Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Starting Over - Part 3 - Devo for 05/07/08

John 3:22-36

Responsive Questions
1. In your opinion, what motivates John the Baptist's disciples to raise the issue of Jesus' ministry (vv. 22-26)?
2. How would you summarize John's view of the character and ministry of Jesus (vv. 27-36)?
3. What are some ways you can demonstrate Jesus' superiority over all that you are and all that you own?

Applying Chapter 3 in Your Life
Think about a person you know who needs to hear the truth about Jesus and plan on spending time with them this week. During that encounter, what are some practical things you could share or do to direct that conversation to their need for Christ?


Anonymous said...

Wow..I am first again! Do you people go to school or what?

I too enjoy reading the messages back and forth..its great! I am learning quite a bit about all of you.

Sarah..I love it when God brings stuff like that together!

Happy late b-day Bekah!

And yes..I am the oldest one here. Does that mean I am the smartest? haha

1. It seems like they were arguing over baptizing and wondering why all the people were going to Jesus. maybe they were confused as to why John was baptizing also since he was sent by God.

2. John praised Jesus and spoke very highly of Him. John was humbly saying that Jesus is the Christ, above all..and John was full of joy that Jesus is more and he is less.

3. By giving it all to HIm. Right now I am totally trusting God that He is going to provide for our family. With Tony losing his job many things have changed in our home and the ONLY thing I can do it give it over to God and trust that He will take care of us. He knows what we can handle and allows us to go through the trials and I have to trust Him that in the end..His Will will be done.


I think that by allowing Jesus' light to shine through us and His character to be revealed is one of the best ways to draw a person to Christ. I hope I can do that this week.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

haha smartest steph? everyone knows thats me!! lol just kidding you have ALOT more wisdom haha

and im number 2!!!!!
John 3:22-36

Responsive Questions
1. In your opinion, what motivates John the Baptist's disciples to raise the issue of Jesus' ministry (vv. 22-26)?
its going to sound like i am gonna copy stephanie but i thought the same thing how it was like they were arguing and they were wondering and confused that john was also baptizing since he was sent by god...(guess smart people think alike haha)

2. How would you summarize John's view of the character and ministry of Jesus (vv. 27-36)?
he spoke of Jesus being more than he was and parised him for everything and made a point that he would never compare to Jesus.

3. What are some ways you can demonstrate Jesus' superiority over all that you are and all that you own?
to realize that everything i even have is all from him and that without him nothing would happen in my life. the good and the bad but i learn to put my full trust in him and like the song says "lean on the everlasting arms".

Applying Chapter 3 in Your Life
Think about a person you know who needs to hear the truth about Jesus and plan on spending time with them this week. During that encounter, what are some practical things you could share or do to direct that conversation to their need for Christ?
just do what i normally do, just talk to him and slowly steer the conversation twards church and then about salvation and just let God speak through me.

and huff what dose it matter ????? choo choo train or tank engine???

Anonymous said...

its so awesome i love this blog thing. im not gonna lie. at first i was like oh great here is another thing to take up more time of my free time but it has really opened up my eyes and can tell its starting to really change my life...Thank you Jason and whoever else who had this idea. this page never gets closed out on my laptop..its always open i always check it to see if anything new is thank you guys for this....and i like to see the peoples answers how they all say somthing a little different but relate to the same thing. and how some peoples answers sound kind of the same...just funny how it thanks gys this blog is amazing. Love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, im having a problem with looking at girls and just having my mind in the wrong place, my friend told me about this site he goes to the church. can anyone help me out?

Anonymous said...

dude we all have that problem^_^

but if you really want help try askin for jason.
why not ask your friend if you can come to church with them and don't be afraid to ask or be embarrassed
ive asked alot more embarassing stuff than that^_^(true story)

and thomas dude i thought the exact same thing

but man these blogs are so good.
im starting to get in the habbit of reading the bible more. its really helping me out so much
thanks jason and those who were behind this great blog idea^_^

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
Well maybe they were confused about John Baptizing and why everyone was going to Jesus!!I think.

Anwser to #2
John was saying that he is low and Jesus is high!!

Anwser to #3
That we need to Trust Him with everything and not stop and think if God can handle it!!

Applying it in my life...
Like ask them what their problem is and tell them would be eaiser if the asked God to help them by asking Him into their heart!!

Thanks Mrs. Schell for saying happy birthday

Anonymous said...

1. In your opinion, what motivates John the Baptist's disciples to raise the issue of Jesus' ministry (vv. 22-26)?

because they thought maybe
that why is this man being God in the flesh asking to be baptised.
they probably had a little dought

2. How would you summarize John's view of the character and ministry of Jesus (vv. 27-36)?

he gave much praise into Jesus and his ministry knowing that Jesus's ministry was so important.

3. What are some ways you can demonstrate Jesus' superiority over all that you are and all that you own?

well..what i do is commend all my things and stuff i use for his work only.
My grandmother has a saying that goes" when your doing something, do it right or don't do it at all, because what you do is all for God"....i love that woman^_^

Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone for the input regarding how much this blog has helped. I do not think there is anything more productive for us as a youth group than to study God's Word together! Every leader had input when it came to putting this blog together, so make sure you thank them as well!

To the anonymous poster who is struggling with his thought life...that is a lifelong battle!

The only remedy for an improper thought life is to fill your mind with God's Word (that is one of the reasons we started this blog)!

First of all, without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it is impossible to be free from the bondage of your sin. When you get saved, God lives in you in the person of the Holy Spirit to help you combat sin and to understand His Word. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, that is where you should start.

If you are saved, then you need to fill your mind with God's Word, verses such as:

Psalm 119:9-11 - (9) Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. (10) With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. (11) Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

The other encouragement I would like to offer is to come with your friend to our youth group. I would love to meet you!

Anonymous said...

1. That they are arguing over baptism and wondering why everyone was going to Jesus. Also i think they were confuzed why John was baptizing.

2. That Jesus is higher and John is lower

3. We always need to trust God and always make sure we are letting God take control and not us.

Anonymous said...

1. Because he knows they have maybe heard but not believed yet.

2. That Jesus came and died for everyone but those that believe are the only ones allowed into heaven.

3. By giving Jesus all you are.

Applying Ch. 3 in My Life

I could talk about what they what to talk about and then ask them if they go to church if they don't I could ask them if they what to come to church with me on Sunday if they say no then I would say you really might like it if they still say no I don't know what. If they say yes the I will tell them the address or if they say no then I'll give them the address any way.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Question

1)I think they were confused about everything going on like Jonh the Baptist batizing people and why everyone was going over by Jesus.

2)John was saying that all the sins he has done and everything else that he like nothing compared to Jesus. But he also read's the word of God abd likes doing it.

3)To let God guide us in the right path and to let yourself be a expample unto him.

Anonymous said...

1.Maybe they were wondering why all the people were going to Jesus when John was doing the same thing.
2.He was saying that God gave Him the opportunity to baptize,and nothing that John did was because of himself.He had joy in what he was doing for Christ.
3.I can give God the glory for what I earn(He gives me),and not put my possessions or activities in front of honering Him.

-I should'nt judge them for what they do,but gently show them what the results of sin are and what Christ can do to forgive them.

-No matter what our sin is, God is always ready and willing to forgive us if we only ask Him.

Sarah's Words of Wisdom:
ALOT is two words.A LOT.

Anonymous said...

wow im still be4 taylor! lol this is past my bad time cause i have school tom. well night night everyone. have a good day tom...

1.I think they were confused.

2.john spoke very well of God. He would say that Christ is above all.

3.By praising and honoring him more and putting him first and know that everything is in his hands.

Anonymous said...

John 3:22-36

Responsive Questions
1. In your opinion, what motivates John the Baptist's disciples to raise the issue of Jesus' ministry (vv. 22-26)?
They asked a question about why they were purifying so they were probably confused.

2. How would you summarize John's view of the character and ministry of Jesus (vv. 27-36)?
Anything we have is given from above from jesus.
And that God loves us and he gave us everything that is in his land.

3. What are some ways you can demonstrate Jesus' superiority over all that you are and all that you own?
ask him to take control in my life and pray and talk to him and have a relationship with him.

Applying Chapter 3 in Your Life
Think about a person you know who needs to hear the truth about Jesus and plan on spending time with them this week. During that encounter, what are some practical things you could share or do to direct that conversation to their need for Christ?

Start talking about church and then start talking about how to get saved.
Posted by The Leaders at 4:09 PM

Anonymous said...

What's the Word of the Day taylor james huffernutter?

1. They probably wondered why John and Jesus were both baptizing and that all of the people were going to Jesus.

2. He knew that Christ is the only way to salvation. Jesus is so much more than John.

3. I should trust God with everything and know that when struggles appear God already knew before they come at me. Everything that I have belongs to God.

Applying Chapter 3 in Your Life

I should let God speak through me.

Anonymous said...

WE HAVE A 2319, 2319!!!!1
We have someone coming in from the outside! Thats really cool that we already have someone not from our church on and its only the third official day! That shows how a blog can sometimes work better because someone can get help even if they dont go to our church!

Stephanie had the best line of the day...."Stephanie who is still 29 said"...cuz, um, i thought she was, um, younger LOL.

Brooke, just to let you know, im nocturnal, like an owl. I sleep from 7 am to 1pm.LOL JK

I think everyone was on the same page answering the first question:
STEPHANIE:"they were...wondering why all the people where going to Jesus." BEKAH:"They were confused about...why everyone was going to Jesus!" Rachael:"They are... wondering why everyone was going to Jesus." KAYLA:"They were confused about... why everyone was going over by Jesus." SARAH:"They were wondering why all the people were going over to Jesus..."

John's disciples were perplexed about why John was able to baptize people just like Jesus could.

Answer to 2.
He was talking about how amazing Jesus is, and how none of us can remotely compare in the smallest degree to God.

Answer to 3.
Ok, heres how it is, imagine God and/or Jesus as the whole earth, except for the cockroaches. God and Jesus are the dirt, the trees, the grass, absolutely everything.--except for the cockroaches. We are the cockroaches, everyone equates to a cockroach in comparison to God.(Not to say that we arent important to God, thats even more amazing that God cares about every little cockroach in the world.)

Well, the first person that popped into my head was the guy who blogged about how he has troubles about looking at girls and how his mind's in the wrong place. I would tell him that having your mind in the wrong place thinking about girls is a way of human life. Its gonna happen once in awhile. But you need to pray to God and ask him to help you center your thoughts on the right things.

Anonymous said...

responive qus

1.john the baptist is confused
2.john was say that god is like 6time bigger then him
3.putting him in front of us

applying ch 3

i think i would try to lead them the way to crist

Anonymous said...

ok so i am saved and everything and know but like its just out of control. i pray and read the bible but nothing feels like i dont have the will power t look guys are great. im just so confused...its so hard...

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. In your opinion, what motivates John the Baptist's disciples to raise the issue of Jesus' ministry (vv. 22-26)?

I think the key phrase is in v. 26 ‘all men come to him’. Jesus’ ministry was gaining popularity while John’s was fading into the background, and some of John’s disciples were struggling with this.

2. How would you summarize John's view of the character and ministry of Jesus (vv. 27-36)?

Jesus has all authority and all power from His heavenly Father to do the work He is doing, and His ministry is what needs to be the center of attention so that man can possess salvation.

3. What are some ways you can demonstrate Jesus' superiority over all that you are and all that you own?

My obedience to His Word, my willingness to give and to serve, and my concern over who gets glorified in the things that I do are all ways I can demonstrate His superiority in my life.

Applying Chapter 3 in Your Life
Think about a person you know who needs to hear the truth about Jesus and plan on spending time with them this week. During that encounter, what are some practical things you could share or do to direct that conversation to their need for Christ?

I can simply listen to them as we talk, asking the Lord to bring to remembrance Scriptures that would relate to what that person is going through. I could share personal experiences with that person about how God has worked in my life. I could meet a need they have simply out of love for them, expecting nothing in return. I could pray with them about their lost condition and ask God to help them understand the truth.

Anonymous said...

Jason where is todays devo?????????????? IT is 8:35 and i wanted to get it done because i am going to Bush Gardens!!But it is not here!!!!!

Anonymous said...

im doin this in school lol

1.they were wondering why two people werebabtizing
2.that John came to prepare the way for Jesus' minstery and God came to save the world.
3.well i wouldnt be here if is wasnt for him and i wouldnt have anything if it wasnt for God so i can show that im greatful by praying or not complaining when i dont get what i want.

extra: i usually just tell them where im voleentering and bout my missions trip and it always ends up me telling them how good God is to his people and i end up whitnessing to them.