Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Listening for the Shepherd's Voice - Part 1 - Devo for 06/02/08

Reflective Questions
1. In what situations do you feel most insecure or afraid?
2. How does it help when someone faces those situations with you?

John 10:1-21

Responsive Questions
1. As you read back through the passage again, identify who or what these images represent, and list the characteristics of each.
* The sheep pen:
* The shepherd:
* The thief:
* The sheep:
* The gate:
* The hired hand:
2. In verses 11-15 Jesus talks about the shepherd's care for his sheep. What can you learn from those verses about Jesus' care and relationship with you?
3. What does Jesus reveal about the future of his flock (v. 16)? In what ways do you feel a part of "one flock" under "one shepherd"?
4. Why do you think Jesus stresses that he lays down his life of his own accord (vv. 17-18)?


Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. When no one listens to me.

2. Good.

Responsive Questions
1a. Thing to save the sheep.
b. Jesus.
c. Satan and his angles.
d. Us.
e. Jesus.
f. Jesus.

2. That he really does care about us.

3.That we are a part of it. By salvation.

4. By he is the lamb of God.

I'm the first comment today YEA.

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
Talking about Jesus to other people and talking to people I dont know.

Anwser to #2
Well it can help me to get throught it.

Anwser to #1
a)the things that keep us safe from harm.
d)the christians
e)our salvation
f)Jesus i think

Anwser to #2
That He wont let anything happen to us and that we need to trust Him.

Anwser to #3
Well I feel I am apart of it because I accepted Jesus as my savior.

Anwser to #4
Because people dont really understand and He wants to make it know.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)Being around some one I don't really like

2)Makes be feel better

Responsive Questions

1)Below the answers
a-Things that keep us safe

2)That we should trust in him because he will all ways be with us and love us

3)Once we are saved we are a part of it

4)He wants to show what he can do and who he really is

Anonymous said...

reflective questions

1. wehen people are rude or when i talking and people do noy listen to me

2. better

responsive questions

1 things that keep us safe

2. jesus

3. satan

4. salvation

5. people [christans]

2.thatjesus loves us and he is always with us.

3. i belive that i am part of it becasuse i belive in god as my sarior

4. he wants people to know who he is.

4 people[christans]

Anonymous said...

reflective questions:

1.when i am goin to a new place and tryin to make friends or in a room filled with adults i dont know but some how know me lol.also singing in front of a crowd doin a solo cuz i cant really sing.

2.a lot better i dont feel as worried lol

responsive questions:

1.-the sheep pen:its like a house or building.(heaven)
-the shepherd:he or she owns the building and runs what is in it.(Jesus)
-the thief:anyone who gets into the "pin" or building without using the "gate" or door, and is not welcomed in.(satan or unblelievers)
-the sheep:the shepherds responsibility or in our terms child, only comes to the voice of the shepherd.(us)
-the gate: kinda like the front door and the way to get in the "pin" or house.(the gates of heaven)
-the hired hand:like and employee.(angels)

2.that Jesus died for me because i have "gone astray" just like the shepherd puts his life at risk for his sheep, Jesus loves me and gives me what i need and treats me with kindness.

3.there will be others that do not believe in him in the flock and that are not saved by him.that i live in one world and only Jesus can truly provide for me.

4.because he can only hurt or kill himself according to his plans no one else can kill him without his promission or no one can plan to kill him and succeed wothout him knowing.

Anonymous said...

whoa like no one posted today i wonder wat everyone is doin lol probebly work and school lol

Anonymous said...

1.talking to people when i don't know the answers or don't know what to say.

2.better cause you don't feel as wierd and i would feel more cofindent(i guess).

1.sheep pen=thing that keeps us safe.
hired hand=i don't know who this is?

2.that Jesus laid done jis ife for us and he knows everything about us.

3.there are others who will listen also but where not in this particular sheep pen. thati know Jesus will always be there for me. i can always talk to God. He is the one true shepherd.

4.because he wants to make it known that it is true.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Talking to people that I don't know.

2. Relieved because I don't have to go through it alone.

Responsive Questions
- something that keeps us safe
- Jesus
- anyone that came before Jesus
- us
- salvation
- Jesus

2. Jesus cares for me more than anyone else.

3. There are those that aren't under his care that he must bring. I feel good that Jesus is my shepherd.

4. He show us his power.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. When my kids are hurting. When I don't know how to handle a situation.
2. Wonderful. I feel supported and encouraged.

Responsive Questions
1.* The sheep pen: Relationship with God...salvation...eternal life
* The shepherd: Jesus
* The thief: Satan
* The sheep: people
* The gate: Salvation through belief in Jesus Christ
* The hired hand: people with good intentions on how we can get to heaven.

2. Jesus cares about me individually. He knows me by name. He doesn't see Christians just as a whole but knows each one of us personally. He was willing to lay down His life for me.
3. One day we will finally be gathered to Him. He is waiting for more to be saved.
4. So that no one would think His death was an accident...that He was the victim of unfortunate events.

Anonymous said...

1. In situations that I don't know the outcome..or how people will react to me. Fear of the unknown...
2. Two is always better than one in those situations...someone to ride the waves with you.

1. Sheep pen-salvation
Sheep-all of us, followers
hired hand-unsaved person

2. Jesus protects us, cares for us and we can know him personally, by name or just by his voice. We feel comfortable and safe with Jesus.
3. There are still people that are not saved that will come to know Christ and their Savior.
4. That it was his decision (along with the father in heaven) to give up His life for us.

Anonymous said...

1.some one talking to me alot when i dont loke him or her or its a stranger that i do not know
2.makes usfeel much better

1.look down
*keep safe
*are savoir
*us people
2.that we would trust in him
3.when we got saved we were his now
4.he wants to show us who he really is

Anonymous said...

Sheep Pen-things that keep us safe
Hired Hand-Jesus

2.He loves me and cares for me

3.Iam apart of it now because i accepted Jesus as my savior and he is my shepherd now

4.because he wants people to know who he is

Anonymous said...

REFLECTIVE-------------------------Answer to 1.
When you say something dumb and everyone looks at you like," What r u talking about?

Answer to 2.
More Emberassing lol.

Answer to 1.
Sheep Pen---God
The Thief---Satan
The Sheep---us{Christians}
The Gate----Heaven
The Hired Hand---Unsaved Person

Answer to 2.
Jesus will always protect us and keep us away from the evils of darkness.

Answer to 3.
I feel apart of the one flock because Iaccepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.

Answer to 4.
He is showing everyone that He is able to do anything.

Anonymous said...

When I don't know what will happen next.

It makes the situation not seem so difficult.

-someone looking out only for thier own good
2.Christ really wants a relationship with me and deeply cares for me.
3.More people will come to salvation.Once we are saved, we become part of His family.
4.It shows that He was in control of the situation the entire time.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. In what situations do you feel most insecure or afraid?

When I have done all that I can do and the situation has not been resolved.

2. How does it help when someone faces those situations with you?

It is very comforting when someone is on your side.

Responsive Questions
1. As you read back through the passage again, identify who or what these images represent, and list the characteristics of each.

* The sheep pen: security in Jesus Christ - our relationship with Him
* The shepherd: the one who leads the sheep - Jesus Christ
* The thief: anyone who distracts people from Christ - Satan or unbelievers
* The sheep: people
* The gate: the only way to salvation - Jesus Christ
* The hired hand: those that try to lead without God's power - false teachers/unbelievers

2. In verses 11-15 Jesus talks about the shepherd's care for his sheep. What can you learn from those verses about Jesus' care and relationship with you?

He has given His life for me so that I can have eternal life. He will never leave me, even when things get tough. He is the one who will always guide me.

3. What does Jesus reveal about the future of his flock (v. 16)? In what ways do you feel a part of "one flock" under "one shepherd"?

One day all believers will be together with Him. I know that there are believers all over the world who worship the same Christ I do, and they are striving to live for Christ just like I am.

4. Why do you think Jesus stresses that he lays down his life of his own accord (vv. 17-18)?

Because it shows that He was a willing sacrifice, that He is God, and has power over life and death. That is great news for us who are trusting in His death and resurrection for our eternal hope.