Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Secret of the Vine - Part 1 - Devo for 06/23/08

Reflective Questions
1. When you were a child, did you try to stay close to your parents in an unfamiliar place, or did you tend to wander away? Describe a memory (or fear) of being lost.
2. Have you ever felt far from Christ since becoming a Christian? What circumstances made you feel that way?

John 15:1-11 (This is the 1st of 3 devos from this same passage)

Responsive Questions
1. Jesus' instruction to his disciples in this passage revolves around three symbols - the vine, the gardener, and the branches. What is Jesus trying to communicate by calling himself the "true vine"?
2. What is the significance of calling his disciples "branches"?
3. Instead of commanding us to bear fruit, why is Jesus' only command "Abide in me" (v. 4)?
4. What does it mean to abide in Christ?


Anonymous said...

reflective questions:

1.i stayed close. one time we visited this HUGE church and so on the way out i just kept walking and i looked behind me and realized that my family wasnt there and i didnt want to go back in cause i would never find them so i just went to the car and waited and they showed up. i was really scared and i think i started rying but i dont remember isf i did or not but i remember being scared.

2.yes. i stared to live of the world and disobeyed my parents and made wrong choices, but i have cleared it up with Him.

responsive questions:

1.the only savior.

2.we grow off of Juses and through him.

3.because he is perfect so if we live through him we will also make good desisions.

4. live through him.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1.Yes. One time I was with my mom in the grocery store and I went down the wrong because I was'nt paying attention but she found me.

2.Yes. I was not reading my Bible at all and not praying and I felt far.

Responsive Questions

1.The only way to Heaven.

2.they are the the people like us and the Spirit is with us like a vine is with the branches.

3. We should follow his rules.

4.To follow him and be like him

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Stay close, when we were at best buy i don't know how old i was but we were waiting for the elevator and they did not want to wait any long so they toke the stairs and i was still waiting for the elevator but later they found me.

2. yes, world and disobeying

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. That if anyone comes to him he is a new creature.

2. So if they witness and obey they will bear fruit.

3. So others will see Jesus in you.

4. To believe in him.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
Ive been lost a couple of times in a WALMART and Sams Club before. I remember being lost as a small kid and being pretty scared that i was by myself.
Answer to 2.
Ya sometimes you feel like your far from God but you just have to ask for forgiveness from your sins and God will forgive you.
Answer to 1.
He means that he is the center to everything , we would be nothing without him, at the same time, we are extensions of him like branches, so we should go tell the world about him.
Answer to 2.
His disciples are extensions of him and need to act as such.
Answer to 3.
walk with the Lord, and not with the world.
Answer to 4.
To be in his will, to walk consistently with him, not wavering, not lukewarm, all the time.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I tried to stay close but I got lost in the mall once.

2. Yes When I don't read my Bible.

Responsive Questions
1. We can't do anything without Jesus the true vine.

2. They grow from Jesus.

3. We can only bear fruit if we are with him.

4. Act like Christ. Read his word.

Anonymous said...

1. Wow, I don't know if I can remember back that far...I probably was one to wander. I was quite the adventuresome child.

2. Oh yeah...sometimes I feel like my prayers go no where and then I realize it is because I wasn't reading the Bible or praying like I should have been.

1. I believe he is saying that He is life...He is the only true way to salvation adn eternity in Heaven. We can do all things through HIm.

2. His disciples were close to Him and represented Him to others. They are a part of what Jesus represents.

3.Because if we do abide or remain in Christ, then our lives will bear fruit. Others will see Jesus in us and His light will shine through us.
4. Remain or stay constant with Christ..keeping His word in our heart and staying in a close relationship with HIm.

Anonymous said...

1.Whenever I was somewhere that I was not familiar with I stayed as close to my parents as possible.I don´t remember getting lost,but I remember losing my brother in Target for a split second.

2.When I mess up or let people down.

1.There would be no branches if it weren´t for the vine.

2.We are part of Him.We reach out to share HIm with others.

3.When we abide in Him we should want to bear fruit.

4.It means that you first of all have accepted Him as your personal Savior,and then stay in close communication with Him through prayer and reading the Bible,ect.

Anonymous said...

1.uh i was a pretty shy kid so i always stayed with my parents i can't remember when i got lost from them.

2.yes, when i started doubting my salvation.

1.that he is the one and only God!

2.becuase the disciples were a part of God.

3.cause he is the almighty God and through him anything is possible. he knows what is best. stay close to God and read the Bible and follow his will.

Anonymous said...

1.He is the only true savior because he is the center of everything.

2.The disciples were always with God so they knew alot about him and the branches are like them because Jesus wants us to reach out to others and tell about Him.

3.That we need to follow God because he is perfect and He will help us in our daily walk.

4.Live like Him

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questiona

1)I stand with my parent more

2)Don't really because I know if I'm upset that I can tell him what's wrong

Responsive Questions

1)He is the one and only God

2)I thought he meant that he is the only way to heaven

3)That he sets good explames for us and we should fool in his footsteps

4)Live by his explames

Anonymous said...

1.i cant remerber when
2.yes i made alot of bad things but i have changed alot

1.there is only one god
2.because they are with god
3.because god is a might god
4.stay close to god

Anonymous said...

1. HE is telling them that he is the only way to get to God. If they don't stay in God, their lives won't be used by God.

2. They are the instruments he uses to produce fruit.

3. Because it is impossible to produce fruit if we don't abide in Him.

4. To have a good relationship with Him. To always stay near him and follow his commandments.

Anonymous said...

1. ya i always stayed near them unless i saw something i really liked. like one time we were at toys r us and i saw this toy i loved and so i was 4 and i just walked over to it and my parents go freaked out and had to call me over the intercom.
2. well i was hurting really bad and i just felt like Christ wasnt there.

1. that he is the vine and we are the branches and he gives us what we needs to be good followers.
2. that because they are the branches to reach out to lost souls and bring them to the vine (Jesus).
3. because yes he wants us to bear fruit but it is important if we want to bear fruit we need to stay close with him.
4. to stay close with him.