Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The King's Last Acts - Part 1 - Devo for 06/09/08

Reflective Questions
1. If you knew for sure that had only one week to live, what would you do with that week?
2. What acts do you want to be remembered for?
3. How consistently do you do what you want the people you love to remember?

John 12:1-11

Responsive Questions
1. Which person in this passage do you identify most closely with: Mary, who loved giving; Jesus, who appreciated receiving; or Judas, who looked at only the cost? Explain why you identify with that person.
2. Judas objects to Mary's extravagance. What motives and wrong thinking lie behind his objection (vv. 4-8)?
3. How would you have reacted to Mary's act?
4. What can we expect if we are extravagent in our devotion to Jesus?


Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. If you knew for sure that had only one week to live, what would you do with that week?

I would spend as much time with my family as I could, and I would call everyone that I loved and ask them if they knew for sure where they were going to spend eternity. I would also clean up my office for the next youth pastor!

2. What acts do you want to be remembered for?

For loving and serving God and my family.

3. How consistently do you do what you want the people you love to remember?

I am striving to live a consistent life, however, it could always be better!

Responsive Questions
1. Which person in this passage do you identify most closely with: Mary, who loved giving; Jesus, who appreciated receiving; or Judas, who looked at only the cost? Explain why you identify with that person.

I appreciate getting things from people, but I really love to give. Whether it's known by people or not, I enjoy giving. The fact that Christ has given me so much, as well as people throughout my life who have sacrificially given to me, causes me to enjoy every opportunity I have to give to others.

2. Judas objects to Mary's extravagance. What motives and wrong thinking lie behind his objection (vv. 4-8)?

Judas said the oil could have been sold and the money given to the poor. However, Judas carried the money for the group, and if the oil were sold that would provide him an opportunity to steal it since he was a thief.

3. How would you have reacted to Mary's act?

I would have marveled at the reality of her love for Christ and been embarrased that I did not consider responding in the same manner.

4. What can we expect if we are extravagent in our devotion to Jesus?

There will probably be criticsm from others, but always encouragement and love from our Savior.

I am so PUMPED about going to camp! Are you all ready for an AWESOME week?

Anonymous said...

1.I would first spend alot of time with family and friends and defintly in God's word. i would probably be sharing the Gospel with alot of people.

2.well...a good Christian young ladie who lived for the Lord, also a good friend, sister, and daughter.

3.well that goes both ways for me sometimes i am on fire for the Lord and very nice to my friends and family but then sometiimes i get to caught up in other stuff that i don't do my devos and arn't very nice to people.

1.i say Mary cause she was very loving towards Jesus and cleaned his feet with her hair unlike Judas who was kinda selfish.

2.same what Jason said Judas was a thief and said that it could have been sold and the money to the poor.

3.i would be excited that Jesus did that for me but i would probably like be standing back cause i wouldn't know what to say to Judas.

4.Jesus love for us that we are following in his foot steps.

and YES Jason i am SOoooooooo excited for camp i cant wait my mom is already telling me to start getting my stuff ready. also i am very excited to get to see bryn!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I would tell as many people as I could about Christ.

2. I would like to be known as a great Christian person.

3. Both ways. Sometimes I am on fire for God and sometimes I'm not.

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus, I appreciate receiving salvation.

2. Judas was a thief and wanted to sell it saying that the money should be given to the poor.

3. I would be shocked that she would do such a thing.

4. His blessings on us, but also criticism from others.


Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I would go to my friends house in Illions so I could say good bye to them before I left and they could say good bye to me to

2. Witness to one of my friends at school, Caring and lots more that I can't think of right now.

3. Just for me being myself.

Responsive Questions
1. I enjoy giving and receiving.

2. Because he wanted the prefume for the oor and not for Jesus.

3. I would have said no this is for Jesus not you so be gone or something like that.

4. Blessing and bad stuff to.


Anonymous said...

1.personly i would not know tell i get there not sure when i get there i will not you all
3.well all time i want the lord be with me but sometimes i think he not there for me

1.mary she was loving and great to everyone
2.same what Jason said Judas was a thief and said that it could have been sold and the money to the poor
3.jesus died on the cross for us
4.jesus all of us

Anonymous said...

1. Probably spend as much time with my family as I could. I would attempt to do things with each one individually so that they would have a favorable last memory of me.
2. Serving the Lord, being a good wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.
3. WEll, not everyday... that's for sure. I guess that is something I need to be more aware of and work on that.

1. I love to give and I love to receive, however, I am constantly looking at monetary amounts of things and trying to save a bit here and there. But then there are times I am inconsistent and spurge...usually on my kids.
2. Because he was acting like he was upset the money should be given to the poor, when actually he would take money and keep it for himself. He was being selfish and probably jealous too.
3. I may have reacted like Judas, but with a different motive. I would more likely be thinking, "Wow, that is so expensive, why is she putting it on his feet!".
4. Extravagence back from the Lord!

I am also anxiously awaiting camp..but I have so much to do!

Anonymous said...

1.I would call everyone I know and say goodbye and see you in Heaven.

2.For loving Jesus and being an awesome wrestler.

3.I always want to be more like Jesus.

Responsive Answers
1.I like receiving and giving so either Jesus or Mary.

2.Judas was trying to say that it could be sold to the poor and make it sound like a good deed, but he wanted to steal the money because he was the treasurer that always had the money.

3.I would have had mixed emotions about that.

4.Blessings from Jesus.

I can't wait for camp!

It is my first time so I really hope I will have fun

Anonymous said...

1.I would share the gospel with every person I came in contact with.I would also go on one last vacation with my family.

2.I would want people to remember me as someone who did their best to do what God asked them to do.

3.Not as often as I should.

1.I should always be striving to be a cheerful giver,even though sometimes it can be hard.I try very hard not to be wasteful,but I also like give to those who need it.

2.Judas was a selfish man and only saw the perfume as a waste,when Mary was really using it as a precious gift to her Savior.Judas didn't really want the money to go to the poor.If he had the opportunity to ,he would take it for himself.

3.I probably would have been ashamed that I had nothing to give to Him.

4.We can expect blessings in our lives, and our focus will be on Him.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Spend major time making memories with and for my family...perhaps make some video tapes, write some letters, etc. I would be making phone calls or mass emails with last messages for family and friends.
2. For listening, loving, and leading people into real relationships with Jesus Christ on a daily basis...enouraging others to walk with Him and not turn from Him.
3. Hmmmmm....well, I hope consistently, but I'm sure a hidden camera on my life would reveal that I'm not always as consistent as I want to be.

Responsive Questions
1. Hmmm...I love both giving and receiving...both are a blast. But I do look at the cost more than I should too!
2. Judas had apparently found a way to steal money he figured that had she just given them the money instead of pouring the expensive perfume on Jesus' feet...he would have had more to steal!
3. "Wish I would have thought of that!!!!" :)
4. That He will be pleased. That we can never do enough for Him. That others will question our motives, our sincerity, our sanity.

Anonymous said...

wow i havent been doin this all week sorry been at peeps houses the whole time lol

reflective questions:

1.hmm....probebly spend time with my family and friends and i wold go tell the world God is real.

2.kindness,hardworking,loving,funny,strong(mentally),smart,peaceful, and Christ-like.

3.idk....i try too all the time but it doesnt always show lol.

responsive questions:

1.mary, well cuz i love to give and like u can ask my parents i would give like my whole wordrobe to the poor ok maybe half but u get the point.

2.he was a theif so he wanted mary to give all the money she made from it to the poor so he could take it.

3.i would have thought she was humble and would have been glad she had did it honestly.

4.rewards in heaven and on earth and knowledge of him.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)I would stay with my family and friends and tell them I love them and that I'll be wacthing over them aslo I would thank God for this wonderful life he has given me

2)Being a witness

3)Sometimes I get an attitude with people and be bad but other times I am prasing the Lord

Responsive Questions

1)Mary because she seems very nice and loving

2)Judas was a thief

3)I don't really know about this one

4)His blessing

Anonymous said...

1.Mary because she was loving to everyone and even cleaned Jesus feet with her hair.

2.Judas was a thief and wanted to sell it for money.

3.I would have been like wow and ashamed that i had not done the same thing.

4.His love for us but also being critised by others.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)I would stay with my family and friends as much as I could I would tell them everything I never told anyone and do things that I wanted to do. Also thank God for giving me a place on this earth
2)As a christ lover that follows in his foot steps

Responsive Questions

1)Mary because she is a girl and is very kind
2)Judas was a lier
4)To learn and become closer to God

Anonymous said...

1. just live it to my fullest and talk to people about God and just do everything i wanted to do.
2. honest, loving, a good friend, and a good servant.
3. well i try all the time but there are moments that just happen that i dont want them to remeber me by.

1. i think mary because i just love to help people out and see the reactions to that.
2. Judas was a thief and wanted to sell it saying that the money should be given to the poor.
3. well i think that i would be happy to see that she was humble.
4. His blessings on us, but also criticism from others.