Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Listening for the Shepherd's Voice - Part 3 - Devo for 06/04/08

John 10:30-42

Responsive Questions
1. When Jesus claims that he and the Father are one, the Jews pick up stones to stone him (vv. 30-33). Do you think his defense is a denial of his deity (vv. 33-36)? Explain.
2. What prompts people (or you) to have doubts about their salvation or thier relationship with Jesus? Explain your answer.
3. How will the promises Jesus makes in these verses help you when you struggle with doubt?

Applying Chapter 10 in Your Life
1. The image of God as a shepherd is used many times in the Bible to picture God's care for his people. Read through the following passages and filter out one promise that you can use to strengthen your own faith or to encourage another Christian who may be struggling.
* Psalm 23
* Psalm 95
* Psalm 40:11
* Isaiah 53:6


Anonymous said...

responsive questions:

1. this is a tough question.... well i dont think it is because he is just being humble and trying to do his fathers work, and still agrees that he is the sone of God... but this is a counfusing question.

2.well when something goes wrong in my life. i think God you said you would take care of me why are my mom and i fighting or why didnt i get that award ect. i sometimes just dont understand why those things happen but God knows so..

3.well i just remind myself that he's incontrol and he knows whats goin on so i shouldnt worry but sometimes i still do.

applying questions:

1.that God is in control he knows the things we are going through and he will help us through hard times and in the end our hard times will mature us and he will be able to use us for our purpose.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. No, because he and his father are one.

2. Wrong things in my life because i might have thought them and said them out loud.

3. I can just believe he is there and not worry.

1. That God is always there when you need him, God also protects us if we ask him too, and that you are not alone.

Anonymous said...

#1 Well we think that it is no becasue he was trying to be humble.

#2 Well becasue people always see all the other religons and wonder about their religons.

#3 Well just remeber that he is in control or that he is my friend and that he is in control.

applying in our life:
faith in God and to not fear!

Anonymous said...

1.yes because he said why then would you acuse me of blasphemey because i am gods son. when they curse and dont act like they are christains.the way they act.
3.well just any promises that god makes i will trust and they will help me not doubt because i know that he will stick to what he says and everything that he says is true.
1.that hes gonna take care of us.

Anonymous said...

1. No, he was merely telling them that they do not believe in Him anor trust in Him and what he says and does.
2. When things in our life go wrong, when we don't FEEL saved, when we focus on ourselves or wrong things instead of focusing on Jesus.

3. That he is always there for me...the Bible is true and tells us over and over agin about Jesus' salvation, protection, comfort etc. When in doubt, get back into the Word.


1. I particularly like PSalm 23 because it covers so many different aspects of life that God takes care of...He gives us peace, takes care of our needs, guides me, gives me strength in times of death, takes away my fears, gives me comfort, protects me fro mmy enemies, gives me goodness and love and life, and I can remain with the Lord forever! What more do I need!!!!

Anonymous said...

1. This one got me a little confused....
The phrasing is a little complicated

2. One of the main reasons that people doubt of their salvation is that they ask for something and don't get it. THey think God is not listening to him.

3. Jesus is the Son of God, he doesn't lie to us.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)He was being humble

2)We don't all ways think God with us

3)Jesus will be there for anyone no matter what happens

Applying Chapter 10 in Your Life

1)That God is all ways there even when you say he isn't for us and he protects

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
No its not a denial of his deity, he was referring to his miracles that God did through him, i think.

Answer to 2.
Sometimes people just forget about the day they got saved and wonder if it actually happened and are just relying on what their parents said or sumthin.

Answer to 3.
It shows us that Jesus went through really tough times too as a human like u and me. It shows us that since hes been there done that, he can get us through r problems.

Anonymous said...

1. No, because he was trying to show humbleness i guess this was a hard and confuzing question.

2.Well some people might think since they have problems in their life that they might have lost their salvation or something

3.That God is in control and he knows what is going to happen and i know that just sometimes i forget

Anonymous said...

1.he was getting to be humble
2.people think that wordship people and not true heavenly father who deid for us
3.god is in control and he nows whats going to happened thought are lives

1.god is alway there when we nned him he never leaves are side

Anonymous said...

1.No.They just didn't believe Him when He said that He was God,even though He did all those miracles.
2.Some may wonder why they keep sinning if they are really saved.
3.Jesus was persecuted too(much more than I have been).He will always be there for me.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. No, he was only telling them the truth.

2. When things don't go the way that we want, we focus on them.

3. God will always be there for me.

Applying Chapter 10 in Your Life
1. God is always there. He brings us back to him whem we are struggling.

Anonymous said...

1. he was trying to kind\

2. when something happensd that is bad in my life.

3. i can always cout on jesus and no he there.