Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Son of a Slave - Part 1 - Devo for 06/12/08

Reflective Questions
1. Have you ever been asked to do a demeaning, lowly job? What thoughts went through your mind at the time?
2. Do you feel awkward or uncomfortable when others try to serve you? Why or why not?

John 13:1-5

Responsive Questions
1. According to John, what does Jesus know about himself (vv. 1-3)?
2. In the light of that knowledge, what is remarkable about what Jesus does next (vv. 4-5)?
3. Footwashing was normally done by servants or slaves. Why do you think Jesus washes his disciples' feet instead of simply giving them a sermon on love?
4. What tasks at home, at work or in church would be equivalent to footwashing?
5. How do you think Jesus feels as he washes Judas' feet?
6. How do you think Judas feels?


Anonymous said...

- no, not really. If I was thought I would be pretty upset.
-A little, I don't like to make people feel like they need to do something for me.

1. That he is going to be crucified soon.

2. He showed his disciples how to be humble.

3. Because sometimes people need to see others do it to learn. I usually prefer to see something in practice rather than just seeing it.

4. Cleaning after others, helping do the dishes.

5. Sad because even thought Judas was going to betray him, He loved Judas.

6. MAybe embarrassed because Jesus knew what was going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Upset, I don't know.

2. yes because I should be doing that for them not them doing it for me.

Responsive Questions

2. he washes his disiciples feet.

3. because he wanted to show them not just say it.

4. dishes, and cleaning up after others even if you did not make the mess.

5. Like he is not wanted.

6. same as Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Have you ever been asked to do a demeaning, lowly job? What thoughts went through your mind at the time?

I remember one time while I was in the Army, one of my sergeants asked me to do an inspection on a vehicle that he knew was not able to be driven. I was mad because he wasted my time, and felt insulted.

2. Do you feel awkward or uncomfortable when others try to serve you? Why or why not?

There are times when I feel uncomfortable because I think of myself as an independent person.

Responsive Questions
1. According to John, what does Jesus know about himself (vv. 1-3)?

He knew he was getting ready to die and the position and power He was given by the Father.

2. In the light of that knowledge, what is remarkable about what Jesus does next (vv. 4-5)?

It is amazing to me that the Lord of all creation, the One to whom we should bow, humbled Himself and washed the feet of His disciples.

3. Footwashing was normally done by servants or slaves. Why do you think Jesus washes his disciples' feet instead of simply giving them a sermon on love?

Most people seem to be visual learners, and this was an object lesson the disciples would never forget. If the Savior can humble himself, then we should humble ourselves to do whatever is necessary to display godly love.

4. What tasks at home, at work or in church would be equivalent to footwashing?

Janitorial duties or anything that doesn't require a specific "skill" to accomplish.

5. How do you think Jesus feels as he washes Judas' feet?

I think He was hurt, knowing that Judas was going to betray Him. I also think He felt confident in knowing that this was part of the Father's plan.

6. How do you think Judas feels?

The act of Jesus washing Judas' feet had to cut him to the core of his being. This Man, who in love is serving me, is the One I am going to betray.

Anonymous said...

reflective questions:

1.well if you count cleaning the bathroom (toilets eww) then yea, "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why do i have to do this jeeze why cant my mom just do this why is she making me do this!?!?!?!?"

2.yea...very. well idk i just dont like people (besides my mom cuz she does it all the time and i love her) going out of their way for me.

responsive questions:

1.that he is gonna die soon.

2.he washes his desiples feet.

3.because he wanted to show them how to be loving and not just tell them. bathrooms or like at jr. camp blowing up likw 5,000 water baloons lol

5.i would have hatred but im sure Jesus still loved him.

6.guilty very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very,very, guilty i know i would.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Yes, Why do I have to do this?

2. Sometimes, if I am able to do it instead.

Responsive Questions
1. That he would be crucified.

2. Because of his position it would seem that others should serve him and not the other way around.

3. It was a great object lesson.

4. janitor stuff.

5. Not hatred even though I would.

6. guilty

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions


2)Yes I feel awkard because they shouldn't serve me but they should be serving God

Responsive Questions

1)He knew he would die and why

2)He showed that he is humble

3)He wanted them to know that what he says is what he means

4)Cleaning up after some one like doing the kicten and etc.

5)Jesus still loved Judas even when he knew he Judas was going to betray him


Anonymous said...

1.that hasen't really happened to me but i think i would be pretty mad. not really. i like be told new stuff that i don't know or just talking about it dosen't make me feel awkward.

1.that his hour was going to come when he had to depart from this world.

2.he washed the disciples feet.

3.cause i think he was being a servant to them and was also showing his love at the same time. cleaning up the house and doing chores without being told.

5.probably sad becuase he knew what judas was going to betray him but also happy maybe cause he washed judas feet.

6.probably bad about what he wanted to do to Jesus and there he was washing his feet

Anonymous said...

1.Why can't somebody else do this?I have more important things to do.

2.It depends.Sometimes it's a little awkward because I know I can do things on my own, and don't want them to feel like they have to do things for me.

3.He knows that He is the Son of God and that His hour was come.

4.Jesus was God's son,yet He humbled Himself and washed their feet(not the kind of job deity usually does).

5.He was being an example to them.

6.Doing something that nobody really wants to do.

7.He would feel betrayed because Judas' actions and words would not match up.

8.embarrassed,ashamed,guilty,yet he still went through with it so probably not as much as he should have been.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
2)Yes I feel awkard

Responsive Questions
1)He knew he would die a
2)He was humble
3)He wanted them to seee that he wasn't lieing
4)Cleaning up after someone
5)Jesus still loved Judas though he knew he was going to betray him

Anonymous said...

1.i am not sure
2.yes i really dont know why

1. he knew was dieing for us
3.god shows us that he meaning it
4.he watch over us he can see all of us
5.jesus loved him
6.guity maybe

Anonymous said...

1.That He was going to die soon.

2.He washed the disciples feet and that was a way of teaching them humbleness.

3.He was showing himself as a servant and that was showing them love.

4.Like doing chores and cleaning the house.

5.Sad because he knew that Judas was going to betray him.


Anonymous said...

1. yes i had to cut the grass and i was thinking "why do i have to do this why cant thomas or tymothy do it it is so unfair."
2. well ya because i feel like i should do stuff my self.

1. that he is going to die soon.
2. showed his disciples how to be humble.
3. because that is just what Jesus does he can choose to tell a sermon or just show us what to do and how to do it.
4. washing the garbage cans with no gloves.
5. maybe weird because he new what was going to happen.
6. weird as well because the messiah the one who i am going to betray. :(