Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Character Test - Part 1 - Devo for 07/14/08

Reflective Questions
1. To what extent are you tempted to compromise your Christian faith or witness becuase of pressure from people around you?
2. Describe a situation in which you sensed that pressure.

John 18:28-37

Responsive Questions
1. A Roman trial included four basic elements. What events or statements from John's account fall under each category?
* The accusation:
* The interrogation or search for evidence:
* The defense:
* The verdict:
2. How do the Jewish leaders reveal their hypocrisy by refusing to enter Pilate's (a non-Jewish) home (v. 28)?
3. How would you describe Jesus' "kingdom" based on his response to Pilate (vv. 36-37)?


Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. i am only tempted upon hat i am able to handle.

2. I don't Remember

Responsive Questions
1. i don't know.

2. because they don't want to be defiled.

3. that his kingdom is not in the world.

Anonymous said...

1. - If he were not a malefactor, we would not have delivered him up unto thee.

- When Pilate calls him.

- vs. 36-37

- It is not lawful for us to put any man to death:

2. They wanted to stay pure but yet they wanted to kill Jesus.

3. His kingdom is heavenly.

Anonymous said...

reflective questions: depends on the situation...some stuff wont effect my walk at all and some stuff does a lot.

2.well i know with gossiping i ahve a rally hard time resisting but i am working on that.

Responsvie questions:

-the accusation:there wasnt really one the jews just rold pilate if he wasnt a criminal we wouldnt have brought him to you.

-the interrogation or search for evidence:Jesus was questioned by pilate.

-the deffense:Jesus stated he was the king of the jews.

-the verdict:that it wasnt lawful to put any man to death.

2.because they wanted to eat the passover.
they said it would be uncleanseliness.

3.that it is perfect and nothing like the world.

Anonymous said...

1.there was really one jew

-jesus was qustion by pilate
-jesus was the king of jews
-it was law to put anyone into death

2.they wanted them passover
3.its perfect

i got all of them made up yes

Anonymous said...

Sorry I havn´t posted I was gone all week.

-Pilot asked Him questions
- Pilot asked Him questions
-He talks about being the heavenly king
-He was delivered unto the Jews,but they wanted Barabbas freed

2.They didn´t want to enter ,yet their true motives were revealed because they wanted Jesus killed.

3.It is not of this world.He came to earth as a king.If it were an earthly kingdom, than the subjects would fight in His defense.

Anonymous said...

-When Pilate asks what His accusation.

-Pilate questioned Jesus

-That He was King

-It's not lawful to just put any man to death.

2.They wanted to have passover meal so they can stay right in there laws.

3.Heaven is His kingdom.

Anonymous said...

relfective questions

1.well some stuff will tear mean down in my christian walk for go and some stuff won't.

2.well gossipand wrong freinds the wrong music


1.-jesus was qustion by pilate
-jesus was the king of jews
-it was law to put anyone into death

2. they wanted him to passover

3.that its perfect and is nothing like are world

that was hard

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)Some things tear me down it my walk with Christ

2)The wrong kind of music

Responsive Questions

1)What happened...
-Jesus was questioned by a pilate
-Jesus was a king
-That it was lawful to put anyone to death

2)The wanted the Passover to happen

3)Heave = Holy Kingdom

Anonymous said...

1.same as what taylor said it depends what it is somethings will alot and something a little or not at all.

2.gossiping, it can really hurt a friendship. me and my friends are working on it.

1.he talks about being the king.
they shouldn't have just out him to death.

2.cause of the passover they wanted to avoid uncleanness.

3.that it was not in this world and its heaven.

Anonymous said...

1. well i dont think i have ever done that.

1. -the accusation:there wasnt really one the jews just rold pilate if he wasnt a criminal we wouldnt have brought him to you.
-the interrogation or search for evidence:Jesus was questioned by pilate.
-the deffense:Jesus stated he was the king of the jews.
-the verdict:that it wasnt lawful to put any man to death.
2. they said that it would be uncleanseliness.
3. that it is heaven and not in this world.

Anonymous said...

1. its very easy to just slide in and go with the flow.
2. well there are several typical moments in everyones life where they become a part of the crowd.
1.the accusation- it was made by the high priests.
the interrogation- this was done by Pilate, who didnt find Jesus guilty
the defense- Pilate thought there wasnt any evidence according to the accusations.
the verdict- Jesus was crucified.
2. everyone knew that they wanted Jesus to die.
3.its a kingdom that is of a different world.

Anonymous said...

1.there was really one jew
jesus was qustion the pilates.
jesus was the king of jews.
it was his law to put anyone into death.

2.They wanted them passover to him.
3.I perfect it to

i got all of them made up yes