Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Obedient to Death - Part 3 - Devo for 07/30/08

John 19:25-42 (review this passage from yesterday)

Responsive Questions
1. Under the same circumstances, do you think you would have been more like Joseph and Nicodemus or Jesus' disciples? Explain your answer.
2. When it comes to public identification with Jesus, how is it possible to respond in the same ways today?
3. What aspect of Jesus' death has made the deepest impression on you and why?

Applying This Passage in Your Life
1. Some critics of the Bible claim that Jesus never really died on the cross. What evidence does John provide that refutes that view?
2. Why was it so important for John to establish the certainty of Jesus' death?


Anonymous said...

responsive questions:

1.well i think honestly i would have been like the desiples and hid but i think after he was hung i would have gone to the cross to see him.

2.well you can be confronted by like a huge group of kids in your school and they can bash you and you just stand there not able to do anything but take it.

3.he still loved us, even though his desiples left him, all of his childen wanted him dead but he still took the punishment even though we are no where near deserve what he went through with us. i mean think about it, when they were about to start putting him on the cross he could have wiped all of us out and made a new perfect race, but he didnt, thats hoe much he loves us.

Anonymous said...

1. i think i would be like the disciples and hide and not come out until i knew everyone was gone from the cross and then i would go to the cross and see Jesus.

2. that when you are confronted with people u should act different from them so they know you were with Jesus.

3. that he still loves us, even if we do sin.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Maybe Nicodemus...wanting to do the right thing, but scared to at the same time.
2. We don't always want to share Christ openly with others...or to take a stand for righteousness when it is inconvenient.
3. The fact that He willingly chose to take on all that pain and suffering for us. I personally HATE pain and suffering!

1. They would have broken His legs if He wasn't dead already, and when they speared Him, blood and water came out...apparently in the medical world this proves His death. And a hundred pounds of spice and linens were wrapped around Him...He would have suffocated if He weren't dead already.
2. The resurrection wouldn't be real if He hadn't really died.

Anonymous said...

1. I would have been more like the disciples. I would have been scared for my life, Joseph's attitude was very brave.

2. When people talk bad about Jesus or make fun of Christians we sometimes don't say anything because we fear embarrassment.

3. The way how he was beaten but yet never complained. Personally I would have been complaining and hold a grudge against the Jews.

Anonymous said...

1.I would have been like Nicodemus Joseph because they didn't just leave and hide they took him and buried him.

2.Sometimes people say bad things about Him and we don't say anything to stand up for what we believe, but the right thing to do is to say something.

3.That he never said anything bad about the Jews while they were accusing him and that He never once cursed or anything like that when he was being crucified.

Anonymous said... Janette said probably Nicodemus i would want to do the right thing but would be scared.

2.Well like if our in a group or something and we were talking about religions we shouldn't be scared to speek and we should be more opened about talking about God.

3.that he took all that pain and suffering to die on the cross for our sins and he didn't deserve it at all it should have been us and that we need to live for him and be thankful for what he has done and give God the glory.

Anonymous said...

1. It is always easy to guess what I would be like in a hypothetical situation. I would hope that I would not even show up and hide the fact that I loved Jesus. I would also hope that I could take care of Jesus after the fact and wrap HIm like Joseph and Nicodemus did. I have never been outwardly persecuted for my faith so it is hard to say how I would respond.
2. Acting like you believe i nGod, yet not fully sharing about your relationship with Him. Most people believe in God so it is easy to say "catch phrases" and not fully reveal that you are born again.
3. His willingness, humbleness and sacrifice. I know I couldn't have responded the same way or did what the Father did to His Son.
1. When the soldiers divided his clothing and when they stabbed him.
2. So that all would know He arose from the dead and so they could not claim He never really died.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions


2)If you get confronted you shouldn't act like the bad guys you should show them that I don't get put down when people say things like that to me

3)That he died for us that one day we could go th heaven.

Applying This Passage in Your Life

1)They stabbed him.

2)When God rose again there was proff that he really did died for us.

Anonymous said...

1.Honestly, I would have been scared to death.I would have been like the disciples.

2.It is difficult being singled out.

3.When I am incorrectly judged or charged with something that I didn´t do, I get really defensive.Christ was to the point of death,yet He didn´t get upset or defensive.

Anonymous said...

1. i think i would have been more like the disciples i would have hid and then went to see him at the cross.
2. well you can say your a christian today and anyone will believe you because everyone says that they are a christian.
3. well i really dont know what part i havent thought about that really.