Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, May 26, 2008

A Blind Man Sees the Light - Part 1 - Devo for 05/29/08

Reflective Questions
1. Describe your most vivid childhood memory involving darkness. What feelings come over you in the dark?
2. In what ways would being blind change your life?

John 9:1-12

Responsive Questions
1. Based on the question the disciples ask Jesus in verse 2, how do they view the relation between sickness and sin?
2. What is Jesus' view of the same issue?
3. In your opinion, which of these views is more widely held among Christians today? Explain.
4. In verse 5 Jesus claims to be the light of the world. In what sense does the physical healing of the blind man confirm Jesus' spiritual claim?
5. Why do you think Jesus goes through the process of making mud and instructing the man to go wash, instead of simply healing him instantly?


Anonymous said...

1.When I was probably six years old,I went with a group from the church to the hands-on museum at the pier.They had this playplace that you could go through,but it was completely dark.You had to feel your way through it.I was so scared,but did it anyway because I didn't want to seem like a baby.The dark evokes a sense of insecurity-You don't know what is coming next.

2.My life would be totally different.I wouldn't be able to do the same types of activities that I do now,and would have to have someone with me to help me.

1.They thought that someone's sin caused the man to be born blind- like a punishment.

2.It wasn't because of someone's sin,but so that God's power could be displayed through Him.

3.We often judge a person we don't know because of their circumstances.

4.He had the power to bring physical light to the man when He healed him.

5.To show His power

Anonymous said...

1.when i was like 5 years old or six i always thought that after i turned off my light and before i jumped in my bed a witch would pop out and cut my feet off lol so i would hurry and turn my light off and jump from like my wall into my bed lol.

2.i would never know what a person looks like or what anything looks like.i mean i could be eating out and ask for a rootbeer and i would have to trust that the bottle has root beer in it and not beer.

responsive questions

1.the desiples thought that sickness happens to someone because they have comitted a great sin or a relative or friend has.

2.that no one in the mans family has comitted a great sin but God had made him blind for a reason and that he is in control.

3.well we just always seem to figure people have it bad because they sin a lot.

4.that he is in control and nothing happens that he doesnt know about and have a perpose behind. show how great he is.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. When I was outside and it was dark and I hurt my toe on something that I could not see because my dad would not leave the light on. Ouch that hurt.

2. That would be diffucult because I could not see what was in front of me let only who was talking to me.

Reponsive Questions
1. They view them both the same way.

2. He said that he is the light of the world.

3. That Jesus is the light of the world because if he did not come and die we would all go to hell forever and ever.

4. That he is Jesus.

5. because he whated to see if the man would do it and he did.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
I would always think there was some monster in my closet or something. I remember watching Cinderella one time and being scared of the black cat that was on there(Im pretty sure its name was Lucifer)That night I dreamed that that catcame into my house and was hiding in my bathroom.(in think i was 5 or 6)
Answer to 2.
That would be unfathomable. Just try closing your eyes and trying to get around your house or something. Its really hard. Its hard to imagine having to be like that all the time.
RESPONSIVE ||||||||||||||||||||||||
hat someone in the blind mans family sinned a horrible sin to cause this man to be blind.
Jesus says that just because this man is blind, it doesnt mean that his family are bad people.
Some people might think like the Jews and think that someones life is messed up because they sin a lot.
Im pretty sure the miracle says it all.
Just to make things interesting.

Anonymous said...

-When I was in Kindergarden the lights went off at my school. I was scared and nervous about what would happen next.
- I wouldn't be able to appreciate nature or see the faces of my loved ones.
1. The disciples believe that you people get sick because either they have sinned or his/her parents did.

2. Jesus tells them that they don't have a sickness because they sinned, they have one so that people could see the glory of God.

3. I think the second one, nowadays we don't consider sick people sinners. We pray to God and ask Him to cure them and show his glory to that person.

4. Yes, absolutely, Jesus gave sight to the blind, he got him out of that world of darkness and gave him light. Jesus IS the light of the world.

5. To show people that we need to wash ourselves from our sins to be cured (saved).

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
I dont know

Anwser to #2
I think it wolud change my like because I would not know what I am doing at the time.

Anwser to #1
They think that if the parents did something wrong than the child would be born with something wrong like being blind.

Anwser to #2
That neither did worng to make it happen but that it was for Gods work that he was blind.

Anwser to #3
Well I know that sometime I see people making fun of other people with disibilaties because they think they are perfect.

Anwser to #4
Well Jesus has a purpose for everything in the world like making the man blind he mad him blind so that He could heal him and prove that He is God.

Anwser to #5
To make a point that He can do anything and just healing him instanly would not make it intresting.

Anonymous said...

1. They thought that someones sin would cause a person to be like blind or something like that.

2. He said that people dont have the sickness becasue of their sin but he wants to show the power and glory of God.

3. That we normally make fun of people or judge the because of the sickness.

4. That Jesus made him blind so he could show his amazing power to the unbelievers and give him light again and show he was the light of the world.

5. to show his great power

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)When I use to turn oof the light I would run to my bed or out of the room

2)My life wouldn't be like it is today

Responsive Questions

1)I think that he was geting punishment

2)I think God want to show his powers

3)Making fun of people because that can't do all the things you can do. But everyone is special in there own way

4)I think Jesus was trying to open up and show the light of the world

5)He was showing his powers

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I remember going through the tunnel that Sarah went through. You don't know what's around you.

2. I wouldn't be able to do the same activities that I do and I would need help.

Responsive Questions
1. They thought that if someone is sick then that person must have sinned and is being punished.

2. The reason for him being blind isn't because of his or anyone else's sin.

3. The one that the disciples thought. We sometimes view sick and unnwealthy people as terrible sinners.

4. When he gave him his sight he was able to see that Jesus is the light of the world.

5. To show just how awesome he is.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Describe your most vivid childhood memory involving darkness. What feelings come over you in the dark?

I have never been afraid of the dark, however, when I was 11 or 12 I went to the fair and the lights went out while I was in the house of mirrors. That was a little weird.

2. In what ways would being blind change your life?

I would miss out on many of the things I am able to do now. I would have to learn a whole new way of living. I wouldn't have the freedom to do the things I am used to doing now.

Responsive Questions
1. Based on the question the disciples ask Jesus in verse 2, how do they view the relation between sickness and sin?

They think that sickness is a result of sin in a person or family's life.

2. What is Jesus' view of the same issue?

He said this man was blind so that the works of God would be shown in him.

3. In your opinion, which of these views is more widely held among Christians today? Explain.

I think most people have an understanding that sickness is a natural part of life. If anything, people think that God is not a good God since He allows people to be sick.

4. In verse 5 Jesus claims to be the light of the world. In what sense does the physical healing of the blind man confirm Jesus' spiritual claim?

The fact that Jesus had the power to bring light to this blind man's eyes demonstrates that He has the power to save this man from His spiritual darkness.

5. Why do you think Jesus goes through the process of making mud and instructing the man to go wash, instead of simply healing him instantly?

Jesus wanted to demonstrate to this man that He was the One who had the power to heal and forgive, while at the same time allowing this man to follow Him in obedience. His obedience would also be a witness to all those who knew the man.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Ugghhh...I hated the dark! I used to imagine all kinds of scary monsters were in my room. I'm still not wild about the dark now.
2. Well, it would be easier going blind now than it would be to be born least I know now what things look like. But it would be frustrating not being able to see what everyone else is seeing. But it wouldn't be nearly as not being able to hear, I think.

Responsive Questions
1. They felt any handicaps were the result of sin in either the handicap person himself or his parents.
2. Jesus explained that disabilities are allowed by God in order for God to be further glorified through them.
3. Christians today (even myself at times) believe that hardships are the results of us doing is difficult for us to comprehend that difficulties in our lives may be part of God's plan for us.
4. By healing the man's physical darkness, Christ was validating what He claimed to do for the man spiritually. Anyone can say that they have forgiven someone's sins, but by healing the man's blindness, Jesus was showing that He could indeed forgive sins as well.
5. I think the Lord was showing that we have the responsibility to either believe or reject Him and His Words. The man had to choose to believe what Jesus said and act on it.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I can't really remember any specific experiences, but I know that I was afraid of the dark. I always felt scared and unsure of myself.
2. I would have trouble finding my way around my own house whereas now I can navigate perfectly...unless I'm a little dizzy. Lol.

Responsive Questions
1. They believed that the man was sick because either he or his parents had sinned. They thought sickness always meant punishment for sin.
2. He did not agree. He said that the man was sick so He could be glorified.
3. I think that Christians still have the wrong view that we get sick or pain comes into our lives because of sin. It's evident in how people live. They think that if they are in a trial, it's because of something wrong they did when in actuality it could be something to strengthen them, or to glorify God.
4. Before the man was healed, he could not even see light, but when Jesus healed him,
he saw everything. Jesus, the Light, illuminated his eyes and let him see everything.
5. I think it symbolized the old man being dirty and unclean, but after he washed, he became new in Christ. When he became new in Christ, his sight was given to him.

Anonymous said...

1. When I was pretty young, around 7 or 8, my parents locked me in a closet as an April Fool's joke.

2. Wow, I can't believe I wouldn't be able to see...I know my life would be totally different. I consider myself very independent and if I were blind I would be dependent on many people.

1. They thought that because he was sick eith he or his parents had sinned.
2. He said neither had sinned, but that the Lord's work would be .
3. I think many Christians today are very judgemental towards both Christians and non-Christians. I think that people do that to make themselves look better.
4. He allowed the man to see actual light, and by doing that others were draw to Him, spiritual light.
5. So that he would have faith, sorta like Jason's SS lesson today (6/1).

Anonymous said...

1.that someones gonna come and steal me.someones under my bed.someones there.
2.i wouldnt be able to read the Bible or do gymnastics.
1.because the man was sick and they said who sinned this amn or his parents that he was born he was talking about both saying who sinned him because he was blind.
2.he said this was done so that the work of god would show in he knew why it had happened. sin because we do sin everyday and only get sick every one sin a while.
4.because it shows he can do anything it shows that he is the light of the world because of his mighty powers. see if the man would trust in him and do my opinion.

Anonymous said...

1. when i was 5 and i that i would not be not that scary to go into a haunted house and it was pitch dark you could not see anything it was like a maze could any thing you could not read the bible but god is with you even if you hated him you could still get someone to read you the bible your get somene to take you to church

1.i think he was in trouble
2.i think god wants to show all the great things he done for us
3.people make fun of people but god says everyone different
4.i think god was trying to show everyone whohe is and he great

Anonymous said...

1. when i was 5 and i that i would not be not that scary to go into a haunted house and it was pitch dark you could not see anything it was like a maze could any thing you could not read the bible but god is with you even if you hated him you could still get someone to read you the bible your get somene to take you to church

1.i think he was in trouble
2.i think god wants to show all the great things he done for us
3.people make fun of people but god says everyone different
4.i think god was trying to show everyone whohe is and he great