Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Caught in Adultery - Part 3 - Devo for 05/24/08

John 8:1-11

Responsive Questions
1. If you were the woman, how would you feel as you left Jesus' presence?
2. How do you usually respond when you fail?
3. What can we learn from this passage about Jesus' attitude toward us, even when we feel awful about ourselves?
4. What does this account teach us about forgiving and accepting others?

Applying this Passage in Your Life
1. What are some evidences in the life of a person (or you specifically) who has truly accepted forgiveness for a wrongdoing?
2. What are some practical ways you can display forgiveness to someone who has wronged you?


Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. If you were the woman, how would you feel as you left Jesus' presence?

I would have left His presence with a desire to live for Him, since He saved me from not only that situation but for eternity.

2. How do you usually respond when you fail?

Usually I try to make it right as soon as possible, however, there are times when I try to justify it, which causes me more misery than if I would have simply confessed and moved on.

3. What can we learn from this passage about Jesus' attitude toward us, even when we feel awful about ourselves?

Jesus' desire is for us to receive His forgiveness and live for Him. He is quick to forgive and ready at a moment's notice to restore our relationship with Him. He does not hold our sin over our heads as a means to keep us enslaved, rather, He never brings it up again so we can truly live free for Him.

4. What does this account teach us about forgiving and accepting others?

That we should be quick to forgive, not holding another's sin over their heads, and encourage others to live for Christ because of the freedom He provides.

Applying this Passage in Your Life
1. What are some evidences in the life of a person (or you specifically) who has truly accepted forgiveness for a wrongdoing?

They do not wallow in self-pity or in their guilt. They do not make excuses as to why they cannot serve God. They are more willing to extend forgiveness to others because they have experienced forgiveness themselves.

2. What are some practical ways you can display forgiveness to someone who has wronged you?

You can tell them you forgive them and then don't bring up the sin again. You can find ways to encourage them on a regular basis, and you could do something nice for them, for no other reason than to express love.

Anonymous said...

1. Overwhelmed with relief! Thankful, surprised to be alive still.
2. I beat myself up mentally...agonizing over what I should have done, and how I now will have to live with the consequences of my wrong choices.
3. Wow...Jesus still loves me even when I totally blow it...absolutely amazing!
4. Jesus has forgiven me soooooo much....I am to extend that same kind of forgiveness to others...with His help.

1. When I've truly accepted forgiveness, I stopped beating myself up. I have a healthier view of my on sinfulness, and a better view of God's grace and the forgiver's love for me. It makes me want to be that merciful to others.
2. Give them a fresh start...don't hold myself back from being friendly or loving with them just to "punish" them further to make sure they've learned their lesson. Encourage them in their effort to make better choices in that particular area.

Anonymous said...

1. Ummm I would have left with like a heart that wanted to live for him and stop making wrong choices.

2. I ask for forgiveness and try to make it right and not do it again.

3.He will always love us and give us forgiveness.

4.That we should give forgiveness to anyone who asks and never like hold it against them just like Jesus did with the woman.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)I would be so happy I don't know
what to do.

2)I get sad because I know I should have did something different but didn't

3)That Jesus will all ways be there even when I'm have a bad day

4)That we should forgive people just like he did because you want forgiveness if you did something wrong.

Applying this Passage in Your Life

1)That I stop hanging around bad influences and strated hanging around good influences that help my relationship with God.

2)You can be kind and let them know you will be there for them.

Anonymous said...

1.thankful, overwhlemed, and scared because they were just about to stone me,but totaly relieved.

2.get mad, feel like a failure,didnt accomplish anything,
and saddend tear tear lol

3.Jesus can take care of our needs, HE WILL PROVIDE!!!!!!!!
he is always with us

4.we are all sinners horrible horrible peeps who do stuff terrible all the time!!!
1.parents always love us no matter what we do wrong, and siblings always forgive.
2.saying sorry and moving on, tell them its ok and how you feel.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Extremely relieved and I would make better choices.

2. I try to not do it again but because I am human, I sometimes fall again into the same sin.

3. Jesus will always forgive us.

4. Forgive and ask for forgiveness even when it is awkward.

Applying this Passage in Your Life
1. They don't make the same mistake again.

2. Forgive them and not bring up the subject again.

Anonymous said...

1.I would feel overwhelmed that He would love me and forgive me for what I had done.

2.I relive it over and over in my head to see what I could have done to avoid it or make it better.

3.It doesn't matter what we have done,He will always forgive,but that doesn't give us the right to do whatever we want.

4.We need to be like Christ and forgive those who do wrong against us.We shouldn't condemn others for their wrong because we are all sinners and are nothing without Christ.

-don't constantly bring it up to try and make it better, or bring others down to take the shame off of themselves,more likely to forgive others
-don't make them feel bad by judging them

Anonymous said...

1. I would feel like I did something really really wrong.
2. I don't know.
3. We can learn that Jesus is always there for us even in the hard times.
4. That we should forgive and sort of forget.

Applying This Passage In Your Life
1. That I try and not do that thing again.
2. Forgive them even if they don't ask for it.

Sorry so late I was camping with my family and did not get to a computer.

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
Wondering what He thought about me.

Anwser to #2
Well first i get really upset then I try to make it right.

Anwser to #3
That He loves us no matter what.

Anwser to #4
That no matter what we do we need to forgive and accept just like Jesus accepted and forgave us.

Anwser to #1
They do accept forgiveness for a wrongdoing no matter what it was.

Anwser to #2
Well I can tell them what they did so that way they know what they did.

Anonymous said...

1.i would be so happy
2.he did not know what to do
3.jesus will always be there with you
4.jesus would forgive us

1.really bad nice and show it

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
I would have felt very thankful that Jesus basically saved my life and now my life belongs to him.
Answer to 2.
u gotta get back up and keep pressing on with God.
Answer to 3.
That we can always be forgiven by God no matter how horrible was something that we did, we can never lose our salvation.
Answer to 4.
Sometimes we look at others and say tisk tisk because of something they did but we need to be forgiving and help them with their walk with God.

Anonymous said...

responsive questions

1.I would be so pround

2.He didn't know what to do

3.Jesus is always there

4.Jesus forgive us

applying this passage in your life


2.Forgive themfor what they did

Anonymous said...

1 would be proud or happy

2 i would feel bad dumb anger uset

3.he loves meand die for my sinsthere for he will always forgive if i ask him

4 we should forgive other and bring people to christ

applying to life

1 to listen better music and stop hangging around godly people .