Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Signs of God - Part 2 - Devo for 05/02/08

John 2:12-22

Responsive Questions
1. How does John's picture of Jesus in verses 15-16 fit with today's popular concept of him?
2. What is the significance of Jesus' claim that the temple is "my Father's house" (v. 16)?
3. Only the Messiah, God's promised deliverer, has the authority to cleanse the temple. The people recognize that fact and ask Jesus for a miraculous sign to confirm his identity (v. 18). How would the sign Jesus points to be particularly meaningful to them (vv. 19-22)?


Anonymous said...

Wow that's cool i was the first one to wright today!

1.It's showing Jesus angery and today most people don't think of Jesus who show the emotion anger. They think love.

2.I think He was saying that this is God's house how dare you sell stuff in here.

3.Because it took them 46 years to build it and Jesus said he could raise it up in three days.

Anonymous said...

#1 Well lets see in the verses he is angrey and today people see Jesus as person who shouldnt get angry but I know it is hard to believe he does!!!

#2 How would i say this? Umm Well that it is Gods house and we should give money tho Him and not try to make any!! I guess.

#3 Well it took the people 46 years to build it in the first place and He said He would in 3 day and the people didnt know that H was talking about Him.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. How does John's picture of Jesus in verses 15-16 fit with today's popular concept of him?

I do not believe it fits with today’s concept of Him at all. Unbelievers (and unfortunately some who claim to be believers) view Jesus as a “genie in a bottle” that can make all of their wishes come true whenever He’s summoned. Some view Him as a person who allows any type of practice or behavior, as long as it’s done with a good heart. Others view Him as a man of love who would never respond in such a way as described in these verses.

2. What is the significance of Jesus' claim that the temple is "my Father's house" (v. 16)?

By referring to the temple as His Father’s house, Jesus publicly expressed His relationship with God the Father, His authority for kicking the moneychangers out of the temple, and ultimately His position as the Messiah.

3. Only the Messiah, God's promised deliverer, has the authority to cleanse the temple. The people recognize that fact and ask Jesus for a miraculous sign to confirm his identity (v. 18). How would the sign Jesus points to be particularly meaningful to them (vv. 19-22)?

Jesus pointed to His own death and resurrection as the sign to confirm His identity. It was meaningful to them in the following ways: 1) after His resurrection they could look back to what Jesus had said (just like the disciples did according to v. 22) and believe the Scriptures and the things Jesus had told them, 2) it was confirmation that their sins would be forgiven, and 3) Christ’s resurrection provides the hope that they will one day be resurrected (and so will we!).

Anonymous said...

1. How does John's picture of Jesus in verses 15-16 fit with today's popular concept of him?

HAHAHAHA!!!! Jesus would not fit the picture!!!!^_^

Today Jesus is a peaceful man that never would act in the way he did in these versus..atleast thats what is seen as in this day in age.

2. What is the significance of Jesus' claim that the temple is "my Father's house" (v. 16)?

that he was the son of God!!!!!

3. Only the Messiah, God's promised deliverer, has the authority to cleanse the temple. The people recognize that fact and ask Jesus for a miraculous sign to confirm his identity (v. 18). How would the sign Jesus points to be particularly meaningful to them (vv. 19-22)?

Jesus as the temple of God. would die and be resurected in three day(rebuilt). and bring salvation.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)People think that Jesus should have no sins or get angery over something. But in that verse it show him has a very angery man.

2)Jesus was sying that thig my Father's house and how do you think you are to sell things in his house.

3)Jesus would die and be resurected in three days. He did

Anonymous said...

1. HE PICTURE HIM anger and mad

2. it my fathers house and how dare you sell your stuff in it

3. jesus would die and come back to life in 3 days

Anonymous said...

1. How does John's picture of Jesus in verses 15-16 fit with today's popular concept of him?
It really doesn't. It shows that Jesus could be serious, specially when it had to do with the temple. Nowasays we think he was calm and stuff, John shows the other side of Jesus.

2. What is the significance of Jesus' claim that the temple is "my Father's house" (v. 16)?
He was teliing the people, "I'm Jesus the Son of God." I was sent to save you!!

3. Only the Messiah, God's promised deliverer, has the authority to cleanse the temple. The people recognize that fact and ask Jesus for a miraculous sign to confirm his identity (v. 18). How would the sign Jesus points to be particularly meaningful to them (vv. 19-22)?
He was announcing his death. He was basically telling them you will "kill me" but I will resurrect on the third day. He was trying to tell them he has the power to come back from the death.(the biggest miracle was his resurrection)

Anonymous said...

sorry for the typos, it happens when I try to type to fast.(I need spelling check)

Anonymous said...

It says that Jesus was mad and most people don't think of Jesus being angry. You usually think of a gracious loving God.

2.I think he means that it is where people come to worship him, so he didn't want anyone to do anything besides worshiping there.

3.The Jews asked Jesus to show an identity so Jesus said (meaning himself) destroy this temple and that he would raise it up in three days. The Jews thought that he was talking about the actual temple but he was talking about them killing him and raising himself from the dead in 3 days.

Anonymous said...

1.It really doesn't portray what most people think of when they think of Jesus.Most think of Him as this gentle pacifist who never gets angry.

2.He is saying that He is God's son.

3.He was talking about His death on the cross.They knew the Messiah would come.He was the Messiah,and would die and rise again.They knew that the temple took a LONG time to be built originally, but Jesus would build it in three days(Himself).

Anonymous said...

John 2:12-22

Responsive Questions
1. How does John's picture of Jesus in verses 15-16 fit with today's popular concept of him?

Well, most people think of Him as merely a good teacher...not as someone Who was passionate about holiness.

2. What is the significance of Jesus' claim that the temple is "my Father's house" (v. 16)?

He was claiming to be God's Son!

3. Only the Messiah, God's promised deliverer, has the authority to cleanse the temple. The people recognize that fact and ask Jesus for a miraculous sign to confirm his identity (v. 18). How would the sign Jesus points to be particularly meaningful to them (vv. 19-22)?

He promised to rise again in 3 days. They would indeed "destroy" Him in 3 years...and would then see Him fulfill this promised sign.

See you guys Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Word of the day: Pacifist
-noun---a person who believes in pacifism or is opposed to war or to violence of any kind.

Thought that word was interesting when i read sarah's post so i looked it up but you guys probably dont care so ill just do what im supposed to do.

Answer to 1.
Ya that's completely the opposite of what everyone depicts him to be today.
Answer to 2.
It was a bold claim since he was claiming that he was the son of the God that created everything.
His claim was probably considered as ridiculous at that moment by the many people who were in that temple.
Answer to 3.
They didnt believe him because it took 46 years to build tht temple and for him to say that he would destroy it and then build it back up in three days would have seemed foolish. But the people were the foolish ones. Jesus was telling them that he would raise again in three days after his crucifixion.

Anonymous said...

Taylor James Huffernutter, I deeply care about whatever brings enlightenment to your soul.

I trust you all will have a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

1. That some people destory the Lord House by doing whatever they want and not listening to what God has for them thur his Word.

2. Because the temple was built so people can worship and praise Jesus.

3. It would tell them that Jesus is really going to dead and raise on the third day.

Anonymous said...

1. people don't think of Jesus as being an angry person. They think that he is always gentle.

2. The temple should not be like a store.

3. When Jesus said that they will destroy the temple which is himself. He also said that he would raise it up in three days. They thought that would be impossible to do because it took them 46 years to build.

Anonymous said...

hey sorry im late on this.

1.that God showed and prooved through miracles that he is God just like John said he would.
2.That his father owns the temple and the people should treat it with respect.
3.God said to destroy the temple and he would raise it in 3 days, but that was imposible (by their standards) because it took the people 46 years to build the temple.
p.s. i just wanted to add that i am really enjoying this study on the book of John.:)

Anonymous said...

Taylor Foltz, I am really glad that you are enjoying this study.

I am also proud of the great participation in this first week, keep it up!

Feel free to comment back and forth to each other, especially if you have questions or comments regarding the devo questions.

Anonymous said...

John 2:12-22

Responsive Questions
1. How does John's picture of Jesus in verses 15-16 fit with today's popular concept of him?
It shows his power and how he can do anything.

2. What is the significance of Jesus' claim that the temple is "my Father's house" (v. 16)?
God is the father and jesus is his son and the temple is gods house so its Jesus’s fathers house.Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

3. Only the Messiah, God's promised deliverer, has the authority to cleanse the temple. The people recognize that fact and ask Jesus for a miraculous sign to confirm his identity (v. 18). How would the sign Jesus points to be particularly meaningful to them (vv. 19-22)?
The building the temple not Jesus’s body the temple is what they thought.
Posted by The Leaders at 6:42 PM

Anonymous said...

1. Most people view Jesus with the concept that God is love. I think most non-Christians think that God cannot show any negative emotions.

2. That it is the house of His Father and it should be kept holy. He was announcing that He is the Son of God the Father.

3. Because Jesus was talking about His body and when He died on the cross and rose again. He was not speaking of the temple as a building. This is meaningful to the people because it signifies that Jesus is living and through Him we can gain salvation.

Better late than never!

Anonymous said...

1. in that verses was very mad
2.i was god house and they were not aloud to the stuff they did in it (i geuss)
3.jesus die for our sins and got put on the cross with alot of pain as he hang from the cross then rasie the 3th day

it true he did and its sad to know so we should thank him

Anonymous said...

responsive questions

1.He thought he would be anger

2. "my fathers house and how dare you sell your stuff in it"

3.Jesus died and rose again the threee day