Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Jesus, the Bread of Life - Part 2 - Devo for 05/16/08

John 6:16-59

Responsive Questions
1. Imagine that you are one of the disciples, rowing the boat in the dark, rough water (vv. 16-21). How would your perception of Jesus be altered by seeing him walk on water?
2. The next day the people are hungry again, so they come seeking Jesus (vv. 22-25). How does he try to redirect their thinking (vv. 26-33)?
3. Jesus claims to be the bread of life (v. 35). Based on the remarks of some in the crowd (vv. 41-42), do you think they understand what Jesus is saying? Why or why not?
4. When Jesus says, "This bread is my flesh," the crowd thinks only of cannibalism (v. 52). What do you think it means to eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood (vv. 53-59)?
5. Is this something we do once for all time, or is it an ongoing process? Explain.


Anonymous said...

NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

John 6:16-59

Responsive Questions
1. Imagine that you are one of the disciples, rowing the boat in the dark, rough water (vv. 16-21). How would your perception of Jesus be altered by seeing him walk on water?

well yes. because it would just be so amazing to see that and just prove that much more that he is the one and only God.

2. The next day the people are hungry again, so they come seeking Jesus (vv. 22-25). How does he try to redirect their thinking (vv. 26-33)?

twards salvation it seems. like with the lady at the well, he used her water as a salvation tool and in this stiry it seels like he is now using their food as the witnessing tool.

3. Jesus claims to be the bread of life (v. 35). Based on the remarks of some in the crowd (vv. 41-42), do you think they understand what Jesus is saying? Why or why not?

no because they remembered his parents and thought that is marry and joseph were his parents then how could he be sent down from Heaven.

4. When Jesus says, "This bread is my flesh," the crowd thinks only of cannibalism (v. 52). What do you think it means to eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood (vv. 53-59)?

well to eat his flesh is like the bread of life that you will never hunger again and have eternal life with him, and to drink his blood it like never thirsting again and like the bread you will have eternal life with him.

5. Is this something we do once for all time, or is it an ongoing process? Explain.

if you mean Jesus dying then it only has to happen once because he paid the FINAL price for us, and if you mean like the Lords supper then we do it more than once so celeberate it and to keep it fresh in our minds.

Anonymous said...

1.I would be scared lol
2. that they should love him but not just because he gave them food. not at all lol
4.well reading the bible or the scrolls for them and listening to what he has to advise them. also praying.
5.all the time. We are sinners so we always need God.
p.s. im probebly the first cause i dont have school today!!! yay!!!

Anonymous said...

ok so u type faster than me thomas but i was almost the first lol

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. I think it would strengthen my faith and trust in Him.

2. He tried to teach them that earthly things are not everlasting, and putting things in this world isn't going to last. He wanted to build their faith.

3. They didn't understand that He was God's Son. They thought He was just a mere human.

4. I think it means to partake of His teachings. It does not literally mean to tear apart His flesh and drink from His veins...that would be gross. I think it's figurative about the words that He spoke. Could also be a reference to communion, but I'm not sure.

5. I believe it is an ongoing process. We must every day read the Bible and "eat" the words that Jesus spoke. If we only did that one time, our lives would not be directed by Him.

Anonymous said...

haha taylor....i only beat you by 1 min. lol

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
I would be in shock

Anwser to #2
Well towards accepting Jesus as there savior.

Anwser to #3
No not really.

Anwser to #4
To accept Him as there savior.

Anwser to #5
If it is about Jesus it is a once for all time but if you are talking about salavition it is ongoing process because we need to win over people to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Imagine that you are one of the disciples, rowing the boat in the dark, rough water (vv. 16-21). How would your perception of Jesus be altered by seeing him walk on water?

Hopefully, I would begin to add up all that I have seen and realize that Jesus is more than a man, He is the Son of God!

2. The next day the people are hungry again, so they come seeking Jesus (vv. 22-25). How does he try to redirect their thinking (vv. 26-33)?

He tells them that they should be more concerned with spiritual nourishment rather than physical nourishment. He tried telling them that their only need was to believe in the true bread that was sent from heaven to give life to the world.

3. Jesus claims to be the bread of life (v. 35). Based on the remarks of some in the crowd (vv. 41-42), do you think they understand what Jesus is saying? Why or why not?

I believe they understood exactly what He was saying (that’s why they murmured), but did not believe He was the fulfillment of those prophecies. All they could see was the physical aspects of His life, rather than truly hearing what He has been saying.

4. When Jesus says, "This bread is my flesh," the crowd thinks only of cannibalism (v. 52). What do you think it means to eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood (vv. 53-59)?

It means that in order for us to have eternal life, we must partake (or believe, accept) that His body and blood is the substitutionary sacrifice for our sins.

5. Is this something we do once for all time, or is it an ongoing process? Explain.

Accepting the sacrifice of Christ for our sins is done once. Christ did not die multiple times on the cross, nor does He die daily for our sins. The Scriptures teach that He died once for all (Hebrews 10:10) and that through our belief He gives us the power to become the sons of God (John 1:12).

Anonymous said...

1. I would do the same thing as thomas like it would be fun to see that.

2. That he was the one who is the living bread.

3. No, because they asked.

4. That is like the passover.

5. It is an ongoing process cause you can tell more and more people about Jesus.

Anonymous said...

O by the way I was talking to one of my friends today in 4th period and we were talking about church and God and I am trying to get her to come to church but she says I pray I gave her this website and I asked her to see what it is like and I have no clue if she will, I also asked her if she does Devo and she said no I have no time. She said she only want to church 5 times and she does not like it. What should I tell her?

Anonymous said...


I would do exactly what you are a witness, invite her, but most importantly allow the Holy Spirit to take God's Word (which she will encounter if she comes to this site or to our church) and do its work in her life!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...


That's cool that you have gone through the book of John at school! I am sure the Lord is showing you new things each day through this study. I love this Gospel because of its focus on Christ and what He has done for us. There is so much to learn from it!

Glad you are enjoying it!

Anonymous said...

Responsive Qusetions

1)I would put all of my faith and my mind on him because I would be kind of scared. But it also shows me that God loves me and believes that I can do it.

2)That they need to put ther faith in him not only when thet need it but all times.

3)No they didn't understand him when he told them that. They didn't get that he is the God of all creation

4)I think its saying that you have to believe in him to understand what he means

5)Its an ongoing process that keeps going to try to get people to believe in God.

Anonymous said...

Here we are coming to the end of our 3rd week in the Gospel of John. Can you believe it? I would like to share a few words of encouragement:

1. Stay faithful! Don't let the excitement of doing daily devos wear off. The more committed we are to studying God's Word, the more committed we will be to Him.

2. Encourage someone in the youth group that you haven't seen blog yet to get started. Sometimes all a person needs is a little encouragement from one of their peers to get going.

3. The purpose of this blog is for your spiritual growth and for our spiritual encouragement. It really helps us all when we answer the questions completely. Don't worry about having the best sounding answer, or the most correct answer. Just make sure you give the best answer you can possibly give, and let the Lord teach you through His Word and your interaction with other believers.

Looking forward to a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

John 6:16-59

Responsive Questions
1. Imagine that you are one of the disciples, rowing the boat in the dark, rough water (vv. 16-21). How would your perception of Jesus be altered by seeing him walk on water?

honestly i would pass out at first like ...was it paul .. who saw Jesus in all his glory in Revelation(sp) . i would not realize at first that who i am seeing is Jesus.

2. The next day the people are hungry again, so they come seeking Jesus (vv. 22-25). How does he try to redirect their thinking (vv. 26-33)?

by trying to speak to them about how they acted. trying to show them their ways were wrong in how they thought.

3. Jesus claims to be the bread of life (v. 35). Based on the remarks of some in the crowd (vv. 41-42), do you think they understand what Jesus is saying? Why or why not?

NO, because all they got on their mind is on their growling stomachs!!

4. When Jesus says, "This bread is my flesh," the crowd thinks only of cannibalism (v. 52). What do you think it means to eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood (vv. 53-59)?

he's talking about excepting his sacrifice, and later on is meant off the last supper.

5. Is this something we do once for all time, or is it an ongoing process? Explain.

its something we do once for all time
because salmation is once and only once

the lamb had to die ONLY ONCE to give salvation.

Anonymous said...

1. at first i would be scared but when he gets closer i woudknow who it is

2. they should belive in him hi and not just come to him for food only

3. no because they thougth hewas talking about real fleash and he was talking about entrine life

4 i t6hink it means to be save and trust god and you good to hevan.

4 salavtion is an ongoing thing

Anonymous said...

1.I would have realized that
He was truly the Messiah and God had sent Him.
2.He tried to get them focused on spiritual matters.Physical bread was not eternal.
3.Not all of them.They knew Him only as the carpenter's son, not God's son.They should have believed the prophesies because they were right in front of them.
4.Accept what He did when He gave of his body as a sacrifice, and believe.
5.We are only saved once.Once you accept Christ into your life, you are forever His child,but there is always room to grow in Him.We can never know the depths of God's love for us.

Anonymous said...

My goodness...that was a long reading passage! :)

Hi everyone...I am thrilled to be back in warm Florida...but now I will only be seeing you from a safe distance on Sunday morning...I have shingles! (Adult strain of chicken pox) Yuck! goes on the Responsive Questions:
1. After I woke up from fainting, I would probably be like, "Yahoo...that's my God!"

2. He kept trying to get their eyes off temporary stuff - like food - and onto eternity - and God Himself. Look at life through His perspective instead of what through your own, limited perspective.

3. They got what He was saying, but didn't believe it. Many did not believe He was Who He claimed to be...the Son of God...equal with God. Instead, they believed He was just a man...a good man, but not God. (Like many don't believe today)

4. To totally believe in put your complete trust in depend on Him for your eternal life...much like we depend, in a physical sense, on food (bread) and water (blood) for physical life.

5. Well, that belief in Him for salvation only has to happen once...He died only once. But once we believe, we are forever changed...He lives in us. We receive the benefit from Him being in us from that point on. With food...we receive the benefit as long as the food is still in us...once it is gone (and we all know how THAT happens), it ceases to benefit us, and we have to eat again.

OK...this tired chic is headed to bed. If I can stop itching. Nyssa, welcome to the group. I look forward to getting to know you.

Maybe one of these days I'll be the first one on. That'll be the day!

Oh...and Taylor Huff...awesome job in the play!

Anonymous said...

1. Imagine that you are one of the disciples, rowing the boat in the dark, rough water (vv. 16-21). How would your perception of Jesus be altered by seeing him walk on water?
I would be amazed by him, I would definitely see Him as the almighty God.

2. The next day the people are hungry again, so they come seeking Jesus (vv. 22-25). How does he try to redirect their thinking (vv. 26-33)?
He tries showing them that what they need is to be saved.To accept the bread from heaven.

3. Jesus claims to be the bread of life (v. 35). Based on the remarks of some in the crowd (vv. 41-42), do you think they understand what Jesus is saying? Why or why not?
I don't think they understood his message. They don't believe he is the Son of God, they just think he is a prophet. Their eyes are blinded.

4. When Jesus says, "This bread is my flesh," the crowd thinks only of cannibalism (v. 52). What do you think it means to eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood (vv. 53-59)?
To accept Him as our savior so that we can have eternal life.

5. Is this something we do once for all time, or is it an ongoing process? Explain.
We only need to do it once. He died for us once. In verse 56 it also says that we will stay in Him and He in us. Once we accept him, we are saved for he rest of our life.

Anonymous said...


1. It would be amazing..My faith would definitly be restored if I had any doubts.

2. To not look for food in Jesus, but to believe that Jesus is the Savior and was sent from His Father in heaven to give them eternal life.

3. I don't think they understood, they were grumbling amongst themselves, stating that they knew His parents so how could He be sent from heaven.

4. Not literally, but to believe that Jesus suffered and sacrificed his body and blood for us on the cross.

5. We belive and accept Christ in our hearts once. We take communion in church periodically to remind us of His sacrifice and to cleanse ourselves spiritually.

Anonymous said...

A Day late but better late than never.

What are the chances of thomas and taylor finishing both of their devotions 1 minute apart?Amazing!

Answer to 1.
If i was a disciple looking at Jesus walk on water, I probably would have thought I was hillusinating or I probably would have fainted or something.

Answer to 2.
He makes them forget about their hunger and turns the conversation into one about God.

Answer to 3.
I think some of the Jews still questioned Jesus' comments about claiming to be the son of God.

Answer to 4.
It reminds us of what He did for us on the Cross. He gave his body and it's blood on the Cross for dirty sinners like you and me.

Answer to 5.
It's both. This might be a trick question. If you're talking about Jesus dying for us on the Cross, it's a one time thing for salvation.But we must ongoingly spread the Word to those around us.

Anonymous said... would make me even more faithful in him then i already am.also it would show that he can do everything.
2.he tried to get them to get saved. dont understand how he could be the bread of life and have come down from heaven.
4.salvation is eternal life and if you are saved then you are eating the flesh of Jesus.i think. is something we do once and it lasts for ever.salvation lasts forever.

Anonymous said...

1.It would be really amazing and prove that He has so much power and that he is the one true God.

2. That we need to have faith all the time not just when we need help.

3. No they dont think he is the Son of God just a prophet.

4.Well the flesh is like the bread and you will never be hungry again and the blood is like how you will never thirst again and you will have eternal life.

5.If your talking about dying on the cross then it is a one time deal but like the Lords Supper then it is an ongoing process. To make sure we never forget about it.

Anonymous said...

Wow i really like this blog it has really helped my sriritual walk with God. Like i did my devotions before but not on a regular basis but this i do every day. Thanks to every one who has set this up for us!!

Anonymous said...

1. I would be scared because people can't walk on water.

2. He uses bread to change the topic of conversation.

3. No, because they thought that Jesus was of no importance.

4. To accept Christ for salvation.

5. We accept Christ for our Savior only once, however we need to continue reading his word such as doing this blog.

Anonymous said...

The last anonymous is me

Anonymous said...

1. i think it would be really

2. they need to put there faith into him and not only take it in but keep with them

3.he did not get that he created us and die for all of are sins

4.he trying to get him to belive

5.its to keep-going and keep up