Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Son is Up! - Part 1 - Devo for 07/31/08

Reflective Questions
1. How would you react if a friend told you he had seen someone raised from the dead?
2. Why is it important to you that Jesus rose from the dead? Could you still believe in him if he had died and we could visit his tomb?

John 20:1-18

Responsive Questions
1. John identifies three witnesses to the empty tomb: Mary Magdalene, Peter and "the other disciple" (John himself). What important details do we learn from each one (vv. 1-9)?
2. Why is it important to prove the tomb was empty?
3. John also records three appearances of the risen Christ: to Mary Magdalene, to his disciples and to Thomas. Why do you think Mary Magdalene doesn't immediately recognize Jesus (vv. 10-15)?
4. After she does recognize him, what impresses you most about their encounter (vv. 16-18)?


Anonymous said...

1 would freak out because he was probley telling a lie.

2 well it is important because that shows that he can do anything and that he can raise us from the dead. well i dont know probley not because that is the biggest thing that helpes me trust him.

1 well John and Peter knew what happend they are like us we know he rose. Mary is like the unbelivers they dont know what happend and we need to tell them.

2 well because that way the unbelivers know that there is a place called Heaven and that Jesus is there with His Father and that they can go there to.

3 Because she thought that His body was stolen.

4 that Jesus tells her to go and tell people about Him and how she saw Him.

Jason i am sorry i have taken long but i will try and stay on track from now on.

Anonymous said...

reflective questions:

1.i wouldnt believe them and if i did i would be in shock.

2.because we wouldnt go to heaven probebly if he didnt.i dont know if i would or not.

responsive questions:

1.well john and peter understood that Jesus had risen from the dead but mary was still confused and didnt know what had happend.

2.because they probebly didnt believe her at first.

3.she was so upset because she thought someone had taken Jesus' body that she didnt even reconize him.

4.that Jesus himself doesnt go with her to provve it to the desiples that he is alive, he wanted them to put their trust in him, and he also had more planned for later.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. i would have to say where i went to see that person and ask them how it was like to be raised from the dead.

2. because he keeps his promises,
i don't know

Responsive Questions
1. well they all went to see Jesus but Mary went first.

2. because Jesus promised he would raise from the dead.

3. because shae probably doesn't remember hyis promise.

4. he told her to tell every one she knows.

Anonymous said...

reflective questions

1. i would not belive it because they would telling a lie because it was so long ago.

2. because if he did not raisefrom the dead then we would go to heaven and i proley would belive in him if he was still in the tomb

resopsive questi0nes

1.well peter knows what was going on and marydoes not have a club because she does not belive the people who do not belive in god have proof that jesus is real and that he is the one and only ture god and that there is a place call heaven.

3. she thougth that someone had stolen his body

4.she goes and tells people that jesus is real and thatshe saw him.

Anonymous said...

1.I would take them to the hospital because they´re crazy.

2.We serve a risen Savior.SO many other religions have leaders, but they are dead.Christ fulfilled Scripture when He arose. It shows His power over death which I am reminded of every time I have a problem in my life.If CHrist rose from the dead,He can help me with my little problem.

1.Mary ran to go tell the others.Peter and John knew right away about the fulfillment of the Scriptures.

2.He was not there anymore.He is alive.

3.She wasn´t looking for HIm.She didn´t expect it.

4.The fact that she recognizes Him after He spoke to her

Anonymous said...

1.i don't think that at first i would be able to believe them it think i would have to see it to believe it myself.

2.because it shows how amazing and powerful he is and that he can do anything.

hey! this i smy skit! yeah for mary lol

1.well mary was confused about thw whole thing and John and Peter knew everything and understood it all.

2.cause then it shows that Jesus really did die and rise up again.

3.well i think she was still confused and thought that his body had been stolen.

4.that he trusted her to go and teel the people and that he didn't have to be their for proof.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. How would you react if a friend told you he had seen someone raised from the dead?

I wouldn't believe him. I would probably think he was watching a Criss Angel T.V. show.

2. Why is it important to you that Jesus rose from the dead? Could you still believe in him if he had died and we could visit his tomb?

It is vital to my faith that Christ rose from the dead. If I could visit Him in a tomb today, I would have no hope that my sins are forgiven, as well as no hope in eternal life.

Responsive Questions
1. John identifies three witnesses to the empty tomb: Mary Magdalene, Peter and "the other disciple" (John himself). What important details do we learn from each one (vv. 1-9)?

The stone enclosing the tomb was rolled away. Jesus' burial clothes were in the tomb, but He was not. The covering that was placed over Jesus head was "wrapped together in a place by itself".

2. Why is it important to prove the tomb was empty?

Because if Jesus was anywhere in the tomb, then everything He said would have been a lie.

3. John also records three appearances of the risen Christ: to Mary Magdalene, to his disciples and to Thomas. Why do you think Mary Magdalene doesn't immediately recognize Jesus (vv. 10-15)?

She was so focused on her own grief that she failed to see to whom she was speaking.

4. After she does recognize him, what impresses you most about their encounter (vv. 16-18)?

The first point that jumps out at me is the fact that Jesus had to instruct Mary not to touch Him. This tells me that she must have been ecstatic to see the Savior. Her grief had now been replaced with joy. The other facet of these verses that impress me is once Jesus explains why He can't be touched, He assigns her a task and she accomplishes it with obedience. I know how I am, I would want to stand there and spend as much time with Christ as I could (asking tons of questions), but His concern is to let others know about His resurrection.

Anonymous said...

1. I would think they were crazy!!!!
2. So that we know we serve and worship a risen Savior...someone who is alive and not dead! Also the Bible said He would rise again.

1. Mary saw that the tomb had been rolled away and went to get the other disciples. Peter saw then srtips of cloth, but didn't go in. John went into the tomb and saw that Jesus had risen!
2. Because Jesus had to be gone from the tomb(risen).
3. SHe never went into the tomb, nor saw the cloths. She thought he had been stolen. She thought Jesus was the gardener.
4. When he called her name..and she was able to tell others that she saw Jesus!

Yeah, Brooke, Taylor and Tymothy...."I have seen Jesus!"