Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, May 26, 2008

A Blind Man Sees the Light - Part 2 - Devo for 05/30/08

John 9:13-41

Responsive Questions
1. How would you describe the intial response to the healed blind man of his neighbors (vv. 8-12)?
2. How would you describe the intial response to the healed blind man of the Pharisees (vv. 13-17)?
3. How would you describe the intial response to the healed blind man of his parents (vv. 18-23)?
4. How would you describe the intial response to the healed blind man of the man himself (vv. 24-34)?
5. On what grounds do the Pharisees object to this miracle (vv. 16, 22, 24, 29)?


Anonymous said...

responsive questions

1.the neighbors werent sure if that was him that got healed some said that is him and others said that is someone who looks like him.

2.they said that he was not of God and question how he could do these miracles because he was a sinner cause he healed him on the sabbeth lol sorry to say but these guys are stupid lol.

3.they said this is our son but we do not know how he can see cuz he was like born blind, they didnt want to say that the man who healed him was Jesus cuz like they were afraid the jews would through them out.

4.the pharisees keep askin hin the same things over and over so like the blind guy is like dudes i dont know who did it i couldnt see before!!! i just know that i was blind but now i can see!!! and i think the blind man truly kinda didnt care what day Jesus opend his eyes up or who did it he was just glad he could see lol

5.they say o hes not Gods son andhe wasnt worthy to be in the synagogue cuz he was sayin he was Jesus and stuff so ya they didnt like him very much lol

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
That he was not really blind he was just acting like that to get attention.

Anwser to #2
That Jesus comminted a sin because He healed the blind man on the sabbath day and you are to do nothing on the sabbath.

Anwser to #3
That they knoew who healed him but woulnd not say anything about Jesus because they were scared of the Jews.

Anwser to #4
Well the Pharisees kept on asking the same question over and over again and the man kept saying that He did not know that God opned his eyes and that he was just happy that who ever opened his eyes he was glad.

Anwser to #5
That it could not be Jesus because He did the work on the sabbath day.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. They did not bwlive him.

2. They did not belive hm either.

3. They belived even thur they did not see.

4. He belived.

5. The Sabbath Day.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)They didn't believe him

2)They were saying that he wasn't God and asked him a lot of questions

3)They saw his miracles but they still were quiet

4)The man was greatful that he could see

5)Jesus didn't work on the Sabbath Day

Anonymous said...

1.At first, the neighborsdidn't believe that it was really him,but soon realized it was.Then,they asked Him where Jesus was,but he didn't know.

2.The Pharisees used it as an excuse to say that Jesus wasn't God because He did "work" on the

3.The parents knew that it was their son,and told the people to ask him if Jesus was the one that healed him.They didn't want to be a part of it if Jesus was to get in trouble.

4.The man gave all of the praise to God and told everyone the truth.

5.They said He wasn't of God because He healed on the Sabbath.

Anonymous said...

1. They didn't believe that he was the same man.

2. They did not believe that it was Jesus that healed the blind man.

3. They told them to ask the former blind man because they did not want to get into trouble.

4. He kept saying that he did not know and he was happy to just be able to see.

5. They did not believe that he is God's Son because he healed on the Sabbath.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. How would you describe the intial response to the healed blind man of his neighbors (vv. 8-12)?

Some people didn't believe it was him, others did. They all wanted to know where Jesus was.

2. How would you describe the intial response to the healed blind man of the Pharisees (vv. 13-17)?

They thought Jesus was a sinner and that He wasn't from God since He healed on the Sabbath.

3. How would you describe the intial response to the healed blind man of his parents (vv. 18-23)?

They were scared to say that Jesus was the One who healed him. They told the Pharisees to ask their son about it since he is old enough.

4. How would you describe the intial response to the healed blind man of the man himself (vv. 24-34)?

He was quite frustrated by the questioning since he already told them what had happened. He says that if Jesus was not from God, He could do nothing.

5. On what grounds do the Pharisees object to this miracle (vv. 16, 22, 24, 29)?

The Pharisees object on the grounds that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, that He wasn't the Christ, that He was a sinner, and because they hated Him.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. At first they thought he was just somebody who looked like the blind man they knew...didn't believe it could be the same man.
2. Division...but all questioning the validity of his healing, and for some the "rightness" of him being healed on the Sabbath.
3. His parents were vague and non-commital....they admitted that he was their son and that he had indeed been born blind, but they didn't not verify that it was Christ Who healed their son.
4. He was just glad to be able to see! He didn't even know at first Who had healed him (remember, Jesus didn't heal him instantly...the man had to walk away in order to wash off his eyes).
5. It was done on the Sabbath Day, they didn't believe miracles could or should be done to "sinners," they still didn't believe His claims to being the promised Messiah.

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
Some thought that they had found the blind man that Jesus healed, but some thought it was just a guy that looked like him. The blind man told them it was him that was healed. They asked him howw Jesus did it and then they asked him where he was and he didnt know.

Anonymous said...

gonna have to do the others later

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. They were astonished and did not truly believe that he was the blind man they had known before his healing.
2. They completely disregarded the miracle. They went straight to accusing Jesus for healing on the Sabbath. They only wanted to judge.
3. His parents were just joyful and grateful that their son could see.
4. The man completely trusted in Jesus, and he was so thankful for being able to see. He just wanted to praise God for all that he'd done.
5. The Pharisees believe that Jesus isn't of God because He did the miracle on the Sabbath, and they also kept saying that they didn't know who Jesus was.

Anonymous said...

1. they did not belive him

2. they would ask him a lot of questions

3. thyey knew it was jesus but were to scared to say any thing.

4. he was happy cause he could see and he would know who did it

5.he not god.

Anonymous said...

1.They werent sure if it was him. They said it looked like him but others said it was someone who looked like him.

2.They went straight to acusing Jesus for healing and working on the the sabbath.

3.They knew that their son had been healed because he was born blind but they didnt want to say who the man was who had healed him was Jesus because they were scared of what others might think.

4.The pharisees kepot asking him who had healed him and the man kept saying he didnt know that God had healed him but he was just glad he did and he could see again.

5.The Sabbath Day

Anonymous said...

1.they did not belive him
2.they did not belive one word he said they would not lisen
3.that saw his miracles
4.that man was faith that god would heel him5
5.jesus did not work on sabbath day

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1.they didn't believe him

2.They were said that he wasn't God

3.They saw his miracles but didn't believe in him

4.The man was bessed

5.Jesus didn't work on the Sabbath Day