Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Monday, May 26, 2008

A Blind Man Sees the Light - Part 3 - Devo for 05/31/08

John 9:13-41

Responsive Questions
1. How do the Pharisees react when the genuineness of the miracle becomes undeniable (vv.28-34)?
2. When might Christians today exhibit the Pharisees' attitude toward a marvelous work of God's grace or power?
3. What is Jesus' purpose in seeking out the healed man a second time (vv. 35-38)?
4. Through what weakness, failed relationship or disability in your life could God demonstrate his glory?

Applying Chapter 9 in Your Life
What are some ways that we can demonstrate true worship to Christ for what He has done in our lives?


Anonymous said...

Vote for CiCi's

Anonymous said...

1.They made excuses.
2.They may attribute it to something else other than God's power.
3.He did it so the man would believe that He was God,and to be an example to others.
-Give Him the glory for all that He does through our lives(ggod or bad).

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. They made excuses

2. When they don't want to obey.

3. Because he wanted them to believe.

4. Yes, by his Word.

By praying for others, by worshipping God the right way.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. They went back to their good works...that they followed the law of Moses...and that was what they were banking on as their authority and being right.
2. We are sometimes skeptical...attributing human skill (but honestly, Who gave us humans those skills and insight?!), coincidence (I don't believe there is any such thing!)
3. Jesus wanted the man to know Who He that man would know Who to put His faith in.
4. God is demonstrating (at least to me) His glory in the way He is changing my "need" to be in control, my "need" to be have everything my way, and right now, my "need" to be so involved (these shingles and then hurting my foot have really slowed me down...not what I had planned, not what I wanted!)

Applying Chapter 9 to My Life
Give Him the credit! Brag about Him to others. Share about the changes He is working in my life.

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
They made excuses.
It sounds like everyone else but that is what happend.

Anwser to #2
Well they would say that they didnt believe.

Anwser to #3
Because God wants everyone to believe.

Anwser to #4
Well right now I cant think of any really.

Applying in my Life.........
Anwser to #1
Well just thanking Him and praising Him in your life weather the thing is good or bad.


Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. They followed the law of Moses and not Jesus.

2. They don't give God the credit for what He has done.

3. So that the man would believe.

4. I need to put God in control of my life more.

Applying Chapter 9 in Your Life
-Give him the credit for what he has done.

Anonymous said...

responsive questions:
1.they say like o well he did it on the sabbeth so he is still a sinner and reffered to the law of moses and stuff.

2.when like someone or someones friend or family member gets really sick and then it just goes away and they were suppost to die they might think it wasnt God but was just luck or somethin. see if he believes in the Lord.

4.well my hate for some peeps (like my step dad) is pritty much gone. he made me realize that there are gonna be peeps who are mean to me and treat me unfairly but i cant let that bring me down.

applying questions:
1.telling people wat he has done in our lives and living it out, helping other peeps who are goin throught the same struggle we have, and most importantly letting it show in everything we do.

Anonymous said...

1. They deny it and say that he is one of his followers, that he was involved in this all along.

2. When something great happens and it doesn't occur in a way we want it to.

3. To give him salvation.

4. Through my lack of giving God control of my life.

- Acting differently showing the change in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)They all made up an excuss

2)They didn't believe him

3)So the man could see what he just did a take him to be his savoir

4)Not walking in his path

Applying Chapter 9 Your Life

Give him credit and by shareing his word

Anonymous said...

1. they made up reasons

2.they might not belive it

3. jesus did it so that the man would know who jesus is and belive in him and be a gosilpe for other people.

4. when i am sad or mad.

applying to your life

by telling people about him our reading his word and praying

Anonymous said...

1.i think that they were confused but also thought what they said which is , "Now that is remarkable." doing more for God.

3.becuase he want everybody to know about him and there he showed another one it was him. school and being scared to tell people about him i just need to know its all in God's hands.

-sharing the Gospel
-living for him and worshiping him
-letting it not only be about us but about him

Anonymous said...

1.they made up all lies so they would not get into troble
2.they would not belive him the man could see
4.there were not walking into his path

1 share the word of god

Anonymous said...

1. They made excuses

2.They would say that they didnt believe and they wouldnt give God the credit

3.He did it so he would believe that it was God who had healed Him and to show others his power and make them believe

4.Letting God be in control of my life and he knows what is best and there is a reason and purpose for everything good or bad.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. How do the Pharisees react when the genuineness of the miracle becomes undeniable (vv.28-34)?

They get angry, question Jesus' authority, and attack the credibility of the healed man and send him away.

2. When might Christians today exhibit the Pharisees' attitude toward a marvelous work of God's grace or power?

When someone who is 'really bad' gets saved. Some say that he is not serious or that it is just a phase. But sometimes we doubt that God can save what we call the worst among us.

3. What is Jesus' purpose in seeking out the healed man a second time (vv. 35-38)?

Jesus wanted to make Himself known to the healed man and give Him the opportunity to believe in Him.

4. Through what weakness, failed relationship or disability in your life could God demonstrate his glory?

God has and will continue to demonstrate His glory in my life through the loss of my leg.

Applying Chapter 9 in Your Life
What are some ways that we can demonstrate true worship to Christ for what He has done in our lives?

By obeying Him, studying His Word, giving our lives in service to Him, and by giving Him our time, talents, and treasures.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1.They made exusses

2.They didn't believe him

3. Jesus was showing him that he is ther one and only

4.Not walking in God's path

Applying Chapter 9 Your Life

by praying,going to church,and believing in God