Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Confused Over Christ - Part 2 - Devo for 05/20/08

John 7:14-39

Responsive Questions
1. When Jesus makes his presence in Jerusalem known, people begin to challenge the origin (and, therefore, the authority) of his teaching. According to Jesus, how can we verify the truth of his teaching (vv. 16-18)?
2. What other opinions or questions do people have about Jesus in verses 20-36?
3. How does Jesus respond to each one?
4. On the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles, large vats of water were poured out on the pavement of the temple court as a reminder of God's provision of water in the wilderness. With that custom in mind, how would you explain the significance of Jesus' remarks in verses 37-39?
5. To what extent has Christ been a continual source of spiritual refreshment for you?


Anonymous said...

1. he says it comes from his father and it is not his wn. this who everyone wants to kill? why? is he the real Christ?
3. that whosoever believes in him they will be with him, but whoever does not believe him they will not be able to find him.
4.he is sayin whever believes in me come and i will give you the truth or my word.
5.ive been havin self-esteem problems but one night i went to him and pored out everythin and now i dont anymore it is awsome!!

Anonymous said...

yay im the first!!!!yay lol im in language lol

Anonymous said...

yay im the first!!!!yay lol im in language lol

Anonymous said...

1. By choosing to do His Will and following HIm.

2. There weren't sure if he really was Christ. They were also confused about what Jesus was saying to them.

3. He let them know that He was sent by His Father, that He will only be here for a short time and if they choose not to believe, they will not see him again in eternity.

4. That He is all we need. We can have living water (The Holy Spirit).

5. He has given me the peace to know that all my needs will be met by Him. I don't need to worry or try to handle situations on my own.

Anonymous said...

John 7:14-39

Responsive Questions
1. When Jesus makes his presence in Jerusalem known, people begin to challenge the origin (and, therefore, the authority) of his teaching. According to Jesus, how can we verify the truth of his teaching (vv. 16-18)?

i thought what taylor said; it comes from The Father and not From Him.

2. What other opinions or questions do people have about Jesus in verses 20-36?

They were wondering if this was the real christ.

3. How does Jesus respond to each one?

that if they do not believe Him then they will now see eterninty with him.

4. On the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles, large vats of water were poured out on the pavement of the temple court as a reminder of God's provision of water in the wilderness. With that custom in mind, how would you explain the significance of Jesus' remarks in verses 37-39?

that we ned nothing else in tis life but him and that he is the living watr.

5. To what extent has Christ been a continual source of spiritual refreshment for you?

every morning when i open my eyes. thats a marical in its self. that we are so blessed and we take things for granted and i have learned to realize tht everything in his life is a gift from God.

Anonymous said...

John 7:14-39

Responsive Questions
1. When Jesus makes his presence in Jerusalem known, people begin to challenge the origin (and, therefore, the authority) of his teaching. According to Jesus, how can we verify the truth of his teaching (vv. 16-18)?

He looks to Glorify the Father Not himself. MAN JESUS IS SO COOL

he's my homez.

2. What other opinions or questions do people have about Jesus in verses 20-36?

is he really that bad that they want to KILL HIM??!! O.O

and if he's the real deal.

3. How does Jesus respond to each one?

that if they believe in him they are with him and if not their against him.

4. On the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles, large vats of water were poured out on the pavement of the temple court as a reminder of God's provision of water in the wilderness. With that custom in mind, how would you explain the significance of Jesus' remarks in verses 37-39?

that they remember the provision that was given but not the promise.

5. To what extent has Christ been a continual source of spiritual refreshment for you?

Just Knowing that everything that goes on will have justice and be judged rightfully.
no wrong gone unpunished.
and no weak moment left without being strengthened first.

Anonymous said...

1. That his teaching was not his own.
2. They don't believe him.
3. He says this was not his teaching.
4. That he does not want to die right then.
5. By talking to me thur his Word.

Anonymous said...

1. Same as Taylor and Thomas he says that it is from the father not from him.

2. If he was really Christ.

3. If they do not believe what he is telling them then they dont know him and wont spend eternity with him.

4. He is all we need and will have living water through him.

5. I know that i can tell him anything and he will akways be there for me and knowing he will meet all my needs.

I know my answers are like everyone else's before me but i pretty much thought the same things as they did.

Anonymous said...

Yay I am cought up!!!

Anwser to #1
Well everyone stole the anwser that it come from the Father not the Son.

Anwser to #2
Is He the one everyone wats to kill? Why? Is He the real Christ?

Anwser to #3
Yes. haha I dont know.

Anwser to #4
That He is they only "water" that can get you to Heaven.

Anwser to #5
Well Every day I can live for Him another day if He lets me. I think that is a continual source of spitiual resfreshment for me.

I am cought up!!!!yayayayayay

Anonymous said...

1. It came from God and not himself.

2. They were questioning whether or not Jesus is the Son of God. They didn't believe that he is the Messiah and didn't understand what he said to them.

3. That Jesus will return to where he was sent.

4. Jesus gives us living water.

5. God is always there for me and meets my needs when they need met.

Anonymous said...

so did i

Anonymous said...

1.he said it come from the father
2.they were not sure if he was the really christ
3.he told them that he was the realy christ
4.he's all we need
5.god has gaven us everything

Anonymous said...

this think is helping me learn more the bible and i like i aslo can't wait till camp

could you guts pray for my friend tiffany her grandfather die last saturday

Anonymous said...

1.He said that all of His teachings came from God.
2.Who wants to kill you?Are you who they want to kill?Will the real Messiah do greater things than this man?Where is He going?
3.He told them that God sent Him and they can know Him if they believe.
4.Just like God provided water in the wilderness,Christ's "water" satisfies and never runs dry.
5.All of His promises are comforting to me at different times when I need them the most.

Two exams down,three to go!

Anonymous said...

1. When Jesus makes his presence in Jerusalem known, people begin to challenge the origin (and, therefore, the authority) of his teaching. According to Jesus, how can we verify the truth of his teaching (vv. 16-18)?
If we follow and study God's word, we can verify the truth of his teachings.

2. What other opinions or questions do people have about Jesus in verses 20-36?
They wanted to know, who was going to kill him?, was he really the Christ?, and where is he going that we can't find him.

3. How does Jesus respond to each one?
First, he performed miracles on the sabbath day, therefore the pharisees wanted to kill him. Second, they thought hey knew were he came from but they didn't know God.

4. On the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles, large vats of water were poured out on the pavement of the temple court as a reminder of God's provision of water in the wilderness. With that custom in mind, how would you explain the significance of Jesus' remarks in verses 37-39?
He is telling them I'm the life. I'm the water provided by God so that everyone can live.

5. To what extent has Christ been a continual source of spiritual refreshment for you?

Anonymous said...

1. Jesus says if we choose to do gods will then he will find out if its his teachings or teachings from god.
2.they said you are demon possed who is trying to kill you.they also said isnt this the man their trying to kill.jesus said you will look for me but you will not find me and where i am you cannot go.the people said where does this man intend on going that we cannot find him.
3.the first one Jesus says, i did one miracle and you are all astionished.the second one Jesus says, yes you know me and where i am from.the third one Jesus says,
4.if we believe in him steams of living water will flow from within us.
5.he is always their for me through good times and bad.he helps me make the right decisions.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. When Jesus makes his presence in Jerusalem known, people begin to challenge the origin (and, therefore, the authority) of his teaching. According to Jesus, how can we verify the truth of his teaching (vv. 16-18)?

By looking at the things He does (v. 17) and the One who He draws attention to (v. 18).

2. What other opinions or questions do people have about Jesus in verses 20-36?

Some people tell Jesus that He has a devil and ask Him, “Who’s trying to kill you (v. 20)?” The people marvel at His works (v. 22). They are mad because Jesus heals on the Sabbath (v. 23). They are judgmental based on what they perceive (v. 24). Some are wondering why the religious leaders are letting Jesus speak with such boldness and doing nothing about it (v. 26). They seem to believe that no man will know who the Christ (Messiah) will be when He does come (v. 27). They wanted to take him (vv. 30, 32). Some believed in Him and defended His work (v. 31). When He talked about returning to heaven, they thought He was speaking about going into hiding (vv. 35-36).

3. How does Jesus respond to each one?

He tells them that Moses gave them the law, but they don’t keep it, and then asks why then do they want to kill him (vv. 19)? He tells them that they circumcise on the Sabbath in order to keep a tradition established by the Father’s, yet are upset when He brought complete healing to a man on the Sabbath (vv. 22-23). He tells them to judge based on what is righteous (v. 24). He tells them that they do know Him and know that He has come not for Himself, but to do His Father’s will. The problem is they do not know the Father (v. 28). He tells them that He will be here for a short time longer, then He will return to His Father, where they cannot come (v. 33-34).

4. On the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles, large vats of water were poured out on the pavement of the temple court as a reminder of God's provision of water in the wilderness. With that custom in mind, how would you explain the significance of Jesus' remarks in verses 37-39?

Jesus was saying that He was the provision for a person’s spiritual thirst, and that once they receive Him they would have an endless supply of His provision, which is His Holy Spirit.

5. To what extent has Christ been a continual source of spiritual refreshment for you?

Just as the Scriptures tell us, His mercies are new every morning and His love endures forever. No matter how many times I fail, He will forgive. No matter how often I come to Him for wisdom, grace, and comfort, He will always provide. Knowing this, I should never choose to walk through my life “spiritually thirsty.”

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
He's saying that people can say whatever they want to but he is telling them that he is speaking to them as a messenger from God, and that he is his son.

Answer to 4.
I'm not really sure about this one.

Answer to 5.
He is the only spiritual refreshment.

Anonymous said...

1. by doing what he telss us to do

2. they did not no if he was relly jesus christ.

3. that he was only here for a short time and if you belive in him you will be saved and if not you will not be saved.

4. god is all we need.

5. i have promlesin math class and i pray and i am getting better in math

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)He doesn't give pride to himself but his father

2)They were wodering if he was what he said he was

3)He was saying that if you believe everything he said then you are with him

4)That we need God through everything

5)I have trouble in some classes and God has been helping me because I pray