Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Deity on Trial - Part 1 - Devo for 05/12/08

Reflective Questions
1. What are some reasons why people do not believe in or follow Jesus?
2. What factors (people, circumstances) helped to bring you to faith in Christ? What factors worked against your belief?

John 5:1-15

Responsive Questions
1. Picture yourself in the setting of this story. What noises would you hear? What would you smell? How would you feel being there?
2. What was the disabled man's attitude before his healing, and how did it change?
3. The fourth commandment says, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (see Exodus 20:8-11). In their zeal to apply this command, what do these critics of Jesus fail to see (vv. 9-15)?
4. In what ways has Jesus made you well and whole?


Anonymous said...

WOW I'm the first one today.......AWESOME

1. Picture yourself in the setting of this story. What noises would you hear? What would you smell? How would you feel being there?
I would hear people yelling for help. A lot of talking and arguing. The smell wouldn't be very good, there are animals so I would say it smelled like a farm or something. I wouldn't feel very comfortable, personally, I don't enjoy being in places were there is sick people.

2. What was the disabled man's attitude before his healing, and how did it change?
He felt hopeless, as if no one was ever going to help him. Later we see that he was amazed and joyous. Jesus brought more than hope to his life.

3. The fourth commandment says, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (see Exodus 20:8-11). In their zeal to apply this command, what do these critics of Jesus fail to see (vv. 9-15)?
The don't see that Jesus healed the ill man. The failed to see the power that Jesus has and His glory.

4. In what ways has Jesus made you well and whole?
Jesus hasn't only helped me physically, but spiritually as well. Many times I have has struggles in my spiritual walk, difficulties or setbacks. Jesus helped me get through them. He is always there helping me.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. What are some reasons why people do not believe in or follow Jesus?
scared of what people will think of them...

2. What factors (people, circumstances) helped to bring you to faith in Christ? What factors worked against your belief?
supprisingly halloween brought me to Christ.(i was saved on halloween) and alot of things worked against my beliefe but i put my full trust in God and make it through.

John 5:1-15

Responsive Questions
1. Picture yourself in the setting of this story. What noises would you hear? What would you smell? How would you feel being there?
i would hear just randomness, i couldnt understand anything, it would smell nasty. like in the lesson sunday morning,things that make u sick, well i have another one for u Jason......the smell of practically rotting people all together,dirty, unclean, nasty people with diseases...i would feel: like sergio said: very uncomfortable bevause most of those desieses can be spread...not for me lol.

2. What was the disabled man's attitude before his healing, and how did it change?
Personally i dont think he had any, you have been cripled for 38 years, i would just feel hopeless if i was in his "shoes". and then he felt like he could do anything, on top of the world, nothing could stop him.

3. The fourth commandment says, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (see Exodus 20:8-11). In their zeal to apply this command, what do these critics of Jesus fail to see (vv. 9-15)?
im gonna copy sergio lol because i thought like the exact thing...The don't see that Jesus healed the ill man. The failed to see the power that Jesus has and His glory.

4. In what ways has Jesus made you well and whole?
well number one, salvation, without that i would feel like the ill man, hopeless and thinking there was nothing for me, but through the amazing power of God i have an eternal home in hevan. And just day after day of good health and happiness and amazing Godly friends at church that without them i wouldnt be the person i am today, and Pastor Trill with his messages that have touched my heart, and Pastor Jason for the Godly example he plays in my life. and Gio(for u guys who remembers him) he has taught me so much that through the hardest times in my life he has been like a second father to me and shown me what do do and how to act. and Jason has kinda taken that roll and been a bug part in my life..

Anonymous said...

sorry that last typo is suppost to be big not bug lol sorry...

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1.They are scared what other unbelievers will think of them

2.Jr.Camp and alot of things but I just pray and keep relying on God.

Responsive Questions
1.I would hear people yelling and talking and animals. It would smell really bad or like animals or something like that. Like Sergio and Thomas said I would feel very uncomfortable.

2. He felt hopeless and like no one cared and then Jesus brought lots of joy and hope into his life by healing him.

3.They dont see Gods amazing glory and power and how He healed that man.

4.Salvation for one thing if He didnt die on the cross for me i would go to hell. Also there has been alot of things going on at school with the group of friends i had been hanging with and i felt like there was something wrong when ever i hung around them. So i prayed and prayed and finally i decided that i wasn't going to be with them all the time. And since i have done that it seems like I have been closer to the Lord. So there has been physical and spiritual trials but I still trusted God.

Anonymous said...

ok i have a proble. Im in the youth group and i have a girlfriend and her ex boyfriend keeps herrassing her. che cant do anything about it because he just over powers her and he kisses her all over her body..comes to her house and trys stuff with her. she is scared to do anything because she is afraid he is gonna hurt her. he talks a bunch of stuff about me and how he is going to kick my butt and all this. personally i know that if i fought him that i would win but i know its wrong to do that. but somthing needs to be done

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. What are some reasons why people do not believe in or follow Jesus?

They are scared of the "rules" that you are supposed to follow. People think that they can't have fun while following Jesus.

2. What factors (people, circumstances) helped to bring you to faith in Christ? What factors worked against your belief?

My parents (father especially, since he was my pastor at the time) were a major part in bringing me to Christ. Nothing really was working against my belief at that point because my whole life was geared towards God, church, and family. My own will did work against becoming a Christian though.

John 5:1-15

Responsive Questions
1. Picture yourself in the setting of this story. What noises would you hear? What would you smell? How would you feel being there?

I would probably feel awkward...sort of like being in a hospital. I might hear people moaning in pain or smell something unpleasant.

2. What was the disabled man's attitude before his healing, and how did it change?

He was very disappointed all the time, and he thought that he'd never be healed. After he was touched by Jesus, he became extremely grateful and believed.

3. The fourth commandment says, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (see Exodus 20:8-11). In their zeal to apply this command, what do these critics of Jesus fail to see (vv. 9-15)?

They failed to realize that Jesus was God, and He did not need to "keep the sabbath holy" because everything He did was holy.

4. In what ways has Jesus made you well and whole?

He's created in me a new spirit and cleansed me from all my sin.

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
They dont want to be a person who says that they have been given orders from someone els. If you understand what i am saying.

Anwser to #2
Well i was in cubbies so i was 4 and i dont remeber clearly but i know that Shirley Whitehead was teaching about Heaven and Hell and I got scared about being lit on fire for the rest of my life so i got save. Well alot of thing work aganist me and i just keep pressing forward and keep my eyes on the prize.

Anwser to #1
I think I would hear a lot of people taking and i would smell animals and feel like i was important because i got to see that happen.

Anwser to #2
Well before it was like oh I am never going to walk again I am not going to have everyone talke me anywhere. After it was oh my goodness I can walk again it is a merical.

Anwser to #3
They didnt know that Jesus was the one who healed the man and didnt understand.

Anwser to #4
Well He has saved me.He has helped me throught struggles in my life and well that is it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous you should talk to paster Jason. He probably knows what you should do.
he's smart like that. atleast i hope so...jk.

Reflective Questions
1. What are some reasons why people do not believe in or follow Jesus?

one reasone is just because they just plain STUBBORN!! their to proud or afraid to realize or accept that they are not controling their own lifes.

2. What factors (people, circumstances) helped to bring you to faith in Christ? What factors worked against your belief?


John 5:1-15

Responsive Questions
1. Picture yourself in the setting of this story. What noises would you hear? What would you smell?

people moaning from the pain, grieving, the smell would probably be something like waste or rotting flesh even!

How would you feel being there?

Not exactly comfertable.

2. What was the disabled man's attitude before his healing, and how did it change?

he was very needy and was excepting and humble after wards he was very proud and kind of selfcentered maybe.

3. The fourth commandment says, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (see Exodus 20:8-11). In their zeal to apply this command, what do these critics of Jesus fail to see (vv. 9-15)?

that Jesus had done a miracle, and they didn't see the good and blessing it ws to the man who was healed.

4. In what ways has Jesus made you well and whole?

giving me support threw my family and also love and understanding.

Anonymous said...

1.They think that following Christ makes you "close minded."They may wonder why following Christ is different than any other religion out there.
2.Being raised in a Christian home and going to church all the time.Sinful nature

1.It was probably very noisy and smelly because of all the people and animals.I would feel really uncomfortable seeing all of those sick people.
2.He was discouraged because every time he went to be healed,another stepped in before he could get there.He was excited.
3.They were so concerned about following the law that they failed to see what Christ had done and who He really was.Following the law will never save you.
4. He has healed me of my sin.He made me whole when He came into my heart.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)They don't want to follow all his rules.

2)To pray and always believe God's with you.

Responsive Question

1)I would smell Vanilla. I would hear sweet noises. I love being near all those things.

2)He was upset thinking couldn't do anything. But at the end was so joyful and he also believe God as his savior.

3)They failed to see the power of Jesus.

4)A tons of ways like showing me his word and etc.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions

1)They don't want to follow all his rules.

2)To pray and always believe God's with you.

Responsive Question

1)I would smell Vanilla. I would hear sweet noises. I love being near all those things.

2)He was upset thinking couldn't do anything. But at the end was so joyful and he also believe God as his savior.

3)They failed to see the power of Jesus.

4)A tons of ways like showing me his word and etc.

Anonymous said...

to anonymous: you should talk to pastor Jason about that and you should call him.

1.coughing, growning yelling for help, and maybe even crying.i would smell that smell you smell when you go to the hospital, or maybe just like bad breathe and stinky feet...eww!!lol.I HATE being around sick peeps it make me want to gag and i feel bad for them.
2.he felt kinda alone and probeblt thought no one would ever help himut after God healedhe was greatful.
3.THAT jESUS MEANT LABOR LIKE WORKING NOT PICKING UP A MATT THATS LIKE SAYING oooh tayLOR dont pick up that cup and drinking from it thats too much

Anonymous said...

ok sorry this annoying kid named TIM!!!!! hit enter or something lol
4.well he saved me from hell lol thats a big one and he has protected me from car accidents a lot and provented my plane from crashing when i was flying and helping me through hard times and stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

o to bekah yes im glad u dont use ! after every sentance lol

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. because they think it is a joke, or another thing to take up their time.

2. parents, church people.

Respondsive Questions
1. People yelling, talking Jesus talking. sick people. O I would fell like I was there at the right time.

2. Like you can't heal me.

3. That he rested so we should rest from the days work.

4. By bringing Friends my way that can help me achieve God's plan for my life.

Anonymous said...

1.they dont know who's the right god or they just thing god won't get them any where
2.the godly people talks to god all the time

1.i would not know what to do to be hon
2.he did not thing he could do any thing
3.they did do so good on jesus powers
4.a tons of ways showing things

Anonymous said...

this i a great i really only read the bible once and in a while now i read it every day

Anonymous said...

To the anonymous poster who has a problem...if you are in our youth group then you have heard me say many times that my phone is always on and that we are here to help...but we are unable to do so if we do not know about it. Feel free to call me whenever you are ready.

Awesome posts today everyone! My devo will be posted shortly.

Anonymous said...

1.It would be very chaotic and there would be a lot of people.

2.He was very faithful in Jesus and that he would be healed.

3.All the pharisees saw is that Jesus was working. There hearts were so hardened that they could not see the glory and power in Jesus.

4.I have been sick many times and He has healed me.

I beat you Jason!

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

1. Some people don't have faith in something they cannot see. Others become brainwashed by other cults or their own sin. Some don't want to give up their lifestyle.

2. I was amazed the first time I went to church and the pastor was actually talking about real life issues. I had been raised Catholic and those churches are so impersonal. It is responsive reading and things that I didn't understand. The first time I heard about Jesus dying on the cross and how He was real, I got saved.


1. I picture in my mind something like a nursing home with that sick, old smell. When I worked for Directions for Mental Health I had to visit the State Mental Hospital and it was gross and smelly. I bet that is what is was like with all the people that were sick lying in their beds. I bet there was a lot of moaning and crying. I wouls totally feel out of my comfort zone!

2.He was kinda whining about no one helping him. He probabl was hopeless. I think he was thankful after he was healed, but then again why would Jesus tell him to stop sinning when he saw him again?

3. That Jesus was performing a miracle. He wasn't laboring on working.

Phil 4:13..I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me. He has healed my broken heart many times and has given me peace in desperate situations.

Anonymous said...

reflevtive questions
1.because they cant see him so they dont believe in him.and some just refuse to belive and belive in other false believings. my sister and i were fighting one night when we were young saying no your going to hell no your going to hell.and then we went and told our parents and they told us how to get saved and that we need to ask god to forgive our sins and that is when we got saved.

responsive questions
1.a crowd talking that was very talking to me.the outside mad that i didnt no who healed me.

2.he thought he couldnt get into the pool and when he tried people got before him.then after he was healed he was telling the men that a man said pick your mat up and walk and that was how he was healed.

3.that he was doing miracles.

4.healed me when i was sick.helped me through hard times.let me know him more.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
I think some people find it hard to believe in someone or something that you cant see.

Answer to 2.
I have always grown up in church so i have heard a lot of all the stories from the Bible. I guess i just always believed everything to be true thats in the Bible. As i have aged a bit, I have found myself asking questions likie,"there are so many religions amd cults in the world, how do you know our Christian beliefs are right?

Ill try to do the responsive answers tomorrow sometime but i got to go to bed now so peace out everybody.

Anonymous said...

1.I think it could maybe be that they are scared that dont know what people are going to think of them and if they are going to have to change.

2.well i was in sunday school and the lesson was about heaven and hell and i asked the teacher about it and i got saved.

1.i think i would hear all the animals and smell them. i think i would be scared.

2.the man was annoyed cause he couldn't get in the pool and everybody kept getting in front of him then he was happy and was telling everyone that Jesus did it.

3.that it was him who healed him.

4.he has always been there through hard times in my life and good times and he saved me.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. They might get made fun of.

2. My parents and a Christian home. Me being human.

Responsive Questions
1. People crying for help. Anticipation for the stirring of the water. It might have smelled like rotting bodies and diseases.

2. He felt helpless and after he was healed he had joy.

3. They failed to see that Jesus healed the man and told him to pick up his mat. Jesus has more authority.

4. He has brought me through hard times and has also given me a home in heaven.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. What are some reasons why people do not believe in or follow Jesus?

Some believe that the Bible is an antiquated book of stories that people cling to as a matter of hope, others think that they are good enough to earn heaven, others think that God is too good to send anyone to hell. Others struggle with faith and what that means practically.

2. What factors (people, circumstances) helped to bring you to faith in Christ? What factors worked against your belief?

The factors that helped: a clear presentation of the Gospel, church people that lived what they believed and took time to share the Gospel with me, and opportunities for me to go to church. The factors that worked against: my own sinful flesh, my environment, and the lack of stability in my life.

Responsive Questions
1. Picture yourself in the setting of this story. What noises would you hear? What would you smell? How would you feel being there?

I would probably hear groaning, complaining, crying, and sorrow, along with the sounds of those in agony and pain. I’m sure the smell of sheep mingled with the smell of sickness and disease lingered in the air. I would probably be very uncomfortable while I was there and be ready to go back home and take a shower.

2. What was the disabled man's attitude before his healing, and how did it change?

Before his healing he had a self-pity type attitude, “I have no one to help me get into the water.” After his healing, Jesus found him in the temple, so that tells me that he was a man who knew who to thank for his healing. When Jesus challenged him to live right, the man went back to the Jews that questioned who healed him and let them know it was Jesus.

3. The fourth commandment says, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (see Exodus 20:8-11). In their zeal to apply this command, what do these critics of Jesus fail to see (vv. 9-15)?

They have failed to see that a person’s soul and a right relationship with Jesus Christ is more important than religious observances.

4. In what ways has Jesus made you well and whole?

My eternal salvation is a given, but also the freedom from the bondage of sin and the ability for my mind and heart to be conformed into His image are ways that Jesus has made me well and whole.