Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Connecting with People - Part 3 - Devo for 05/10/08

John 4:27-54

Responsive Questions
1. How is the disciples' confusion about food (vv. 31-33) similar to the woman's confusion about living water?
2. After his encounter with the Samaritan woman, what specific lessons does Jesus apply to his disciples and to us (vv. 34-38)?
3. What has Jesus taught you in this chapter about your sensitivity and response to people around you who are in need?
4. How could you reach out to someone who has been rejected by the world and offer Jesus' love?

Applying Chapter 4 in Your Life
1. Who were the people responsible for telling you about Jesus? Let them know in a letter or phone call how much you appreciate their concern for you.
2. What individuals have you had a part in leading to faith in Christ? Let them know in a personal way of your continued concern for their spiritual growth.


Anonymous said...

Hey,First two days in a row!

1.Again,Christ was talking in spiritual terms.The disciples were still thinking physically.

2.He was telling them that the "field" was ready to be harvested.There were still many unbelievers.Those who lead others to Christ will gain eternal treasures.

3.It has taught me that I need to be more aware of people that don't know Him.I can't let social or physical barriers get in my way.

4.I could reach out in their time of need and show them just how much God loves them by being compassionate towards them.

Sorry I missed the game.I would have loved to go.Hope you had fun.

Anonymous said...

John 4:27-54

Responsive Questions
1. How is the disciples' confusion about food (vv. 31-33) similar to the woman's confusion about living water?

they thought that just like the woman, Jesus was talking about physical needs and things.

2. After his encounter with the Samaritan woman, what specific lessons does Jesus apply to his disciples and to us (vv. 34-38)?

That now that the woman had spread the hope of salvation because of jesus. that it was finally time to spread the word to EVERYONE not just the jews.

3. What has Jesus taught you in this chapter about your sensitivity and response to people around you who are in need?

that those that you might like the least or the one you least want to be sharing the plan with salvation with is sometimes the one that needs it the most at the time.

4. How could you reach out to someone who has been rejected by the world and offer Jesus' love?

after knowing what they have gone threw. show them first love and understanding that Jesus offers and then offer them the gift but you should never force them to make a decision.

Applying Chapter 4 in Your Life
1. Who were the people responsible for telling you about Jesus? Let them know in a letter or phone call how much you appreciate their concern for you.

my parents...and my aunt and uncle...and cousins...and brother Cleofas..........and some other people at my church from when i was a ive been in a christian church since i was in my mothers womb(sp)

2. What individuals have you had a part in leading to faith in Christ? Let them know in a personal way of your continued concern for their spiritual growth.

MY PARENTS!!!!!!! wow they've had a great part in that!

Anonymous said...

John 4:27-54

Responsive Questions
1. How is the disciples' confusion about food (vv. 31-33) similar to the woman's confusion about living water?
the deciples thought just like the woman did..thinking literally and he meant spiritually...

2. After his encounter with the Samaritan woman, what specific lessons does Jesus apply to his disciples and to us (vv. 34-38)?
Jesus sopke of unbelievers as crops in a field. ready to be harvested..or witnessed too and told about salvation

3. What has Jesus taught you in this chapter about your sensitivity and response to people around you who are in need?
that i need to have my eyes more open to unbelievers and be a witness and not let anything stand in my way.

4. How could you reach out to someone who has been rejected by the world and offer Jesus' love?
give them a person to talk to and direct the conversation to salvation and be a true friend and witness to them and show them love.

Applying Chapter 4 in Your Life
1. Who were the people responsible for telling you about Jesus? Let them know in a letter or phone call how much you appreciate their concern for you.
well. pastor Trill and my Parents.

2. What individuals have you had a part in leading to faith in Christ? Let them know in a personal way of your continued concern for their spiritual growth.
um a couple of people. but it is the best feeling knowing that you planted/watered/or made that seed in their heart sprout and just know you had a part in it.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
This is the kid that was having the problem with looking at girls and everything. Ill tell you, i would have never been able to talk to anyone in person and it is a big relief to know that someone cares for me when they dont even know me. Thank you Pastor Jason, i read those verses and they have stuck in my mind like glue. every time i look at a girl now its just to look not having my mind in the wrong place anymore or anything. I have kept those verses in the front of my mind and if i ever think bad about a girl i remember those verses. it has made my life so much better. you dont even know. for you guys who is wondering. my name is chris. i am one of Thomas' good friends. he has just opened up to me and showed me so much about God and Salvation and everything he is telling me is AMAZING!! he is such a big influence to me and my family. but thank you Gerson just having another guy teen telling me that everyone goes through it means alot to know im not alone, and pastor jason again for everything. you guys have an amazing group.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Chris, but God is the one who you should thank. His Word is always true, and if we let it, it will change our lives.

And I would agree, we do have an awesome group!

Anonymous said...

1. They ask Jesus the same Quesion but with food instead of water.

2. To be a witness more.

3. To tell them more about Jesus.

4. Do what Jesus would do.

1. Dad and lots more people.

2. My Friends

Anonymous said...

aw katy..

how adorable...chris you can always go to God man and for moral support US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


katy, your answers are always short sweet and to the point...thats cool!!^_^

Anonymous said...

I think this blog is so cool.I was struggling with devotions prior to this,but it really is neat to see everybody doing it together.Thanks!

Anonymous said...


It is amazing what a little godly encouragement can accomplish! You think the Lord knew what He was talking about when He told us to edify one another?

See you all tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

hey chris i have read wat u have posted b4 and im so glad God has worked through u and p.s. girls struggle with that stuff 2 lol

1.the disciples couldnt understand that Jesus ment he had enough "food" spiritually to satisfy him just like the women didnt understand that she needed the "water" or God to not thirst ever again spiritually.
2.that there were tons of peeps that were coming to be whitnessed to.
3.that it doesnt matter what bad you have done...God loves you and he knows we are gonna mess up cuz we are human...everyone is human and we all are gonna face peeps that try to bring us down...and tell us that we are stupid and we are screw-ups...but we have to forgive them and tell everyone the truth...even those who dont deserve it...well i have been struggling with somethin but God just showed me the truth... Thanks God ur awsome!
4.just remember God made them and we are to love our neighbors as our self...if that was me...i would want someone to reach out to me.
applying questions
1. my camp counserlor and my mom and pritty much everyone in my life....i just didnt see it at first. neighbor and im in the prosses of leading my uncle to christ..i just wish he wasnt so stubbern hey can yall pray for him whoa hill billy moment sorry random lol but seriously i know he knows the truth he just wont exept it..but i do not know why...

p.s. Jason thanks for putting this on here... through this God just made some stuff clear to me. what would we do without God working through u Jason! ur awsome!!!!

Anonymous said...

1.Jesus was using applications again but the disciples were thinking physically.

2.He was telling us that the field "the world" was ready to be harvsted. So he was really talking about us going throughout the world and making Christians.

3.He has taught me that know matter what I can tell someone about Jesus.

4.By encoureging that person and sharing Jesus with them.

Sorry can't finish BEDTIME

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)There were thinking physically but Jesus meant spiritual.

2)The lesson was that there are unbelievers in this world and we where sent to spred the word of God.

3)To be more focus in those who are unbelievers and pray about them and to share the word.

4)They them about Jesus and what he did for us. Also I could help by showing them that I care for them and want them to go to heaven.

Applying Chapter 4 in your life

1)I don't really know all I know was it was at Junior Cam.

2)My friends.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Jason rock's!!!!

Anonymous said...

Man I am so past my bed time!! Shhhhh dont tell.


#1 The disciples were not thinkging like Jesus was.Jesus was talking spirtitualy and the dis ciples were not thinking like that.

#2 that the feild (His people) was ready to be harvest (saved).

#3 That if I see a person in need that i should not just keep on walking by that I should tell them about Him so thet maybe they can come to know Him.

#4 Just tell them that it is ok to be rejected by the world that you will never be rejected by God.

Applying in my Life

#1 Well everone that knows Jesus as there savior is responsible for helping me get to know Him.

#2 Well my good friend who I knew in 4th grade she was a good friend.

p.s. taylor foltz are you happy i didnt use ! anymore??

Anonymous said...

ohh!!!! taylor huff forgot to do devos today!!!!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

1. The disciples thought that he meant physical food like the Samaritan women with water and not spiritual food which was what he was talking about.

2. The field of unbelievers is ready to be harvested which is to be saved.

3. It has taught me that I need to not let things or people distract me from doing my duty as a Christian which is to lead them to the Lord.

4. witness to them in love and compassion.

Applying Chapter 4 in Your Life
1. my parents and sunday school teachers.

2. Leading a couple of boys in Belize to Christ was an awesome experience.

Anonymous said...

1. Christ was talking about spiritual things and the disciples thought he meant physical things.

2.He was refering to the crops in the field as the unbelievers and they needed to be harvested which meant being witnessed to.

3. That i need to help the unbelievers and witness to them and not let things stand in my way.

4. By showing them kindness and Gods love.

Anonymous said...

1.He was talking in Bible terms and they were thinking physical.

2.that he will provide and if it takes 4 months more he will still provide.

3.that i should be more helpful to other people and be more thankful. just telling them that we all go through hard times and GOd will provide and take care. that there is a reason for everything.

Anonymous said...

1. The disciples were thinking literally. Jesus was talking in spiritual terms.

2. Basically he was saying that we are to witness to others because there are many that need Christ. He also emphasized that what we sow, we will reap.

3. That it is our job to tell others about Christ. We may have contact with an unbeliever that no other Christian may have contact with. We could be the one to tell them about Jesus.

4. Use an example of my own life where Jesus has brought me through something. Show them in the Bible where God loves us and sent His SOn to die for us.

1. At First Christian Church, 1981 way before most of you were born, I went forward at an invitation the first time I heard the gospel message. It was a deacon in the church that gave me the plan of salvation.

2.Sad to say, recently there hasn't been someone. Awhile back there were some visitors on A WEd. night.

Anonymous said...

1.just like the ladie the diciples thought he was talking about food that you eat but Jesus was talking about something spiritual.
2.he has sent us to reap what we have not worked for but we have just reaped the benifits of the other peoples labor.
3.i need to do thw work that we havent worked off and let the other people rest and us reap.
4.first help them and then start talking to them about Jesus and how he died on the cross for our sins and tell them how to get saved and then maybe they will.also invite them to church so they can hear the gosple there.
applying chapter 4 in your life parents and sundayschool teachers.
2.well i asked my friend at junior camp if she had gotten saved and she said no and i said do you want to i think and she said sure or yes and so i yold her to go talk to vivian and she got saved that night.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. How is the disciples' confusion about food (vv. 31-33) similar to the woman's confusion about living water?

The disciples, just like the woman, were thinking physically rather than spiritually.

2. After his encounter with the Samaritan woman, what specific lessons does Jesus apply to his disciples and to us (vv. 34-38)?

The lessons for the disciples are the same for us…what sustains us should be our desire to do God’s will. If we would simply open our eyes to the people around us, we would see that people are ready to hear the Gospel message. The payment or reaping of our efforts are eternal, and we need to understand that is why God has placed us here, to continue the work that has been started.

3. What has Jesus taught you in this chapter about your sensitivity and response to people around you who are in need?

I need to always have my spiritual ears open to the needs of the people that God places in my life. I need to be ready and willing to always direct someone to God’s truth. No matter the social status of the person, I need to view them as a precious, valuable soul in need of a personal relationship with Jesus.

4. How could you reach out to someone who has been rejected by the world and offer Jesus' love?

Show them through the Word that they have value to God, and that He wants to change their life for His glory. Bring them to church and allow them to experience true Christian fellowship. I could express genuine concern for them and do my part to disciple them.

Applying Chapter 4 in Your Life
1. Who were the people responsible for telling you about Jesus? Let them know in a letter or phone call how much you appreciate their concern for you.

Sunday school teachers at Liberty Baptist Church when I was 9 years old, a bus driver from Liberty Baptist, Pastor Matt and Maribeth, the Pulham’s, the Hall’s, and so many others over the years here at NTBC.

2. What individuals have you had a part in leading to faith in Christ? Let them know in a personal way of your continued concern for their spiritual growth.

I have had the opportunity to lead several people to the Lord…what I haven’t been able to do with every one that has trusted Christ is to follow up on that decision with consistent interaction with the Word of God. That is my desire as I have opportunity to lead people to Christ, that I would also have the privilege to disciple them and watch them grow spiritually.

Anonymous said...

1.they were thinking spirtally
2.that the feild and all his people were having harvest be more fouse in those who are unbelievers and pray about them and help them show them god word and be kind and help them

app ch 4 in your life
1.i really don't know that qu
2.all my godly friends

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

I'm going on a marathon to do the ones that I havent done yet.

Answer to 1.
The Woman at the Well didnt know that Jesus was talking about eternal living water that would cleanse you.
Answer to 2.
He was telling the disciples to work hard for him and later on u will receive the fruit of ur labor in heaven.
Answer to 3.
Sometimes we need to give more attention to people in need and not focus on ourselves too much.
Answer to 4.
Invite them to come to church, just be someone to help them in their time of need.

Anonymous said...

I thing that if you put a little but lots of god word in the peole you told and then people stared to belive in god and take him in to there hreats.