Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Confused Over Christ - Part 1 - Devo for 05/19/08

Reflective Questions
1. Have you ever had to work with someone who disliked or even hated you? What was it like to face that person every day? (Or what do you think it would be like?)
2. How would you feel if a family member or close friend openly doubted your abilities or decisions?

John 7:1-13

Responsive Questions
1. The first blast of hostility against Jesus comes from his own family. How would you characterize the statements made by Jesus' brothers?
2. Why do you think Jesus waits to go to Jerusalem until after his brothers have left (v. 10)?
3. What counsel would you give a believer who faces spiritual opposition from his or her own family?


Anonymous said...

NUMBER 1!!!! lol and Jason, i did yesterdays devo too....just was to busy sat and i did it just letting you know.

Reflective Questions
1. Have you ever had to work with someone who disliked or even hated you? What was it like to face that person every day? (Or what do you think it would be like?)

it is really a challenge because if its like a project in school then you have your grade to worry about and it would be really difficult to work and talk with that person....dont worry i have done it lol.

2. How would you feel if a family member or close friend openly doubted your abilities or decisions?

Very hurt. and confused as to why they would doubt me and it would make me work that much harder to prove them wrong.

John 7:1-13

Responsive Questions
1. The first blast of hostility against Jesus comes from his own family. How would you characterize the statements made by Jesus' brothers?

umm...harsh for sure..

2. Why do you think Jesus waits to go to Jerusalem until after his brothers have left (v. 10)? he could like cover p so no one knew who he was?

3. What counsel would you give a believer who faces spiritual opposition from his or her own family?

to just believe in Jesus and know that He will help you through it no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you all vote on the newest survey topic!

Thomas, I see that you did the devo for post for that devo is right below yours!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. Have you ever had to work with someone who disliked or even hated you? What was it like to face that person every day? (Or what do you think it would be like?)

Yes…and it wasn’t a pleasant work environment. Even though I did nothing to earn this guy’s disdain, he simply didn’t like me. I didn’t let it bother me, but you could always sense the tension in the air whenever I was assigned to work with him.

2. How would you feel if a family member or close friend openly doubted your abilities or decisions?

At first, I would feel concerned and question them as to what I am doing that is causing them to doubt me. If their answer pointed out a wrong motive or flaw, then I would strive to change it. If their doubts stemmed from an unbiblical point of view, then I would simply go about my business, asking God to help me deal biblically with them.

Responsive Questions
1. The first blast of hostility against Jesus comes from his own family. How would you characterize the statements made by Jesus' brothers?

Their comments were sarcastic, almost goading to Christ because of their unbelief.

2. Why do you think Jesus waits to go to Jerusalem until after his brothers have left (v. 10)?

We know that Jesus’ concern wasn’t dying (He says this in vv. 6, 8). I think He didn’t want His brothers to make a scene during this time.

3. What counsel would you give a believer who faces spiritual opposition from his or her own family?

I would encourage the believer by letting them know that their testimony in the face of opposition may be what God uses to change their family members’ hearts. Also, a believer that lives for Christ will face opposition in many areas over the course of life. If they allow their family members to discourage them, they are building a habit that will hamper their walk throughout their life. I would remind them that ultimately, we will stand before God having to answer for only ourselves, not the choices of our family members.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi from Janette in her dark cocoon world. Jason is typing this for me as the light from the computer monitor bothers my eyes.

Reflective Questions
1. Yes. It was like walking on eggshells, but also a challenge because I wanted to win them over.
2. Insulted and hurt.

Responsive Questions
1. Their comments were dripping with sarcasm.
2. He was wise and knew that to go with them was not part of His Father's plan.
3. Love them. Respect them. Seek God's wisdom, He will show you how to relate to them wisely.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason,

i typed up all the music to the song "Hoe Great Is Our God" and put guitar chords to it. do you think we can put it in the song list in teens and sing it some time?

ill type it into the power point and everything for u.

Anonymous said...

John 7:1-13

Responsive Questions
1. The first blast of hostility against Jesus comes from his own family. How would you characterize the statements made by Jesus' brothers?


2. Why do you think Jesus waits to go to Jerusalem until after his brothers have left (v. 10)?

So they do not know he is there,
because they didn't believe in him.

3. What counsel would you give a believer who faces spiritual opposition from his or her own family?

to continue on with the work of God but in secret. so that when the time comes to reveal to their family. they are prepaired. and mature in the word of God.

Anonymous said...

1.It was hard not to want their oppinion of me to change. trying
2.I would feel let down-wonder why they were doubting me because they knew me the best.

1.They had dealt with it their whole life for sure.They were taunting Him.
2.He didn't want to make a fuss or cause trouble.
3.The Bible says in 2nd
Timothy 3:12 that all who live for Christ will suffer persecution, and Prayer has a very big impact.

Exams tomorrow!Ahhhhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

refective questions
1.yes i have. and it was terrible, we barely talked the whole time. i had to ask my teacher to switch parteners cause we werent gettin anything done, even my teacher was like oops i didnt mean to put u 2 together lol.
2.normal, my parents always think i make the wrong decsions, but watever i normally proove them wrong in the end, but sometimes i am wrong lol only human
Responsive questions
1.not very positive i mean they didnt even believe he was Gods son that had to hurt. they wouldnt reveal him and try to get him to do miracles bescause it was not his time.

3.I would tell them that God has a plan and a purpose for everyone and that sometimes we cannot see the big pic right away but in time God will reveal why he put us in that situation and do great things with that if we trust in him. i mean look at joseph and the coat of many colors, his brothers sold him into slavery, but he still believed that God was goin to help him and he became very prosperous and was favored in the eyes of many.

i cant wait for our missions trip im soo exsited to go who knows what God will do through us there i pray about it all the time!!!:)

Anonymous said...

ill pray that u do well on ur exsams sarah good luck i mean ur really smart im sure you will pass them and ace them all!!!

Anonymous said...

1.very sarcastic and harsh because of their unbelief.

2.He didnt want to cause a fuss or problem.

3.umm to just trust in God and that He says He will never leave us or forsake us and never give us something we cannt make it through or handle and i would pray for them and with them.

Anonymous said...

Hey Thomas i did vote and i voted for Cicis too!

Anonymous said...

haha sweet rachel. guys keep voting!!!

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I don't remember if I did it would not be fun.
2. ike they don't know want they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

sorry ike is like not ike

Responsive Questions
1. I don't know
2. because he does not want his brothers to know where he is going.
3. I don't know.

Anonymous said...

hey common guys we have pizza ALL the time with church u need to vote 4 wendys i mean common there twisted frosties u know u want them lol there really good three times better then micfluries or however u spell it lol

Anonymous said...


Answer to 1.
I cant really think of anyone who ive had to face that hates me. But i think it would be awful just knowing that that person has something against you.

Answer to 2.
That would be twice as awful.

Answer to 1.
I think they were telling him to prove himself to the world and to stop being so quiet about his ministry.

Answer to 2.
I couldnt figure this one out.
Im really not sure why Jesus waited. I guess he didnt want a big entrance. He might have wanted to been a little bit secretive.

Answer to 3.
I would tell them that your family's not always right on everything. You need to trust God in some times that your family could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

1. you should try to talk to the person first and try getting alone

1.not really that way
2.he was really wise and respect all of them

Anonymous said...

hi kayla you need to do devo and natasha and becka and amie

Anonymous said...

if you could read i did mine see lol but really i did mine

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1. maybe,it would be like tons of torchure.
2.probably that they didnt have faith in me.and didnt believe i could do whatever is was.
1.thier saying that he can do anything and he should show the world.
2.because his brothers probably would have told people that he was there.he did not want to get killed.he wanted to go undercover. just keep on believing and trust in god to help her work through her hard times and he will.also tell his or her family about christ.

Anonymous said...

Reflective Questions
1. I have been with people like that and it's tough.

2. I would be shocked. Those people should trust me.

Responsive Questions
1. Harsh because they should have believed him.

2. He didn't want there to be a big scene.

3. I would tell them that God is always there and he will be the one to guide them.

Anonymous said...


1. Of course not..everyone likes me! lol It would be dreadful though..just knowing that someone hates me.

2. Well it happens all the time...just ask my children. They are my best and worst critics. Some of the stuff I take to heart, the rest goes in one ear and out the other.

1. They were direct and quite mean. I think they were jealous.

2. Jesus knew what he was supposed to do and when. He kept saying the right time for Him has not yet come.

3. "A soft answer turns away wrath." Just be patient, listen and then pray that their heart gets convicted to things of the Lord.

Anonymous said...

To the person who posted as Anonymous I am so behind and Saturday and Monday were busy so I am doing them now.

Anwser to #1
Yes and it was really weird and i felt like they wernt even listing.

Anwser to #2
I really dont know beacuse it has never happend.

Anwser to #1
Well I would say sarcastic and harsh.

Anwser to #2
So that His brothers wouldnt get hurt or conserned.

Anwser to #3
That they need to just keep praying and trusting in God and try to lead them the Christ.

Anonymous said...

Reflection Questions

1)If I had to work with someone
I dislike I won't like it one bit.

2)I would be so hurt because my family supose to be ther to support me any time any where

Responsive Questions

1)They were really rude

2)He didn't want there to be an arguement

3)You also we need to trust in god and never turn away when you think he is not there

P.s-Sorry for not doing my devos I had to homework