Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Signs of God - Part 3 - Devo for 05/03/08

John 2:12-25 (yes I know this is the same reading as yesterday, but context is important)

Responsive Questions
1. Why don't the disciples immediately grasp what Jesus is talking about when he says, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days" (vv. 19, 22)?
2. If people were believing in Jesus because of the miraculous signs, why doesn't Jesus "entrust himself to them" (vv. 23-25)?
3. What does this passage reveal about Jesus' concern for his Father's reputation?
4. In what practical ways can you demonstrate in your life the same concern for the holy character of God?

Applying Chapter 2 in Your Life
1. Think about what aspects of your life Jesus may want to clean up or change - work or school habits, your words, your thought life, a relationship, your entertainment preferences. Would you welcome Jesus into those areas, or would you question his right to intrude?
2. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who welcomes Christ.
3. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who questions Christ.


Anonymous said...

-They were thinking literally.They didn't comprehend that He was speaking of Himself figuratively.A lot of times we think on the shallow side of things without seeing the deeper meaning.

-They trusted in Him simply because of the miracles they saw.Christ knew what their hearts said and what they truly belived.

-Since He knew what their hearts were like,Christ was concerned for and invested in those who believed and sincerely trusted in who He was,not just what He did.

1.God has the right to those areas of my life because He created me and I am His child, but in all honesty, human nature says "its my life and I have the right to choose how to live it."

2.They give over selfish desires and surrender their will to Christ.

3.They hold on to things that give them security in life instead of suurendering to God.

Anonymous said...

1.They thought that he meant the actual temple, not Jesus himself.

2.Because he knew that the people would start asking for more selfish things and then if he didn't give them the things that they wanted they wouldn't like him anymore.

3.That he loved everyone but he wouldn't commit to them because he knew there hearts.

4.If a friend was only my friend because I was helpful or if I was doing things for them.

Applying CHP.2 in Your life

1.I would welcome Jesus into my life because I am his.

2.You can usually tell because they are usually happier and more joyful.

3.They ask a lot of "what if" questions nd different things like that.

Anonymous said...

1. Why don't the disciples immediately grasp what Jesus is talking about when he says, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days" (vv. 19, 22)?
The disciples were thinking literally. They didn't realize he was speaking about himself. They were not mature enough to understand him.

2. If people were believing in Jesus because of the miraculous signs, why doesn't Jesus "entrust himself to them" (vv. 23-25)?
Because he knew what was in them. He could see their hearts. He knew they were just there because of the miracles.

3. What does this passage reveal about Jesus' concern for his Father's reputation?
He was very concerned about. He only wanted to teach whoever was really interested, the people who really believed he was the son of God.

Applying Chapter 2 in Your Life
1. Think about what aspects of your life Jesus may want to clean up or change - work or school habits, your words, your thought life, a relationship, your entertainment preferences. Would you welcome Jesus into those areas, or would you question his right to intrude?
I think the only way for us to change is to let Jesus help us clean those aspects of our life.

2. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who welcomes Christ.
- There is a change in his attitude.
- They are more dedicated to sharing the gospel
-Has a good testimony and relationship with Christ.

3. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who questions Christ
-They have a bad relationship.
- Struggle with following what God tells them to do.

Anonymous said...

1. Because he thought Jesus was just going to raise up the temple.

2. Because Jesus wants them to believe in him.

3. It reveals that Jesus is Jesus no better what.

4. I can witness more.

Applying Chapter 2 in My Life

1. I would welcome him in because he is my Father.

- there is a change in them for the better.
- you can tell they love Jesus.

- they have bad relationships with other people.
- they stuggle with knowing if Jesus really loves them.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)I think they don't understand Jesus because they weren't really listening to the words coming out of his mouth.

2)Jesus knows every-ones heart. So he could tell if theyt were there to get things or if they really believe in him as there savior.

3)That he only wants the people who believe in him .

4)That like someone was using you to do things for them.

Applying Chapter 2 in Your Life

1)I would let Jesus into my life. Also I would let him clean it up.

2)They tell be nice and they are starting to acted happier.

3)They acted rude.They don't care to hear the word of God

Anonymous said...

Here's what sarah said in response to the first question:"They were thinking literally.They didn't comprehend that He was speaking of Himself"...and heres Sergio:
"The disciples were thinking literally. They didn't realize he was speaking about himself.

Ok, back to the devo,
Answer to 1.
The people in the temple didnt yet realize that Jesus really was the son of God. So it didnt make sense to them why he would make a claim that would supercede human ability.
Answer to 2.
This is a tough one, because if we all put ourselves back in time, we would probably want to see Jesus mainly because of his miracles just like these people did. It would have been difficult to believe a man claiming to be the son of God without the miracles.
Answer to 3.
There is not an adjective to describe the concern that Jesus had for his Father's reputation.
It shows his love and loyalty to his Father.

Applying Chapter 2 to your life----
Answer to 1.
As I think a lot of people would, I would hesitate to Welcome Him into those areas, but i definetely would not question His right to intrude because God can do whatever He wants.
Answer to 2.
A person who welcomes Christ benefits from a thriving relationship with God.
Answer to 3.
A person who doesnt welcome Christ may be angry with God later in life.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. They thought that he meant the temple as in the building.

2. They only believed in him because of his miracles.

3. Jesus took the time for those who believed without miracles.

4. I can witness more (stealing lines)

Applying Chapter 2 in Your Life
1. I would welcome him into these areas.

2. Someone who acts different than before they were before.

3. They have selfish desires.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for standing up for me Taylor, but I'm going to give Sergio the benefit of the doubt that he thought of that on his own.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Why don't the disciples immediately grasp what Jesus is talking about when he says, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days" (vv. 19, 22)?

Jesus said this at the beginning of His ministry, so the disciples did not have a full grasp of His teaching to be able to understand a statement like He made. It was only after He rose again that they were able to put this statement together with the rest of what He taught them about Himself.

2. If people were believing in Jesus because of the miraculous signs, why doesn't Jesus "entrust himself to them" (vv. 23-25)?

Jesus knew their hearts. He knew there would be a time when the same people that lauded Him as King would cry, “Crucify Him!” His miracles were proof of who He was, but the crowd’s response wasn’t always going to be positive.

3. What does this passage reveal about Jesus' concern for his Father's reputation?

Jesus had a great deal of concern for His Father’s reputation. It angered Him that people would disrespect the very place that people went to worship God. His actions proved that His Father’s reputation meant a great deal to Him, as it should to us.

4. In what practical ways can you demonstrate in your life the same concern for the holy character of God?

I should have a hatred for sin and a love for righteousness. I should be willing to stand up for God in spite of what others may think. My love for God should compel me to love righteous living.

Applying Chapter 2 in Your Life
1. Think about what aspects of your life Jesus may want to clean up or change - work or school habits, your words, your thought life, a relationship, your entertainment preferences. Would you welcome Jesus into those areas, or would you question his right to intrude?

I spent 5 years of my life questioning my Savior’s right to “intrude.” Praise God that He didn’t give up on me! I now understand (thanks to many daily reminders) that Christ wants the best for my life, and He has free reign to change anything He sees fit, because I know it’s for His glory.

2. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who welcomes Christ.

A love for His Word, His people, and a desire to live a righteous life.

3. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who questions Christ.

A selfish attitude, a disdain for godly living, no desire to seek God’s Word, and impatience or ridicule for those who desire to live godly.

Anonymous said...

1. because it took 46 years for the people to build the templeand again it was imposible by their standards or their knowledge.
2.because God knows your heart and he wants you to come to him because you truly believe him.
3.he didnt want people to treat his fathers home with disrespect. he wanted the people to respect his house just like he would if he came to your house he wouldnt just trash it.
4.the biggest area probebly for most christians (including me) is standing up for God and doing the right thing no matter what people say.
applying questions
1.sometimes i just want everything to go my way and do what i want to do and everyone is like that at times. i'll just sometimes push God out of the big pic and try to go my own way but in the end i come back to God.
2. -they want to serve
-they dont let the world get to their heads
-their patient, kind and loving
-they forgive and dont hold a grudge.
3. -they dont really think about the right thing to do in situations they just do what they want to mostly.
-they try to please the world
-pritty much they act selfish and will sometimes live for Christ, but only when they want to.

Anonymous said...

#1 Well maybe they were thinking that it took 46 years the first time and wondering how He would do it in 3 days, and i guess they didnt know He was talking about Him.

#2 Well God know what they have done and will do.

#3 Well i am going to guess but that Jesus got mad because peolpe were disrepect His Father like that.

#4 I am going to steal lines by saying I can wittiness more that what I do.

Applying Chapter 2 in Your Life

#1 Well I think not I dont think I know that I would because he is my Heavenly Father and I trust Him.

#2 They wont be selfish and welcome Him anytime.

#3 They would be selfish and wont welcome Him unless they ask Him questions and then might not even let him in!! I am guessing

Anonymous said...

1. mabeybecause they were not paying attention or did not belive him

2.because jesus knows who realy belives in him and who doesnt.

3.that he only wants people whoi belive in him not people who don't.

4. i can treat peolpe the why they want to be traeted, help people,and apply to my life

Anonymous said...

3.they have a bad relaship with jesus
-they refuse not to let jesus be there savoir
-they dont do the rigth things.

Anonymous said...

i think its cool to see like practically the same answers for everyone but in different ways. its cool that God had enough creativity to make us all different and have different thinking patterns isint it? sorry kinda random but it just hit mee as i was reading the blogs lol

Anonymous said...

Sorry i commented late but it was hard to get to a computer theres already a line to use this one computer. so i'll make this quick.

1. Why don't the disciples immediately grasp what Jesus is talking about when he says, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days" (vv. 19, 22)?

Because they are still think that Jesus is talking Physically and wordly. They don't realize yet that Jesus is speaking of the spiritual sense.

2. If people were believing in Jesus because of the miraculous signs, why doesn't Jesus "entrust himself to them" (vv. 23-25)?

Because they are just believing in his MIRACLES and not in HIM!!!!

3. What does this passage reveal about Jesus' concern for his Father's reputation?

That he holds in reverance that he is God and that also God is his father...i think making somewhat of a reference to the trinity!

4. In what practical ways can you demonstrate in your life the same concern for the holy character of God?

to respect what is of God: exp. your body his church his people.

Applying Chapter 2 in Your Life
1. Think about what aspects of your life Jesus may want to clean up or change - work or school habits, your words, your thought life, a relationship, your entertainment preferences. Would you welcome Jesus into those areas, or would you question his right to intrude?

Jesus refers to in his word to all of these subjects in one way or another.

He is God and knows all and he knows what is best with you.

2. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who welcomes Christ.

Joy, Happiness, Love, Wisdom, understanding.

3. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who questions Christ.

Chaos, dusruption, Conflict, hatred, fear, sadness, distrust, paranioa.

Anonymous said...

John 2:12-25 (yes I know this is the same reading as yesterday, but context is important)

Responsive Questions
1. Why don't the disciples immediately grasp what Jesus is talking about when he says, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days" (vv. 19, 22)?
Because they didn’t know that he was talking his body they thought he was talking about the building the temple.

2. If people were believing in Jesus because of the miraculous signs, why doesn't Jesus "entrust himself to them" (vv. 23-25)?
Because he knows what is in a man so he didn’t want to entrust them.

3. What does this passage reveal about Jesus' concern for his Father's reputation?
He doesn’t want his father to have a bad reputation.He wants people to know that his father doesn’t want his work destroyed.

4. In what practical ways can you demonstrate in your life the same concern for the holy character of God?
By trying not to drop the Bible, gods word.

Applying Chapter 2 in Your Life
1. Think about what aspects of your life Jesus may want to clean up or change - work or school habits, your words, your thought life, a relationship, your entertainment preferences. Would you welcome Jesus into those areas, or would you question his right to intrude?
I would let him in.

2. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who welcomes Christ.
Those who except him into their life to be their savior.
Letting Christ help them through difficult times.

3. Briefly list evidences in a person's life who questions Christ.
People who don’t let him help them through anything, nor let him be their savoir , nor don’t let him be with them at all.
Posted by The Leaders at 6:53 PM

Anonymous said...

1.i think when Jesus first told them that they didn't think that he could do it in three days since it took 46 years to do.

2.well the Bible says that Jesus he knew all men and he did not need man fro he knew what was in a man.

3.I think its that he dosent want to see his work be used in that kind of way. take care of our body's because its God body.

Applying Chapter 2 in your life
1.I would let Jesus into any area i am Jesus body and he made me.

2.They are usally more dedicated to stuff like going to church and reading your Bible and most of the time more happier.

3.They doubt or ask alot of question woundering well what if this happen and so on...

Anonymous said...

1. I think that the disciples didn't know fully what Jesus could do and who He was. They really just thought temple meant building.

2. I believe Jesus knew that at that time they believed in Him because of His miracles. Jesus was so much more and would later show them. they would also deny Him and doubt Him-and of course He knew that too.

3. I think Jesus wanted His Father's name to be held up and worshiped and revered.

4. By living what the Bible teaches us and having others see Christ through us.


1. I think welcoming is the easy it out is the hard part. I am constantly asking God to help me, forgive me, correct me, cleanse me....but then I mess up again and again. I really want God to clean up and change me, but I need to be more obedient and aware of what His Word tells me to do in every situation.

2. Peace, love and forgiveness.

3. Uneasiness, confused and hard.

Anonymous said...


1.they did not listen to his word
2.god knpws what they will do
3.he wants every one to belive in him cause he did not just die o the cross for sins but everyone sins in this whole nation

applying ch 2 in your life

1.i would they him in to my life and yes i need him and i would they hime clean me up
2.they life changes and every thing to the start to pray and everyone knows she or he is trying to say with the lord just like all of us
3.i would guild them into the lord jesus crist