Acts: The Spread of the Gospel

This study is taken from John MacArthur's "Acts: The Spread of the Gospel." My prayer and goal for this devo is that we will learn more about how the early church laid the foundation for what we possess today, and that we would allow God to use us to turn our world upside for Him!

This will be an exciting journey, so encourage others to join you! I'm looking forward to the interaction we will have on this blog as we study the book of Acts!

The devos will differ in format from day to day, but two things are constant: 1) a daily reading, and 2) additional Scripture passages that are in bold. Be sure to read any and all of the readings/bold verses that appear so that you can see the full picture of what is taught that day.

Remember, you can access any of the previous devos that have been posted from the "Blog Archive" section on the left side of this page.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Connecting with People - Part 2 - Devo for 05/09/08

John 4:16-26

Responsive Questions
1. Why do you think Jesus brings up the woman's long list of past marriages and her present adulterous relationship (vv. 16-18)?
2. How does Jesus respond when the woman suddenly changes the subject and begins talking about the controversy over the proper place of worship (vv. 19-24)?
3. What principles can you draw from Jesus' conversation with the woman to help you in discussing the Gospel with non-Christians?


Anonymous said...

A day early.I like this!

1.He was showing her that He was powerful enough to know everything about her without having met her before. He had the power to forgive her for whatever she had done in her past.
2.He was saying that worshiping Him in a certain place wasn't as important as she thought it was.We don't have to worship Him at church only;it is something that takes place in our hearts.
3.Jesus used a relevant material in her life(water)and made a spiritual application.He didn't just condemn her,but offered her a remedy.

Anonymous said...

John 4:16-26

Responsive Questions
1. Why do you think Jesus brings up the woman's long list of past marriages and her present adulterous relationship (vv. 16-18)?
to show her that he is the true God and to prove he knows everything.

2. How does Jesus respond when the woman suddenly changes the subject and begins talking about the controversy over the proper place of worship (vv. 19-24)?
he tells her that she dosent have to only worship God at church but church is a place of worship. you can worship Jesus anwhere..

3. What principles can you draw from Jesus' conversation with the woman to help you in discussing the Gospel with non-Christians?
Kinda what Sarah said. you can use real-life things like the water and put them in a spiritual application and even though she was a wicked person he still didnt talk down about her but lifted her up and gave her hope.

Number 2!!!!!!! haha ok just wondering...who is all going tomarow night? i am. lets food+baseball=a GOOD NIGHT!!! haha

Anonymous said...

#1 To show that He is the one He said He is!!

#2 Well I think that He was thinking that you dont just have to go to church to worship me you can do it anywhere and she thought that it was important to talk about and Jesus didnt at the time!!

#3 Well like they said you can use real-life situations and explain it to them!!

Wow todays was late and now tomorrows is early!!!Thats nice

Anonymous said...

I aim to please! Forgive me for yesterday's late posting, I had a really important appointment at 8:30 in the morning, so posting the devo got pushed off a few hours. I'll do my best to make sure the devo is up the night before. I am elated that there is so much enthusiasm regarding the blog, you all are awesome!

Anonymous said...

jason...ii love u man :) haha

Anonymous said...

1. He was proving to her, through His knowledge that he knew all about her. (Almost like you can't hide anything from God!)

2. I think He was direct in getting the main reason He was there, to show her the true light...salvation and what she really needed. He was letting her know it was a "heart" issue not a "place" issue.

3. I think Jesus was pretty direct in his conversation with this woman..which is sometimes hard to do with others. I agree with the others that it is easier to use real life situations. People respond better when they know you are genuine and can totally relate to what they are going through, especially if you have been through the same type of situation. Jesus did point out in verse 24 that we need to worship in spirit and in truth.

Thomas, and anyone else who wants to know, my family is going to the game tonight.

Pray for Tony, he has an interview at Pinellas Prep (Brooke and Allie's school). Hey Jason, can we have a plce on this blog for prayer requests/praises???

Anonymous said...

1.He was showing her that He knew everything and prove He is the one true God.

2.That church isnt the only place for worship you can worship Him anywhere.

3. You can uses actual things for examples of spiritual things like the water in sarah and thomas's and wanted to lift her up not bring her down.

Anonymous said...

I am going to Ocala so i won't be at church on Sunday or the game tonight.

Anonymous said...

1. Why do you think Jesus brings up the woman's long list of past marriages and her present adulterous relationship (vv. 16-18)?

He was doing two things there, I think. Helping her to see herself for what she was...a sinner. And to see Him for Who He all-knowing Savior.

2. How does Jesus respond when the woman suddenly changes the subject and begins talking about the controversy over the proper place of worship (vv. 19-24)?

He directs her back to the truth...telling her the focus of worship must be on truth...not on feelings. That truth included admitting who she was and Who He was.

3. What principles can you draw from Jesus' conversation with the woman to help you in discussing the Gospel with non-Christians?

Don't let them sidetrack you with peripheral (sp?) issues. Stay on task...focusing on the truth of the Gospel. It doesn't matter if Adam had a belly button or not. What matters is that Adam sinned, and so have we all, separating us from God.

I miss you guys...don't know how much more access I'll have to the internet is a little shaky...have to do it at my brother's house...and can't always get on when I'm down here. But as much as I can, I will! Have a great time at the ball game lots of ice cream sandwhiches for me! :)

By the way...I'm freezing up here...wearing my sister-in-law's winter coat...and my sandals! I'm quite a sight!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow...I just realized how I can see the original questions without leaving this page or copying and pasting them! Yahoo!

Anonymous said...

Responsive Questions
1. Why do you think Jesus brings up the woman's long list of past marriages and her present adulterous relationship (vv. 16-18)?

I think He was pointing out her sinful condition and His knowledge of it.

2. How does Jesus respond when the woman suddenly changes the subject and begins talking about the controversy over the proper place of worship (vv. 19-24)?

He tells her that true worship isn’t about location; rather, it occurs when there is a right relationship with the Heavenly Father. No matter where you are at, there is only one way to worship the Father, through Him changing you (spirit) and through His Word (truth).

3. What principles can you draw from Jesus' conversation with the woman to help you in discussing the Gospel with non-Christians?

Stick to the point. We are all sinners in need of a Savior and there is only one way to receive it, through Jesus Christ. Be loving but firm when presenting God’s truth.

Anonymous said...

1. Why do you think Jesus brings up the woman's long list of past marriages and her present adulterous relationship (vv. 16-18)?

to maybe show the woman (and or us) that there is no sin or action that you do or make that God dosn't see or know about.
ALL KNOWING!!!!!!!!!...thats cool.

2. How does Jesus respond when the woman suddenly changes the subject and begins talking about the controversy over the proper place of worship (vv. 19-24)?

she's trying to make excuses about why she is sinning. how since she's not jewish it might not matter what she does.

3. What principles can you draw from Jesus' conversation with the woman to help you in discussing the Gospel with non-Christians?

that there is no one that you can't talk to about Jesus and the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

1. Because he said go get your husband and she said I have no husband.

2. He says "Believe me, woman a time is coming when you will worship the father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.

3. kinda what thomas said

Anonymous said...

O buy the way how cold is it up in Indian right now Mrs. Lange Just wondering lol

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys had a supergobflopcious time at the Threshers game and pigged out with the ALL-U-CAN-EAT!

Answer to 1.
He was convicting her and showing her that he was not a normal man.
He showed her that he can know everything about a person without having met the person.

Answer to 2.
He told her that she didnt know what she worshipped and that she should worship the one true GOD.

Answer to 3.
That you need to be patient with unbelievers and also you cant sidetracked by irrelevant things like what Janette said lol.

Anonymous said...

1. Why do you think Jesus brings up the woman's long list of past marriages and her present adulterous relationship (vv. 16-18)?
I think he is trying to show her that she is a sinner, and also revealing to her that he is the Son of God. He knew everything.

2. How does Jesus respond when the woman suddenly changes the subject and begins talking about the controversy over the proper place of worship (vv. 19-24)?
He tells her that there is no exact place where you should adore. The important thing was to know what you were adoring.

3. What principles can you draw from Jesus' conversation with the woman to help you in discussing the Gospel with non-Christians?
First of that Jesus is the Son of God and we can only get salvation through him. Also that we should always worship him. No matter where we are.

Anonymous said...

1.Because she lied to him and said she had no husband but she really had five.

2.He was saying that she just needs to believe him and that he is God and they that worship him worship him in spirit and truth.

3.I really don't know what to put for this answer? I tired though.

Anonymous said...

Responsive Question

1)I think Jesus just wanted her to know that he was a sinner and that he is the one and only true God.

2)He was saying that there is not just on place to wordship but there is a ton a places to tell his word.

3)We can draw that we shouldn't be a scared toshare is word to anyone. Becaudae he is the one and only true God.

Anonymous said...

Lol!!!!This is so fun I have learn so much to help me talk to people how are not saved.

Thanks to all the
leaders who made this up!!!!

Anonymous said...


Happy late B-Day Rekah


Kayla your S4L
Sister 4 Life

Anonymous said...

1. so God could show the woman who he really was.
2.that you shouldnt just like worship God when you go to church (in our interpritation). God knows when somone loves him , when they worship him all the time and not just at church.
3.that no matter what bad you do God loves you and the only way to heaven is through him.
p.s. sorry im always late on this even if i dont get credit i still like to make them up.

Anonymous said...

1.He was showing her that even though that he had never met her before he knew what she did and, he would still forgive her.

2.He told her that you can worshp wherever you are and it would be the same.

3.Jesus used a real life application and we could use a application as Jesus did and then we could lead that person to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jannette, right now it is just about 85 degrees so just think of Florida and maybe you will be warm.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I did not post that! sarah ashley did on "accident"!

1. To show that he knows everything.

2. He explains that soon they will no longer just worship in certain places but wherever.

3. Examples such as water can have a spiritual application.

Baseball game was a blast!

Anonymous said...

1. i think he was trying to tell her he was the one and only true god

2.she was trying to make exueses

3. that we are all need jesus and there is only one waty to rercieve it

Anonymous said...

1.jesus was trying to let her know that she was a sinner and we are all
2.she was trying to make her way out sometimes i try to do that to when i know i am in trobl
3.we can do alot of thing and not ever talk about the word of god such like when we try getting out of my we did not talk to god because we have more than one time we can talk to god you read god's word