Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Message to the Churches, Part 1 - Part 6 - Devo for 01/10/2009

Revelation 2:1-29

Truth for Today
For many people in today's churches, the term worldliness has a quaint, old-fashioned ring to it. They associate it with prohibitions against things like dancing, going to the movies, or playing cards. Today's user-friendly, seeker-oriented, market-driven churches do not preach much against worldliness. To do so might make unbelievers (not to mention many believers) uncomfortable, and is therefore avoided as poor marketing strategy. But unlike much of the contemporary churches, the Bible does not hesitate to condemn worldliness for the serious sin that it is. Worldliness is any preoccupation with or interest in the temporal system of life that places anything perishable before that which is eternal.

Reflecting on the Text
1. How has this week of devos added to or changed your view of what a real "Christian" is?

2. What worldly attitudes or actions do you find yourself struggling with the most? What principles from Revelation 2:12-17 offer you hope for change?

3. What counsel would you give to a Christian friend who confessed that he or she had lost their "first love" for Christ?

4. Jesus urged, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says." What keeps you from hearing God's voice? Ask Him to help you slow down and learn how to hear Him, and then obey.

Message to the Churches, Part 1 - Part 5 - Devo for 01/09/2009

Revelation 2:1-29

Going Deeper
Unfaithfulness and hypocrisy among God's people is nothing new. For more insight about how the world can affect the church, read 1 John 2:15-17.

Exploring the Meaning
1. How is the world system defined in this passage? What does it mean to love the world?

2. What antidote does 1 John 2 provide to guard against being led astray, like the church of Pergamos was?

3. Read Matthew 18:15-17. Why is it so important for the church to address sin in its midst? What is the right way to do this, according to Christ's teaching?

Message to the Churches, Part 1 - Part 4 - Devo for 01/08/2009

Revelation 2:1-29

1. Summarize Christ's message for the church at Thyatira.

2. Note the varied descriptions Jesus gave of Himself (vv. 1, 8, 12, 18). What do these reveal about Him?

3. Review Jesus' commands to each church (vv. 5, 10, 16, 25). How do Jesus' commands fit the problem He exposed in each church?

Message to the Churches, Part 1 - Part 3 - Devo for 01/07/2009

Revelation 2:1-29

1. What commendations did Christ have for the church at Ephesus? For what sin did He rebuke them?
(Verses to consider: Acts 18:19-21; 19:1-35; 20:17-38)

2. What situation did the church at Smyrna face? What did God promise them? How do these facts square with the expectations of most Western Christians?
(Verses to consider: Acts 14:22; 2 Timothy 3:12; James 1:2-4; 1 Peter 5:10)

3. What was the great sin of the church of Pergamos?

Message to the Churches, Part 1 - Part 2 - Devo for 01/06/2009

Revelation 2:1-29

Keys to the Text
The Church: God's people. In prospect, the universal body of believers. In present, the local group of believers. The church is the "body of Christ" (Romans 12:5). This metaphor depicts the church not as an organization but as a living organism composed of mutually related and interdependent parts. Christ is Head of the body and the Holy Spirit is its lifeblood, as it were. The body functions through the faithful use of its members' various spiritual gifts, sovereignly and uniquely bestowed by the Holy Spirit on each believer. Because Christians are part of the body of Christ, have been spiritually gifted by the Holy Spirit, and are edified through other believers, they should not continue to live like the ungodly.

1. How can you be an active part of the ministry here at New Testament Baptist Church?

2. What is your spiritual gift? (If you do not know, see Pastor Jason for a spiritual gifts survey.)

Message to the Churches, Part 1 - Part 1 - Devo for 01/05/2009

Revelation 2:1-29

Drawing Near
1. In the vision, Jesus instructs John to write letters to various churches. If Jesus were to send a message to your local church, what things might He commend your church for? Rebuke you for? Why do you think so?

2. How would you define the term "Christian"?

The Context
In his book The Mark of the Christian, theologian Francis Schaeffer once observed, "The meaning of the word Christian has been reduced to practically nothing...Because the word Christian as a symbol has been made to mean so little, it has come to mean everything and nothing." The term Christian in contemporary usage can mean anyone who is not Jewish, anyone who lives in a "Christian" nation (as opposed, for example, to a Buddhist or an Islamic one), or anyone who claims any kind of allegiance to Jesus Christ. Though the world may be confused about what a Christian is, the Bible is clear. Christians are those who are united to God through saving faith in Jesus Christ and thus are members of His family.

The seven churches addressed in chapters 2 and 3 were real churches when John lived. Five of the seven churches were rebuked for tolerating sin in their midst, not an uncomon occurrence in many churches. The problems in those churches ranged in severity from waning (fading) love at Ephesus to total apostasy (abandoning of the faith) at Laodicea. They weren't living like real Christians should. It is important for readers to understand that any church in any age can have a mixture of the sins that plagued these five churches...or it can persevere and be commended as were the churches at Smyrna and Philadelphia.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Back to the Future - Part 6 - Devo for 01/03/2009

Revelation 1:1-20

Truth for Today
Jesus came the first time in humiliation; He will return in exaltation. He came the first time to die; He will return to judge His enemies. He came the first time to serve; He will return to be served. He came the first time as the suffering servant; He will return as the conquering king. The challenge the book of Revelation makes to every person is to be ready for His return.

Reflecting on the Text
1. Imagine seeing a vision such as John saw. When in your life have you had a profound experience or encounter with the living God? What happened? How were you affected?

2. What does it mean to you that Christ, the Alpha and Omega, the King of kings, loves you and washed away your sins with His blood (v. 2)?

3. How would your life be different (practically and specifically) if you lived each day with a continual expectancy of Christ's return?

Back to the Future - Part 5 - Devo for 01/02/2009

Revelation 1:1-20

Going Deeper
Revelation gives us a glimpse of who Jesus really is and the glory and power that are His. For more insight about Jesus, read Philippians 2:5-11.

Exploring the Meaning
1. What do you learn here about Jesus' identity? How is this identity affirmed in Revelation 1?

2. What does Philippians 2 say about Christ's past humiliation and its relationship to His present and future exaltation?

3. Read Matthew 24:29-30 and 25:31. What do these passages add to your understanding of the second coming of Christ?

4. Read John 11:25 and 14:6. What do these verses say about Christ being "He that liveth" (Revelation 1:18)?
(Verses to consider: Romans 6:9; Hebrews 2:14-15; 7:16; 1 Peter 3:18)

Back to the Future - Part 4 - Devo for 01/01/2009

Revelation 1:1-20

1. Describe the amazing appearance of the Son of Man in this vision (vv. 13-18). What do these images convey about Christ?

2. What effect did this vision of the risen Christ have on John?
(Verses to consider: Genesis 17:3; Numbers 16:22; Isaiah 6:1-8; Ezekiel 1:28; Acts 9:4)

3. Why is Revelation 1:19 such a significant verse in relation to our understanding of this book?

Back to the Future - Part 3 - Devo for 12/31/2008

Revelation 1:1-20

1. What did John mean when he wrote "the time is at hand"?
(Verses to consider: Matthew 24:36-39; 2 Peter 3:3-4)

2. How did John describe the future second coming of Christ?

3. How will unbelievers (Jews and Gentiles) respond to the return of Christ?
(Verse to consider: Zechariah 12:10)

Back to the Future - Part 2 - Devo for 12/30/2008

Revelation 1:1-20

Keys to the Text
Revelation: This word comes from the Greek word apokalypsis and means "an uncovering," "an unveiling," or "a disclosure." In the New Testament, this word describes the unveiling of spiritual truth (Romans 16:25; Galatians 1:12; Ephesians 1:17; 3:3), the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:19), Christ's incarnation (Luke 2:32), and His glorious appearing at His second coming (2 Thessalonians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:7). In all its uses, "revelation" refers to something or someone once hidden, becoming visible. What this book reveals or unveils is Jesus Christ in glory. Truths about Jesus and His final victory become clearly visible through this revelation.

Apostle John: John was an apostle and one of the three most intimate associates of Jesus (see Matthew 17:1; 26:37). John and James (John's older brother), were known as "the sons of Zebedee," and Jesus called them "Sons of Thunder" (Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:17). After Christ's ascension, John became a pillar in the Jerusalem church. He ministered with Peter until he went to Ephesus (tradition says before the destruction of Jerusalem), from where the Romans exiled him to Patmos. Besides the book of Revelation, John also authored the Gospel that bears his name, as well as 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John.

1. Write something new that you learned about the word revelation.

2. Write something that you find interesting about the Apostle John and his life.

Back to the Future - Part 1 - Devo for 12/29/2008

Revelation 1:1-20

Drawing Near
1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = representing "very little understanding" and 10 = "complete and full understanding"), how would you rate your current understanding of the book of Revelation and what it teaches about end-time events?

2. What do you hope to learn from this study?

3. When you think about the future of the world, are you optimistic or pessimistic? Why?

The Context
Many people are fascinated, even obsessed, with the future. They faithfully read their horoscopes, seek our Tarot card readers, have their palms read, feed on futurisitc scientific material, or call one of the many "psychic hot lines." All such attempts to discern the future, however, are in vain. There is only One who knows and declares the future: God (Isaiah 44:7; 45:21; 46:9-10). Only in Scripture can truth about the future be found.

The Old Testament prophets, particularly Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Zechariah, provided glimpses of the future. Jesus spoke about it, as did Peter and Paul in their inspired writings. But the book of Revelation provides the most detailed look into the future in all of Scripture. The fitting capstone of God's revelation to man in the Bible, the book of Revelation unveils the future history of the world, all the way to history's climax in the return of Christ and the setting up of His glorious earthly and eternal kingdom.

The breathtaking vision of Jesus Christ that begins John's book shows Him to be the glorified Lord of the church. For persecuted believers at the end of the first century, this reminder of Christ's present ministry to them surely provided great hope and comfort. Revelation 1:19 provides a simple outline for the entire book: "the things which thou hast seen," refers to the vision John has just seen (ch. 1); "the things which are" denotes the letters to the churches (chs. 2-3); and "the things which shall be hereafter" refers to the revelation of future history (chs. 4-22). The first chapter of Revelation makes abundantly clear that Jesus Christ is the central theme of the book. It specifies that the events described lie in the future. More importantly, from a reader's perspective, it promises blessings to those who study and obey the contents of John's prophecy.

Note: This study of Revelation moves quickly through large passages and will only allow us to look at major themes and events.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/15/08

Ephesians 3:20-21

1. Can a human fully understand the changes God wants to make in him or her?
2. Why or why not?
3. What is "the power that worketh in us?"
4. What is the reason God works in us to reverse the curse of sin? (v. 21)

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/14/08

From the author:
"The Bible is full of examples of people who glorified God by their willingness to carry out His plan for their lives even though Satan opposed them on every side. They never abandoned their commitment to God and His ways. Though 'infected' by the Fall, they willingly submitted to the 'Master-Trainer's' cure and never betrayed their loyalty to Him."

It's your turn for input!
1. Name one person in Bible times who fit the above description and list the Scripture reference(s) that share their story (or one particular example in their lives).
2. Tell about how the opposition the person you chose faced as they submitted to God and His ways. Did they always willingly submit? Did they ever blow it and get a second chance from God?
3. What do you think their view is about their struggle on that they are looking back from the perspective of eternity in Heaven?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/13/08

1 Corinthians 15:20-28; 51-58

1. Jesus is going to present all believers to God the Father one day. What is the curse on humans that will be completely destroyed at that time? (v. 26, 54-56)
2. Verse 57 says Christ gives us victory. Why does He bother to do that? (Why does He want us to win over sin in our lives and ultimately, death?)
3. Defeating the poisonous effects of our sin nature can be a tough battle. How does verse 58 encourage you to persevere in this battle till the day of the great presentation to God?

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/12/08

Psalm 103:19

“God is glorified when these believers testify, by the way they choose to handle life’s difficulties, that God is first and worthy of their undivided confidence though life in His will right now is extremely difficult."
1. What opportunities have you had so far this week to demonstrate God's glory - His firstness? (you don't have to say whether you passed or failed those opportunities...just recognizing them as opportunities is half the battle!)
2. Psalm 103:19 is to remind us of something when we are struggling through a tough time. How can this verse encourage you?

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/11/08

Romans 8:22-23; 2 Corinthians 5:4

1. According to these verses, in today's language, what longing do believers naturally have?
2. Actually, even unbelievers have a desire to better themselves, to be perfected. How do people who don't know Christ (or even many who do know Christ) attempt to better/perfect themselves in their own power?
3. What "incompleteness" do you experience in life that causes you to "groan" in the sense of Romans 8:22-23 & 2 Corinthians 5:4?

Chapter Three - The Reality of the Father's Sovereignty - Devo for 11/10/08

Deuteronomy 29:29; Ephesians 4:9-10

1. “This verse [Deut. 29:29] teaches us that there will always be a certain mystery in the things God is doing.” Why do you think God doesn't give us all the answers?
2. According to the last part of this verse, why does He reveal some things to us?
3. Ephesians 4:9-10 reveals the purpose of one of the mysteries of God. What is that purpose (v. 10)?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/08/08

"We can glorify Him as...beings created for His pleasure - as we acknowledge and enjoy His "firstness." We can do so by:

Declaring His Firstness in Our Evangelism

Psalm 96:3-10

1. What did David say is the basic motivation behind world evangelization?
2. In what way is God's "firstness" not a popular message to share today?
3. How can spending much time focusing on God's glory - His firstness - give you courage to share Him with unbelievers?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/07/08

"We can glorify Him as...beings created for His pleasure - as we acknowledge and enjoy His "firstness." We can do so by...demonstrating His firstness in our decisions, and by...

Reflecting on His Firstness in Our Meditations

We have seen how our decisions reveal who is supreme in our lives - God our ourselves. There is no way, however, that our decisions will acknowledge God's unique excellence unless our minds are constantly dwelling upon His preeminence as seen in the Word. We must take time to behold His glory - His unique firstness...Our hearts drift back to "me-firstness" without daily and sometimes hourly reflections on the Grand Reality [of Who God truly is] as revealed in the Scriptures."

Psalm 1:1-6

1. After reading Psalm 1, describe how spending time reflecting ("meditating") on God's firstness stabilizes our lives.
2. Describe what happens to the ungodly person who does not spend time reflecting ("meditating") on God's firstness on a consistent basis (verses 4-5).

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/06/08

1. Read each Scripture passage and state the logical reason given in each for putting God first in our decisions as a way of demonstrating His "firstness" - His glory.

- Exodus 20:3 - because...
- Matthew 22:37-38 - because...
- 1 Chronicles 29:11 - because...
- 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 - because...

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/05/08

From the author:
We can glorify Him as...beings created for His pleasure - as we acknowledge and enjoy His "firstness." We can do so in several ways.

Demonstrating His Firstness in Our Decisions
"First, if we are to glorify God, we must make decisions that reflect His "firstness." The treasonous depravity of our sinful natures naturally pulls us to consider ourselves first. This was exactly the sin of Lucifer. Notice God's own description of the original angelic rebellion against God.

1. Read Isaiah 14:12-14: Satan was trying to achieve something for himself. What was it?
2. Read Genesis 3:1-8: Write a short imaginary conversation between Adam or Eve and the Serpent (Satan), where instead of agreeing with Satan instead of God, Adam or Eve instead make a decision that reflects their belief in God's "firstness."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/04/08

John 1:12; John 10:10; John 15:7-10

The difference between the relationship of an owner and his pet versus the relationship of God and a believer? The author writes,

The difference between God and me and a pet owner and his dog is that because God has created me in His image, I have the capability to understand to some degree what is happening in this relationship. A dog is not aware of these things. I, however, can actually see the great distance between us in terms of the kind of beings we are, yet I can sense the nearness taht I can have to Him as my Father. I can stand in awe at His patience at my flawed service and at His forgiveness for my dirty feet. I know I'm limited and beyond that, defiled. Yet He loves me and desires to let me "dwell in the house of the Lord for ever." I want everyone to see what it is like to be a dog in the house of this wonderful Master! I want the world to know that He is the best! He is first - supreme - among masters! It is in this way that we were created for His glory. We can glorify Him as one of His "pets" - beings created for His pleasure - as we acknowledge and enjoy His "firstness."

1. List three things about you that are really great (could be a talent, a character trait, a personality trait...).
2. How is God even greater in those three areas?
3. Scripture doesn't actually compare our relationship to God with that of a pet and his owner. But Scripture does make other comparisons to help us understand not only God's greatness and our need for Him, but also His great love for us. Can you think of a couple of those descriptions that God uses to help us understand the relationship He has with us?

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/03/08

Revelation 4:11

An illustration from the author:
"Many people have pet dogs. Though there is a vast difference between an animal and a human being, nonetheless, there can be a special relationship that brings pleasure to both. A dog may sleep peacefully curled up at the foot of his owner's chair before a crackling fire. As soon as the master rises out of his chair and heads for the door, the dog is immediately on his feet and may even beat his master to the door. The master may say, "Get the paper, boy," and the dog prances down the driveway to retrieve the daily news. He wags his tail as he returns to the house and deposits the paper into his owner's hand. A pat on the head and a "Good boy!" tells the dog that he has pleased his master. Both man and dog are pleased.

When I think of my position as a servant of God, I think of how my service is so primitive when compared to His own capabilities. I can "fetch His paper," but I get saliva on the rolled-up newsprint and may even tear a portion of a page with my fangs in the process. When I come into the house, I track mud on His carpet before I know what I'm doing. Yet He still says, "well done, thou good and faithful servant." That amazes me! Somehow my eagerness to obey Him and my attempt to do His bidding to the best of my "canine" ability is pleasing to Him, though my efforts are so flawed. When I think of these things, I can only look up at His face and say to Him, "What a wonderful Master You are! No one compares to You. I'm so delighted to be Your pet." When He hears that eager praise from me, He is particularly delighted because I see Him as He really is - first above all! In this small way, I glorify Him by finding my greatest delight in Him."

1. According to Rev. 4:11, why were we (and the rest of the universe) created?
2. Choose a statement from the author's writing above that most impacted you and type it here.
3. How do you think a human's relationship with God is different, even better, than a human's relationship with a pet?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 11/01/08

(Review & Continued from yesterday)

The author of this study says, "If we do not spend time meditating upon these unique excellencies [the supremacy - firstness- of God], we cannot understand how it is that we are to "glorify God," nor will we know what it means that "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." The Bible writers everywhere admonish us to "glorify God" - to show His supremacy."

Read over these last three verses and quickly explain how we are to put them into practice.

1. Romans 15:6
2. 1 Corinthians 6:20
3. 1 Corinthians 10:31

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 10/31/08

Romans 3:23; More below

The author of this study says, "If we do not spend time meditating upon these unique excellencies [the supremacy - firstness- of God], we cannot understand how it is that we are to "glorify God," nor will we know what it means that "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." The Bible writers everywhere admonish us to "glorify God" - to show His supremacy."

Read over these verses and quickly explain how we are to put them into practice. We'll do a few more tomorrow as well.

1. Matthew 5:16 -
2. John 15:8 -

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 10/30/08

Isaiah 40:25; Exodus 15:11; Isaiah 66:1a

1. After reading the first two verses, compare the greatness of God to the greatness of Mt. Everest (the world's highest mountain)
2. After reading the third verse, explain how big Mt. Everest is in comparison to God.
3. Compare the challenge and accomplishment of climbing Mt. Everest to the challenge and accomplishment of getting to truly know God.

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 10/29/08

The author writes, "Unless we spend much time considering that God is the first and the greatest, all kinds of other things will loom large in our eyes - our problems, our temptations, our goals, our achievements, and so forth, and we are sentenced to plod through life with our eyes pinched shut - for truly we see no better than that."

1. Based off what we have learned so far, what is revealed about our view of God when other things - our problems, our temptations, our goals, our achievements, and so on - loom large in our eyes?

2. Read Deuteronomy 4:39, and beside each of the following categories, write briefly how believing the truth of this verse can help you with that area:
-Our problems
-Our temptations
-Our goals
-Our achievements

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 10/28/08

Genesis 1:1; Exodus 20:2-3; Deuteronomy 4:39; Romans 11:36; Revelation 1:8

1. The verses today all point to God's supremacy. Look up that word at and define it here.
2. With that definition in mind, and keeping the above verses in mind, write a short description of how God is supreme above all other gods, above all mankind, above Satan.

Chapter Two - The Reality of God's Supremacy - Devo for 10/27/08

Sorry about the late posting of today and tomorrow's devo''s been a crazy two days! Thanks to those who felt comfortable sharing their prayer for what they want God to do in their lives during this Bible Study. For those of you who felt uncomfortable publicly posting such a prayer, please write your prayer down at home and keep it...we want you to be able to go back and look at the prayer when the study is done and see how you've allowed the Lord to answer that prayer!

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

1. How do you think God renews our "inward man" day by day?
2. What does the last phrase of verse 18 ("for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal") mean in your own words?
3. When are you most tempted to look at the "temporal" things in your life instead of the "eternal?" [for example, I, Janette, have a hard time remembering to look at the "eternal" perspective when I get frustrated with my boys...their immediate behavior - "temporal" - annoys me at times, and I get frustrated, instead of seeing them as two souls that need to be taught about a Savior that can change their hearts.)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/25/08

John 15:11; Ephesians 1:15-20

1. What kind of "extremes" do you see in the culture around you as people run from the emptiness of their lives?

2. Write out a prayer to God, sharing what you want Him to do in your heart during this Bible study. Be honest about where you perhaps struggle in your beliefs about Him (we all struggle in our beliefs at some point). Ask for His help in sticking with the study, even when distracted.

Make plans to bring someone with you to Sonlife Bible Study this Sunday morning (come early for donuts!). We're going to start out with a look at Roman mythology!

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/24/08

John 10:10; Ephesians 1:3

"Sadder still is that many believers ...will go to their grave defending their salvation, but they have little enjoyment of it in this life. They have very little light from God in their souls, and they have no idea why their life is so empty. Inwardly, they feel cheated and betrayed by a Christianity that hasn't delivered."

1. According to John 10:10, what kind of life does God intend for believers in His Son Jesus Christ to have?
2. Look up "Abundant" on and describe it in your own words.
3. In Ephesians 1:3, Paul says God gives believers "all spiritual blessings." Look up "blessings" on and then rewrite the verse, replacing "blessings" with synonyms (different words that mean the same case your brain is fried from too much homework this week!).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/23/08


The following verses describe a person who (as described yesterday) is reflecting about his life without having biblical illumination. The result that person (and eventually others) sees is despair. After reading each verse, use one word to describe how God seees that person:

1. Revelation 3:15-20

2. James 1:8

3. Matthew 6:24

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/22/08

Great Observations by those who have posted in the last couple of're thinking!

Ephesians 1:15-20

Reflection - Illumination = Despair
(From the author) "When I deal with a despairing individual - Christian or non-Christian - I know that I am dealing with a person who has spent some time in recent days reflecting. He has allowed himself to think much about the way his life has not turned out the way he expected. He is thinking about how pointless things are. He has reflection minus illumination. By the phrase "minus illumination" I mean that he has not been "seeing the invisible." There has been little or no illuminated truth penetrating his soul. God is not the biggest concern of his life [at least for that period of time]. He has been existing with little or no personal relationship with Jesus Christ [again, at least for that period of time]."

But spiritually insensible [blind] people don't "see" this. They think other things are the problem. When they despair, rather than acknowledging the poverty of their relationship with Jesus Christ, they seek to medicate the "down" feelings or distract themselves with activity.

1. Ouch! Every one of us has probably felt at least a little despair for a time in our young lives. The Apostle Paul knew this is common even for believers, so in Ephesians 1:17-18, what did he pray and ask God to do for the believers?

2. When we despair, we feel powerless to change our circumstances or ourselves. In verse 19, how does Paul describe the power God has to work in our lives?

3. Print out today's verses and start praying them for yourselves and for your parents. (Your parents deal with despair too!)

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/21/08

Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27

1. In both the Old and New Testaments, Scriptures tells us over and over how to love God. Why do you think we are told to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind? (Why didn't God just say, "love me a lot"?)

In this Bible Study, the author is going to help us understand how loving God with our soul and mind is so important. When we love with our heart, it is based more on how we feel at the moment. But when we love with our soul and mind, we are loving with knowledge...with eyes that "see" Who God is and what He is like. God never intended for Christians to be "dumb" followers who don't know how to think. In fact, in the last 100 years, Christians have settled for mental laziness like never before in history. And because of our ignorance, we are losing battles (seen and unseen) all the time. Get ready to be mentally stretched and challenged! God has great things for those who love Him with all their heart, soul, and mind!

2. Look up and write the definition for illumination. If you need a website to find it, try

Tomorrow we will look at the following formula: Reflection - Illumination = Despair
(Or in other words, life without illuminated knowledge and love of God)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/20/08

Ephesians 4:17-20

Paul knew that it is really easy for believers to walk in spiritual blindness much like unbelievers do. Even though we believe in Jesus, the Light of the World, we often don't take time to get to know Who He really is , what He is really like, and how He can make us more like Him. Because of our ignorance, we end up being no different, really, than our unsaved friend or neighbor...except that we at least make an attempt to go to church regularly.

This is why believers end up with going through life with the same problems as unbelievers:
-unwanted pregnancies
-STD's (sexually transmitted diseases)
-despair and thoughts of suicide
-boredom with life
-bad relationships with family members and coworkers

That we will learn about God and His character...but not stop there (anybody can do that...even Satan himself!)...and that we will then learn how walking in a close relationship with Him changes our own character and helps us to walk through this world without blindly falling into the problems/traps listed above.

So here are 3 QUICK QUESTIONS for you:
1. Do you know any believers that struggle with any of the problems/traps listed above? (Don't give names or examples...just yes or no on this one.)
2. If you thought of someone in question 1, do you think when they were kids or teens, that they thought they would ever struggle with that issue in their life? Why or why not?
3. This one you don't need to answer on here, but right now, go to your Facebook, My Space, or email account (or on the phone or in person) and invite another REALIfeTEEn to join you in doing these studies on this blog. (Not just so they can go to the big activity in January for free, though that is good too!) Also, if they weren't in Sunday School this past Sunday (for any reason...sickness, out of town, conflict of schedule, whatever...) ask them to come this Sunday and sit with you. If they're shy like I know many of you are, that may be just the encouragement they need to come! In this blog, for this question #3, answer "DONE" if you invited someone just now.


Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/18/08

2 Peter 1:3-9

1. From the first part of verse 3, rewrite in your own words what Scripture says God gives to believers.
2. From the second part of verse 4, rewrite in your own words how God gives us these things.
3. Verse 3 tells us that God also gives us great promises that He will help us to be more like have character like He does. Because He promises to help us add these character traits to our lives, He then tells us in verses 5-7 to add those specific character traits to our lives. Very quickly, list the traits that we are to add to our lives (with His help)
4. One last question: When we as believers don't bother to know these things about God and add them to our own list of character traits, what do we become? (verse 9)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/17/08


Hebrews 11:7, 23-27

Ok, today we're going to stretch your memories a bit and ask you about some familiar Bible stories. Each of these is an example of someone who chose to see beyond what was going on in the world around them, and focused instead on spiritual truth that they could only see in faith.

1. Noah building the ark (v. 7)
- what couldn't he see in the world around him that probably made it more difficult to follow God?
- what blessing(s) did Noah receive because of his choice to believe God instead of what "made sense" in the world around him?

2. Moses's parents in hiding him when he was a baby from Pharoah's order to kill all baby boys (v. 23)
-What benefits did Moses's parents receive because they refused to kill their newborn son, as ordered by Pharoah?

3. Moses choosing to lead Israel out of Egyptian slavery instead of living as an heir of Pharoah. (v. 24-27)
- What would have made Moses's choice so difficult?
- What benefits came from Moses choosing to obey God instead of living it up in Egypt?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/16/08

John 15:11; 2 Timothy 3:14-17

The text says, "You cannot make the right decisions in the visible world unless you are spending much time in the invisible world."

1. How does a person "spend much time in the invisible world"?
2. According to John 15:11, why does Jesus want you to to know what He has spoken to you?
3. From 2 Timothy 3, verses 15-17, list how spending time in Scripture can help the believer in his walk in this visible world.

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/15/08

Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 22:3, 5

1. How would life be more dangerous if you couldn't physically see?
2. What does Proverbs 14:12 say about the dangers of being spiritually blind?
3. In Proverbs 22:3, 5, the description "simple man" refers to someone who is spiritually imperceptive, or blind. How is being spiritually blind dangerous for the following people?
- a child:
- a teenager:
- an adult with kids:
- a senior citizen:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/14/08

2 Kings 6:8-17

1. Why was Elisha's servant afraid?
2. Why was Elisha not afraid?

"...God does not in this dispensation [church age] of time open physical eyes to see the spiritual realm as He did for Elisha's servant. Instead, He has given us something better! He has permanently revealed everything He wants us to know about the spiritual realm in His inspired Word."

3. What does 2 Peter 1:3 say that God's Word gives us?

Be watching for the opportunity to interact with each other on this site about some of the questions in the coming days. This study will have great topics for discussion with each other.

Chapter One - Seeing the Invisible - Devo for 10/13/08

Acts 16:16-40

1. Why were Paul and Silas arrested? (v. 19-23)
2. Why do you think Paul and Silas sang praises to God? Or, what do you think was going through their minds at that point?
3. What other people were impacted by Paul and Silas during their time in jail?
4. If Paul and Silas's focus had been on their pain and the injustice done to them, how might the jail experience have turned out differently?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph Does Time in Prison! - Devo for 10/10/08

Genesis 39:20-40:23

1. What did Joseph notice about the prisoners? (Gen. 40:6)
2. Do you notice when others are having a bad day?
3. What do you usually do about it?

Joseph must NOT have been sad himself if he confronted others. Read Genesis 40:8-20. Look at what Joseph shared with these two men. We must be willing to share with our friends both the good and the tough. God is good and forgiving - but He is also just and promises to judge sin.

4. What should you tell others about...
a. sin:
b. forgiveness:
c. heaven:
d. hell:

Love others enough to tell them the truth - the whole truth of God's Word. Share God's love and warn of God's judgment. Be a servnat!

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph Does Time in Prison! - Devo for 10/09/08

Genesis 39:20-40:23

We are never more Christlike than when we serve. One writer said, "God has three sorts of servants in the world: some are slaves, and serve Him from fear; others are hirelings, and serve for wages; and the last are sons, who serve because they love."

1. How do you serve?
2. Who do you presently serve in your life?
3. List some of the acts of service you have done for others in the last three weeks.

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph Does Time in Prison! - Devo for 10/08/08

Genesis 39:20-40:23

Modern prisons are bad enought today, but they pale in comparison with the ancient prisons of Egypt. It seemed as if Joseph was punished for doing right, but God, in His sovereign plan, used 13 difficult years to prepare Joseph for 80 years of service.

Even though we do not admit it at the time, God knows what He is doing all the time. Humanly speaking, Joseph was a prime candidate for bitterness. Joseph refused to fail of the grace of God. Your spiritual success is not based on what others have done to you, but on your response to what has been done to you.

Let's learn from Joseph: the guy who refused to be bitter! Joseph's RESPONSE to his prison sentence is an example to us, proving that God's GRACE is always sufficient. Read through the outline below to get a good grasp on Joseph's prison time.

1. Joseph's response to the PRISON GUARD...TOTAL SUBMISSION! (39:21)
2. Joseph's response to the PRISONERS...TOLERANCE! (39:22)
3. Joseph's response to the PRESENCE OF GOD...TRUST! (39:23)
4. Joseph's response to POTIPHAR...OBEDIENCE! (40:1-2)
5. Joseph's response to PHARAOH'S OFFICERS...COMPASSION! (40:4)
a. He served them.
b. He saw that they were sad.
c. He spoke the truth in love.
6. Joseph's response to his PAST LIFE...ENDURANCE! (40:14-15)
a. He knew his life was unfair. He refused to allow it to affect his choices as a godly servant.
b. He did not use his tough situation as an excuse to sin.
c. He continued to have HOPE. He never gave up!

1. Who does Genesis 39:21 and 23 say was with Joseph even while he was in prison?
2. The presence of God can make a prison a palace, or a palace a prison: depending on your relationship with God. Read Genesis 40:1-4. What does verse 4 say Joseph did to the butler and the baker?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph Faces Temptation Head-On! - Devo for 10/07/08

Genesis 39:6-23

Why did Joseph refuse to sin? Read Genesis 39:8-9.

From these two verses we see three principles Joseph chose to believe and live by. Every time we are tempted to sin, we should boldly write these three principles on the chalkboards of our minds.

"Behold my master..." - I'll DISAPPOINT others that look up to me!
"...thou art his wife" - I'll DEFILE you. Don't ruin your life like this!
"...and sin against God" - I'll DISPLEASE God!

1. Name three individuals who would be greatly disappointed if you turned your back on God and chose to live a life of sin.
2. You cannot help your friends by joining in on their sin. Is there anyone you need to apologize to because you made sinful choices in the past?
3. How real is God to you?
4. When temptation moves in, what are some practical ways you can concentrate on the presence of the true and living God?

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph Faces Temptation Head-On! - Devo for 10/06/08

Genesis 39:6-23

How did Joseph refuse to sin? Read Genesis 39:10.

1. Write out how Proverbs 1:10 relates to Joseph's refusal.
2. According to Psalm 1:1, how does the man blessed by God deal with the ungodly, the scornful, and the sinners?

Joseph stayed away from Mrs. Potiphar and her influence. Who usually talks teens into sin...a friend? Do you have any friends that try to talk you into getting involved in sin? If you have friends that constantly try to get you into sin, stay away from them!

3. What do the following verses teach us about a Christian's choice in the friends they hang out with?
a. Proverbs 1:11-16
b. Proverbs 4:14-15
c. Proverbs 13:20
d. 2 Corinthians 6:14-17

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph Faces Temptation Head-On! - Devo for 10/04/08

Genesis 39:6-23

It is amazing that each time we read through this passage, we learn something new. Joseph refused to sin with Potiphar's wife. Joseph kept his purity. How? Why? What was in Joseph's thinking and lifestyle that kept him pure? Can we stay just as pure in the wicked world we live in? Joseph faced intense temptation. When was the last time you faced such intense temptation? Keep in mind, temptation is not sin, but yielding to the temptation is sin.

1. Joseph faced constant temptation. What three words in Genesis 39:10 show us that this temptation kept coming back on a daily basis?

Joseph knew he would have to fight temptation when he went to work! He had to be prepared ahead of time to say, "No!" Remember, Joseph could have done what most do today and make all kinds of excuses why it would be okay to sin. Like...

"No one will ever know. She wouldn't dare tell and jeopardize her position."
"Everyone else in my position would do it, so why shouldn't I?"
"Just one time to get her off my back; one time is no big deal."
"I'll get special privileges and extra pay by giving in."
"Wait a minute! I'm her slave. She owns me. I don't have a choice."
"I might lose my job - maybe my head - if I say no!"

Without typing it, what is your favorite excuse when you face temptation? No one can make us sin. When anyone sins, the CHOOSE to sin. Not even the devil can MAKE us sin!

Joseph: 17-30 - Let's Meet Poor, Pitiful Mrs. Potiphar - Devo for 10/03/08

Genesis 39:6-23

6. Mrs. Potiphar had a lying tongue! She could not be trusted! It seems as if no one truly believed her. If the chief executioner's wife had truly experienced attempted rape, Joseph would have lost his head. Instead, he was put in prison, and given leadership opportunity even there.

From Proverbs 12:22, what does God think about lying?

7. Mrs. Potiphar is forgotten! Some people leave such an impression due to their faith they are not easily forgotten. Others, due to their sinfulness, leave no such impression.

a. What will be remembered about you after you leave your school?
b. What will be remembered about you when you die?

Let's learn from Joseph and not from Mrs. Potiphar.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Joseph: 17-30 - Let's Meet Poor, Pitiful Mrs. Potiphar - Devo for 10/02/08

Genesis 39:6-23

5. Mrs. Potiphar had a disrespectful attitude towards her husband. This is seen in Genesis 39:14. Potiphar's wife quickly shifted the blame to her husband, showing great disrespect.

a. What does Ephesians 5:33 teach young wives?
b. What usually happens in a home where the mom refuses to submit and is disrespectful to her husband?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Joseph: 17-30 - Let's Meet Poor, Pitiful Mrs. Potiphar - Devo for 10/01/08

Genesis 39:6-23

4. Mrs. Potiphar had a stubborn will. She would not listen to reason. Others may have been caught in her web, but all of a sudden a young, good looking servant is standing up to her by simply saying, "No!" He not only refused to sin, but also tried to get her to change her ways. But she still refused to listen.

a. Is there any area of your life where stubbornness stands in the way of reason?
b. What does God call stubbornness in 1 Samuel 15:23?

Joseph: 17-30 - Let's Meet Poor, Pitiful Mrs. Potiphar - Devo for 09/30/08

Genesis 39:6-23

3. Mrs. Potiphar had a lustful heart. She actually asked Joseph to be immoral with her! (Genesis 39:7)

a. What type of action are we encouraged to do in all three of these passages (same word): 1 Timothy 6:11, 2 Timothy 2:22, and 1 Corinthians 6:18?
b. Mrs. Potiphar was a wicked woman. What did Joseph do that Mrs. Potiphar refused to do? (Genesis 39:12)

A lustful heart begins with a filthy mind. Explain how each of the following verses affect our thought lives.

c. Philippians 4:8
d. 2 Corinthians 10:5
e. Psalm 19:14

Joseph: 17-30 - Let's Meet Poor, Pitiful Mrs. Potiphar - Devo for 09/29/08

Genesis 39:6-23

2. Mrs. Potiphar had a wandering eye! Never think that what we allow ourselves to gaze upon is powerless in our thoughts and actions. Genesis 39:7 says, "his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph." Just like Eve, Lot, Samson, and David, Mrs. Potiphar did not control what entered her eye-gate.

a. What does Psalm 101:3 say about what we choose to look at?
b. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you control your eyes?
c. How has television and the Internet been used by the devil to attack Christians regarding the "lust of the eyes"?
d. According to 1 John 2:15-17 and Psalm 119:36-37, what should we pray?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Joseph: 17-30 - Let's Meet Poor, Pitiful Mrs. Potiphar - Devo for 09/27/08

Genesis 39:6-23

1. Mrs. Potiphar had an impressive position. She had everything that it takes to impress others...popularity, position, possessions, and power...but nothing to impress God.

a. What is most important in your life---what others say about you or what God says about you?
b. Do you think you have fallen into the same trap as Mrs. Potiphar in trying to impress friends with popularity or things?
c. When you shop for clothes, do you choose clothes that will get the attention of others and violate modesty or communication principles?
d. Read Galatians 1:10 and explain how important it is to realize that we have no one to impress and only One to please.

Joseph: 17-30 - All Eyes Were on Joseph - Devo for 09/26/08

Genesis 39:1-23

Not only were Potiphar, his wife, and his servants watching Joseph, so was God! We must welcome God's presence! The fact that God was with Joseph gives us a good idea about Joseph's heart...he wanted God with him! However, most people today want just the opposite; they do not want God in textbooks, in schools, in graduations, or even in Christmas! The problem is, God will give them what they want. If someone does not want God's presence, He will not give it.

1. What is the general teaching of James 4:6-8?
2. Genesis 39:2-3 tell us God made Joseph to prosper. Define prosperity.

True prosperity is not in things or positions, but simply doing our daily duties in an excellent way that please God. Read and meditate on the following passages and thank God for keeping and eye on us at all times.

2 Chronicles 16:9 Job 34:21 Proverbs 5:21 Jeremiah 23:24

Joseph: 17-30 - All Eyes Were on Joseph - Devo for 09/25/08

Genesis 39:1-23

Not only were Potiphar and his wife watching Joseph, but also Potiphar's servants were! Neither the trust Potiphar gave Joseph nor the temptations Mrs. Potiphar threw his way could go unnoticed by the other servants in the house. Whether Joseph's fellow servants respected him or resented him for getting a higher position, they couldn't help but see God in his life.

1. If one of your friends at work, school, or church were asked who they know that really has a heart for God and walks close to Him, would they give your name?
2. Why would they or why wouldn't they?
3. What principles in 1 Peter 2:15 and Titus 2:8 teach us how to keep a right testimony with our peers?

Joseph: 17-30 - All Eyes Were on Joseph - Devo for 09/24/08

Genesis 39:1-23

Potiphar was not the only one watching Joseph; so was his wife! She continually tempted him to sin but he consistently refused.

1. What three words in verse 7 tell us that Joseph's tempter was watching?
2. What phrase in 1 Peter 5:8 tells us our tempter is watching us?
3. What does 1 Peter 5:9 tell us to do?

Joseph: 17-30 - All Eyes Were on Joseph - Devo for 09/23/08

Genesis 39:1-23

1. Do your authorities see God in your life?
2. People who have a good work ethic, who do not complain, and who try to do their best will be given much greater privileges and responsibilities. From Genesis 39:4-6, what kind of responsibility did Potiphar give Joseph?
3. Read Ephesians 6:5-7 and explain how those verses should impact each one of us.

Joseph: 17-30 - All Eyes Were on Joseph - Devo for 09/22/08

Genesis 39:1-23

Have you ever felt that everyone was staring at you? Most of us have experienced that uncomfortable feeling and wondered if we did something stupid or there was something hanging from our nose. Not many like the feeling of being watched. When Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar, the chief executioner in Egypt, all eyes were on Joseph. He was being watched! He was being watched by Potiphar; he was being watched by the other servants in the house; he was being watched by Potiphar's wife; and he was being watched by God.

1. According to Genesis 39:3, what two things did Potiphar see about Joseph and his Lord?
2. Who do you know, teen or adult, about whom you could say, "They really walk with the Lord. God's blessing is so evident in their lives."
3. What do others see in someone that reveals that God is with them and blessing their lives?
4. List a few things a boss or employer might observe that would NOT reveal that God's blessing was on that life.

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph's Pit in the Desert - Devo for 09/20/08

Genesis 37:13-35

Most of us would never be content to murder someone, but there are all kinds of sins that we allow ourselves to become very comfortable with. Without writing it down, what sin is such a major part of your thinking that it does not seem to bother you anymore? In other words, what sin have you simply learned to be content with? Below are four ways to become content with sin.

1. Surround yourselves with others who are content with sin.
(And Judah said unto his brethren...)
2. Judge sin by its pleasure now...not its punishment later.
(What profit is it if we slay our brother?)
3. Convince yourself that it is okay, as long as you don't get caught. Have a good cover-up plan.
(...and conceal his blood)
4. Harden your heart to the distress your sin causes others.
(...and the brethren were content.)

Through God's sovereignty Joseph was lifted out of his desert pit and sold into Egypt. Through God's strength each one of us can be lifted out of our prison-like pit of sin. If you feel you are caught in a hole so deep that you cannot get out, God's Word has promises for you.

Read Psalm 40:1-4

1. How did David describe his attitude in verse 1?
2. What are the four things God did for David as described in verses 2 and 3?
3. What did David say was the expected result of those four things? (the end of v. 3)
4. In verse 4, how does David say a man can be blessed?

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph's Pit in the Desert - Devo for 09/19/08

Genesis 37:13-35

Wicked men, not understanding the power of the Word of God, think that they can do away with God's influence by doing away with those who have chosen to live for God. Even the public burning of early church martyrs only inflamed the hearts of hundreds more to give their lives for God. In Joseph's day, they decided that the best way to thwart God's plan was to kill God's man. Today, many teens seek to do away with God's influence by getting God's man to join their wickedness. Maybe these sons tried to get Joseph on their side against Jacob, but he would have nothing to do with disloyalty and dishonor to his father. Either way, the same drive in the hearts of Joseph's brothers is seen in the hearts of so many God-haters today as they will do whatever is possible to get rid of the convincting, godly influence in their lives.

1. From our reading, whose idea was it to throw Joseph into a desert pit?
2. What was Reuben's secret plan? (v. 22)

Unless Reuben could rescue Joseph from his brothers, this pit was actually a death sentence. With the drought-like conditions of the desert, these pits would attract all kinds of animals seeking water, but once in the pit, they could not get out. Often there would be a great stench from the rotting flesh of water-seeking animals. No way out...sure, slow, agonizing death for Joseph---whose crime was that he represented his father's love and his Heavenly Father's will.

3. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you because you refused to join in with others' sin and took a stand for what is right?
4. As we know, God was with Joseph and not only helped him out of this pit, but also a year later, took him to a magnificent palace. Joseph may have been thrown into a physical pit, but his brothers were caugtht in a spiritual "pit" of sin. What is the last phrase of Genesis 37:27?
5. The boys were content to kill Joseph...content to let him die in the pit...and now content to send him to a life often worse than death that often resulted in death--the life of a slave. How content are you with sin: very content, kind of content, or seldom content?

Joseph: 17-30 - Joseph's Pit in the Desert - Devo for 09/18/08

Genesis 37:13-35

Joseph obeyed his father without question. What he did not know was that when he left to check on his brothers, he would not see his father again for almost thirteen years.

1. What did Joseph's brothers do when they saw him coming across the field towards them? (v. 18)
2. What did they call Joseph in verse 19 that hints at why they hated him so much?
3. What did these guys think they would accomplish by killing Joseph? (v. 20)
4. Who gave Joseph his dreams?
5. Did Joseph's dreams ever come true?
6. How does God speak to us today?
7. Will the promises and warnings in the Bible ever come true?
8. List two Bible promises and two Bible warnings that affect your daily choices in life.

Intro to Section 3 - Joseph: Seventeen to Thirty

Joseph could never be accused of having it easy or being sheltered from pain and suffering. He wanted to do right. Between the ages of 17 and 30 his reward for doing right was more rejection and hurt. Whether thrown in a pit or a prison, Joseph kept his integrity by keeping a strong focus on the promises of God. Living a life that attempts to please God is not the best way to win any popularity contest. Joseph was consumed with and committed to pleasing God. That commitment kept him from giving in to total despair during the tough times he faced that absolutely made no sense. Because Joseph did not give up or give in, the 13-year trial from age 17 to 30 ended in over 70 years of blessing.

What trials are you currently facing that make no sense at this time? Do you ever feel that the more you try to do right and please God, the more difficult it is to face family and friends? You may not actually be thrown into a prison cell, but the rejection, the misunderstanding, the hatred, the lack of concern by almost everyone is a prison sentence in itself. In this section we will see how Joseph hung on and made it through 13 very difficult years.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Joseph's Early Years - Obedience: Quickly, Sweetly, and Completely - Devo for 09/17/08

Genesis 37:12-17

1. Read Deuteronomy 11:26-28. What does God give if ye obey?
2. What does God promise if ye will not obey?
3. Explain how teenagers who obey quickly, sweetly, and completely can be a blessing to their parents, to their teachers, and to their employers.
4. Now explain how disobedience, or even compliance with a rotten attitude, can cause great heartache and grief at home, at school, at church, or at work.

If you learn to obey quickly, sweetly, and completely as a child or teenager, then when you are faced with God's commands in your life as an adult, you can, with confidence, obey God...QUICKLY, SWEETLY, AND COMPLETELY.

Joseph's Early Years - Obedience: Quickly, Sweetly, and Completely - Devo for 09/16/08

Genesis 37:12-17

1. Why is it hard at times for you to obey authority quickly?
2. Explain the difference between obeying with a "sweet" attitude and a "not-so-sweet" attitude.
3. How would the principle of "complete" obedience affect the way you clean your room, help clean up the kitchen, or respect a curfew set by your parents?
4. What is the 5th commandment of the ten commandments? (Exodus 20:12)

Joseph's Early Years - Obedience: Quickly, Sweetly, and Completely - Devo for 09/15/08

Genesis 37:12-17

Joseph's family were shepherd nomads who had to travel to find good grass and water for their flock. The sheep were their livelihood, and it seemed as if Joseph's brothers had much more concern about their sheep than their own brother. Even today, many families put "things" over family relationships and then, when the material things have fallen apart or gone out of style, they end up with absolutely nothing at all.

1. When Jacob asked Joseph to go and check on his brothers, what was Joseph's three word response to his father? (v. 13)

Joseph was quick to griping...just simple, quick, and complete obedience. Joseph could have given excuses why not to obey, but did not.

2. List three excuses you have used with your parents in the place of quick, sweet, and complete obedience.
3. What does Ephesians 6:1 teach us?
4. What does Ephesians 6:2 say?
5. What does Colossians 3:20 teach us?

Joseph's Early Years - Sibling Rivalry at its Worst - Devo for 09/13/08

Genesis 37

1. What does James 4:1 say is the main reason for strife?
2. In the previous chapter, in James 3:14-16, when there is envying and strife in your hearts, what three words in verse 15 describe this kind of wisdom?
3. What two results does verse 16 say will be in your home?
4. Now read James 3:16-17. What seven characteristics of godly wisdom (the wisdom that is in total opposition to sibling rivalry) are listed in verse 17?
5. Looking at these two types of wisdom, which one most describes you and your relationship with your brothers and sisters: the peaceable, godly wisdom or the earthly, unspiritual, demonic wisdom? (answer this question in your own heart)

If strife, contention, arguing, and fighting is epidemic in your home, ask God to take away the driving desire in you to change your brothers and sisters, and give you an intense passion to change yourself. God was not pleased with sibling rivalry in Joseph's day...and He is still against it today.

Joseph's Early Years - Sibling Rivalry at its Worst - Devo for 09/12/08

Genesis 37

1. Read Ephesians 4:29-32. What kind of language should never come out of our mouths? (v. 29)
2. The word corrupt means to make rotten or to ruin. How can harsh, unkind words hurt our relationship with a brother or a sister?
3. The word edifying means to build up, brag on, uplift. When was the last time you made one of your siblings feel better because you built them up and bragged on them?
4. God put verse 30 right in the middle of this passage for a reason. When we are unkind towards one another, what does this do to the Spirit of God?
5. What six things do we need to put away (get rid of) according to verse 31?
6. Read verse 32 again. How has God been kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving to you?
7. In what way can you be the same towards your brother or sister?

Joseph's Early Years - Sibling Rivalry at its Worst - Devo for 09/11/08

Genesis 37

It almost seems accepted in most homes today for brothers and sisters to be at each other's throats. Our family members should never be our rivals! Most who graduate from high school and go off to college leave home with many regrets, one of which is memories of constant fighting and contention. Your brother or sister should be one of your best friends. Over the next few days we'll look at some Scripture passages that deal with this issue of sibling rivalry. Before you start, stop and pray and ask God to show you anything in your life that needs to change in this area.

1. Contention is a fancy word for argument, conflict, or strife. Where does Proverbs 13:10 say contention starts?
2. Describe how a proud person argues.
3. If there is an argument between you and a brother or sister, what does this verse (Proverbs 13:10) say is true about one or both of you?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Joseph's Early Years - Sibling Rivalry at its Worst - Devo for 09/10/08

Genesis 37

For review and today's study, read the entire chapter of Genesis 37 again. We have seen a glimpse of the hatred and envy Joseph's brothers had towards him because of his dreams. Let's focus on the incredible sibling rivalry that took place in this ancient family.

List the reference where we find these attitudes and actions among Joseph's brothers.

1. Joseph's brothers hated him. _____________
2. Joseph's brothers spoke harshly to him. _____________
3. Joseph's brothers hated him more and more. _____________
4. Joseph's brothers envied him. _____________
5. Joseph's brothers conspired to kill him. _____________
6. Joseph's brothers roughly threw him into a pit. _____________
7. Joseph's brothers didn't care (ate while Joseph suffered). ____________
8. Joseph's brothers sold him as a slave. _____________
9. Joseph's brothers lied to their father causing great grief. ____________
10. Joseph's brothers pretended to comfort their dad. _____________
11. Joseph's brothers were content to watch their dad grieve. __________

Joseph's Early Years - Dreamer of Dreams - Devo for 09/09/08

Genesis 37:5-11

What do the following verses say about being hated by wicked men?

1. Matthew 5:11-12
2. Luke 6:22
3. John 15:18
4. 1 John 3:13

Genesis 37:11 says that Joseph's brothers envied him because of his dreams.

1. What is envy?
2. When you are jealous and envious of someone else's looks, talents, friends, or things, what does that envy say about your heart?
3. What does God say about envy in the verses below?
a. Proverbs 14:30
b. James 3:13-18
c. 1 Peter 2:1-3

God revealed His future plan to Joseph through his dreams. Joseph accepted it as truth and trusted God that it would happen. Let's do the same with God's Word every day of our lives. Simply trust God's Word!

Joseph's Early Years - Dreamer of Dreams - Devo for 09/08/08

Genesis 37:5-11

Using the following statements, complete questions 1-4.

a. ...we use the Bible to check the dream, not vice versa.
b. ...dreams can be forgotten or vague in time. The Bible is complete and right before us.
c. ...only the dreamer knows the dream and therefore it is impossible to examine. The Bible is open for all of us to search and study.
d. covers more subjects. Dreams are limited.

1. ____ The Bible is more detailed than dreams because...
2. ____ The Bible is more trustworthy than dreams because...
3. ____ The Bible is more authoritative than dreams because...
4. ____ The Bible is more certain than a dream because...

In Genesis 37:8, we see that Joseph's brothers hated him because the dreams revealed that he would rule over them. Joseph took a stand against sin and wickedness and his brothers did not want an authority that would keep them from doing what they wanted to do.

1. Do you know any authority figures who kids hate because they enforce the rules?
2. What do rebellious friends think of other teens who try to respect authority and obey the rules?
3. Have you ever been hated because you took a stand for what was right?

Joseph's Early Years - Dreamer of Dreams - Devo for 09/06/08

Genesis 37:5-11

Dreams and visions were God's way of speaking to His believers before He gave His written Word, the Bible. God spoke to and through the Patriarchs - men God chose to lead His people. The first was Abraham. God spoke to him, encouraging him to leave his homeland and head for Canaan, the land promised to his descendents. (Genesis 12) Isaac was next. God spoke to him warning him not to go to Egypt during a famine. (Genesis 26) Jacob was the third Patriarch. God called him Israel after they wrestled. (Genesis 28:12) Now we have God speaking to Joseph. God put His hand of approval on Joseph giving him a glimpse of his future rule over his family which may have been a promise that kept Joseph from giving up through the years of slavery and prison.

1. How does God speak to us today?
2. When and where do you sit down and let God speak to you each day?
3. Have you ever read the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation?

God's Word has specific answers to specific questions and problems. Here are the list of choices to place with the questions below: 1 John, Philippians, James 3, 1 Corinthians 13

1. Where would you read if you want to learn about true love?
2. Where would you read if you want to understand true joy?
3. Where would you read if you want to study the tongue?
4. Where would you read to understand assurance of salvation?

Joseph's Early Years - "Dad Always Liked You Best!" - Devo for 09/05/08

Genesis 37

1. What does Ephesians 4:29, 31, and 32 say about how we should talk to each other?

Ephesians 4:29 speaks of corrupt, rotten, cut-you-down kind of words.

2. Explain how arguing and fighting are corrupt.
3. Explain how sassing and talking back to parents are corrupt.
4. Explain how making fun of and cutting down are corrupt.

God loves us with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He loved us while we were yet sinners. God does not play favorites. Read the verses below and comment on how God does not respect one person above another.

1. John 3:15-17
2. Romans 2:11
3. 1 Peter 1:17

God loves us with an unconditional love - no strings attached. He does not love us by the way we look or the abilities we have. He just loves us! And we should do the same for others. Don't play favorites!

Joseph's Early Years - "Dad Always Liked You Best!" - Devo for 09/04/08

Genesis 37

What do the following verses say about how God gives different gifts and abilities to different people?

1. 1 Corinthians 12:11
2. Romans 12:6
3. 1 Corinthians 7:7

4. What does the last phrase of Genesis 37:4 say about the way Joseph's brothers talked with him?
5. Do you talk mean to your brothers or sisters?
6. Do you have friends at school or church that could accuse you of not liking them and being rude to them?

Joseph's Early Years - "Dad Always Liked You Best!" - Devo for 09/03/08

Genesis 37

Everybody loves to be loved and likes to be liked. When you feel that someone does not like you and likes one of your friends or even your brother or sister more than hurts! In Genesis 37:3-4, Joseph's brothers HATED him and couldn't even talk nice to him just because his father showed favoritism towards him. It wasn't Joseph's fault. There could be a couple of reasons why Jacob did show favor towards Joseph.

1. Joseph was the waited for and prayed for son of Rachel, his true love.
2. Joseph was a comfort to his 91-year-old dad and spent time with him.
3. Joseph refused to put up with the evil wickedness of his brothers.

Remember, a holy, respectful, unselfish attitude will always be honored and esteemed over a proud, rebellious, selfish attitude. Regardless of WHY Jacob loved Joseph so much, nobody wants to be constantly compared with others. Playing favorites is not just a parent problem, it is amazing how many kids and teens play favorites with their friends and family.

1. What does 2 Corinthians 10:12 teach us?

Comparisons cannot be made without experiencing acceptance or rejection. The fear of rejection is a morbid fear - knowing that the one person who should love you, chooses not to, because we cannot meet up to his or her expectations. So we give up, quit trying, and rebel against that standard that we feel we could never achieve anyway.

2. Are there unfair comparisons that you are making with people in your life?

Gossipping and talking behind another friend's back is often centered around comparisons. List four ways that you or your friends compare others in your life.


Joseph's Early Years - Tattletale or Truth-Teller - Devo for 09/02/08

Genesis 37

What do the verses below have to say about gossip and truth telling?

1. Proverbs 11:3
2. Proverbs 18:8
3. Proverbs 27:5-6
4. Proverbs 28:23
5. 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15

"Tattletales" seek to get others in trouble. "Truth-Tellers" want to help those who are destroying their own lives with sin. Whether or not Jacob asked for the report does not really matter. When we see someone involved in behavior that will ultimately hurt them and others, we need to love them enough to confront them with the evil.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Joseph's Early Years - Tattletale or Truth-Teller - Devo for 08/30/08

Genesis 37

Nobody wants to be a "narc"...although, if we got rid of all narcs, we would have a whole lot more drug-related crime and tragedies. Some teens, in an attempt to have a godly school or youth group, are pegged as undercover cops or secret agents. That's too bad. Allowing a nest of poisonous snakes to make themselves at home in your group is crazy.

A commentator named John Butler gives us a few questions to ask in trying to decide where Joseph was coming from.

1. Who did Joseph talk to?
2. Who do gossips usually talk to?
3. What did Joseph say?
4. Did he tell the truth or make it all up?
(If gossips were limited to just the facts, they would not have many juicy things to say.)
5. Why did Joseph speak?
6. If he was simply trying to get his brothers into trouble then he would be a tattletale. If he really wanted to help his brothers to stop their wickedness then he would be considered a truth-teller! The last time you "told on" someone, was it to help them or to get them in trouble?

Based on the questions above, write three principles that show the difference between tattling and honestly trying to help.

Joseph's Early Years - Tattletale or Truth-Teller - Devo for 08/29/08

Genesis 37

1. The third mention of Joseph is his name in a list with his brothers in Genesis 35:24. What happened to Joseph's mother right before this? (Genesis 35:16-20)
2. Joseph got a little brother and lost his mother on the same day. It's tough to grow up, especially without a mom. Do you know anyone whose mom has already died?
3. How could you be an encouragement to them?
4. The fourth mention of Joseph is Genesis 37:1-2. Nobody wants to be called a tattletale - they have a way of getting us into trouble. There are two very different approaches to Genesis 37:1-2. Either Joseph was simply giving the facts and telling his dad what was going on or he was selfishly trying to get his brothers into trouble. (By the way, if we don't do anything bad, then we cannot be tattled on.) What is the difference between telling someone who can help and malicious gossip?

Joseph's Early Years - Tattletale or Truth-Teller - Devo for 08/28/08

Genesis 37

1. Let's look at what Scripture tells us of Joseph as a kid. Joseph is first seen in Genesis 30:22-24. In this passage, what is implied about Rachel in verse 22?
2. Although Rachel struggled with discontent, she must have prayed. How important is it for us to pray about our burdens?
3. Genesis 33:1-7 is the second time we find Joseph. Jacob is afraid that Esau may follow through with his threat of killing Jacob. Why do you think Jacob lined up his family the way he did in Genesis 33:1-7?
4. It could be that Joseph and Rachel were considered Jacob's most prize possessions, so he gave them premium protection. What we prize in life is what we protect, guard, and are willing to fight for. What is the most important thing in your life?

Intro to Section 2 - Joseph's Early Years

Joseph was a 17-year old with character. Genesis 37 is filled with some of the problems Joseph faced as a young man. He not only was surrounded by envy, hatred, and jealousy, he had just lost his mother. It is tough for any teen to watch a parent die. It seemed that as much as his father loved him, his brothers hated him. He was in a no-win situation with his older brothers. It was quite obvious that his father loved him more than his other brothers and was grooming him to take over the family. You see, his other brothers had disqualified themselves to rule the family. Reuben was immoral with Bilhah; Simeon and Levi in anger went on a murder spree; and Judah chose to mix in with the Canaanites and be like them. Joseph seemed to be the only one that had a heart for God. Not only did Jacob see this, but God did also. God spoke to Joseph through dreams just as He did to the Patriarchs before him: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God and Jacob had special plans for Joseph. But his brothers had other ideas. Because of their hatred and jealousy, they simply wanted to do away with Joseph, thus doing away with the notion that he would someday rule over them.

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/27/08

Genesis 38:1-30

Study the following words and their meanings from 2 Corinthians 6 and match each of these five words with the proper application below.

FELLOWSHIP: a sharer, a partnership, an associate or friend
COMMUNION: fellowship, doing things together
CONCORD: accordance, harmony, togetherness
PART: to have in common, an inheritance to look forward to
AGREEMENT: thinking alike, in accord with, no friction

1. Without ___________ there will be no eternal inheritance together: one will spend eternity in heaven and the other in hell.
2. Without ___________ there is constant discord and friction: no harmony.
3. Without ___________ there will be no close fellowship or doing things together as a loving couple.
4. Without ___________ there is no strong companionship or friendship: they will not share the joy of living together as best friends.
5. Without ___________ there will be constant disagreement and arguing.

According to Jacob's final words of blessing on Judah, we assume that Judah had a change of heart in his later years and sought to know and please God. God does forgive, but the consequences of sin are great.

1. What kind of son was Judah's first son, Er, and what did God have to do to him? (Genesis 38:7)
2. Before Judah was 35 years old, what happened to his wife? (Genesis 38:12)
3. Judah suffered great heartache because he chose to live like the world and refused to be separate from unbelievers. What does God want from us today?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/26/08

Genesis 38:1-30

1. What was Judah's great-grandfather, Abraham, concerned about when it came time to find a wife for Isaac? (Genesis 24:1-4)
2. According to Genesis 26:34-35 and 28:1-4, what were Isaac and Rebekah's thoughts on their sons marrying those who did not believe in Jehovah God?
3. Write the principle found in Deuteronomy 7:2-4 in regards to marrying an unbeliever.
4. Are you a Christian (that means trusting in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation)?
5. What does God say in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 about who a Christian should marry?

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/25/08

Genesis 38:1-30

1. This will blow your mind, but Judah was probably around 14 years old when his first son, Er, was born, around 28 when his grandson, Perez, was born and about 43 when his great-grandson, Hezron, was born. Even as a 14-year-old, rather than please God by keeping separate from unbelievers, he wanted to be liked and accepted by the people he lived around regardless of what they believed or how they lived. According to Genesis 38:1, 12, and 20, who was Judah's best friend from the city of Adullam?
2. From what you read in verse 20, did Hirah try to keep Judah from sinning or become a part of the attempted cover-up of the sin?
3. What two qualifications of friends are mentioned in Psalm 119:63?
4. Would you say your best friends fear God and try to obey God's Word?
5. Do your best friends help you sin or help you stay away from sin?
6. In what ways can a friend help you stay away from sin?
7. What do Proverbs 13:20 and 1 Corinthians 15:33 say about companions?

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Judah - Devo for 08/23/08

Genesis 38:1-30

Joseph's older brother, Judah, really blew his testimony in his teen years and early twenties. Even though Joseph and Judah lived at the same time with the same father and knew about the same God, they made very different choices in regards to personal separation. Read the entire chapter of Genesis 38. It is interesting that God put this dark chapter right between chapter 37 where Joseph was bought by Potiphar and chapter 39 where Joseph was tempted by Mrs. Potiphar.

1. Give two possible reason why God placed this chapter where He did.
* Hint 1 - Compare the way Jospeh and Judah handled temptation.
* Hint 2 - God's people were about to mix in with the Canaanite people.
2. Even as a young teen, Judah did not seem content to follow Jehovah, the God of his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. How old do you think Judah was at the beginning of chapter 38?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/22/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Selfish Anger Results in Terrible Consequences
I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel (Genesis 49:7b).

1. God punished Simeon and Levi's family by never letting them own land to call their own. What does Proverbs 19:19 promise?
2. What consequences can selfish anger bring to your life?

We have seen three results of selfish anger. Ask God to protect you from following in Simeon and Levi's footsteps. Handle your anger God's way by confessing it to Him and the individuals involved.

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/21/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Selfish Anger Abounds in Foolishness and Cruelty
...for in their anger they slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: (Genesis 49:6b-7a).

Angry people do things they would not normally do when they are not angry.

1. Have you ever been so mad you said or did some things you wish you wouldn't have?
2. Not only did these guys violently murder many people, they took their swords and cut the tendons in the back of the oxen's legs to lame them, just out of sheer meanness and cruelty! What does God say in the following verses about the foolishness of anger?
* Job 5:2
* Proverbs 14:17
* Proverbs 14:29
* Proverbs 29:22
* Ecclesiastes 7:9

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/20/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Selfish Anger Drives Loved Ones Away
O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: (Genesis 49:6a).

This actually means, "Let me not enter into their council or join in their assembly." In other words, "Because of their selfish anger, I do not respect what they have to say and I'm not going to hang out with them or join their group of friends."

1. What does Proverbs 22:24-25 teach us?
2. What could you learn if you became best friends with an angry person?
3. Read what happened to Joseph's father in Genesis 27:41-45. What did Esau's anger cause Jacob to do?
4. Do you like being around brothers, sisters, or even parents when they are angry?
5. Do you think they like being around you when you are mad?
6. What needs to change in your life?

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother's: Simeon & Levi - Devo for 08/19/08

Genesis 34:1-31; 49:5-7

Joseph had two very angry brothers: Simeon and Levi. Jacob describes their selfish, angry character in Genesis 49:5-7. At first glance, it seems that Simeon's and Levi's anger against Shechem was justified. Read what happened in Genesis 34. Simeon's and Levi's slaughter and spoil of the city was not a "righteous indignation" (a right kind of anger) but a violent and vengeful murder spree that was quite displesing to Jacob and to God.

1. How do you handle anger? Are you the kind that "blows up" or "clams up"?
2. When was the last time you lost your temper? Who was it toward and what did you say or do that you wished you wouldn't have?

We are going to spend the next several devos looking at principles we can learn from these brothers' lives regarding selfish anger.

Selfish Anger Leads to Violence
Instruments of cruelty are in their habitations (Genesis 49:5b).

This phrase means, "their swords are implements of violence." The instrument of cruelty is speaking about a sword. Because of what happened to their sister Dinah, these guys went crazy killing everyone in their path. There are many who are physically abused because of uncontrolled anger.

1. What did Jesus imply was the root sin of murder in Matthew 5:21-22?
2. Have you ever seen a brother or sister so mad they said, "I wish you were dead" or "I'm going to kill you"? In Genesis 4:5-10, who was wroth or angry?
3. Why was he so upset?
4. What was his brother's name?
5. What did he do to him?

Selfish anger, the kind that leads to violence and abuse, is sin.

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Reuben - Devo for 08/18/08

Genesis 29:32; 35:22; 37:21-26; 42:20-22; 49:1-4


#3 - Reuben chose to be a loser in the face of his family.
1. He let his little brother down and lied to his father causing great pain and heartache. Reuben didn't care how they felt. Do you care about your family?
2. Does your attitude hurt your mom and/or dad?
3. Spiritually, do you help your brother or sister or hurt them?
4. Go back to Jacob's blessing in Genesis 49:4. He called Reuben unstable as water which is controlled by the temperature around it. Are you controlled by temptation, peer pressure, and selfishness?

Reuben could have been a leader, but he chose to be a loser.

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Reuben - Devo for 08/16/08

Genesis 29:32; 35:22; 37:21-26; 42:20-22; 49:1-4

Read Genesis 37:17-36. Reuben did have his limits. But he chose to compromise rather than take a stand against his brothers. Read Genesis 37:21-22 again. He wanted to free Joseph from his hateful brothers and should have taken Joseph home to Jacob. Verse 21 says, he heard it. Reuben's brothers were not afraid to talk about their murderous plan in his presence.

#2 - Reuben chose to be a loser in the face of peer pressure.
1. What do your friends talk about in your company?
2. Do your friends know that you love God and hate sin so much that you would do whatever you could to stop them?
3. Reuben sought to live on the edge. In essence he was saying, "Let's not kill him and be personally guilty for his death; just throw him in a pit and he will die naturally!" Reuben wanted to keep Joseph from being killed, bu he also wanted to fit in with his brothers. Is that how you live your life?
4. Do you ever compromise with sin by thinking, "I'll go to the party, but I will not get involved." What does Proverbs 1:10 say about peer pressure?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Brother: Reuben - Devo for 08/15/08

Genesis 29:32; 35:22; 37:21-26; 42:20-22; 49:1-4

Joseph's oldest brother was Reuben. As the firstborn son, Reuben was in line to become the leader of the entire nation of Israel. Read the above mentioned passages to get a quick glimpse of his life.

1. In Genesis 49, we find Jacob on his deathbed leaving his sons with words of blessing and rebuke. What is he saying?

There are three areas in Reuben's life where he chose to be a loser rather than a leader.

#1 - Reuben chose to be a loser in the face of temptation.
1. Read Genesis 35:19-22. What tragedy happened in Jacob's life? (35:19)
2. What tragedy happened in Reuben's life? (35:22)
3. The sin of immorality has great consequences. What three consequences does Proverbs 6:32-33 say come with adultery?
4. How did Joseph handle the same temptation in a very different way? (Genesis 39:7-10)
5. In a few words, what do the following verses say about our personal purity and how we should handle the sin of immorality?
* 1 Corinthians 6:15-20
* 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Mother: Rachel - Devo for 08/14/08

Genesis 29-30

1. Now Jacob had a problem. Because he did not follow God's example given to Adam and Eve, one wife for one husband, he was caught in a culturally acceptable situation that brought nothing but jealousy, hatred, and envy into his life. Even though Rachel has a husband who loved her very much, that was not enough. She thought she had to have more to be happy and content. What made Rachel so envious of her sister? (30:1)
2. You can see Leah's and Rachel's attitudes of jealousy, envy, and the way they fought for Jacob's love by the names they gave their children. Read each verse and name meaning and try to imagine what Leah and Rachel were thinking as each child was born.
* Reuben: see a son (29:32)
* Simeon: hearing (29:33)
* Levi: attached (29:34)
* Judah: praise (29:35)
* Dan: judge (30:6)
* Naphtali: my wrestling (30:8)
* Gad: to attack or invade as an army troop (30:11)
* Asher: happy (30:13)
* Issachar: he will bring a reward (30:18)
* Zebulun: to dwell with (30:20)
* Joseph: give me another (30:22-24)
* Benomi: sorrow (35:16-18)

Applying This to Your Life
Search your heart through the principles below to see if you have a discontented heart. Ask God to replace a discontented heart with a thankful heart.
* Discontent Compares! "Look what they have!" 2 Corinthians 10:12
* Discontent Complains! "I'll never enjoy that in my life!" Psalm 37:1-7
* Discontent Craves! "I'll never be happy until I get everything I want!" Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:11; 1 Timothy 6:8

Joseph seemed to make the best out of every situation. Obviously he did not learn it from his discontented family. Remember, God has already given us everything we need for our present contentment. Never allow discontent to destroy a thankful heart. Be thankful today!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Mother: Rachel - Devo for 08/13/08

Genesis 29-30

1. Remembering the customs of the time, what did Jacob and Laban have in common with the way Jacob greeted Rachel and Laban greeted Jacob?
2. There is a special joy when you know you are right in the middle of God's will. Jacob listened to his parents in his choice of a life mate while his brother, Esau, did not. According to Genesis 26:34-35, how did Isaac and Rebekah feel about the girl Esau chose to marry?
3. It is very important to honor your parents in your search for a life mate...even in the early stages. From Genesis 29:16-17, describe the appearance of Leah and Rachel.
4. According to Genesis 29:18, 20, and 30, describe Jacob's love for Rachel.
5. Using Ephesians 5:25 and Colossians 3:19 and what we learned from Jacob's love for Rachel, explain how a husband today should love his wife.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Mother: Rachel - Devo for 08/12/08

Genesis 29-30 (this is the main reading for this section about Rachel)

Even though Rachel, Joseph's mother, had a precious son and a husband that loved her, she still struggled with discontentment. This is not uncommon even today. Many homes are filled with discontented kids, discontented dads, and discontented moms. Let's look closely at Rachel's life and see what God would have us to learn.

1. We first find Rachel in Genesis 29:6 as she brought her father's sheep to water at a well where Jacob had stopped on his journey. What did Jacob do to help Rachel in verse 10?
2. According to verse 11, how did Jacob express his joy and thankfulness for God's leading him to to his Uncle Laban?
3. How was Jacob honoring his parents on this journey? (Read Genesis 28:6-7)

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Father: Jacob - Devo for 08/11/08

Genesis 25 and 27

1. The third problem Jacob faced that could have fueled his disinterest in his sons was guilt. It is hard to deal with sin in others, even in your own children, when you have not dealt with that same sin in your own life! What does 1 John 1:9 promise to those who confess their sin?
2. If we do not seek forgiveness from God and the ones we have sinned against, we will live in constant guilt and be too ashamed to confront those same sins in others' lives. What happened in Jacob's past with Esau that made it hard for him to deal with the hatred, anger, and jealousy between his sons and his wives? (Genesis 27)
3. Jacob's sons lied to him and deceived him about Joseph's death. Can you remember a time when Jacob lied to and deceived his own father? What happened? (Genesis 27)
4. Even though Joseph did not have a perfect role model as a father, he did not copy and repeat his father's mistakes. Joseph had the character to make choices that pleased God. Are you using a tough home situation as an excuse for not doing right?

Like Joseph, you can be diffent. Strive to be like Christ and keep your focus on Him, and not on others.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Father: Jacob - Devo for 08/09/08

Genesis 25 and 27

1. Read Genesis 32:6-7. Why do you think Jacob feared his brother Esau so much?
2. What did Esau promise in Genesis 27:41-45?
3. Who else did Jacob fear in Genesis 34:30?
4. What do the following passages say about fear?
* Proverbs 29:25
* 2 Timothy 1:7

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Father: Jacob - Devo for 08/08/08

Genesis 25 and 27

1. What does 2 Corinthians 10:12 say about comparing ourselves with others?
2. Jacob probably felt like a nobody in his dad's eyes and that his dad really did not care about what was going on in his life. The problem was that he seemed to be just as disinterested in his own son's lives. Do we have to repeat the mistakes of others in our own lives?
3. Do you think that when we stand before God He will listen to our excuse, "Well, that's just the way I was raised?"
4. According to Romans 14:10-12 and 2 Corinthians 5:10, what will we be accountable for?

Joseph's Family Album - A Snapshot of Joseph's Father: Jacob - Devo for 08/07/08

Genesis 25 and 27 (this is the main reading for this section about Jacob)

Although Jacob had great faith, he was a disinterested dad. He did not get involved in the lives of his children! Jacob was an impartial, unfair, disinterested dad...and the consequences were great.
1. Someone has categorized dads in four ways: neglectful, permissive, authoritarian, and biblical. Jacob was a mix of all four but leaned heavily on the neglectful side. Jacob was raised by a disinterested, neglectful dad and seemed to simply repeat how his father raised him. Who was Jacob's father? (Genesis 25:19)
2. How old was Isaac when Jacob was born? (Genesis 25:26)
3. According to Genesis 25:27-28, did Isaac seem more interested in his first son, Esau, than he was with Jacob?
4. Why did Isaac seem to be interested in Esau but disinterested in Jacob?
5. Jacob lived in a home where there was constant comparison. Describe the differences in looks, interests, and lifestyles between Jacob and Esau. (Genesis 25:24-34; 27:11-23)