Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Confused Over Christ - Part 3 - Devo for 05/21/08

John 7:40-53

Responsive Questions
1. Throughout the chapter John gives us a sampling of various reactions to Jesus. Identify some of the reactions of various people and explain why you think they reacted the way they did.
2. Which of the opinions you have identified in this chapter are still expressed today, and in what way?
3. Based on Jesus' example, what should our response be to such opinions about and reactions toward Jesus?

Applying Chapter 7 in Your Life
What do the following Scriptures have to say about the Holy Spirit's role in your life?
* John 3:5-8
* John 6:63
* John 14:25-27
* John 16:12-14


Anonymous said...

1.some thought he was Christ, and some thought he was a fake. mostly the pharisees thought he was a fake and wanted Jesus dead.
2.a lot of like government people dont believe that Jesus came to save us i mean like you cant even pray or read your bible in a public school without gettin like a refferal.
3.that we are here to do his will and not our own will.
applying questions
1.that you can only be with God for an eternity if you accept him as your personal savior.

Anonymous said...

hey i was first again but this time im in history lol hey sarah how did ur exams go?

Anonymous said...

1.Many doubted the prophesies and the fact that He was God.They asked a lot of questions.Some wanted Him killed.
2.Many people today question whether Christ was really who He said He was.They doubt,and some just plain don't believe.
3.Tell them the truth and witness to them.

-When we are saved,it resides in us.
-It gives us life.
-It will help us discern,and give us peace.
-It guides us and gives glory to

Exams went well;two more to go!
Only 4.5 hours of school left this year!

Anonymous said...

Anwser to #1
Well some people thought that He was a fake and wanted him dead and others thought that He was Christ.

Anwser to #2
Well mostly the not believing that He is Jesus the Son of God that still goes on today.

Anwser to #3
That no matter what we need to stick with what he has told us we need to do.

Anonymous said...

John 7:40-53

Responsive Questions
1. Throughout the chapter John gives us a sampling of various reactions to Jesus. Identify some of the reactions of various people and explain why you think they reacted the way they did.

The Majority of them were just wanted Jesus dead...*sad*
and only a few actually believed in him as the Messiah.

2. Which of the opinions you have identified in this chapter are still expressed today, and in what way?

The one were people just want Jesus dead. in some way or another.
the whole world is willing to except hinduuism but want Christianity to shut up.
"People want the blessings, but not the one who gives them" the one giving them being GOD, and JESUS!!! (YEAY JESUS!!!)

3. Based on Jesus' example, what should our response be to such opinions about and reactions toward Jesus?

Except Jesus, try to explain Jesus to others who want to know him. and to Stray away from those who are gainst him.

Anonymous said...

1. Many thought that Jesus was a fake and some thought he was real and some hated him so much they even wanted him killed.

2. Like questioning if Jesus is really who he says he is.

3. We need to always do what God tells us to do even if we dont want to because he knows what is best for our lives. And to witness to unbelievers.

Anonymous said...

Sarah that is great that your exams went well and no fair i dont get out till June 5.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Pharisees told the chief preist
because they were asked to get Jesus and they did not bring him back with them.

2. I don't know.

3. We should say What Would Jesus Do in this situation (WWJD).

Applying Chapter 7 in Your Life
That You have to accept him into your life before you can enter Heaven.

Anonymous said...

1.people did not like him they wanted to kill them
2.jesus say who's he is
3.we are here to fouse on the lord and not others around us that follow sin

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions:
1. Sarcasm by family because of UNBELIEF; divided opinion on whether He was a good or bad man - because of their LACK OF KNOWLEDGE at that point; amazement at His knowledge of Scripture because in their CULTURE, not many actually knew the Scriptures; some were angry that He healed people on the Sabbath - their anger was because of their MISGUIDED BELIEF SYSTEM; some believed because they SAW HIS MIRACLES and figured only the Messiah could do such wonders; some were confused by what He said because THEY DID NOT GRASP THE WHOLE OF PROPHECIES ABOUT HIM; some did not believe on Him because THEY DID NOT KNOW THE FULL STORY OF HIS HERITAGE

2. Sarcasm by people who think Christianity (& belief in Christ) is merely a crutch for weak people; some think He is merely a good man and a good teacher; some are confused because they are surrounded by so many other "religious ideas;" many do not believe because they don't actually know Scripture...just what they've heard others say about it.

3. Share Scripture as He did, and let them talk. Pray for them (in other passages we see that He regularly went apart to pray).

John 3:5-8 He is part of our salvation
John 6:63 The Spirit gives us life
John 14:25-27 He teaches us
John 16:12-14 He guides us into truth

I misesed being with you guys tonight...I'm doing better, but Trenton is sick now!

Anonymous said...

1.people have different opinoins and so some people said that he was the prophet but others said he is the christ.
2.both because some people think that he is the prophet but others think he is the christ the same as back then.
3.well if the opinions arent thrue about Jesus then we should tell the person or people who are saying their opinoins and tell them thats not true and tell them the truth.if the opinoin is correct then agree with the person.
1.that we should be born again (saved).that God is with us all the time which is so true.

Anonymous said...

John 7:40-53

Responsive Questions
1. Throughout the chapter John gives us a sampling of various reactions to Jesus. Identify some of the reactions of various people and explain why you think they reacted the way they did.

some thought he was Christ, and some thought he was a fake. mostly the pharisees thought he was a fake and wanted Jesus dead.

2. Which of the opinions you have identified in this chapter are still expressed today, and in what way?

Many people today question whether Christ was really who He said He was.They doubt,and some just plain don't believe.

3. Based on Jesus' example, what should our response be to such opinions about and reactions toward Jesus?

Except Jesus, try to explain Jesus to others who want to know him. and to Stray away from those who are gainst him.

1.that you can only be with God for an eternity if you accept him as your personal savior.

Anonymous said...

1. some thougth he was christ the other people thougth he was fake and wanted him killed.

2. some peole aks if god is real. some dont even care.

3. that the onlyway to entrieny is by beliving in jesus.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions

1)There were some believers and there was also ones who wanted to killed him

2)People questioned God

3)That we are here and willing to let God show us his will

P.S-Sorry for the late notice

Anonymous said...

Answer to 1.
Some of the people doubted that Jesus was the Son of God, some knew he was who he said he was, and some had many questions for Jesus.
Answer to 2.
People today still question whether Jeus really was the Son of God, some people knew who he said he was, and some people have many questions for

Answer to 3.
We should respect others opinions but should seek to change their

I gotta go to bed so i cant do the applying yet.

Anonymous said...

1. The guards were amazed by Him, this is probably because they listen and opened their hearts.
The crowd was amazed as well, they too were willing to listen.
The pharisees had a completely different attitude, they were suborn, they didn't want to listen because they knew that he spoke the truth.

2, THe opinion of the pharisees, there is still a lot of people out there who think they are so smart but yet don't want to believe in Jesus. For example scientists (that believe in evolution).

3. Instead of trying to fight them we should try to testify to them. Share the Gospel.

We need the Holy Spirit to have eternal life.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Throughout the chapter John gives us a sampling of various reactions to Jesus. Identify some of the reactions of various people and explain why you think they reacted the way they did.

The Pharisees were mad and wanted to take him because it posed a threat to their authority and way of life. The average person had mixed responses to Him, some angrily denying who He was, while others believed Him. These reactions came from hearts that were either ready to believe the truth or from hearts that were more concerned about tradition and selfishness.

2. Which of the opinions you have identified in this chapter are still expressed today, and in what way?

I think all of these are still expressed today. There are people who claim to be religious, but have no desire to have a relationship with God. There are others who allow doubt, unbelief, and circumstances to keep them from accepting the truth that is presented. Then there are others who readily accept the truth and believe the Bible, without hesitation.

3. Based on Jesus' example, what should our response be to such opinions about and reactions toward Jesus?

A person’s negative opinion or response should not stop me from constantly presenting the truth. God’s Word can stand on its own, and no one’s heart will ever change apart from its power. The only response I should have as a believer to any opinion or reaction should come from God’s Word.

Applying Chapter 7 in Your Life
What do the following Scriptures have to say about the Holy Spirit's role in your life?

* John 3:5-8 – The Spirit’s presence in my life secures my eternity.
* John 6:63 – The Spirit is more profitable to me than my flesh.
* John 14:25-27 – The Spirit is a Comforter and teacher.
* John 16:12-14 – The Spirit shows me God’s plans and purposes.

Anonymous said...

1. They wanted to kill him and asked him questions. Others believed that he is the Christ.

2. Many people even today do not believe that Jesus came to earth to die for their sins.

3. We need to witness to unbelievers and always do his will.

Applying Chapter 7 in Your Life
he comes with salvation.
the holy spirit gives us life.
he teaches us.
he guides us.

Anonymous said...

they wanted to kill him so they did and then he rose agian the 3 day. 2.lots of people in my school they aks if gods real and i said yes he is. 4 Now they belive in god and they go to chuch where they go.

Anonymous said...

1. pharisees told the chief preist
because they were asked to get Jesus and they did not bring him they lisen and that was not right.

2. I do not know this one.

3. we should say what would jesus do in this Situation

Applying gods word in Your Life
That You have to accept him into your life before you can enter heaven.