Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Obedient to Death - Part 1 - Devo for 07/28/08

Reflective Questions
When you think about death, what feelings and thoughts come to mind?

John 19:17-24

Responsive Questions
1. Crucifixion was obviously a brutal and tortuous form of execution. Why do you think John leaves so much of the agonizing detail out of his account?
2. Three groups are involved in Jesus' death - the soldiers, the Jewish leaders and Pilate. How would you characterize each one's attitude toward Jesus?
3. In what ways do their attitudes toward Jesus parallel those of men and women today?
4. How do you think Mary, Jesus' mother, feels as she stands by the cross?


Anonymous said...

reflective questions:

1.i get scared, worried, and it just makes me want to cry.

reflective questions:

1.well he probebly couldnt begin to describe how terrible it was. i also think that God didnt tell him because he doesnt want us to focus on how he died but why he died.

2.the soldiers: they didnt really care they were just doing there job and mocking Jesus cuz everyone else was.
the jewish leaders: they were glad that there way came true and just was glad Jesus was dead.
pilate: kinda sad that they hung Jesus and probebly felt guilty about it but jut tried to act like it wasjust nother death.

3.i think it just all comes down to one thing, they didnt care, they wanted t proect themselves, and were very of the world.

4.mornful, upset, probebly didnt understand why he had to die, and just like any other mother when they lose there child.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Question
1. Sadness because that is one less person in the world i know.

Responsive Questions
1. because hwe is sarced what they will say to him

2. soldiers: don't care because they r told to do it.
Jewish Leaders: wanted Jesus to die.
Pilate: sad because he does not want Jesus to die.

3. that some people like Jesus and some don't.

4. she is probaly sad because Jesus was her first child and she loved him.

Anonymous said...

i qustion myself and say why did this have to happened? and why now?

1.i think cause it was he couldn't even come any where close to how bad it was.

2.the soliders:just going along with the crowd didn't care what they were doing and how bad they were hurting Jesus
Jewish leaders:wanted to make sure that everybody knew what he said.
pilate:probably felt bad because they killed Jesus but was trying to let it go.

3.well some people won't stand up for Jesus and only care for themselves and some would take it all for Jesus.

4.probably very upset, and sad. Jesus was her onyl son so she was probably wondering why it had to happen to her son.

Anonymous said...

1.sadness,dont want it to happen.

responsive probably made him sad because he was so close to Jesus.

2.the soldiers were just in for themselves wanting to get something out of it.
the jewish leaders didnt want to admit that Jesus was their king.
pilate basically gave in and had Jesus crucified.

3.people just doing their own thing.they're in it for themselves.people are afraid to take a stand for Jesus.



Anonymous said...

1.John was focusing on other aspects of the crucifixion.Other authors wrote about the same situation,but with different angles or perspectives.


leaders-blinded from the truth they were searching for(the Messiah),

Pilate-He let the peoples´demands come in front of what he knew to be true.

3.Some people are like the soldiers in that they think that they don´t need God or that they are better than what God has to offer.
Some are like the Jews in that they were too worried about the law or good deeds.
Others are like Pilate because they know the truth and have found it,yet still reject it because of what others would think of them.

4.She more than likely was questioning God´s will.She probably was thinkin gof all the time she had spent with Him.No doubt she was grieving for the loss of her first.born son.

Anonymous said...

1. i just dont feel right.

1. because it would make us feel weird and would not want to read about it.
2. the soldiers hated Jesus, the jewish leaders were glad it followed through and he was dead, and Pilate was sad he died that death.
3. some hate Jesus and others love him.
4. like she has nothing left he son just died for doing nothing worng.