Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The King's Last Acts - Part 2 - Devo for 06/10/08

John 12:12-36

Responsive Questions
1. What do the shouts of the crowd tell us about their expectations of Jesus (vv. 12-19)?
2. How do Jesus' statements about his mission clash with the crowd's expectations (vv. 23-28)?
3. How would you explain verse 25 in terms that apply to your life (see also vv. 26-28)?
4. Jesus makes it clear that he is about to die. What will Jesus' death accomplish (vv. 23-24, 28, 31-32)?


Anonymous said...

1. They were excited and following him and praising Him.
2. They thought he would stay alive and they could follow Him and learn from Him, when actually He was talking about His death.
3. If I love my life and the Lord and trust in him, I will lose my life here on earth and spend eternity in heaven. If I don't and choose to do my own things, then I will keep my life and spend eternity in Hell.
4. Glory to His Father! And salvation available to all who receive Him.

I wanted to let the teens know that you all are doing an awesome job at VBS! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

1. Their reactions were the opposite of what they were later when they wanted Jesus crucified.

2. They did not think that Jesus would die.

3. I should hate my life.

4. We can receive salvation.

Anonymous said...

1.that they were excited about the coming of Jesus.they love him.
2.they will follow him if they are his children and they went to see him so they were following him.
3.that if you accept
christ as your savior then you will have eternal life and spend it in heaven with God.
4.that basically when he dies he will still be with us.

Anonymous said...

1.They were filled with joy and were praising him.

2.They thought that he would be king and reign forever.

3.You should rather want to be in Heaven than earth.

4.That we are now available to have eternal life and not have to make sacrifices.

Only a few more days until Senior camp!

Anonymous said...

1.The Jews at this point,believed that Jesus would be their earthly king and Savior from Roman rule.They were excited,but didn't quite get it.

2.The crowd wanted Him to be their king and to rule on earth,but Jesus had come to Jeruselem knowing that He would in a few days sacrifice His life.

3.If we are caught up in the things of this world and do not accept Christ, we will not have eternal life in heaven.In contrast, if we are dead to the world,and follow God,we gain eternal life with Him.

4.The Father will be glorified,and men will come to know God.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. What do the shouts of the crowd tell us about their expectations of Jesus (vv. 12-19)?

The crowd thought that this was the coronation of their new king.

2. How do Jesus' statements about his mission clash with the crowd's expectations (vv. 23-28)?

His purpose was to die, not to rule over a physical, earthly kingdom (for now).

3. How would you explain verse 25 in terms that apply to your life (see also vv. 26-28)?

If I were to love the world and follow after my own desires, then the love of God is not in me. Without Christ in me I cannot have eternal life. If I follow Christ and deny my flesh, then that is a sign that I have accepted Him and therefore I will live with Him forever.

4. Jesus makes it clear that he is about to die. What will Jesus' death accomplish (vv. 23-24, 28, 31-32)?

Jesus' death accomplishes the salvation for all those that believe in Him, His glorification, and the defeat of Satan.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

1. because they know who he is and wanted to be respectful.

2. because the crowd did not expect him to say that.

3. life lost means= heaven
life stay means= hell.

4. are lives to be saved from hell.

Anonymous said...

1. They expected Him to cut loose and really do big be their king!
2. Jesus planned on dying for the sins of the world. They didn't plan on Him dying any time soon!
3. Ouch. I hate pain. I hate confrontation. I'd much rather have door #3...the easy get my drift. But Christ says the way to life is through death to self. To have true freedom, to truly experience life the way God intended it, then I must give up my "right" to a pain-free, easy life. I must confess...I'm not wild about that idea!
4. Jesus' death would bring forth fruit, the Father would be glorified, Satan would be defeated, and souls would be restored to's that for killing four birds with one stone!

I echo Stephanie...great job with VBS, guys!

Anonymous said...

responsive questions:

1.they believed that he really was God because they saw that he rose lazarus from the dead.

2.they thought that he was gonna be there forever but he was talkin bout dieing and saving them from sin.

3.that at first we dont want to go through hard times but when we remember its for Gods glory then we should trust in him and believe there is a purpose for our hard times.

4.saving our sins and giving God the glory.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)They respected him and were very happy to see him. They Loved him!!!

2)They all wanted him to stayed but he didn't

3)When you believe in God you will have enteral life in heaven


Anonymous said...

1.they loved him so much
2.they wanted him to stay
3.god will give you enteral life if you expect him
4.he deid on the cross for our sins

Anonymous said...

1.They were excited and praising Him.

2.They wanted him to rule over the earth forever.

3.If i love my life here on earth and love God then i will spend eternity in heaven. But if i hate my life and dont please God and do what i want then i will spend eternity in hell.

4.Salvation and us being able to have eternal life with him in heaven.

Anonymous said...

1. that they really loved him and were following him always.
2. well they thought that they would be able to follow him for a long time.
3. that if you accept his gift you can live forever with him in heaven and not go to hell.
4. all of our sins will be striped away and we will (if we accept his gift) never go to hell.