, living holy, etc.), and those who choose to obey are friends of God.

Anonymous said...

1.i would say trust,love,and to be supportive of each other.

1.Well God's love for us is very very high and it says,"Love each other as I have loved you."

2.that we wouldn't be called servants but a friend and we would love each other.

3.I think the same as taylor like anyone can trust in Jesus and be a follower but if you don't love God or want to become closer to him then no.

Anonymous said...

reflective Questions
1. love caring kind funny likes to be themselves.

2. Ashley N.

Responsive Questions
1. That we should love every one even are enemy's.

2. to love each other, others will love you too., because if you believe in him you are saved and if you are his friend you can talk to him as a friend.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
Honesty, Loyalty, stuff like that.
Answer to 1.
He wants us to love each other just like He loves everyone.
Answer to 2.
If you give your life to jesus, you will be his friend, and you will have a thriving relationship with god.
Answer to 3.
They are differet because being a believer in jesus just means youve gotten saved and now could be backsliding. being a friend of jesus means youve gotten saved and have a great relationship with God because youve given it over to him.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)I would say Supportive, Honest, Godly and etc.

2)IDK maybe Lezza Perry

Rsponsive Questions

1)he wants us to love people like he does us

2)Get to go heaven and you have some one to depend on

3)No, because you can pray and talk to him all you want to but if you haven't asked him to be your savoir it mean nothing

Anonymous said...

1.i would say with god
2.we all should love each other even if we talk about me just dont listen to them

1.he loves everyone
2.going to heavn

Anonymous said...

1. honest, loving, caring.

1. well that we have to love everyone no matter what.
2. well that we have to win people to him and be saved and the benefits are we get to live forever and ever with Him in heaven.
3. well no because if your a friend you want to spend time with Him and love him so very much and a believer is just someone who believes in him